What Would Your Title For This Picture Be As A Book?


Worshipped Member
Oct 14, 2024

I already know some people are going to say shit like Free Willy! lol šŸ˜‚ but no I titled this picture Free Again because if this was what the cover of the book šŸ“• was it would throw everyone off, even at a gay bookstore.

ā€œFree again! Thatā€™s probably about a bunch of guys living in an open relationship or a nudist colony. No no no thatā€™s just what your small-minded brain šŸ§  automatically would think cause youā€™d be flipping through it trying to look šŸ‘€ for more pictures. ā€œHmmā€¦maybe thatā€™s about him and his boyfriend or something. Yeah this guy heā€™s standing next to on the back cover.ā€

Maybe thatā€™s just the editor of the book and it just looks like that because the guy took a leap of faith from the editor to just be open and free. The last thing he thought he was going to get a chance to do was publish his own book.

The pictureā€™s in motion now. The sand is blowing around everywhere and you can hear the whistling sound of the wind. I feel like Iā€™ve left enough gaps for everyone to create their best titleā€™s among the most imaginative and creative people, especially people that donā€™t paint or draw, but can most definitely draw and create visuals with just their words that are clear enough for everybody.

This is definitely not a picture of me, but hey it could just be a book šŸ“• about the freeing of your own mindā€¦Iā€™ve said more than enough. What is your title? What is your point of view? How do you define this as a book? Whatā€™s your book title šŸ“• based off of?