
Legendary Member
Nov 2, 2008
Los Angeles, California, US
99% Gay, 1% Straight
As a show of gratitude for the many years of pleasure you all have shared with me on this site, I am giving you (in installments) the next Peter Schutes novel “World’s Biggest”. If you like Peter’s fiction, check out his website


Bob Follett had a neurotic obsession with size. He was one of the unlucky who was cursed with a two-inch erect penis. Growing up, he was always comparing himself to other boys. He watched, with horror, as his friends in school hit puberty and got that sudden growth spurt, making their little vienna sausages into ball park franks. Bob was a big boy with a big frame. He took out his frustrations in the junior high school gym, where he marveled as his muscles grew. He was the butt of many jokes in the showers. He didn’t let that stop him from lifting weights after school, when he could shower in peace without prying eyes and cruel jeers.

In high school, he was singled out for a spot on the power lifting team. As a freshman, he towered over his team members. The constant weightlifting had a positive effect on his self-esteem. As he grew stronger and bigger, he thought less about what was between his legs. His teammates were intimidated by his towering frame and god-like strength. He didn’t shower with his teammates. He didn’t want his little secret to get out among them. He would give anything just to have another inch, but it wasn’t possible. So he grew what he could.

Bob graduated with a full scholarship to the State University. He rented a room in the college town that summer, and got a job in a warehouse. He was tall enough and strong enough to reach the highest shelves and pull down heavy boxes like they were empty. One of his coworkers, Zeke, nicknamed him ‘The Forklift’ or ‘Fork’ for short. The name stuck. Fork Follett was a college kid, but he fit in with the townsfolk like one of their own, even if he was a bit of a snob. His coworkers invited him to countless parties, swimming holes, topless bars. He refused them all. His obsession over his little dick kept him from getting close to people.

Another obsession was forming in him at the same time. He wanted to see big penises. Really big ones. As the summer wore on, his mind wandered into deeper fantasies. He wanted to shove those big cocks down his throat. He wanted them in his ass. He didn’t know where this was coming from. It disturbed him. His family talked about such men. They called them ‘perverts’ and ‘faggots’. They were all going to hell to burn in a lake of fire.

Getting Wood
One Saturday Bob went to the hardware store. While he was looking for woodscrews, a short young man approached him.

“Hey there, Fork, you need some help?”

Bob blushed. “Uh yeah, I’m building a bookshelf. You got any wood screws?”

“I’m Roger.” The bold youngster stuck out his hand. “Come this way.”

Roger walked him through the types of bookshelf construction and wood.

“Oh, I already got the wood,” Bob said.

He caught Roger looking below the belt. “None that I can see.” The shop clerk gave a friendly laugh, but Fork’s mind was swirling with fear and shame. How did he know? What did he know?

Roger put a hand on Bob’s massive arm. “I see a brick shithouse, but no wood.”

Not realizing the implications, Bob asked, “Do you carry any wood?”

Then he got the surprise of his life. Roger pinched a section of his pant leg, revealing the outline of an enormous, throbbing cock. “Only the wood you just gave me.”

Things moved very fast. Roger unlocked the storeroom door. They entered. He locked it. They were all alone.

“What are you into?” Roger asked.

“Excuse me?”

“Doesn’t matter. I got the biggest dick in the county and I want to fuck your face, then make you take it up your ass. Sound good, Fork?”

The powerlifter nodded. He was terrified. He never wanted anything so much, and yet he wanted to see his family in heaven some day. He gave in and went to his knees. He had to sit on his heels to get low enough to be in line with Roger’s waist. He watched eagerly as the short man exposed inch after inch of his hard cock. Bob cursed God for making him this way, but his blasphemies were overwhelmed by the lustful clanging in his ears. He put Roger’s bulbous head in his mouth. It was easily four times bigger than his own.

“Yeah, just like that.” Roger held Bob’s head as he pushed in deeper. When he got to the tonsils, Bob gagged.

“Easy, there. It’s okay. Mind over matter.”

Bob could relate to that. Mind over matter was how he lifted two hundred pounds. Could he control his reflexes?

In answer to Bob’s question, he spit up a bit of his breakfast.

Roger was a good coach. “Just let it sit there a while longer. Breathe.”

Bob did as he was told, and his gag reflex settled down. It didn’t vanish completely, but he had mastered it for the most part.

Then Roger pushed past the tonsils, letting inch after inch of his enormous cock slide down Bob’s throat. Bob couldn’t breathe. Roger rubbed his cheek and shushed him.

“I won’t let you suffocate, Fork. Just tap my leg when you need air.”

Bob tapped Roger’s leg immediately. The log of flesh retreated, and Bob took in great gulps of air.

“Come over here.” Roger led him to a soft bench.

“LIe on your back and let your head hang over the edge.”

The hulking athlete lay flat on the bench, head dangling. Roger stepped forward, holding his impossibly large tool with both hands. Slowly, he forced his way past Bob’s tonsils until his balls met his nose.

“This may feel bad at first, but you’ll like it.” Without any warning, Roger brutally fucked Bob’s throat. Bob was uncomfortable, but it was nowhere near as bad as deadlifts. Roger stopped suddenly and groaned, unleashing a flood of semen into Bob’s throat. Bob had no choice but to swallow it. He fought to expel it, only to have it come out his nose.

Roger was still rock hard. He walked around to the other end. He got something down off the shelf and spread it all over his cock.

“What’s that?”

“Baby oil.” Roger’s cock was shiny and slick. “Take off your pants.”

Bob was so afraid Roger would see his little nipple of a dick, but he did it in phases, so his shameful crotch was still hidden in his underwear.

Roger spit into his hand and wiped it on Bob’s puckered hole. He put baby oil on the opening and used a finger to work it in. It felt nice.

“This is easier if I just go in all at once. Is that okay?”

Bob nodded. Roger lined up the head of his cock with Bob’s butthole, then immediately shoved the entire length of his cock into the bodybuilder’s hole. Bob saw stars and made a sound like a goat being slaughtered.

“Does it still hurt?”

Bob nodded vigorously.

“How about now?”

Bob nodded again. He realized he was mastering the pain. Some of those endorphins he produced during deadlifts were back at work, turning his ass from a throbbing bundle of raw nerves into a very stretched, aching butt.

“How about now?”

Bob shrugged. Roger was not one to stand on ceremony. He immediately began to piston in and out of the giant. Bob was surprised how good it felt to be invaded like that. He was such a masculine man in many respects, but his tiny penis meant he would have to give pleasure to men like Roger. And that gave Bob pleasure in return.

Without warning, Roger pushed up Bob’s underwear with the intent to jack him off. What he saw shocked him.

“Oh my god, it’s so tiny!”

Bob struggled to free himself from Roger’s cock and his gaze of wonder.

“No, no, Fork. Stay put. Some guys like serving forks, I like oyster forks. You dig?”

Bob nodded. By now, the back and forth motion of Roger’s cock was downright pleasurable. All the pain of his initial entry had subsided. He was left with a growing warmth inside. It started to tickle, or maybe he had to pee. He wasn’t sure how to describe this completely new sensation.

“You like it, huh.” Roger winked.

“I feel so good.”

“So do I,” Bob said. “It’s like a hundred times better than pussy.”

“I wouldn’t know.” Bob looked away.

“Fork, it’s good we met. I heard about you from the guys at the warehouse. I had a feeling you would check off all the boxes.”

“What boxes, Roger?”

He smiled. “Big and strong, check. Willing to take my huge cock, check. A tiny penis, check.”

“They told you I have a tiny penis?” Bob wanted to cry.

“No, that was a happy surprise.”

The tingling in Bob’s belly was growing more intense as Roger pounded harder and deeper. At one point, Roger pushed past some inner wall with a loud pop. He kept doing it over and over.

“You were so big, I didn’t know if I would reach.”

Bob would have asked more, but the continual violation of that valve at the end of his rectum created a pleasure so intense, it prevented him from forming coherent words. Roger put the giant’s legs on his shoulders. They were heavy, but they didn’t stop Roger from violating the deep hole inside Fork.

Fork shuddered. Something was happening. He had never masturbated, so he didn’t know what was happening. He also had never had a dick inside him, so he didn’t know what else was happening. His innards began to quiver, until they broke out in spasms of pleasure. The contractions were not lost on Roger.

“Oh fuck, you’re one of those. Check another box.”

Between convulsions, Bob asked, “Another what?”

“You got girl parts in your guts. A lot of the teenie weenie guys are like that. You’re having an anal orgasm, and it feels so fucking good on my cock.”

Bob jerked involuntarily, letting the waves wash over him.

“Oh shit, I’m close.” Roger slowed his pace. But Bob kept spasming, and it was going to push Roger over the edge.

When the first hot spray was released inside the bodybuilder, it intensified his spasming, and caused a rush of hot sensation to flood his tiny penis. The second spurt was three times as much as the first. Bob’s bowels were coated with slick, gloopy cum.

As Roger’s ejaculation continued beyond all reason, something new happened to Bob.

His tiny penis reared up, then shot a quarter cup of cum all over Roger’s shirt. Roger collapsed onto Bob’s massive frame. He licked the big bodybuilder’s nipples, which caused Bob to cum again.

“Oh Fork, you’re perfect.”

“I don’t really know what just happened.”

Roger laughed. “You had an anal orgasm, and then you shot your load.”

“You weren’t horrified by my tiny penis?”

“Au contraire, mon frere. It turns me on. I’m so big, it gets me hot when a guy is small. If he’s tiny, it’s like a dream come true. I don’t like guys with big dicks. But I can tell you do. I have a little clubhouse where big guys like us get together. You should come by some time.” ###

Stay tuned for more
I like corrections, criticisms and encouraging words. I will post more if you guys post a reply. Thank you for the many ‘likes’. Here’s the next chapter:

The Clubhouse
Bob limped home to work on his bookcase. His life was forever changed. He realized there was a place for him in the wide world of sex. He liked big dicks, and always wanted one of his own. But now he had learned that having a big dick inside was far superior. And his little dick could shoot a lot of cum. And probably best of all, he could have an orgasm in his bowels. He wanted to try a million more big dicks.

At home, he took off his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. He was big and strong. His face was really handsome. Below the belt, he was shamefully small. He turned to the side and marveled at his beautiful ass. He had never realized how big and desirable it was. If getting fucked meant going to hell, he was happy to burn.

The next time Bob got together with Roger, it was at the clubhouse. When he walked in the dimly lit shed, every eye was on him.

“Uh is this?”

“Priapus Club. Welcome.” An extremely handsome older man with a thick cock outlined in his tight jeans extended his hand. “Jedediah. Jed is fine.”

“Bob, pleased to meet you.”

“Oh we all know who you are, Fork. Our club has been waiting for someone like you.”

“Like me?”

“Yeah, big, powerful, with a little dick and the ability to orgasm internally. We’re a very focused club.”

Bob smiled. “I guess you found me. Which ones are the small dicks?” He looked around the room.

“You’re the guest of honor.”

Bob looked at the six crotches around him. They were all bulging obscenely. He grinned. “I already took the biggest dick in the county, so this will be easy.”

Everyone laughed. “Is that what that little shrimp told you?” Jed wiped tears out of the corners of his eyes. “He’s not even seven inches.”

“He’s the biggest I’ve ever seen,” Bob said.

A slightly crosseyed guy with a beer can hat leaned forward. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wanna beer?”

Bob shrugged. “Sure.”

The crosseyed guy, named Mike, brought over a cold one. After he put the can in his left hand, he pulled Bob’s right hand down to his leg. “Feel that? Thicker‘n a beer can”

Bob gasped. He could compare. His fingers nearly touched holding the beer can. He couldn’t get halfway around what Mike was packing.

“Holy shit, Mike.”

Mike smiled. “I ain’t the biggest. Maybe the thickest.”

Bob was introduced to all the members. It was a standard greeting for Bob to grope the guy and size him up.

“So how do I fit in the club?”

Jed said, “You’re our bottom bitch. We’re gonna fuck you inside out.”

Roger came in. “Bob! I was hoping you’d come.”

Bob leaned into Bob’s ear. “I think they all want to fuck me.”

Roger smiled. “Do you want that to happen?”

Bob blushed, then nodded.

“We’re going to fuck you so good, you’ll never know what hit you. To help with that, take this.”

Roger held up a yellow pill that read ‘Lemmon 714’.

Bob hesitated. “I don’t do drugs.”

Roger said, “Trust me, you’re going to want a Quaalude. It will open your pussy right up.”

Bob didn’t like the pussy remark. ‘It’s my ass.”

“Sure, Bob. Sorry. But listen, once this gets started, you’re gonna see, hear, and feel a lot of things you might not like without this.” He twirled the pill and caught it, opening his hand. Bob smiled and took it with a swig of beer.

As Bob’s eyes had adjusted to the dim lighting, he saw a few things he wasn’t sure about. One was a pillory. Another was a leather hanging chair. He squinted and saw a few whips hanging from a rack.

“I ain’t into pain like that.”

Roger smiled. “There are other clubs that meet here. All you need to concern yourself with is the sling. He pointed to the hanging chair. “Why don’t you go over there and try it out, Fork?”

Bob shrugged. He walked over to the chair and sat in it. Jed came over and helped him lie back in the chair, so his head hung over one end, and he could put his feet up in stirrups on the other.

Bob noticed the wedding ring on Jed’s finger.

“Yeah. I’m married. She don’t put out.”

Bob frowned. “I’m sorry, brother.”

Jed patted his rump. “Okay, get those clothes off. Don’t worry, we all crave little dicks like yours. You got nothing to be ashamed of.”
I sure do appreciate the feedback. This is a rather short installment. Don’t worry, it gets beefier and meatier in the next installment.

The door opened, flooding the clubhouse with light. Zeke, his coworker from the warehouse, came in. “Am I too late to fuck Fork?”

Zeke was the guy who gave him the nickname.

“No, Zeke, you’re right on time. We’re watching the colossus get naked.”

When Bob bent down to untie his boots, he got a little dizzy. He stumbled to remove his clothes as the dizziness gave way to a mellow disorientation. By the time he shucked off his underpants, he was glowing. The whole room applauded, which only made him feel better. He climbed back into the sling, putting his thick, muscled legs in the stirrups. As he looked around the rooms, he saw the men massaging their crotches, or in some cases, their legs. He felt a deep sense of brotherly love for these men. He rubbed his own pectoral muscles, amazed at how big they had grown since junior high. Jed stepped forward with a tub of Albolene. He generously applied it to Fork’s massive asshole, and stretched him with a forefinger.

“Shoot, he’s tight.” He handed Bob a handful of tiny glass vials wrapped in netting. “If you feel pain, pop one of these and inhale. It will help.”

Bob was giddy now. He put his hand on Jed’s lips. “I like you, man.”

“You’re gonna like me a lot more by the end of the night. He grabbed the log of flesh on his left thigh as emphasis.”

“Show me now.” Bob pouted.

“We got an order. It makes it a lot better for you, trust me.”

The order started with Zeke, who was very big, big enough to scare off most comers, but not gigantic like Roger. Zeke stepped up to the sling, rubbing albolene on his cock. “Fork, I’ve been wanting to fuck you since the day you walked in to the warehouse to apply for a job.”

“Wishes really do come true.” Bob was pretty loopy now.

Zeke pressed against Bob’s puckered hole. It didn’t give way, so Zeke spanked Bob. That caused the hole to pucker and then gape a little. Zeke pushed in partway.

“Go the whole way!” Bob was a demanding bottom.

Roger nodded. “He’s a weightlifter. It’s better for him, gets the endorphins going.”

Zeke pushed in all the way until his pubic hairs rubbed against Bob’s fleshy buttocks.

Bob grunted. He was aware he felt pain, but it was like he was hovering over his body watching himself feel the pain. The endorphins flooded his brain, mixing with the Quaalude. He pinched his own nipples and moaned. Zeke knew a willing bottom when he saw one. He fucked without mercy, banging over and over against the rear wall of the rectum. The pressure from Zeke’s thick meat squeezed his bladder repeatedly, until he pissed himself. There were cheers. Apparently, Zeke’s ability to fuck the piss out of a man was legendary. Bob was too high to be embarrassed. In fact, he was proud. Proud of himself, but especially proud of Zeke for his unique talent.

Although Bob wanted to tell Zeke this, his mouth wasn’t cooperating. He made animal sounds instead. Zeke picked up the pace. Bob wanted to feel Zeke pop past that hole deep inside, but he realized Zeke didn’t have what it takes. He was good, but he was no Roger.

Zeke’s sweat trickled into Bob’s mouth. Bob writhed in mock orgasm. He wanted Zeke to feel as good as Zeke was making him feel.

Seeing Bob in the throes of anal orgasm surprised Zeke so much, it put him over the edge. “Oh shit, I’m gonna...I’m gonna.” A flood of cum filled Bob’s rectum. To say thank you, Bob shot one of his legendary buckets of cum all over Zeke. Zeke collapsed, withdrawing his cock. He kissed Bob on the mouth. Bob had never kissed, but he felt like an expert
Thanks for the many likes. This story has a few plot points that have always intrigued me. The big muscle guy with the small penis is the object of affection. The tops, with big to gigantic cocks, don’t care that he’s small; they actually prefer it. What they love is his wriggling and jiggling from an anal orgasm. In the following, we see the big bodybuilder take in big, bigger and even biggest. It’s his ability to compartmentalize physical pain, a key trait of power lifters, that allows him to handle the ever increasing cavalcade of big cocks.

Gang Bang
Roger was next. He said, “I like fucking a cummy ass.”

Bob held up a finger and said, “Check!” They both laughed. Any awkwardness from their first encounter was dissolved by the Quaaludes. Roger forced his way balls deep into the giant man. Bob was loosened and familiar with Roger’s anatomy. He played with Roger’s nipples, which caused him to pick up the pace. At last, his cock reached its maximum length, and he popped past the hole.

Bob bucked and wheezed. “Fuck, ungggh! Coming inside, man.” He couldn’t form full sentences, and wasn’t even sure he had properly formed his words.

But Roger nodded. “Anal orgasm, brother. You’re welcome.”

The spasms in Bob’s guts brought Roger to orgasm almost immediately. Hot ropes of cum filled his rectum, mixing with the cooler sperm from Zeke.

To his own surprise, Bob shot a load on Roger without touching himself even once. Roger didn’t want to kiss. When he pulled out quickly, it caused cramps deep inside Bob. The muscular giant writhed and twisted as Roger walked away.

Before the orgasms could subside, another club member came forward. He was shy and wore a wedding ring. He had auburn hair and sea green eyes. Freckles kissed his cheeks. He was by far the best looking guy in the room.

“Hey Fork, I’m Sean.”

“Hey Sean. Welcome to my asshole.” They both laughed. Sean shucked off his clothes, revealing freckles on his shoulders, chest, and soft cock. Even soft, it was a monster. Sean kneeled down and put his lips on Bob’s asshole. He sucked and struggled until Bob farted out the cum. When Sean stood up, he was rock hard. It was thick and long, and looked painful. Before Bob could protest, Sean pressed his way into the giant ass. He kept pushing until he popped past the inner hole. Then he pushed some more. Bob had never felt anything this deep. His anal orgasm began immediately, massaging the freckled cock inside him. Sean held on to Bob’s waist. He thrust in and out with tremendous force. He liked to pull all the way out and then go back in to the hilt, staying there a minute to let the orgasmic contractions stimulate his massive cock.

Sean was beyond the hole and in some new place that quivered even more violently.

“Shit, Bob, you’re gonna get me off like that.” Sean stayed in place until the vibrations were too much to bear. He pulled all the way out with a smacking sound, then went all the way back in with a loud pop, and shot his semen somewhere well beyond the rectum. The nerves up there were so intensely wired, the hot cum made Bob cry out.

Sean looked into Bob’s eyes. “Are you okay?”

Bob pulled him to his lips to kiss, but Sean pulled back. “I don’t go for that stuff.”

Bob, giddy on ludes, said, “Well then come around so I can blow you. It’s better than a kiss.”

Sean shrugged and walked around to the other side, choking Bob with his half-inflated freckled cock.

While Sean broke past Bob’s tonsils, Mike came forward. The angle of Bob’s head prevented him from seeing more than a glimpse of the man as he took off his beer-can hat. Bob could see Mike take off his shirt, revealing rippling muscles on a lean frame. Bob was curious to see what Mike was packing when he shucked off his jeans. But with his mouth full, he couldn’t ask Mike to show him the prize. The thickness of Sean’s cock was comparable to Roger. Bob was so relaxed, Sean could fuck his throat with abandon.

Mike took one of the glass vials out of Bob’s hand. “You’re gonna need this.” Bob did his best to nod with Sean’s salami down his throat. There was pop and tinkle as the glass broke. Zeke held it under Bob’s nose. The room went dark. Bob was high above the clouds, but he came crashing down when Mike forced his cockhead into Bob’s rectum. It felt twice as thick as any cock yet. Like someone was pushing a wine bottle up inside him. Bob grabbed the vial and sniffed hard again. He relaxed, and was vaguely aware of Mike finding his way to the end of Bob’s rectum. That was as far as he could go. He was either too short or too thick to pop his way past that magic hole. Bob reached down and felt the exposed length of Mike’s flesh. He had a good two or three more inches he could go. Bob was good and loose now, so he twisted his hips and pulled Zeke inside him all the way. The valve felt like it was stretched to its breaking point, but it allowed the massive cockhead to enter. Zeke’s eyes lit up with astonishment.

Bob smiled to himself. He was pleasuring two huge cocks at once. He looked up at Sean, who looked away. “No eye contact.”

Bob tweaked Sean’s nipples. That was apparently okay, because Sean gasped and bent at the waist. Bob went to work on Sean until at last he came. It tasted like powdered sugar frosting. Sean pulled out and walked away. Bob was about to swallow the sweet cum when Mike grabbed him and kissed him, letting some of the cum into his mouth. They kissed until they had swallowed all of the cum.

Mike said, “I’ve never...never had anyone, girl or guy, take me all the way.”

“Is that why you kissed me?”

Mike grinned. “Nah, I just heard that Sean’s cum tastes like frosting and I wanted to find out myself.” They both laughed.

“Is this okay?” Mike was humping Bob slowly, pushing in and out of the inner hole.

“You can go faster if you want.”

Mike grinned. “I wanted this to last forever, because it’s never gonna happen again.”

“Why, are you going to kill me at the end of all this?”

Mike snorted. “No, but we’ve never managed to keep a member all the way to the end of the night, and no repeat customers. It has to do with Jed and Boomer.”

Bob hadn’t met Boomer yet. But he knew Jed was packing something massive down there.

Mike said, “Okay, I’m gonna fuck you full speed.” When he turned up the tempo, Bob basically went blind. He was in such deep ecstasy, he just saw white. He felt his rectal muscles shiver with orgasm over and over as Mike grunted and fucked him harder and harder. When Bob regained his eyesight, Mike’s hips were moving at a blur, faster than any fuck yet.

Mike became aware of the intense massage he was getting from Bob’ guts.

“Is that…”?

Bob nodded. “Anal orgasm.”

Bob heard other members of the club gasping. They all knew that they had to push past the rectum to set one off. Another member of the club, Leonard, came over. “Dude, are you going in all the way?”

Mike was very close to orgasm. He gritted his teeth as he nodded. Bob had never been filled so completely. Just for kicks, he took another whiff of the popper, and then held it under Mike’s nose. Mike blasted deep inside Bob before collapsing on top of him. He grinned and held Bob’s head so he could kiss him for real.

“You changed my life, man.”

Bob shrugged. “All in a day’s work.” ###

Next installment soon. Keep the comments coming!

Leonard was next. He had a tooth missing, but otherwise he was pretty cute. He had shoulder length blond hair and big ears that poked through. Bob continued his survey of his newest suitor. He wore baggy trousers that disguised whatever he might be hiding. He dropped those trousers, revealing a soft cock that hung beyond halfway to his knee. It was bigger soft than some of these guys were hard.

Leonard had a charming laugh. “Don’t worry, it don’t grow none. It’s a show-er.”

Sure enough, the cock stood up hard but barely changed size. It did get thick enough that Bob felt the need for poppers again. Leonard placed his slender cockhead at the cummy entryway. Leonard had a small head, but his main shaft was beer can thick. As he slid his way in, Bob’s hole gradually stretched wider. When the first sharp pain signal alerted Bob to the invasion, he broke open the poppers and inhaled deeply. The room disappeared, and when it returned, Leonard was banging on the rectum wall. The very thickest part of Leonard’s cock was the middle, and it was stuck stretching open Bob’s hole in a painful way.

Bob scooted to one side, suddenly allowing Leonard to gain entrance to that promised land beyond the rectum. Leonard gasped in surprise. A single tear trickled down his cheek when his balls slapped against Bob’s butt. He was in all the way, and it was a huge relief for Bob.

Plowing with abandon, Leonard’s cock was the first to find another miracle - the descending colon. The second his cock bumped into it, Bob went into full anal orgasm, more powerful than any he had experienced yet.

Leonard looked worried, because Bob was gasping and seizing, but Bob reassured him he was fine. “Never been better.” This was carte blanche to fuck even harder and faster, and it made Bob moan louder and louder.

“Leonard, oh fuck, what is that? Why is it so good?”

Leonard didn’t answer. The truth was, his dick did get bigger if he was really excited. Bob realized this when the frequency with which he felt intense pleasure at the descending colon and the intensity with which he felt pain both increased dramatically. He had to crack open a new vial of poppers because he had inhaled the other one completely.

Leonard leaned close, “I should warn you, I take a long time.” Bob reached up and pinched Leonard’s nipples.

Leonard shook his head. “Not wired that way.”

Bob asked, “Are you going to get any bigger?”

Leonard nodded.

Thirty minutes passed, and Bob was almost tired of the intense orgasm that wouldn’t stop. Bob had an idea. He soaked his finger in spit and wriggled it into Leonard’s asshole.

“Oh shit, oh god, is that what it feels like?”

Bob held back a laugh. A finger and a kielbasa-sized cock are very different. He kept his cool. “Yeah, Leonard, pretty much.”

Leonard’s eyes rolled back in his head. “That feels so fucking good!” Bob’s muscular fingers were huge. He put a second one in and Leonard nearly collapsed. When Bob got a third one in, Leonard came. He dribbled at first, but each successive pulse of his penis brought a bigger and bigger payload. By the time Leonard had finished, he had spattered the descending colon with semen. His cock shrunk back to its previous size and softened. The peristaltic action in Bob’s colon made Bob ‘shit a dick’. Leonards’ boa constrictor snaked and slithered out the hole, followed by a long parade of semen. Bob cupped his hand and drank some of it. He could taste Sean’s sweet frosting mixed in with all the others.

Leonard kissed Bob on the head and said, “Good luck”. ###

In the next installment, Bob breaks a clubhouse record. He's endured some monsters, but the next one is in a category of its own - a true baloney pony.
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When he saw Jed disrobe, Bob understood why Leonard had wished him good luck. Jed had gray hair and salt and pepper pubes with a truly enormous cock. It was in a different league from all the other men before him. The monster hung down to his knee, and soft, it was bigger around than a soup can. It was almost as big around as a coffee can. Bob trembled from a mixture of arousal and fear. He loved big cocks, and this was beyond any normal definition of big.

“Do you want to throw in the towel?”

Bob shook his head vigorously. “I made it this far, I haven’t reached my limit yet.”

“Do you need a break?”

Bob smiled. “I already took a piss. I’ll be fine.”

Jed appeared more afraid than Bob. An idea leapt into Bob’s head out of nowhere. “Jed, why are you hesitating? I’m willing”

Jed smiled sadly. “The last person who said that didn’t survive.”

Bob wrapped his hand partway around Jed’s soft cock. “I can handle it. Look at me. I’m a fucking giant. My insides are big enough for you”

Jed surveyed the muscular frame. “I suppose you are bigger than most guys, bodywise anyway.”

Bob felt a sting. He was so much smaller where it counts. As he cradled the base of Bob’s impossibly large cock, he marveled at God’s cruelty. One man was so small, the other so enormous, and neither of them could get the job done. Bob stroked Jed’s monster until it grew even larger.

Bob hefted the cock into position. “I’m ready.” He popped another vial and inhaled the contents deeply. Jed was hard. He smeared Albolene on the hole to further lubricate it. There was so much cum in Bob that it helped Jed gain entry. As a steady trickle of cum dribbled out of Bob, Jed used it as a lubricant to push his way in. Bob took a second whiff. The pain was excruciating.

“Am I hurting you?”

Bob shook his head. It was a lie. Fiery lightning bolts shot through him. He sniffed and sniffed until he lost all connection with his body. When sensation returned, he was in agony. He thought about the 225 pound deadlift. He thought about the 300 pound deadlift. He had made it to 300 at least three times. Jed was just 275. He could do this.

Bob pulled Jed close, so that his cock snaked its way in further. He leaned and steered Jed’s cock past the rectum and down to the end of the sigmoid colon. As Jed throbbed and more blood hardened his gargantuan cock, he grew longer and thicker. His head touched the bottom of the descending colon. Then he turned the second corner.

Bob saw fireworks. His whole body trembled as his inside muscles stroked and massaged Jed’s meat.

“Oh, oh shit. Oh holy shit.” Bob realized Jed was a virgin, and this was his first orgasm. He could feel his insides swelling with the hot liquid. Jed kissed Bob deeply. He didn’t give a shit about his wife in that moment. He just wanted to be one with Bob as the last droplets of cum escaped his massive slit. He stayed inside Bob, kissing him passionately.

Bob felt that pride you get when you beat your personal best. It eclipsed the intense pain of having his asshole stretched like a gym sock. Even soft, Jed was too thick. Bob figured with enough practice, he could take him easily. That’s how weightlifting works. You reach a plateau, but you surpass it. He knew someday he could painlessly take Jed inside him and feel only pleasure. He made up his mind to do just that.
This chapter has a flirty romantic end. More to come after this one, but I need some encouraging replies!
Mike still had Boomer to deal with. How could he be bigger than Jed?

The answer came; he wasn’t. Not really. These men had never taken a cock up their ass. They just measured length and decided who was “bigger”. They didn’t take girth into consideration. Boomer had a lovely long cock that hung well below his knees. But it wasn’t quite beer can thick. It looked impressive, but it couldn’t hold a candle to Jed’s girth.

Boomer was ruggedly handsome. He had black spiky hair and burning blue eyes. He had been watching the action with Jed and couldn’t believe his good fortune. Never, in the history of the club, had they made it past Jed the showstopper. Boomer had the look of a man who has been refused all his life. He was about thirty, and though not a virgin, he never found a woman that could handle him more than once. Bob could tell all this just by looking at him.

Boomer grinned. “You ready, son?”

“Yes, Daddy.” It was so absurd; they both laughed.

Boomer was still soft. As he got hard, his girth increased very little, but his length nearly reached the floor. Boomer enlisted Bob’s help to guide his cock into the loose, sloppy hole. It went in like a letter being passed through a mail slot. Quickly, the serpentine cock wriggled its way through Bob’s lower digestive tract. When it hit the magic button at the descending colon, Bob’s insides, still recovering from Jed, fired to life. The spasms stroked Boomer’s cock like so many feather boas being dragged along its length.

Boomer grinned. “Shit, kid, that feels good.”

“It’s mutual, believe me.” Bob’s eyes fluttered as Boomer started to climb the descending colon. The orgasms intensified. He was just thick enough to stretch the walls, sending Bob into sheer bliss.

Boomer said, “I’m almost in. I’m in! I’m all the way in!” He kissed Bob on the forehead.

Bob smiled, “Good, now fuck me.”

What happened next was so purely pleasurable, Bob lost consciousness. Boomer had a powerful downstroke. He could only pull about halfway out without walking backwards, so he contented himself with rough pounding. The last portion of his entry, the colon, was tender from all the friction with Jed. Bob was orgasming in a faint. When he came to, he shot a load of cum on Boomer’s chest, belly and coated the top of his cock. Bob could feel his own hot cum slide inside him with Boomer’s cock. It was sublime. Boomer looked proud. He had never gone all the way, and he’d never made a man or woman cum. It was probably the best day of his life.

While Boomer humped his way in and out, Jed came around and laid his cock across Bob’s lips. Bob felt something flutter inside that had nothing to do with Boomer. It was the way Jed looked at him, grateful, wanting something more. Bob opened his mouth and took the pink prize into his mouth. It was only half the head. Nobody could take more. Or could they? Bob remembered after his injury when a weight cracked his maxilla, he had discovered he could lock and unlock his jaw like a snake. He hadn’t ever thought to try it for sex. He wiggled his jaw and it fell open, letting the whole head past his lips.

Jed looked astonished at what came next. Bob inhaled him inch by inch, forcing the cock head down his throat. Bob had never been prouder. He was giving Jed a present he never dreamed possible. When Jed was at the bottom of his throat, Bob massaged the remaining length with both hands. When he gagged and spit came out his nose, he used it as lube. He tapped Jed on the leg signalling he needed air.

Jed wasn’t familiar with the signals. He was so absorbed in the pleasure, he failed to notice Bob turning blue. Boomer finally spoke up.

“Hey, Jed! Give the kid some air!”

Jed woke from his reverie in horror. He pulled out, but Bob wouldn’t let him pull all the way out. He took three deep breaths, never ceasing his massage of the exposed length, then pulled Jed’s cock down his throat again. Jed fucked his face, but he paid attention to the hand signals.

Boomer was turned on by the blow job taking place across from him. He fucked harder and harder, fascinated by how it affected the speed with which Bob stroked Jed’s monster. He got just that little bit harder, enough to hit a new spot deeper than before. Bob’s spasms reached a fever pitch. Boomer tried to slow down to keep from coming, but it was too late. Stock still, buried to the root in the boy, he shot the biggest load of his life, and it was the first time he came inside of somebody. Tears rolled down his cheek. He wanted to kiss the boy, but his mouth was full. Bob pushed out Boomer’s cock involuntarily. It was followed by a loud fart and a river of cum.

Seeing the growing pool of cum on the ground beneath Bob was the catalyst for Jed’s orgasm. It built in his loins, then spread to his balls and down the length of his shaft. Jed shot down Bob’s throat. Bob tapped for air, and this time Bob let the head pop out. He held it close to his tongue, but it sprayed his face and hair with hot cum. The ejaculation lasted 45 seconds, and left Bob coated in cum.

A round of applause brought Bob back to the present moment. All seven men surrounded him, each cursed with a dick that frightened away women and men. Bob was fearless. He wanted all of them inside him. He wanted Zeke, with his thick cock, so thick it fucked the piss right out of him. He wanted Roger, who had taken his cherry, showing him how he had sexual value after all. He wanted Sean, no-kiss Sean, with his beautiful freckled cock. He wanted Mike, the slightly crosseyed man who learned today that he could go all the way, no matter how big and thick he was. He wanted Leonard’s everlasting cock that reached the magic spot when it got hard enough. He wanted Boomer, with his long serpentine cock, longer than anyone else, but not too thick. He wanted Jed more than any of them. Jed was married, but Bob longed to be held in his arms, rocked to sleep at night, fucked silly every morning.

What Bob didn’t know was that Jed wanted Bob to himself. He didn’t give a fuck what his wife said. She could watch for all he cared.

The applause died down. Bob grinned. “So how often do you guys meet?”


Jed offered Bob a ride home. Bob thought his heart would break. He sat silent as Jed navigated the clean streets of the college town.

Jed spoke up. “I’m getting an annulment.”

Bob was shocked. “What? Why?”

“We never consummated the marriage, obviously.”

“Not even the tip?”

Jed laughed and shook his head. “She’s agreeable. She wants to spend her life with a man, not a circus freak.”

“I...uh...I want to live with a circus freak.” Bob blushed like a schoolgirl.

Jed smiled. “I think that can be arranged.”
Damn! That was a fun ride and I think I'm in love with Jed. I'd like to see it bulge in his jeans while he's sizing up this big man's ass. I'd like to hear about when Bob and Jed marry.
You will get many of your wishes.’s set in 1979 or thereabouts. Gay marriage would be a mere pipe dream. But we used to “shack up” which was often a bond more powerful than marriage.
This is a shorter chapter. Please keep your replies and likes coming. I have even used a suggestion or two from you guys to make this chapter better.

Moving Day

Bob bent down, exposing hard muscular buttock flesh through the shorts. Jed could even see the dimples on the sides. He was getting trapped in his jeans. It was just a matter of practicality if he needed to take them off. His log of flesh sprang upwards, grazing Bob’s hard ass.

Bob stood up; his butt cheeks ate the shorts, revealing the path to paradise. Jed stepped forward until his hard cock brushed against Bob’s thighs.

Bob stood stock still. He let Jed do all the work.

Jed extracted the fabric from between Bob’s buttocks and yanked them down easily. Jed needed two hands to pull down his own pants to get past the enormous dick. Bob’s petite penis showed no resistance. It didn’t even reach as far forward as his thighs.

Jed wanted him completely. Bob relaxed and moaned while Jed suckled on his tiny prick. Jed had eaten a lot of pussy, but it couldn’t hold a candle to a little man clit like Bob’s, with the aromatic balls exuding hormones that made Jed overflow with lust,

He turned his attention to the gates of paradise. Parting the muscled flesh, he jammed his tongue into the loose slot. Soon his nose was in there too.

Bob groaned, “Jed, I want you to fuck me. Bad!”

Jed snatched the Albolene from the kitchen counter and bent Bob over the table. The bow was so massive, he nearly covered the entire kitchen table with his bulk.

Jed wanted to see his lover’s expression when the massive cock e termed him. He flipped Bob onto his back, legs raised high.

“Put it in me, daddy.”

Jed pushed past the loose opening and wound his way through Bob’s bowels. He watched as Bob’s eyes rolled back in his head. A huge grin spread across the strongman’s face. His chest heaved with anticipation. Jed clamped his mouth over a nipple and sucked it. Bob began to orgasm inside.

Jed had been gentle at first, but by the end of the summer, he was free to ravage Bob completely. He fucked hard, forcing his way into the colon and out. Bob moaned like a gale force wind. He was in such an intense state of ecstasy, it was all his mind and body could manage. The throbbing vibrations in his bowels were building to a crescendo. To Jed it felt like fucking a giant angry sea anemone.

Bob ceased his moaning, replacing it with a long “Ooooh” that went up and down in pitch depending on the direction of Jed’s thrusts. He grabbed desperately at Jed’s back until he brought him to his lips. They stayed locked in a vibrant circuit peppered with the slurping and sucking noises of sloppy ass and giant cock.

Bob shot a load on Jed’s face and chest. Jed licked it up.

“Mm. Like frosting.”

Bob smiled with his eyes fluttering. He was steeped in bliss, unable to use words,

Bob sucked in his belly. Jed marveled at the outline of his cock pounding far up inside Bob. If he put his hand in the right place, he could rub himself through the layers of muscle and flesh. This proved too much.

Jed threw his head back and shouted, “Fuuuuuuck!”

He felt something wet. Bob was coming a second time, completely hands free. Jed paused, allowing Bob’s contractions to finish him off. Jed released a steaming hot load of cum somewhere near the descending colon. It followed him as he pulled out. Capfuls of Jed’s sperm ran like a waterfall out of Bob’s destroyed ass onto the kitchen floor.

They locked eyes and kissed.

“I love you, Bob.”

“Me too!”
Bob’s first day in college was overwhelming. He had to go through three separate orientations before he could get his schedule. The schedule was pretty straightforward: Math, English, Biology, Philosophy, and Powerlifting Team in the late afternoon. Every minute he was away from Jed was torture. He was addicted to Jed and his big cock. He thought about it all day in class. His grades suffered a little, but he wasn’t worried. His coach was the only instructor who told him to pay better attention.

Most days practice would end at 6:00 pm, but once in a while it would go an extra hour. The coach refused to stick to a schedule. Bob thought it must be boring for Jed to have to wait when he came to pick him up, but Jed got off looking at all the powerlifters in their shorts and singlets. The only thing Jed disliked about the late practice was the way it cut into his sex time with Bob. By October, Bob had found the sling. He was only too willing to climb in and let Jed have his way with him. If it got late, Jed would fuck Bob piggyback upstairs to the bedroom. Jed weighed 185 pounds, but Bob could carry him like a light backpack. And Jed was so hung, there was plenty of room for error. He never slipped out.

In November, the lifting coach took a job offer out in California. This would have been a devastating blow, with the State Finals coming up, but it was an unexpected bonus. The new coach, Gary Merrill, was a former champion. He was past his lifting age, in his early forties. But time had been kind to him. He was bulging with muscles, and he had something rare bulging as well. Bob could smell big cock from nine meters. Gary Merrill was well hung.

Bob loved Jed. They had an understanding. At the clubhouse, Bob was for everyone. Everywhere else, he was Jed’s property. He could see why Jed wanted that arrangement. Jed could hardly go out and fuck somebody else. Nobody but Bob would be able to take him.

Bob was thinking about this arrangement when he got to the lockerroom. Since his sexual awakening, Bob was proud of being small. He took showers after practice with all the guys. Most of them were small, too. A few had a decent average cock. But the coach was the only lifter Bob had ever met who was hung like a horse. At least he thought so; he had yet to verify his imaginings.

Practice ended early, and Bob had nowhere to be until Jed showed up. He grabbed his towel and went to the communal showers. He proudly stepped under the hot water stream and looked around at the other athletes. Average, average, nice but not huge, small, small, average. Then Gary Merrill walked in, his towel slung over his shoulder. He was completely naked. Sure enough, his cock was huge. It rivalled Jed’s. The coach couldn’t keep his eyes off of Bob, who was staring back with his jaw hanging. The coach switched spigots to stand next to Bob. The freshman was measuring Gary in his mind.

“Take a picture, it will last longer.” Gary grinned, eying Bob’s puny penis.

“I could say the same, couldn’t I?”

Gary nodded. “I need to see you in my office after this.” Bob glanced at the clock. It was 5:15 pm. He didn’t have much time.

“Is this about what I’m thinking it’s about.”

“You got it kid.” He dried off, wrapped the towel around his waist, hiding the appendage. Bob was still wet when he got into his clothes and ran upstairs to Gary’s office. He knocked on the door.

“Come in, Bob.”

Bob gasped when he walked in. Gary’s monstrous penis was hard as fuck and standing up against his belly.

The coach spoke. “I know that you could never handle this, but maybe you could just suck me off a little?” The coach had the weary sound of a man like Jed who got rejected for his big penis at every turn.

Bob grinned. “You got lube?”

Gary smiled cautiously and opened his desk drawer, taking out a tube of KY Jelly. “Lock the door.”

Bob lay face up on the desk, and Gary ate his ass. He fondled Bob’s tiny penis and moaned. Then he stopped. “You’re gaping wide open.”

“Yeah, uh, the guy I live with he’s as big as you.”

Gary slicked up his cock and forced it in. Bob was spoiled on Albolene. KY Jelly was cold and inconsistent. Still, Gary found his way all the way to the sigmoid colon before they reached a dry spot. Bob put more KY on the exposed shaft and it slipped in easily, moving past the sigmoid colon. By now, he was so used to the involuntary orgasm, he just moaned. But Gary’s eyes were saucers.

“How are you doing that?”

“Don’t know. You went deep enough to push the button.”

Gary stood still and let the peristaltic waves massage his huge prick. He moaned softly. After a time, he gently swung his hips back and forth, pressing the orgasm button over and over. I realized he was getting thicker at the base. It really started to hurt. He thickened until Bob thought he would burst. Gary was a strongman with a cock that rivalled Jed’s. And he was balls deep inside Bob. The young man was so excited, he shot a load that splattered the papers on Gary’s desk.

“Hands free? Did I do that?”

Bob nodded.

“You’re my first, Bob. First in my whole life!”

Bob pitied the man who had never found his Bob like Jed had. “That sucks.”

Gary laughed. “No, it’s fucking wonderful. I am gonna use you every chance I get.”

Bob wondered how Jed would feel about it.

“Oh Jesus Christ, I’m coming! I’m coming inside you!”

The coach exhaled as a torrent of warm cum filled Bob’s guts
After these two short chapters, there are three longer ones and an epilogue. Stay tuned.

Coming Clean
Bob debated telling Jed about the encounter with Gary, and the possibility of more. Jed didn’t seem willing to share except at the club. The club wasn’t taking any new members, so it was the same menagerie of characters each time.

On the truck ride home that night, Bob could feel Gary’s cum trickling out, staining his pants. He took it as a sign to come clean.


“Yes, Bob?”

“You know the new coach, Gary Merrill?”

Jed nodded.

“Yeah, well I found out he’s got the same problem.” Bob was afraid to say more.

“Same problem as you? Poor fucker.”

Bob shook his head. “Same problem as you, Jed.”

The silence was deafening. Bob felt compelled to fill the empty air.

“I saw him in the shower after practice.”

Jed looked angry, but his voice was calm and kind. “I don’t own you, Bob. I would like to, but I don’t. If you want to fuck the coach, I won’t stop you.”

Bob frowned. “Yeah, but will it hurt you?”

Jed smiled. “I share you with six other guys every month. I can share some more. You’re like a public treasure. Your ass is a thing of wonder.”

Bob felt relieved. But he hadn’t come completely clean.

“Jed, I’m sorry, but it happened so fast. He fucked me.”

The older man took a deep breath. “You got any left for me?”

Bob nodded.

“Good. If it feels like a spanking, just go with it.”

That night Jed put Bob in the sling and fucked him using only Gary’s drying cum as lube. It hurt, but Bob felt he deserved it. Jed was a professional fucker now. He did tricks that made Bob piss himself. He dug so deep, Bob shrieked. Jed slowed down after that. Whatever anger he felt had subsided.

Jed decided to lube up. He pulled out fast and was shocked when a stream of blood poured onto the floor. Luckily, it was just a capillary. The bleeding stopped.

“I feel like a monster.” Jed hung his head.

Bob rubbed his tummy and stroked his cock. “You’re my monster. You’re a good monster.”

Jed chuckled. “Can I fuck your throat, since the back door is out of business tonight?”

In reply, Bob leaned his head back, opened his mouth, and unhinged his jaw.

It had been a while. Bob gagged a couple of times, but he stuck with it. Jed found a rhythm that had a curious effect. It was a throat orgasm. Bob felt the thick meat stretching his throat in such an even rhythm, and suddenly he was tingling there. The throat contracted and expanded to match the rhythm of Jed’s thrusts.

“Bob, you’re a fucking miracle.”

Bob did his best to nod in agreement.

Jed let the contractions finish the job. He gave Bob five seconds to catch his breath, then forced his way back down the boy’s throat. He held his cock there for a while, letting the contractions bring him over the edge. He pulled out and splattered Bob with cum. Bob lapped up as much as he could. The rest covered his face like frosting.

The Schedule
Bob let Gary fuck him on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He was inexperienced like Jed had been, so Bob acted as his teacher. He taught him how to make him piss, how to turn on the vibrations of orgasm. When he gave Gary a blow job, it became his favorite. He fucked Bob’s mouth so much, the boy grew hoarse. Bob didn’t mind.

The affair came to an end temporarily for Winter Break. Gary went home to Ohio for Christmas. Bob talked to his family and convinced them to let him stay with Jed over the break. As agreed, Bob climbed into the sling and let Jed handcuff him. He could only get out for bathroom breaks. Jed had a few surprises he hoped would excite Bob. First, he brought in a warm enema and emptied it into Bob’s bowels. Bob cramped and writhed, but he wouldn’t go until Jed allowed it. After ten minutes of torture, Jed relented. Bob emptied his bowels completely. He’d never felt so clean. It didn’t take long for Jed to soil his insides with cum. This led to another bowel cleanse. Bob loved it, but he pretended to be suffering. Bob rushed to the toilet. Jed came in. Don’t flush. He checked the bowl. It was crystal clear, save for a large quantity of cum.

Jed filled Bob a third time, but this time, he didn’t unlock Bob when he gave up.

“Just let it go.”

Jed kneeled to lick Bob’s butthole. Suddenly, a clear torrent of water came gushing out.

“Oh Jed, I’m so sorry!”

Jed smiled. “For what?”

Another kink he wanted to explore was stuffing. He bought a croquet set. He lubed up his boy’s ass, and one by one, shoved the balls in. He watched, pulling on his meat, while Bob pushed out eight croquet balls.

“I wish I had a movie camera. We’d be millionaires.”

Every day Jed thought up something new. The croquet balls were too easy, so he shoved a half dozen softballs up inside Bob. They were not as slick as the croquet balls, so Bob really had to push to get them out. After the sixth one, the red rosebud peeked out then retreated.

Bob never tired of the attention Jed lavished on him. He felt worshipped. He hoped Jed felt worshipped too when he took him deep inside his throat or his guts.

The days in the sling blurred into each other. Jed used Bob for his pleasure, and Bob felt pleasure in the giving. It was different from many things in nature. A lion eats a zebra. The zebra gets no benefit whatsoever. But Jed takes all the pleasure he wants from Bob, and Bob has more pleasure than when they started.
In Spring, Gary announced they would be attending the powerlifting conference in New York City. Bob was excited. He felt guilty leaving Jed alone with no one to fuck. Jed had begun to subscribe to some strange magazines. One of them, Straight to Hell, was their favorite. They both enjoyed the articles and advertisements.

As Bob was packing for the bus ride to New York, Jed was fingering through Straight to Hell. He jumped out of his chair.

“Look at this Bob!”

He pointed to an advertisement: “World’s Biggest Dick Pageant Grand Prize $1,000.00”

The date coincided with the Powerlifting conference. It was obvious Jed had to go. There couldn’t be anybody bigger than him. Longer perhaps, but not bigger. Bob confirmed that there were several categories. One for girth, one for length, and one all around biggest dick. That was Jed’s contest, for sure.

Jed booked a room in the YMCA where Bob was staying. They only had single rooms, so it was impossible for them to room together. He dropped Bob off at the bus, and caught a train.

The Powerlifting conference was exciting for Bob. He saw so many masculine guys lifting. Gary Merrill came from this world. He was legendary. Not just for his many wins, but also for his monster cock. Some of the older folks saw him, stamped their feet and neighed. Gary loved it. He’d always been proud of his huge cock. Now that he met Bob, he even had a use for it.

Bob realized it would be awkward if Gary and Jed met. At 4pm, Bob and the team went back to their rooms. A few minutes later, Bob heard a knock.

He said, “Jed, is that you?” and opened the door. It was Gary.

Gary pushed his way in. “Bob, I need to fuck you now. Is that okay?”

Bob hesitated. He didn’t know what would happen if Jed showed up. He shrugged. “Yeah, come in.”

Bob shucked off his clothes and lubed up his asshole. Gary was getting very good at fucking. He knew the patterns and rhythm that maximized Bob’s pleasure. He had learned to grind and twist to hit all the right spots. If anyone asked Bob who was better, Jed or Gary, he would have said “Both.”

Gary found the low bed the perfect height for fucking downwards, his favorite. He made Bob squirm and sigh with joy.

Suddenly came a familiar knock. “Bob, you in there?”

Bob had forgotten to lock the door. It swung open, revealing an astonished Jed.

Gary asked, “Who’s this?”

Jed said, “Shut up. Get under him.” He wasn’t hostile. He was excited. He whipped out his dick which gave Gary a thrill. With Gary logded firmly inside from below, Jed pushed his way in from the top. It was a real logjam. Bob was certainly not tight, but this was like trying to put a bowling ball in his ass.

Jed snorted and pushed down hard. Bob’s ass made a sharp pop, like the first time Roger fucked him. Jed was in. Bob bit down hard on his knuckle to keep from crying. But then something happened. As Jed’s cock slid along Gary’s, Bob’s rectum expanded, bringing a unique pleasure. The pressure made him piss himself. Gary was a bit unhappy about getting a soaking, but it was so much less important than feeling his dick twin rubbing against him. This was a first for all three men.

Bob choked a sob when Jed passed through the colorectal valve. That little hole was stretched far beyond its capacity. But it was very elastic, and Bob adjusted to the new, fuller feeling. His orgasms, which stopped the minute Jed knocked, were starting back up. Wave after wave of anal orgasm made him quiver. Gary was fucking from below, pushing the button and making everything more intense for Bob.

Jed was all the way in beside Gary. Bob rocked back and forth, stroking the two cocks with his stretched insides.

Jed pounded with a newfound intensity. Gary matched his strokes, but on the way in while he was on the way out. The friction of the two horse-hung men rubbing cocks was too much. When Bob shot the biggest load of his life all over the room, the two men sighed and released their semen. Bob was flooded with two loads of cum. Gary said, “Holy shit!” As the two men grew soft, Bob’s guts desperately pushed them out. The two cocks popped out one after the other, followed by an obscene amount of cum.

Bob wiped his brow and felt his tender rectum. He wasn’t going to walk right for weeks. But it was the best fuck of his life.

“Gary Merrill.” The coach extended his hand.


Gary smiled. “I know a little about you. Your reputation is similar to mine.” he gestured towards his monstrous soft cock that rivalled Jeds. But Jed was a grower and a show-er. So you couldn’t judge the flaccid cocks.

Jed said, “Yep. I’m huge. I heard you were too. You are.”

Gary squinted, “Jed, what’s your relationship to Bob?”

Bob blurted, “We’re boyfriends.”

Jed corrected him. “We’re a common law marriage, but it’s an open one.”

Bob had never heard this. Jed was pissing on his territory.

Gary borrowed some dry clothes from Bob. They were both hulks, so it was a good fit.

Jed said, “Bob, that contest is tonight. Are you going?”

Gary interrupted. “Straight to Hell Night? Oh god, I love it. I’m entered in the WBD.”

Jed spelled it out.”World’s Biggest Dick. Hmm. May the best man win.” He couldn’t be resentful towards a coach who was transforming Bob into a Powerlifter, and whose cock he had rubbed with his own. Neither man was sure who was the biggest. Not even Bob could be sure. It was going to be a photo finish.
One more installment after this one.
World’s Biggest Dick
Straight to Hell Night was decadent, artsy, and lewd. Cocktail waiters walked around in nothing but a bow tie, their wieners wagging. The drinking age was 19, so Gary bought a round of beers. Bob and Jed didn’t drink much, so the beer went to their heads. Out of the corner of his eye, Bob recognized someone from home. It was Boomer. He came over, talking excitedly.

“I’m gonna win longest, I know it.”

Jed said, “Why not biggest?”

Boomer put a hand on Jed’s shoulder. “My friend, you are the biggest at the club. I’m the longest. It’s different.”

Gary couldn’t make out the outline of Boomer’s meat. Because Gary had been unable to fuck, he had spent his sex life as a bottom. The bigger the better. He wanted Jed bad, but Boomer sounded intriguing.

“Young man, your clothes are hiding the prize.”

Boomer smiled and grabbed his cock, pressing it against his baggy pants so an outline appeared. It was missing a few inches, but it was enough to make Gary’s butthole pucker with anticipation.

Nightclubs in New York are very, very late starters. The bars close at 4:00 AM, so events sometimes don’t get started until long past midnight. Jed stopped drinking, but Gary, Boomer and Bob were three beers in when the master of ceremonies took the stage to preside over the penis pageant.

“Ladies. I mean Lady, and Gentlemen.” There was laughter. The only woman in the place was a bartender. “It’s my honor to preside over the most exciting pageant on Earth. Yes, that’s right, the inauguration.” A few more laughs.

“No but seriously, this is the world’s only contest of its kind. Get ready, because we will be unleashing a colossal show for you. It’s going to be enormous! Will the contestants come backstage now for a pre-judging? I’m kidding. The element of surprise is everything. But we need you, seriously, so come on back!”

Jed, Boomer, and Gary left to get ready. Bob was all alone. A handsome college grad sat down beside him. “Not entering?”

Bob shook his head and held up a pinky.

The man laughed. “I would enter, but they don’t have a grower category.”

“I think there is. I remember reading it on the poster out front.”

The man stood up. “Oh good. I go from less than an inch to 7 and half inches. If they don’t judge final size, I might win. Wish me luck! Oh how rude, I’m Hoyt.” He shook and didn’t wait for Bob’s name.

The pageant was well-organized. Every contestant was asked the same three questions.

  1. Have you ever been turned down because of your size?

  2. What sets you apart from the average man?

  3. Top or bottom?
Gary had the best answer to the first question. “No. Never. My ass is the perfect size.”

Jed’s answer to number two was sweet. “I’m lucky because I found a man who can handle me, and I get to fuck him every night.” He waved to Bob, who blushed.

Boomer was more matter of fact. “The distance from my cock to the ground”

When Hoyt answered “Versatile” to number three, the crowd shouted “BOTTOM!”

There were a dozen more contestants, many of them looking like last place just from the bulge in their trousers (or lack thereof). But a few were real whoppers.

The Emcee ordered the contestants to the back room. He looked out at the audience. “Okay, men, this is where we help these titans to reach their maximum potential. Come backstage if you want to help. The floor emptied out. Bob led the pack.

When he got back to the dressing room, it quickly descended into chaos. Grabbing hands and wagging cocks met and shook in salute. It was dark. Bob couldn’t see well. His hands bumped into mammoth cocks. Was it Bob? He slid his hand along the length and knew it wasn’t anyone he knew.

“Your hands are so soft. I’ll bet your mouth is soft.” The stranger was an outline in the darkened room. Bob worried that he wasn’t helping Jed. The stranger was gentle but firm. He put his hand on the back of Bob’s head and brought him to the tip of his throbbing cock. Bob opened his mouth and took the musky cock into his mouth. He used his hands to shove the cock down his throat.

“No gag reflex, eh? You like deep throat?”

Bob nodded as best he could with his throat full of rock hard dick.

The stranger pivoted his hips, giving Jed many opportunities to breathe between stuffings. Bob’s throat began to vibrate involuntarily. The stranger gasped.

“You’re gonna make me come, boy. I gotta stop.” He yanked his dick out of Bob’s throat and kissed him behind the ear before sauntering to the next willing mouth.

Bob continued his search for Jed, who was no doubt desperate for Bob’s talented mouth. He heard a familiar grunt. It was Jed. He was fucking somebody. It was Coach Merrill.

“Jed, I want you to come inside me.”

Jed replied, “I’ll get you do, Gary. You want me to lose the contest.”

Gary was rock hard. Bob unhinged his jaw and wrapped his lips around his coach’s massive dong. He moved quickly, getting Gary in as far as possible. It set off the vibrations.

Gary held Bob’s head and forced himself deeper until he was all the way in. Bob pulled back and took a giant breath before swallowing Gary completely. He moved his head up and down, adding to the pleasure he was giving with his undulating throat muscles. The next time Bob came up for air, he tasted that salty clear liquid that means a man is about to come. He knew he should stop so Gary would keep his hardon for the contest. It was Gary who pushed Bob’s head back down. Bob stood still. He was trying to help Gary, but he couldn’t stop the muscles from pulsating.

“Oh god, shit Bob. I’m gonna lose.”

After Gary spurted out the last of his cum, he pulled Bob to his lips and kissed him. “Your man is going to win, but I’ll be close behind.”

Jed said, “His ass is so loose, it’s like fucking a gym sock.”

The emcee turned on the lights, and the modest sluts pulled their clothes on. Jed pulled out of Gary. The coach’s long softening cock spit out another glob of cum.

At the sight of his boyfriend’s throbbing cock, Bob got a pang of regret that he hadn’t sucked him. But judging by his size, Gary had maxed him out. He was huge. Now he just had to keep it.

Bob watched from backstage as Boomer, Gary, and Jed marched proudly. Judges took notes. Jed did a handstand, hitting himself in the face. It made him look huge. Gary was stroking himself gently, and his member began to swell and lengthen to a nearly impossible size. Jed’s size was impossible. Judges came with tape measures and took measurements. It took a while, because they needed to give a few men a chance to get hard again. Boomer was far and away the longest cock in the show. Attention excited him, and he had grown to his maximum size. He was fat around, but not as fat as Jed by a longshot. Jed’s cock hung to his knee, but Boomer was down to his calf. It was too huge to stand up. In the “show-ers” section, Hoyt was clever. He had avoided any sex at all backstage. He had soaked his cock in ice water. It was tiny, almost as small as Bob’s. When Hoyt took the stage, the whole audience booed.

The emcee came to Hoyt’s defense. “Don’t forget, we’ve got a growers category.” Hoyt looked at Jed and licked his lips. He was imagining dirty things, no doubt, because swiftly, his nipple of cock grew into a banana. A big banana. The crowd cheered. Hoyt must have won, but the judges were still doing calculations.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a clear winner in the length category. Would Boomer Evans please step forward.” Boomer was half hard. He swung his cock between his legs to get the blood moving. It grew to its impressive length. Men were throwing their business cards at Boomer. He grinned and stepped back in the line.

“Hoyt is our most impressive grower.” Hoyt stepped forward, grinning. His cock was at rest in retreat. He rubbed it a dozen times and it swelled to its unbelievable size. The crowd roared. Hoyt stepped back in line.

We have an interesting tie in two categories. Jed Bledsoe and Gary Merrill are in a dead heat for Thickest and Biggest. We need the audience to decide who’s biggest. The runner up will be the thickest.”

A drunk patron cried out, “How do we decide?”

The emcee smiled. “You’re each invited to hold them in your arms and decide for yourself. If you have an injury, don’t try to lift them.” There was a table with ballots. In an orderly but lustful fashion, the crowd filed up onto stage, squeezing, shaking, slapping and weighing. Jed was rock hard. He loved the admirers. Bob knew that apart from his competitor Gary, none of the people in the room could give Jed pleasure with more than their hands. So he wasn’t jealous.

The Emcee took the stage for the last time. “The ballots have been cast. World’s Thickest Cock is awarded to...Gary Merrill. Jed Bledsoe has the World’s Biggest Dick.”

Despite his prowess, Jed was a bashful country boy at heart. He smiled and nodded as men handed him business cards. Some scribbled on the back of the cards. Bob wondered what they could be.