Where to show off?

What are your recommendations? Where is the best (and "natural") place to show off? What experiences have you had?

Other ideas besides the classics swimming pool, beach and sauna?
locker room showers, just look at other guys cock and start to firm up. Compliment him on his and ask about it,
Im Porno Kino wichse ich ganz ungeniert meinen Schwanz steif und ziehe viele Blicke auf mich. Das genieße ich und macht mich noch geiler mich beobachten zu lassen. Zeige mich aber auch beim joggen und Fahrrad fahren, da in diesen engen Shorts alles gut sichtbar ist und eine solche große Beule sehr auffällig ist. Im Sommer ist es schon fast normal das mein Dicker aus den kurzen Hosen schaut. 20190828_175854.jpg
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It is very difficult to show off my hardon.
One has to take other people into account.
For eg nude beaches, a hardon is not allways wellcome.
For me, it is mostly on here, or when me and mates were in Bangkok after work, lots of booze and bar girls around, so its kinda "natural" for my cock to be hard and on display.
Very occasionally in international.airport urinals.
Very often I am nude in front of other guys, communal showers etc, but in general that is not hardon time.
Fortunately I show of reasonably well soft, so people have an idea of what I am packing.
And of course, the grapevine.
Word gets around.
That said, a lot of people have seen me erect.
I usually showoff descretely in mixed gender saunas/spa or at the nude beach
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What are your recommendations? Where is the best (and "natural") place to show off? What experiences have you had?

Other ideas besides the classics swimming pool, beach and sauna?
Anywhere, wearing clothing that shows off your vpl.