What things sexual/physical do you learn about yourself as a 40+ man

I agree with @WillaimG. The older I get, the more I love getting my partner off. I have become a total man pleaser and absolutely get into pleasing men totally. Also, even though a big dick is always a plus, size don't matter as much as it used to, it's damn fine sex and giving a guy a mind-blowing nut, large or smaller dick. Good intense sex is worth a lot more than dick size.
It's all about maintenance of the figurative temple, that determines the difference between a historic but unusable ruin, and a functional tourist location. The foundation of how your sexual life functions past 30+ is the sum of your life choices in your late teens and 20s.
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Just turned forty in December.

1. I don’t need to cum every day, anymore. Or multiple times a day, just to get through the day.

2. I can still edge this beautiful cock for hours and hours. Endurance is there if the content is.

3. It is not rocket science but when you spent your 20’s and 30’s jacking off all the damn time, I was concerned about my weak load. I just need to give my old body time to build up and edge and I can cum quite decently (for someone with huge balls, my week load always drove me crazy.)

4. I am pretty much fucked up and porn dependent. Random erections just do not happen and have not happened in a long, long time. Which is not a bad thing.