Why do so many straight women think it's ok to be loud around gay men, touch gay men inappropriately, make unwanted advances?


Experimental Member
Jul 29, 2021
Newark (New Jersey, United States)
Why do SOME straight women who hang around gay men think it's ok to be loud, and drop in the conversations gay men are having about their own sexuality, and interrupt gay men with their endless talk about them being fabulous chic cool cause they hang around gay men.

Hear me out, it is not the first time I experience it, and my friends all agree.

LAst weekend I heard comments like: "my gays" "my gay boys" "my gay pet boys" "my rescue-me gay friend" from straight women, that is ridiculous, I am NOT your boy, I am not your rescue me friend either....

Last week I went out with my boyfriend, and we sat down with our friends, all of us gay men, enjoying the gay bar we go to normally.

There was a group of guys on the table next door, with them two VERY LOUD women... one of them with two balloons going on and on and on about her being fabulous, crazy, hot, open minded, these balloons are as big as my tits blah blah blah.

Eventually my boyfriend interacted briefly with her, and suddenly she is all over my boyfriend touching his thighs, and asking my boyfriend to show her his tattoo on his chest, and trying to grab my boyfriend's butt. I had to tell her NO TOUCHING, THAT IS MY BOYFRIEND AND I DEMAND YOU RESPECT HIM! She has the nerve to say... I am a woman, I can do this.... and he is super hot so be quiet! My friend then got angry and told her to keep her hands to herself, my boyfriend then told her kindly to stop pestering him and still she WOULD NOT! Eventually she got angry and told me I am just jealous because she has a pussy and I am just a little f-word. (SO MUCH FOR OPEN MINDEDNESS.) BTW I am a cisgender gay man completely happy with my penis, I wouldnt have it any other way.

After she left, we touched on the topic, and we all agreed is not the first time we see straight women shoving themselves down gay men's throats in gay spaces. Demanding attention, demanding drama, running their mouths in conversations involving gay men and gay men's own sexuality.

I know its straight women because lesbians never go to gay men only gay bars, Lesbians either go to lesbian bars or lgbt+ nightclubs. The women you find in gay-men themed bars tend to be straight and desperate for attention.

I didnt even know there were straight women creating profiles on grindr. (I dont use grindr so I do not know), but why? It's pathetic! Don't straight women have an entire system built around them with the purpose of meeting straight men interested in them? Why occupy our spaces and then push yourselves to be at the center of attention.

BTW this is once again, mostly straight women who hang around gay men.... most straight women dont do this and often stick to their bars and clubs.
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I know a few women. Some are friends, some are acquaintances, and some I just know. I don't know any who do what you mention. Of course, I'm not following them into a gay club either, but their personality doesn't belie that side of them.

I would wager it's a very small percentage of women who are into that, straight or otherwise. "So many" sounds like a claim a certain politician would make.

Maybe "I know this woman..." would be a better opener.
Sex and the City reruns/streaming

Like an honest answer....

The bar scene is simply not a safe space for women. Like, going out drinking for shits and giggles can end up in the morgue.

Gay clubs are a space straight ladies can feel safe in. They also don't feel as judge. Too loud, attention attracting or acting a socially lubricated fool have no real adverse consequences.

There are very few instances where women can associate with men on a social level and not be confronted by sexualization or objectification.

I've always assumed the whole queer right/awareness movement can be mistaken as seeking acceptance or wanting approval. More self centered people can mistake allyship as an open invitation to queer spaces.

I've never seen it as malice minded or offensive. Just drunk ladies trying to get their Wwwoooooo on.
I tend to agree with @MickeyLee - straight women wanting to get their “woo” on. Freedom from objectification and sexualization is fantastic.. That’s why I used to go the gay clubs.
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