It's not about being open minded or not. I know and have known many open-minded, sexually liberated women.
The first thing to consider is the difference between male and female reproductive systems. There's a relatively short window before and after ovulation when females are most hormonally driven to have sex. Outside of that some experience little or no desire and many experience lower desire.
Not men. Males produce 300-500 million sperm a day. Not once a month. Not once a year in a rutting season. Hormonally they are always on. They always want to have sex, always in the rut. The desire and the hormones which drive it never lowers except with advanced age. Evolution made males this way because males never know when an opportunity to mate will happen. They need to be ready when it does. Almost all normal healthy sexually mature females have the opportunity and ability to pass their DNA along. Males don't. They don't have uteruses.
This drives female mate selection in our species. Females are more selective than males--no surprise when they endure pregnancy and childbirth and do almost all the raising and nurturing of children while doing other work as well. It's the principal force driving women to select high social status males as mates. The more money a male mate has the greater chance her children by him will survive and produce progeny of their own. How often I've heard women compliment each other for "marrying well" and others lamenting the choice of a poor man.
Reproductive success for a women isn't having access to a man. We're a dime a dozen. With anonymous sperm donations a woman doesn't even need a man involved in the process. Nor is reproductive success getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term. Reproductive success for a woman is becoming a grandmother. It takes time and resources. Which male will provide best?
So many species die as soon as their reproductive years end. Ours doesn't. Grandparents live on for decades helping their children raise grandchildren. Again It increases the chance of reproductive success--passing on our DNA--which is a long term process in our species. Oh how my mother harassed me to marry and give her grandkids! lol... I never told her I donated sperm.
Males are instinctively less selective because they don't have a uterus. Females are instinctively more selective because they do. These behaviors, like most instinctual behaviors, are unconscious but many are reinforced by socialization and indoctrination. Most cultures/religions, for example, are overwhelmingly heteronormative and monogamous in the face of overwhelming evidence that not all individuals are hetero-monogamous.
That's the basic biology of why women and men are "not on the same page" as you say.
Long ago a girlfriend asked me why men are so horny all the time. I said,
You know how horny you get when you're ovulating? She said yes.
How long does it last? I asked.
A week, maybe ten days, she said.
Men are like that all the time, I said.
Our hormones don't fluctuate.
Oh! she said.