Thinking back at it for me was probably doing kickboxing circuits I used to do minute intervals at 4 different stations and it was non stop until the bell rang than I'd get a minute breather great work out but was definitely exhausting, looking at your pics you seem to have a ripped midsection what an exercises do you live by?
Thanks man. Kickboxing is fun, I wouldn't mind doing that. I had a trial class once.
As I said, it varies. That said, through research I have realized that I was too focused on crunches in the past. I'd do like 6-8 different crunches, it had some effect on my abs, but it didn't lead to the results you see today. So I decided to narrow it down to the must effect crunches:
1. long arm crunch (a favorite of mine, I do this on a declined bench as well, I invented this? Lol)
2. Weighted crunch (I use a 35 pound kettlebell for the weight)
3. Weighted sit up (yes, they're different)
4. Frog crunch (I like this one too)
5. bicycle crunch.
- crunch kicks sometimes
- Weighted Russian twist as well
That takes care of the crunches. As for the other exercises, I like to get my legs involved so:
1. flutter kicks
2. Scissor kicks
3. Donkey kicks (this is a favorite of mine, I begin in plank position)
4. Crab leg raises (a new addition I just started like the last four days, love it)
5. weighed pulse ups (with ankle weights, intense AF)
I've realized that what has my abs the where they are today is by utilizing full body workouts that always keeps the core involved. So:
1. L-sits (outside if it giving me coregasm... Love it)
2. Kettlebell Swing (I do this exercise very often, I think this is the reason behind today's results.)
3. Goblet squats (Another exercise I'm doing more these days and is very effective)
4. Overhead lunges (with opposite legs, intense man)
5. Incline press (I use parralletes)
I usually close with this leg hold while holding dumbbells and closing stretch with downward dog into cobra pose. The other killer component is diet, I'm very through about what I intake and how much I eat in the day. And that's all the go into sustaining my goals, lol.