What's fastest way to prep yourself?


Experimental Member
Jul 13, 2023
Fairfax, Virginia,United States
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hey there,
I always wanted to know this but had no luck in finding the answer. As a bottom when I'm hooking up with a top, before the anal sex, we do the enema thingy and get ready. Some people said dont eat couple hours prior to the hook up as well. My question is we are in 2023, is there a faster way to prep your self and less exhausting way to make your self ready for your top? Like do we have to go through enema everytime and not starve our selves? Any ideas or suggestions would help. Thank you for passing by this post. I'm new pls dont be mean ☺️
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Faster? Not really but here are a few tips that might help.

You know your body and your bowel habits so keep those in mind and work with them.

Does eating a meal make you need to poop right away or a short while after? Skipping a meal might not help since your might not be empty until after you eat and poop.

Do you go like clockwork after each meal or at the same times each day? Work around that. For some the best time to enema and fuck is shortly after they've emptied themselves because they know they won't need to go again for several hours. Or you know you're good for at least a few hours. Be aware of what your windows are.

You probably know which foods make you need to poop right away. For many it's sweet sugary foods and desserts. For others it's a specific food, spice, cuisine or dish. For others it's how much they eat.

The only other thing I can add is that douching on a regular basis gets easier and faster just from practice so maybe it won't seem so exhausting to you. Prep time gets shorter with practice and when using anal toys on a regular basis to have fun on your own. I becomes ordinary.

BTW don't rinse out too deeply. Just do your rectum 3-4x and avoid going so far up the rinse affects whatever's in the colon.

And remember accidents happen. They're no big deal. You can always stop and douche again or stop completely. :cool:
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i never could understand the need for prepping---i never heard of prepping until i was about 30--and all them years i never got shit on my dick or shit on theirs--it happens in porn--its just that its edited out to point we dont know it happens---

when you "prep" the only thing it does is cleans out the lower part of last colon and large intestine to the rectum/anus--so the rest of your intestines large and small have shit there waiting to work its way out--for most part guys with average to below average cocks when they fuck/top-- there prob not too much suction going on but thats not to say there isnt any suction going on--but with bigger/longer penis's they have more of a chance to produce suction and pull the shit on through your bowels--and after so long--voila---shit on dick---

ive heard guys actually smack the bottom for this---but its not the bottoms fault---and as gay men--and some women get fucked in the ass as well---its as the ol saying goes---shit happens---stay calm--pull dick out go clean up and bottom finishes crapping and cleans up----prep if want--spray some aerosol spray in the air--or light couple matches--the charcoal/sulfur helps get rid of the smell-- and slide that dick back in--

if the top wants to act like an idiot--get dressed and leaves or has you to get dressed and leave----then he needs to realize the odds of it happening are more that likely--

the only way to make sure no shit is anywhere - you would have to take a laxative one day let it run its course and cleanse you out--then douchethen get fucked for a good 24 hours--by then your good until then---

but too many laxatives will cause your intestines to begin to not work properly because you get it used to it

more fiber will dry your stool up some-- but wont stop poop from smearing when it rubs agaainst it
Having a shower/bath tap attachment is a great time saver and is probably cleaner than using and washing a douche bottle/turkey baster.
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