
Expert Member
Jul 17, 2023
Bangor, ME, USA
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Hi, I'm an older raw bottom, that's still clean, disease free and negative, I always loved the feeling of poppers, which are quite socially accepted, after many years of using them, I ended up with a mild stroke, which luckily only affected a minute amount of my peripheral vision, I'm very open with my doctor, and always have about my lifestyle and use of poppers.
Since the mild stroke, my doctor actually brought up the idea of Cloudeee Tina, saying that it would be safer for me than the oxygen displacing poppers, informing me that I can take it orally, rectally, inhaled and of course injected which h she didn't recommend or condone, but she did suggest that I try one of the other options forementioned, which I have and enjoy, but I only use as a treat before a play date, and I'm thrilled with the results and performance, so now with that background information ℹ your opinion is becoming socially acceptable to do so, and what experience has brought you to your conclusion, I always partake before arriving to a play date, usually inhaled and rectally, especially before long sessions of bdsm, groups or bath houses, so long story short, my personal care physician has created a cloudy cock crazed cum addicted masculine looking bear bottom monster that was always who I have been but with greater intensity and passion for who I am, I'm thankful for a Dr that thinks outside of the box, she's helped me still have that enjoyable rush that fuels me, and that brings up question number 2 , is it a deal breaker for me to arrive at a hook up pre spun and ready for fun?
Thank you for reading, your time, opinion and input, I look forward to the responses no matter what side of the line you are on.


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I've been well, having fun and still clean, disease free and negative, I hope all is well with you too

Surprised you haven't gotten any comments on your post. Anyway, how have you been? I hope you've been free of all health problems. No judgment, only good wishes, my friend.
Yes, to me it is a deal breaker for a guy to arrive at a play date under the effect (or drunk) for 2 reasons:

1) It blurs the lines of consent. I don't really know whether the person I'm having sex with is fully conscious and accepting of what I do, or they think they are but they've mistaken the dose, or done a dose of drugs which were impure or different and therefore having an unexpected effect. I prefer to avoid the issue altogether.
2) It makes it impossible to connect. It becomes "cold" sex and therefore somewhat boring. For example, I love looking at a guy in the eyes while I fuck, and drugs make it impossible or scary.

Drugs like tina are extremely addictive, both physically and psychologically. I've met many people who are unable to have sex while not under the effect, and this is addiction.
A completely different thing is a moderate use of poppers, which has a quickly fading effect and can be helpful in relaxing for anal sex when it is difficult, for some people. I don't know if the use is heavy and prolongued, I see many people have it as a fetish, but again the effect seems to be much shorter.

In your case it is unfortunate that you can't use poppers anymore because of heart reasons, but to me it seems crazy that a doctor would recommend to replace it with methamfetamine as a "safer" option.

To be clear: there's nothing inherently wrong with doing drugs, and adults are free to choose to do it. I'm just wary of the extreme risk that comes with it, and I wanted to say how I feel about it myself.
I'm all for it! For me it enhances it, especially with someone as jaded towards sex as I am I need something to keep it interesting. Now I don't stay fucked up all the time and I won't do it if I have prior commitments. So its a definite yay from me and if people don't like it I really don't care
For me, it's just asking for trouble. There aren't a lot of guys who can be moderate users without depending on it. I've tried it twice, and it didn't make me horny, it just make me feel euphoric and tactile. It also seems to make dicks unable to get hard and even shrink, so I don't see the point if you're wanting to fuck, unless the bottom is partaking and the top isn't. Even then, it's not a scene I want to get into.