When my hung straight coworker started hitting on me


Superior Member
Jul 31, 2023
London, UK
100% Gay, 0% Straight
This is a true story that happenes to me a few years ago...

It happened when I still lived in Argentina for work. I was at the office one day when a new employee showed up. It was a guy and he was cute as hell - about as tall as me (5"8'), midle-esatern charm and a smile to die for. His cute face reminded me very much of Cayden Ross, a porn actor from the 2010s - but he was straight and had a long time girlfried.

Since I am very easygoing, we became good work coleagues. Eventually, he broke up with his girlfriend because he found out she was cheating on him. Then it began...

The guy started working out like crazy. In 3 or 4 months, he was getting really hot. He started wearing tighter clothing and I remember being able to see his muscles shapes in his shirt... All I could think was "what a waste this dude being straight". He would often tell me about his dates with girls from dating apps, dude was going out with like 4 girls at the same time - and the women poured in his match list, some going straight to "let's fuck, hot stuff". No wonder, though, he was a perfect combo of stupidly cute face, hot body and overall nice guy.

We mostky talked about work stuff and amenities. But one day, we went to get a coffee after work at a Starbucks and the he said he would host a two friends who were a gay couple in his house and asked me (he knew I am gay) if I knew any gay nightclubs he could take his friends in. I offered some sugestions and asked if it would not be awkward for him to go into a gay nightclub, he being straight, that I could point him to "mixed" clubs as well. He told me that it wouldn't be awkawrd and that he had gone in gay parties with these friends before, that he event engaged in triple kissing with them once.

I was like "whoa. Hang on, WTF? We are NOT that close colleagues for him to overshare like that". I faked a neutral reaction we kept on driking my coffee.

At that time, I was kinda scrwany and had had a plan to become fitter. I was single back then, so getting in shape would be good for my health and for hooking up, too. I started dieting and working out with a lot of discipline - in hindsight, I reckon maybe I did that to impress him a little, since he was so into building his muscles. We started talking abou health and fitness a lot, but I would always hold back on commenting how crazy hot he was.

Then, it happened again. After a few weeks after the "coffee and triple kissing", we were talking about working out and he said "hey, you are really getting in shape, too! Looking real fine, handsome" (and I can't convey through words how he used a not-only-complimentary tone). Okay, strike two - I started getting the vibe that my hung straight co-worker could be hitting on me. But I told myself "Nah, cut it out, you are delusional and probably needy for being single for too long".

However, since it had happened twice, I started to pay attention to details. I noticed that he started to give more details about his dates with dating app women - saying how they all said he was hot, how he enjoyed having sex at leats 2 or 3 times a week, how he was brute and dominant during sex (he said the he ripped the condom once due to how brute the sex was) and how he liked when the ladies played with him "in the back" (sort of implying he was into pegging). Not gonna lie, he saying those things started to get to my imagination... I caught myself fantasizing having sex with him, touching that muscled bod and tasting his cock in my mouth... But I tried to get my mind under control - nothing worst for a gay man to fall for a straight dude.

Well, the weird situations kept going. One day, out of the blue, he sent me a video in which a play-dough charcter lying down with his butt up would look at the camera and say smth like "you can look at my butt" (this one)

At this point, was not even getting surprised anymore. I replied "is that what you have been sending your dates?? Gotta update man, that is an old meme" and he just replied laughing. At that same day, I posted a ig story of me playing with a cat using a measuring tape. He replied by sending a photo of his biceps, flexed, with a measuring tape wrapped around it showing a 16" mark and then said "You know this is the right way to use a measuring tape, right?" (that biceps was way too fucking hot btw... I am such a fool for muscles). I replied "show off muscles, now? That is cheap."

But I realized he was watching my ig stories, so since I had been working out diligently for quite a time at this point, I started to post some shirtless pics to see if he would react. And BAM, he started liking all of them. He had been posting (really hot) shirtless pics, too, but he used ig stories more - I wanted to watch them so badly, but I did not want him to know, so I used some app that would allow you to see other people stories without them knowing. They were all a sight for sore eyes. He had large shoulders, big pecs, burly arms and forearms and was start to sport a six-pack. Clean-shaved body, dreamy V line under the abs... it felt wrong but I had the crazyiest urge to jack off seeing his pictures, hoping my cumshot would reach his hot muscles through the screen...

There were other "episodes" of him seemengly low-key hitting on me, like one time he kept talking how he fucked a girl for hours, how a girl went crazy when he took his shirt off and one time I said I sometimes rode my bike to work shirtless and he said "heyz I ride shirtless, too! We should ride shirtless togheter sometime"... and so other I don't remember. On the beggining, it was a rather good ego stroke, but as time went by I started to get full of it, because sometimes it sounded he could be hitting on me, sometimes I got the feeling he was just showing off. Or was he just teasing me? Maybe he wanted something else other than being office coleagues but was too straight-proud to make a move? Was he just making fun of me?

Well, on one faithful friday, he invited all the co-workers to his place so we could drink a eat pizza. I thought to myself "I am gonna be the last one to leave, if something is going to happen, it is gonna be today and this may be a one shot".

It was a hot summer night so, at the very moment we got to his place, he changed into a semi-tight tank top and some really small short that I could not tell if he was wearing briefs or not. I had to concentrate so much not to get hard of that sight and not keep staring at it.

Well, night went by smoothely and around 11 pm everyone started to leave. I stick to my plan and held myself there so I would be the last one. By midnight, our last colleague left, insisting I took a lift with him, but I said I was fine and was gonna finish my drink. He then left.

We were alone, just the two of us, at his place. Time for the truth.

The story is getting rather long for a single post, so I think I will split it into two parts.

What dou you guys think? Was he hitting on me? Did he play straight but in truth he was a bi/curious?
This is a true story that happenes to me a few years ago...

It happened when I still lived in Argentina for work. I was at the office one day when a new employee showed up. It was a guy and he was cute as hell - about as tall as me (5"8'), midle-esatern charm and a smile to die for. His cute face reminded me very much of Cayden Ross, a porn actor from the 2010s - but he was straight and had a long time girlfried.

Since I am very easygoing, we became good work coleagues. Eventually, he broke up with his girlfriend because he found out she was cheating on him. Then it began...

The guy started working out like crazy. In 3 or 4 months, he was getting really hot. He started wearing tighter clothing and I remember being able to see his muscles shapes in his shirt... All I could think was "what a waste this dude being straight". He would often tell me about his dates with girls from dating apps, dude was going out with like 4 girls at the same time - and the women poured in his match list, some going straight to "let's fuck, hot stuff". No wonder, though, he was a perfect combo of stupidly cute face, hot body and overall nice guy.

We mostky talked about work stuff and amenities. But one day, we went to get a coffee after work at a Starbucks and the he said he would host a two friends who were a gay couple in his house and asked me (he knew I am gay) if I knew any gay nightclubs he could take his friends in. I offered some sugestions and asked if it would not be awkward for him to go into a gay nightclub, he being straight, that I could point him to "mixed" clubs as well. He told me that it wouldn't be awkawrd and that he had gone in gay parties with these friends before, that he event engaged in triple kissing with them once.

I was like "whoa. Hang on, WTF? We are NOT that close colleagues for him to overshare like that". I faked a neutral reaction we kept on driking my coffee.

At that time, I was kinda scrwany and had had a plan to become fitter. I was single back then, so getting in shape would be good for my health and for hooking up, too. I started dieting and working out with a lot of discipline - in hindsight, I reckon maybe I did that to impress him a little, since he was so into building his muscles. We started talking abou health and fitness a lot, but I would always hold back on commenting how crazy hot he was.

Then, it happened again. After a few weeks after the "coffee and triple kissing", we were talking about working out and he said "hey, you are really getting in shape, too! Looking real fine, handsome" (and I can't convey through words how he used a not-only-complimentary tone). Okay, strike two - I started getting the vibe that my hung straight co-worker could be hitting on me. But I told myself "Nah, cut it out, you are delusional and probably needy for being single for too long".

However, since it had happened twice, I started to pay attention to details. I noticed that he started to give more details about his dates with dating app women - saying how they all said he was hot, how he enjoyed having sex at leats 2 or 3 times a week, how he was brute and dominant during sex (he said the he ripped the condom once due to how brute the sex was) and how he liked when the ladies played with him "in the back" (sort of implying he was into pegging). Not gonna lie, he saying those things started to get to my imagination... I caught myself fantasizing having sex with him, touching that muscled bod and tasting his cock in my mouth... But I tried to get my mind under control - nothing worst for a gay man to fall for a straight dude.

Well, the weird situations kept going. One day, out of the blue, he sent me a video in which a play-dough charcter lying down with his butt up would look at the camera and say smth like "you can look at my butt" (this one)

At this point, was not even getting surprised anymore. I replied "is that what you have been sending your dates?? Gotta update man, that is an old meme" and he just replied laughing. At that same day, I posted a ig story of me playing with a cat using a measuring tape. He replied by sending a photo of his biceps, flexed, with a measuring tape wrapped around it showing a 16" mark and then said "You know this is the right way to use a measuring tape, right?" (that biceps was way too fucking hot btw... I am such a fool for muscles). I replied "show off muscles, now? That is cheap."

But I realized he was watching my ig stories, so since I had been working out diligently for quite a time at this point, I started to post some shirtless pics to see if he would react. And BAM, he started liking all of them. He had been posting (really hot) shirtless pics, too, but he used ig stories more - I wanted to watch them so badly, but I did not want him to know, so I used some app that would allow you to see other people stories without them knowing. They were all a sight for sore eyes. He had large shoulders, big pecs, burly arms and forearms and was start to sport a six-pack. Clean-shaved body, dreamy V line under the abs... it felt wrong but I had the crazyiest urge to jack off seeing his pictures, hoping my cumshot would reach his hot muscles through the screen...

There were other "episodes" of him seemengly low-key hitting on me, like one time he kept talking how he fucked a girl for hours, how a girl went crazy when he took his shirt off and one time I said I sometimes rode my bike to work shirtless and he said "heyz I ride shirtless, too! We should ride shirtless togheter sometime"... and so other I don't remember. On the beggining, it was a rather good ego stroke, but as time went by I started to get full of it, because sometimes it sounded he could be hitting on me, sometimes I got the feeling he was just showing off. Or was he just teasing me? Maybe he wanted something else other than being office coleagues but was too straight-proud to make a move? Was he just making fun of me?

Well, on one faithful friday, he invited all the co-workers to his place so we could drink a eat pizza. I thought to myself "I am gonna be the last one to leave, if something is going to happen, it is gonna be today and this may be a one shot".

It was a hot summer night so, at the very moment we got to his place, he changed into a semi-tight tank top and some really small short that I could not tell if he was wearing briefs or not. I had to concentrate so much not to get hard of that sight and not keep staring at it.

Well, night went by smoothely and around 11 pm everyone started to leave. I stick to my plan and held myself there so I would be the last one. By midnight, our last colleague left, insisting I took a lift with him, but I said I was fine and was gonna finish my drink. He then left.

We were alone, just the two of us, at his place. Time for the truth.

The story is getting rather long for a single post, so I think I will split it into two parts.

What dou you guys think? Was he hitting on me? Did he play straight but in truth he was a bi/curious?
Hot sorry man!!! Can't wait for more!!!

Sounds like he has thought about more than just 3 way kissing with other guys.
This is a true story that happenes to me a few years ago...

It happened when I still lived in Argentina for work. I was at the office one day when a new employee showed up. It was a guy and he was cute as hell - about as tall as me (5"8'), midle-esatern charm and a smile to die for. His cute face reminded me very much of Cayden Ross, a porn actor from the 2010s - but he was straight and had a long time girlfried.

Since I am very easygoing, we became good work coleagues. Eventually, he broke up with his girlfriend because he found out she was cheating on him. Then it began...

The guy started working out like crazy. In 3 or 4 months, he was getting really hot. He started wearing tighter clothing and I remember being able to see his muscles shapes in his shirt... All I could think was "what a waste this dude being straight". He would often tell me about his dates with girls from dating apps, dude was going out with like 4 girls at the same time - and the women poured in his match list, some going straight to "let's fuck, hot stuff". No wonder, though, he was a perfect combo of stupidly cute face, hot body and overall nice guy.

We mostky talked about work stuff and amenities. But one day, we went to get a coffee after work at a Starbucks and the he said he would host a two friends who were a gay couple in his house and asked me (he knew I am gay) if I knew any gay nightclubs he could take his friends in. I offered some sugestions and asked if it would not be awkward for him to go into a gay nightclub, he being straight, that I could point him to "mixed" clubs as well. He told me that it wouldn't be awkawrd and that he had gone in gay parties with these friends before, that he event engaged in triple kissing with them once.

I was like "whoa. Hang on, WTF? We are NOT that close colleagues for him to overshare like that". I faked a neutral reaction we kept on driking my coffee.

At that time, I was kinda scrwany and had had a plan to become fitter. I was single back then, so getting in shape would be good for my health and for hooking up, too. I started dieting and working out with a lot of discipline - in hindsight, I reckon maybe I did that to impress him a little, since he was so into building his muscles. We started talking abou health and fitness a lot, but I would always hold back on commenting how crazy hot he was.

Then, it happened again. After a few weeks after the "coffee and triple kissing", we were talking about working out and he said "hey, you are really getting in shape, too! Looking real fine, handsome" (and I can't convey through words how he used a not-only-complimentary tone). Okay, strike two - I started getting the vibe that my hung straight co-worker could be hitting on me. But I told myself "Nah, cut it out, you are delusional and probably needy for being single for too long".

However, since it had happened twice, I started to pay attention to details. I noticed that he started to give more details about his dates with dating app women - saying how they all said he was hot, how he enjoyed having sex at leats 2 or 3 times a week, how he was brute and dominant during sex (he said the he ripped the condom once due to how brute the sex was) and how he liked when the ladies played with him "in the back" (sort of implying he was into pegging). Not gonna lie, he saying those things started to get to my imagination... I caught myself fantasizing having sex with him, touching that muscled bod and tasting his cock in my mouth... But I tried to get my mind under control - nothing worst for a gay man to fall for a straight dude.

Well, the weird situations kept going. One day, out of the blue, he sent me a video in which a play-dough charcter lying down with his butt up would look at the camera and say smth like "you can look at my butt" (this one)

At this point, was not even getting surprised anymore. I replied "is that what you have been sending your dates?? Gotta update man, that is an old meme" and he just replied laughing. At that same day, I posted a ig story of me playing with a cat using a measuring tape. He replied by sending a photo of his biceps, flexed, with a measuring tape wrapped around it showing a 16" mark and then said "You know this is the right way to use a measuring tape, right?" (that biceps was way too fucking hot btw... I am such a fool for muscles). I replied "show off muscles, now? That is cheap."

But I realized he was watching my ig stories, so since I had been working out diligently for quite a time at this point, I started to post some shirtless pics to see if he would react. And BAM, he started liking all of them. He had been posting (really hot) shirtless pics, too, but he used ig stories more - I wanted to watch them so badly, but I did not want him to know, so I used some app that would allow you to see other people stories without them knowing. They were all a sight for sore eyes. He had large shoulders, big pecs, burly arms and forearms and was start to sport a six-pack. Clean-shaved body, dreamy V line under the abs... it felt wrong but I had the crazyiest urge to jack off seeing his pictures, hoping my cumshot would reach his hot muscles through the screen...

There were other "episodes" of him seemengly low-key hitting on me, like one time he kept talking how he fucked a girl for hours, how a girl went crazy when he took his shirt off and one time I said I sometimes rode my bike to work shirtless and he said "heyz I ride shirtless, too! We should ride shirtless togheter sometime"... and so other I don't remember. On the beggining, it was a rather good ego stroke, but as time went by I started to get full of it, because sometimes it sounded he could be hitting on me, sometimes I got the feeling he was just showing off. Or was he just teasing me? Maybe he wanted something else other than being office coleagues but was too straight-proud to make a move? Was he just making fun of me?

Well, on one faithful friday, he invited all the co-workers to his place so we could drink a eat pizza. I thought to myself "I am gonna be the last one to leave, if something is going to happen, it is gonna be today and this may be a one shot".

It was a hot summer night so, at the very moment we got to his place, he changed into a semi-tight tank top and some really small short that I could not tell if he was wearing briefs or not. I had to concentrate so much not to get hard of that sight and not keep staring at it.

Well, night went by smoothely and around 11 pm everyone started to leave. I stick to my plan and held myself there so I would be the last one. By midnight, our last colleague left, insisting I took a lift with him, but I said I was fine and was gonna finish my drink. He then left.

We were alone, just the two of us, at his place. Time for the truth.

The story is getting rather long for a single post, so I think I will split it into two parts.

What dou you guys think? Was he hitting on me? Did he play straight but in truth he was a bi/curious?
Latins can be quite fickle--the story is great, however.
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