who is the biggest gay porn star?


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Aug 10, 2006
100% Straight, 0% Gay
because he isnt bigger than shorty mac, mandingo, nacho, etc etc. i mean guys ass holes cant take what chicks pussies can right.
Shorty is dominating our discussions these days...

I have heard some of the gay guys on the site mention a guy named Brad Patten...aside from that, I don't know any gay porn stars
Um, I beg to differ on what guys can take versus what women can take. I think there is ample evidence that guys can take just about anything if they put their mind to it. Check out X-tube's fisting channel and get back to me on what guys can and can't take...

As for size, Brad Patton is certainly big. I think there were bigger guys in the late 70's early 80's. Scott O'Hara, Dick Masters, etc...

Barret Long, Chad Hunt, Tom Chase, Virgil Sinclair, Buck Meadows, Tom Barron, Mike Branson...these are all big guys from recent times as well.

Then again, big is in the eye (or hole) of the beholder (or the filled up!)
Shorty is dominating our discussions these days...

I have heard some of the gay guys on the site mention a guy named Brad Patton...aside from that, I don't know any gay porn stars

I think you will find that GOOGLE searching that will work slightly better. Apparently he is 9"
i recon girls are better at taking anal than guys too, cos the woman is genetically designed to be wrecked

I don;t think that's necessarily true...from what I can gather by the gay men on the site, many seem to be VERY interested in extremely large men to be fucked by...there seem to be tons of guys here who really want a 7+ inch thick and who knows, 9-10+ inches in length for anal.

I know very few women who seem to want that kind of size for anal sex.

just my opinion...I have done anal with 7 women in my life. being only about 7.25 x 6, all have been able to take it, but all would probably rather not have done it but did so because they wanted me to have the pleasure...while none of them were in great pain, I am sure that it caused them some initial discomfort, being that women are generally smaller then men back there, but all were properly and very well lubed and were fine once they were relaxed and expanded and used to the feeling.
Thats about the dumbest thing I've ever read :rolleyes:

I'll make some points:

1. Women are designed to take a penis vaginally, not anally.

2. No one is designed to take it anally.

3. Women are not designed to "be wrecked" fuck you for even suggesting it. They are designed to give birth when the time is right with great assistance from hormonal changes which start to take effect during pregnancy with an almighty boost during labour itself.

4. Skin, muscle and all that crap STRETCHES regardless of your gender. Put in the time and effort and you could literally take anything you wanted. You should try looking up pornotube and the likes to see just what some people (both male and female) are capable of.

5. If you disagree with any of the above I suggest strongly that you take some time out of your every day life to return to biology lessons and spend some time reading up women and the way their bodies work. The above comment is not only a great falsehood but also highly offensive to women.

im sorry ive never had a girlfriend.
this is so stupid, everyone knows a mans dick will bottom out as short as 6 inches and you got what 3 feet of large intestine. This is not rocket science.
this is so stupid, everyone knows a mans dick will bottom out as short as 6 inches and you got what 3 feet of large intestine. This is not rocket science.

True, but the large colon turns and tends to limit the length of dick that can slid there. I'm just a hair over 7 length and wasn't able to bury all of mine without pain for a partner of 5 to 6 yrs. Have I just not found the 'right' ass?
What is this thread about exactly? a battle of the sexes with regard to what we can take up us?!?

Anatomically probably guys - but every organ, male or female can adopt given enough time...
I've learned 3 things about this dumbass thread:

1. I worship Kotchanski.
2. Some of you don't seem to know the difference between the anus, the recum, and the colon. Since the recum has a sphincter at both ends, it's almost impossible for even a large penis to enter the colon.
3. I now know why fecal matter covers everything from public phones to doorknobs.