I’m starting this off by saying I am a gay man. I will never be Bisexual or Pansexual or Straight. This is just something I’ve observed particularly on this site. And also I’m not entirely sure if this is the place to post this but we slay.
As an enjoyer of men, there are many adult content creators that I follow and I see what they are up to on here. And so I’ve seen many threads of many creators some of these creators are not gay, some aren’t even queer. I just want to know why on earth does it matter? Why does it matter if one content creator has made more videos with women than men? Are y’all just sad that they don’t want to fuck you? This is a site for ADULTS yet yall act like children.
As an enjoyer of men, there are many adult content creators that I follow and I see what they are up to on here. And so I’ve seen many threads of many creators some of these creators are not gay, some aren’t even queer. I just want to know why on earth does it matter? Why does it matter if one content creator has made more videos with women than men? Are y’all just sad that they don’t want to fuck you? This is a site for ADULTS yet yall act like children.