Worried, please help!


Just Browsing
Jun 16, 2006
I am 31 yeras old, i thought that I knew my penis pretty well but, about 2 weeks ago i noticed what seems like a knot or hard spot inside the head of my penis. It is about the size of the tip of my finger, it is not not painful nor has it changed the look of my penis. I was wondering if this is part of the corpus spongiosum, and have just never noticed it or can it possibly be a disease or cancer. I have been married for the last 6 years, with no other sexual partners. Please help. Thanks
Probably nothing serious, but suggest you see your GP, anyway.

I had what may have been a similar experience several years ago. After an ultrasound examination, the doc told me that it was nothing to worry about, and that it would pass in a couple of weeks. It did, and I've never had a recurrence.
Go see a urologist. Preferably one that is kind, compassionate, and not older than dirt. I had to go get mine checked yesterday. I was injured during kidney stone surgery. I had to ask some blunt questions, and I made jokes and wore a red shirt so my face would match. Just do it man.
Ditto to the above, B@amB@am. Unlike ears, eyes, kidneys or even testicles, you only have one penis. Check it out with a urologist ASAP.
This problem can be caused from a number of things (calcium deposit forming, blood clot, tumor, or just trauma to some cells...) -- the exact location and texture is of importance and especially the rate of growth if it is growing. You said that you noticed it within the last 2 weeks -- was it there before that and is it growing at a rapid rate? That is from nothing to the size of the end of your finger in that time. See a doc who can run tests as soon as possible pal. And don't be embarrassed med profs have learned to deal with personal problems and are here to help in confidence.
Never treat "junior" lightly. Had a cock ring one time that was a bit too tight, and I ended up with a blood blister on the glans.

My GP at the time was gay, and as a 100% straight male one would assume that I would be, let's say, concerned about discussing "business" with someone who might have something other than a professional interest in my problem area.

Wrong! In fact, he was so comprehensive that I was surprised at what I learned from him. His discussions, however, did range beyond medical advise to more personal satisfaction (mine, not his) techniques. In the end, pardon the pun, I was told I would probably have a remnant, discoloration, of the blood blister forever, but it just added to junior's personality.

Downside: as a marked member I could easily be picked out of a line-up. Thinking about testimony against Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson now. "Yes, and does the witness remember any distinguishing characterstics...?"