Wow found this guy on OF today super nice gut to chat with too

Subscribed a few months ago, just one time, because he didn't post a lot at all, a few videos and very short ones, and when I see that since my membership came to an end (around 2 months), he only has 6 new posts, that convinced me I was right not to renew.
Most of these guys claimed to be 18 or 19 but really they’re 21 and 22 lol not a big deal but it really causes a trust issue. Just beware with most of these guys.
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Well you were definitely talking to a bot, so
Oh yeah. Never ever trust anyone on OF. 99% chance you’re talking to a paid chatter or bot. It’s absolutely insane how bad it is and now many fall for it. Even if you ask they’ll deny. Ask for a selfie or something to prove it’s them. They’ll get extremely defensive and you’ll quickly get blocked. If you must stay on OF, just buy the content. Don’t chat. It’s all fake anyway and there greedy ass holes for the most part. (With a few exceptions)
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Most of these guys claimed to be 18 or 19 but really they’re 21 and 22 lol not a big deal but it really causes a trust issue. Just beware with most of these guys.
There’s a whole group of these scammers ran by what seems to be the same agency: @MaksedBoy06, @RippedRomeo_06, @Gymnerdboi, @jackedoherty, @thebignoahadler. They all claim to be 18/19 but they’re really 21/22 out of the Pensacola area. They all use an evil agency that chats for them. complete scammers and avoid them at all costs! Also adding to the ran by agencies page.
Maskedboy06 super nice guy fun to talk too defenitly buying grom him again
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Well I wouldn’t ever buy from him. His agency will butter you up just for the sale. More than likely it’s recycled content anyway. Don’t trust anyone on OF. They’ve been hooked in by these agencies for “hands off easy money” and most of the time get totally screwed themselves - especially since they only get 20% of the total take. No wonder their content cost so freaking much. Gotta pay OF tax (20%) agency tax (60%) then govt tax (upwards of 35-45% of the 20% they eventually get. So that’s like $8-10 for a $75 purchase if there’re lucky. That’s INSANE and should be illegal. These agencies are greedy money grabbing ass holes. But that’s just my opinion lol. Avoid at all costs and spread the word.
Oh yeah. Never ever trust anyone on OF. 99% chance you’re talking to a paid chatter or bot. It’s absolutely insane how bad it is and now many fall for it. Even if you ask they’ll deny. Ask for a selfie or something to prove it’s them. They’ll get extremely defensive and you’ll quickly get blocked. If you must stay on OF, just buy the content. Don’t chat. It’s all fake anyway and there greedy ass holes for the most part. (With a few exceptions)
True. Last very big example and proof of it, is that French guy @misterbatmanx who, wonder why, want to speak only in english and you to answer him in english too, when you talk to him in french, knowing that french is his mother language... the same with Chris Damned, whose mother language is French, but doesn't understand when you write him in french. And weirdly, those guys, who should be super busy, anser you in the minute, at any time of the day or the night. Totally obvious, you don't speak to the "real guy"
True. Last very big example and proof of it, is that French guy @misterbatmanx who, wonder why, want to speak only in english and you to answer him in english too, when you talk to him in french, knowing that french is his mother language... the same with Chris Damned, whose mother language is French, but doesn't understand when you write him in french. And weirdly, those guys, who should be super busy, anser you in the minute, at any time of the day or the night. Totally obvious, you don't speak to the "real guy"
Sad really. Only fans needs to fix it or say you’re not actually talking to the creator most of the time. It’s fraud. In any other instance it would be prosecuted. But it’s too much of a money maker that they look away. I deleted my account and never looking back. Greedy money grabbing ass holes. And most of the creators only get 20% of the total take. So they’re getting totally screwed. Hopefully people will wake up to it but most seem to be blind to it or don’t care. I’m nether which is why I’m all in for warning everyone I can about this shit before I get blocked or blacklisted lol. I don’t care honestly. Just be careful friends. They don’t care. They’re all in it for the money. That’s it. Greed is evil.
Due to an issue with another OF creator (which was fully resolved because I hired a skip tracing attorney to find & sue him due to the amount scammed - long story. If you want to hear it, DM me), we happened upon this guys real (100% confirmed) name & instagram because he is linked to the other creator. Meaning his X & OF are def being run by an agency. A very shitty one at that! They lie about his age saying he’s “freshly 18” when he’s really 22, recycles the same content over and over and over again and claims he’s gay when he’s really not. They’ll do anything to get money out of you. Go check his X account out and you’ll get a lesson on how NOT to let an agency run your account. It’s comical actually - like they are on repeat with the replies lol

Never buy any content from ‘him’ or sub to his premium. You’ve been warned. And I won’t share his real name or insta on here. That would hurt more than help. Greed is an evil thing. Avoid OF completely as a general rule. They enable this behavior because it makes them BANK. Greedy scamming money grabbing assholes
Due to an issue with another OF creator (which was fully resolved because I hired a skip tracing attorney to find & sue him due to the amount scammed - long story. If you want to hear it, DM me), we happened upon this guys real (100% confirmed) name & instagram because he is linked to the other creator. Meaning his X & OF are def being run by an agency. A very shitty one at that! They lie about his age saying he’s “freshly 18” when he’s really 22, recycles the same content over and over and over again and claims he’s gay when he’s really not. They’ll do anything to get money out of you. Go check his X account out and you’ll get a lesson on how NOT to let an agency run your account. It’s comical actually - like they are on repeat with the replies lol

Never buy any content from ‘him’ or sub to his premium. You’ve been warned. And I won’t share his real name or insta on here. That would hurt more than help. Greed is an evil thing. Avoid OF completely as a general rule. They enable this behavior because it makes them BANK. Greedy scamming money grabbing assholes
OF was great at his beginnings, subscribed to dozens and dozens accounts, was fully satisfied. Now, I avoid this site, since it quicly turned to a fake and scammers machine.
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OF was great at his beginnings, subscribed to dozens and dozens accounts, was fully satisfied. Now, I avoid this site, since it quicly turned to a fake and scammers machine.
You’re 100000% correct. And OF won’t do anything about it even tho it breaks their TOS because it makes them so much money. Insane. More guys need to learn to think less with their dick and more with their brain lol

There is a lawsuit against OF & the managing agencies for fraud because they don’t disclose the fact you’re chatting with someone else and not the creator. Hopefully it gains traction and at least forces OF to stop allowing it. Or make the creators disclose. But who knows. Just avoiding OF has been the best decision ever. I’ve saved so much money. And I’m a happier person because I’m not pissed that these dudes were trying to scam me.
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You are welcome. these liars and scammers deserve to be exposed for who they are. And even though he is very hot it is not an excuse for his misleading us to buy his shit. As he mentioned above they are all just in it for the money. Making a living is one thing but taking advantage is another. And they all do it. Enjoy the pics while there up. I am sure they will be taken down at some point
I don't know where all those new methods, agencies, messages spamming, lies, only PPV, expensive videos etc. are from ? Because I'm not even sure that those new "methods" are worth it for creators themselves... Personaly, they only make me run away !
I don't know where all those new methods, agencies, messages spamming, lies, only PPV, expensive videos etc. are from ? Because I'm not even sure that those new "methods" are worth it for creators themselves... Personaly, they only make me run away !

You are exactly right. Not a good way to do long term business. They just want money now and don’t care about the future. A lot of these guys spend all of there money on cars and other crazy shit so they have to keep the scam going to pay for it all. Then there looks will go away and they cannot get a real job because this stays on the internet forever. It will be interesting to see what these guys do for work in a few years when they have to get a real job if they even can
There’s a whole group of these scammers ran by what seems to be the same agency: @MaksedBoy06, @RippedRomeo_06, @Gymnerdboi, @jackedoherty, @thebignoahadler. They all claim to be 18/19 but they’re really 21/22 out of the Pensacola area. They all use an evil agency that chats for them. complete scammers and avoid them at all costs! Also adding to the ran by agencies page.
The agency name is Commodum agency out of Gulf Breeze, FL. It is ran by @maskedboy06 aka Zachary Thompson and @jackedoherty aka Ken Burridge. They will lie and scam the shit out of you. There’s a photo in this thread that shows the information for the agency including the address in the mirror selfie. Just zoom in and you can see everything. If you are scammed by them, Zach has made it easy to contact them directly by posting that photo on X many times! Or just do it because you want to. Liars and scammers. Seems right for these guys. You can also find him on instagram @zack.t13. Scammers like these guys deserve all the exposure they get
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The agency name is Commodum agency out of Gulf Breeze, FL. It is ran by @maskedboy06 aka Zachary Thompson and @jackedoherty aka Ken Burridge. They will lie and scam the shit out of you. There’s a photo in this thread that shows the information for the agency including the address in the mirror selfie. Just zoom in and you can see everything. If you are scammed by them, Zach has made it easy to contact them directly by posting that photo on X many times! Or just do it because you want to. Liars and scammers. Seems right for these guys. You can also find him on instagram @zack.t13. Scammers like these guys deserve all the exposure they get
You missed your true calling, detective ! ahah, good work btw
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You missed your true calling, detective ! ahah, good work btw
Thank you. I just think scammers like this need to be exposed for who they really are and when they slip up and leak their own information, it is even better. But he took and posted the picture willingly, so he can not blame us for acting on the information that is on it.