What Was Your Best Date?


Worshipped Member
May 2, 2013
Purgatory (Maine, United States)
(To balance worst date)

one evening, probably 1:30 am, my exhusband asked how I felt about going Crystal mining.
I said it sounded cool. He said, great, we can pack the tent when we get home.

yep, I took off for Arkansas after selling merch for six hours. Drove all night, crashed for four hours. Went mining quartz at noon. I still have a few points from that.

Et tu?
I contemplated this since you posted it a bit ago and I can honestly say: every time we go to the mountains/desert/river. Out in nature with him is my true happy place. Every single time.

Just us. No people, no buildings, no nothing other than earth and the man I love. It's true peace.
It was a combo of the first 2 dates with an ex that really couldn't have been more perfect.

So in my mid 20s I was walking out of the mall during Xmas time and this guy comes running up from the parking lot and goes "oh my god babe I am so sorry I am late. Please don't go!"

I'm like "excuse me?"

"I'm so sorry for making you wait for me. Let me take you to lunch to make it up to you."

It was so corny but creative and he was cute. We went to lunch and the chemistry was wild. He walked me to my car and we started making out and he got noticeably aroused and there were lots of people around, but neither of us wanted to part just yet so we drove around to find more secluded spot.

We found a more quiet spot and fucked in my car (don't judge lol). It was the quickest meeting to fucking I have ever experienced. Like less than 2 hours. I was Christmas shopping and certainly did not plan on my day ending up like that. It was hot as hell ngl.

2nd Date: We spoke more after the first "date" and we agreed that it was undeniable attraction but we also had crazy chemistry so he asked if I wanted to see him again. I tried to play it cool, but yea absolutely. We got some burritos and watched the sunset from the grassy hill in Balboa Park. It was beautiful. We took a walk through the park, talking about our interests and what not. Turns out we are both really into Horror stuff. One of the museums was doing a Torture exhibit and in my head I'm going "holy shit I want to go in but I don't want this guy to think I am a weirdo".

Him: "WHOA COOL! Wanna go?!"

Me: "Nuh uh, really??!!"

So we did that and it was gross and awesome.

Start walking again, flirting, getting handsy, kissing etc. We are walking over the Cabrillo bridge and as we pass a manhole, we hear these little cries of desperation from some type of animal beneath the manhole cover.

Him: "OH MY GOD! Some poor animal is stuck in there! We have to save it!"

I am a HUGE animal lover (he didn't know this yet) and I was kinda standing there just baffled as this guy runs to the end of the bridge and gets a big stick and manages to pry the manhole cover off, just...being such a fucking MAN! A sensitive, take action, veiny forearm having, animal loving, animal rescuing Man.

We're looking down in there's little raccoon eyes in there. We back far away from it and it took like 10 minutes but it finally climbed out and ran off!

That boy got so fucking laid that night and several hundred more times over the period of the next 3 years. Our relationship ended but that was a moment I will never forget. I know it wasn't true love that early after meeting him but I was absolutely smitten after that.

TL;DR he saved a whimpering raccoon stuck in a manhole. Sorry for the novel.
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I've had some absolutely wonderful dates with my husband and before him.

One of my most memorable pre-hubby was when I lived in Atlanta: He invited me to the Piedmont Arts Festival on a first date. It was a daytime date that lasted into the evening. I did not trust it to go that long, but when it was over I was surprised it went that quickly! We went to the park and enjoyed ourselves, laughing at some of the offerings and cooing over others. Then we had lunch al fresco. He "knew a spot," and it was perfect.

When I was relating it to my girlfriend the next day she asked me questions about him that I honestly couldn't answer! Why not? Because he made me do most of the talking! Then I realized that the day was all about me, and I felt both guilty and honored.

The next date couldn't happen fast enough, and this one was more traditional dinner and dancing. I got him to talking that time. Then I could answer Meg's questions! LOL!

We dated for months after that. Awesome lover, too!
On first date with an ex, we went to a nice restaurant and I couldn't decide between 2 entrees. He simply held my hand and said get both, I want you to be happy. Melted my heart!

Other unforgettable dates involve enjoying the outdoors, whether a hike or a bike ride, and a picnic basket lunch in a grassy secluded field. Might've been some making out and sex! :innocent:
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At the risk of pissing off romantic partners...

All dates with my bestie, 4 lyfe partner, are the best. We make up characters and go on the dates those people would go on. There is world building, costuming and amazing new things to try.

Favorites? Anything requiring an accent or a trip to another city/state.
At the risk of pissing off romantic partners...

All dates with my bestie, 4 lyfe partner, are the best. We make up characters and go on the dates those people would go on. There is world building, costuming and amazing new things to try.

Favorites? Anything requiring an accent or a trip to another city/state.
My bestie calls such outings shenanigans.
We do non romantic dates.
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I contemplated this since you posted it a bit ago and I can honestly say: every time we go to the mountains/desert/river. Out in nature with him is my true happy place. Every single time.

Just us. No people, no buildings, no nothing other than earth and the man I love. It's true peace.

At the risk of pissing off romantic partners...

All dates with my bestie, 4 lyfe partner, are the best. We make up characters and go on the dates those people would go on. There is world building, costuming and amazing new things to try.

Favorites? Anything requiring an accent or a trip to another city/state.

I love doing accents! I have a strictly Texas drawl, but growing up with a Brit Mum I can do a Bristol accent without thinking! My uncles in the UK get a kick out of the way I talk and my fake accent.

And there are times I'll pull it out and play with maitre d's and concierges. What I think is so funny is that when I do it it's almost like people try very hard to use proper language around me, when I want to laugh and fall back into my own voice. But by that time I'm already too deep into it that I don't want to embarrass anyone! Silly, I know.