Your Hottest Sexual Experience!

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Sep 26, 2017
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I am a huge fan of written erotica. Seeing that Valentine's Day is approaching the 2nd contest will be your Hottest Sexual Experience.

The rules....
You have to post your experience in this thread.
Submissions will be open until February 13th :)
Submissions must be no longer than 600 words.
The participants in the story/experience have to be over 18 and have to be willing participants.

The Prizes....
Instead of one winner, this contest will have 3 Winners. All three will win $250.

Please note, if the winner is not a Gold Member they will win $100 plus a 1 Year LPSG Gold Membership.

If you have any questions please post them HERE! this thread is strictly for the stories/experiences only :) 58 and married to a woman. Our sex life has become non existent for the past 17 years. During this time my desire has grown to unimaginable heights. Just recently one of my best friends, also married and same age began to spend more and more time with me. He approached me with first wanting to kiss me after we had a long workout at the gym and a long personal talk about our lack of intimacy with our wives. I agreed to kiss him and the desire went over the top. We kissed from the mouth to the neck down the chest to the nipples and down my trail of hair to my bush and then raging dick. I havent felt so alive in years. The most incredible sex in decades occurred. I never dreamed what a man could make me feel. This is just the beginning.....more to cum!
This quarantine has been especially hard. My girlfriend lives in another state with her at-risk parents. I’ve been horny as fuck.

At first, I actually had the virus - thankfully it wasn’t fatal or too serious. But I had to self-isolate and was feeling so bad that I didn’t even want to jerk off or even look at porn. I still had raging hard-ons all the time, it felt, since I was sleeping all the time.

I recovered and the weather began to warm up. I was able to go out for walks and such. The town I live in did not take down basketball rims and such. One day I was riding my bicycle in my jock strap around town and saw a few guys playing a pick up game. They were younger than I was, some in college, some possibly even in high school.

By this time I hadn’t gotten off in maybe 6 weeks. The hormones just weren’t at that level, but things were building up a bit. Some of the guys were playing without their shirts which definitely built things up a bit. But, I kept it in my pants and had a great time and eventually winning the couple of games I played in. Most of the guys were lean and fit but there was this one tall dark-skinned guy who caught my attention. He had strong legs and a nice tight ass. He was most likely Indian with strong shoulders which you could tell were not fully developed, but getting there and had great potential and tapered waistline. He had a slightly large nose and short curly hair. We all shoot the shit for a bit before it starts to rain and go our separate ways.

A few days pass and I go for several bike rides. One hot day, the same kid and his friend - a shorter white boy are practicing receiving some football passes. It was a hot and sunny day, so the white guy had his shirt off. He had a great body, wide shoulders, defined pecs, hairless and pretty pale. I rode away for a few miles before returning to the Indian kid shooting free throws by himself. I admired his consistency to get free throws down.

I shot around with him for a bit and we got to talking about how crazy everything is. Turns out he’s a senior in high school and only 17. His name was Vinny. As much as I previously could not keep my eyes off of him, once he said that, I knew it was forbidden. He talked about not being able to have prom or graduation and how that really upset him. The subject got onto girlfriends and he had one but her parents are really uptight and we commiserated over not being able to get any love in almost 2 months at this point so he got out his frustration exercising and “other ways”. Remembering his age and not wanting to tempt myself, I didn’t push for more details. However, he brought up the fact that his birthday was in 3 weeks. He was sad because he couldn’t have a big party, but I was happy because I could make a move.

Three weeks pass by, and I see Vinny a few more times at the court, my eyes full of hidden lust waiting for his 18th birthday to pass. The conversation casually became detailed sexually occasionally. It was difficult but I controlled myself.

Finally, a few days before his birthday, we meet again at the park. “How are you going to celebrate? Finally see your girlfriend?”

“No. Definitely not. Her uncle got COVID and isn’t doing well so her parents are on extra lock-down.”

“Damn that sucks man, sorry.” I chuckle.

“Guess it’s just me and your hand tonight.” It was an obvious honest slip up of words as we quickly make eye contact and he corrects himself, beet-red, “I mean me and my hands tonight”.

I raise my eyebrow and pretend to break his balls, “You want a handjob from me, you’re so backed up?”

I thought he’d be more embarrassed but says, “...Well… wouldn’t hurt haha” At this point, he does get more embarrassed, and more red, not sure if he had crossed a line. An air of awkward silence

I get up from the floor, but quickly sit back down on the bench because I’m hard at this point. “You take care of yourself tonight and let me know how you feel in a few days.” I say to break the tension and struggling to keep my hands to myself. Thankfully, a family’s dogs run over and start sniffing us and around us. (Very beautiful dogs, btw).

A week passes, the days are a bit more rainy, his birthday obviously passes. I’m not hooking up because COVID and sketchy people on Grindr. All I can think about is this perky slim but of Vinny and what he’s packing in his basketball shorts. So I go one Friday and see him there with the rest of the guys in his group. We play around 3 games before I feel beat. Vinny finishes up too and we head off in the same direction home.

“So… about what you said last week…” He says looking off into the distance.

“Oh, yeah. You been thinking about it a lot?”

“Yeah man. It’s definitely been on my mind.”

“Have you ever done anything like that with your friends… you’re pretty young too”

“I turned 18! It’d be my first time but .. I trust you” He look straight into my soul through my eyes.

I lead him towards my house. We drink some gatorade and take a seat. Since we’re both sweaty and gross, I ask him if he wants to take a shower. He suggests we shower together.

We get to the bathroom, I’m undressed in a flash but he awkwardly takes off his clothes - very nervously. His body is fit and muscular, but slim with barely an ounce of fat on him. His abs are visible with a beautiful v-line. His chest is sculpted and naturally full with all the sports he plays. And a farmer’s tan! He turns around, almost embarrassed, as he takes off his pants to reveal a perky but with nice dimples on the top and side.

I pull his hand and lead him into the shower which is warm by this point. Soaping his front side down, I gently take hold of his growing cock and stroke it. He looks intensely and innocently at me with confusion and pleasure. We lean in and our lips meet. Clearly an inexperienced kisser, his mouth gapingly allows my tongue in and he becomes instantly hard.

When we pull away for some air. He has a huge smile on his face and I smirk back at him. “Let’s finish showering. Sex in the shower is actually not that great.”

His dick is a bit thinner than mine but a decent length, maybe half an inch shorter than mine. Full bush. His legs are fairly hairy as well and thick. We dry off and make our way to the bed. This time I’m leading him by his dick which is still hard.

We sit and make out some more.

I pull back and ask “so, what did you want to do?” as I stroke his dick and feel his smooth chest and hard nipples.

“At this point… anything you want me to do” he says desperately.

I tussle his curly hair and lean in for a kiss. “Well I have lube, I have condoms but since neither of us have had time to really clean out, we’ll skip any penetration I guess… Have you ever had a blowjob from a guy before?”

He nervous scratches and shakes his head.

“Have you ever gotten head before?”

“Yeah, definitely, Amy would prefer that to actually fucking most of the time.”

“Phew, okay so you’re not a complete virgin” I signal him to get on the bed and spread his feet apart while I crawl between his legs.

The moment I lick his shaft and suck he gasps quickly. He’s already leaking precum, I love it. I wrap his dick with my tongue and glide up and down slowly. He’s staring deep into my eyes with lust as I take his cock in my throat.

“How’s that feel?”

“I… I’ve felt head like this before. It’s amazing.”

With that, I smile and bob up and down even quicker and deeper. His cock fits perfectly down my throat as his pubes tickle my nose. I stick out my tongue to massage his balls as well. (Definitely weird sucking a dick with a full bush, tbh, but I was into it.)

I can tell he’s getting close as he’s tensing up. So I stop and ask him if he wants to try sucking my dick or if he’s good.

“Maybe next time…” He answers hesitantly.

“Do you want me to finish you off now?” I’m kneeling in front of him with his diamond-hard cock in my hands.

He says yes and requests that I play with his balls some more. I oblige him and do just that. He squirms with pleasure as I do so. He tenses up and I know he’s gonna cum so I quickly go down on him with deep long strokes while using my left hand to fondle and play with his balls and taint.

He shouts out something quickly and stuttering so I keep going. His head engorges in my mouth and his warm load shoots all over my tongue and deep into my mouth. Six large spurts into my mouth and it is delicious and hot. I continue sucking as he is gasping for air and tensing his legs and abs. I finally let up and lick my lips while he is in disbelief as to what just happened. Pretty sure I just blew this boy’s mind.

“Oh my … “ He lets out. His dick is still rock hard sticking into the air. Oh to be young again. “That was unbelievable…”

I move to give him a kiss but he pulls away. “Didn’t… you swallow?”

“Is that a problem?” I lean in and give him a taste of his cum. He stops for a moment but continues kissing me. I smirk while we kiss knowing I’ve definitely awoken something in this barely legal boy.

We’ve met up a couple of times since then, I’ll have to post about it soon.
Had my friends Dad calling me Daddy
Was Friends for a while & knew the family. Would go over swimming at their house. We get done swimming go inside and while his son was upstairs showing I was sitting at the dining room sitting in my bathing suit. Dad came in and we started to chat. I don’t remember the details but I started to get a hard on. I tucked it in my waistband. He was seeing me mess with my shorts and I got up to go to the fridge. I grabbed a drink and started to walk back to sit down. He said your a big boy and I turned beat red knowing what he meant. I just stopped in my tracks nervous and scared of what to say. He came closer to me put his hands on my hips & we kissed very lightly on the lips & he said said we’ll finish this tonight. He was a stud with a six pack,big arms hot older man. I was a tall hung skinny friend of his son. Shortly after I got in the shower and shaved myself smooth. I stayed over & About midnight I heard the parents door open up & close and someone go downstairs. I waited another 10-15 minutes nervous and wondering what I should do. I convinced myself to do it and walked downstairs. I went to the fridge grabbed a water and noticed him sitting in the dark living room. I went over and sat down beside him. He knew I was nervous and helped calmed me down. He finally went for it grabbed my waistband and pulled my dick out. He started sucking me off in the dark it was great. He blew me until I cummed down his mouth. He got up kissed me on the cheek and said I’ll be seeing you again soon. I was happy and excited all at once. We exchanged #’s and I came over during the week when nobody was home. It was so hot hearing a dad call me Daddy while I fucked his ass. He was so much fun and The hottest bottom I’ve ever encountered..
Once upon a time I asked my girlfriend if she would ever be interested in having a threesome, or just being shared with a man with a larger than average penis. She said she had been with larger than average guys before, and that she was not impressed, it did not make a difference, and sometimes it hurt. Besides that, she actually got angry with me, assuming that my question meant I wasn’t happy with just me and her.

I explained to her that it would just be fun, and that she would enjoy it, and that the bigger guy would just be a novelty sort of thing, and that it turned me on to see it. she agreed to try it, still under the impression that it would make no difference. We didn’t get around to jumping into it until I went away for work. She got horny, the lack of connection and sex wore on her and she was now willing to try what I had suggested.

We went online and searched, we ended up finding a very thick 8” long college boy who was pretty inexperienced, and a late 30’s 9.5 inch and thick black man. I was away for work so we ordered a camera on amazon and a tripod so I could watch. What I witnessed was mindblowing. I will first let you all know that she usually orgasms a few times, maybe 2 or 3 times from sex normally, and sometimes she squirts. Before I met her she never tried anal, and she became an anal newbie with me, we did it a handful of times.

The black man was the first really hung guy she was ever with, his dick hung down almost to his knee. He fucked her gently but she still couldn’t take it, she ran and he held her and kept going. She said afterwards the sex was so intense, and she had never felt something so deep before. The feeling was so good and she wanted to continue to see hung guys.

The next guy was our hung college student. He was thick from base to head, and she moans so loud when he puts her legs up. The first time they fucked he had her squirting instantly. and she orgasmed effortlessly.

Since then she has met with both of them multiple times, I have watched every time they met. I have since asked her announce that “I’m cumming” when she orgasms so I can count, usually I count more than 10, and the first one is almost instant once they push their thick cocks deep into her. The college student hits her just right to make her squirt, and once they started trying anal she started quirting from that too. I can only make her orgasm in some positions and I can only make her squirt when I pound super hard and deep with her legs on my shoulders. The college boy makes her orgasm over and over in any position and squirting is just a given.

The last time she met one of the was the best. The bedroom is being redone so they fucked on the couch. She met with the black man and since she was pinned by the back of the couch she was not able to run. I watched while her noises changed from loud moans to deep gutteral groans as she was forced to take all 9.5 inches deep. Afterwards I asked her how many orgasms she had, and she replied that she just orgasmed continuously the entire time.
Okay, so I was living in Argentina for around a month now (October 2019). My friend came down to visit me from Canada, and he’s very sexually liberated, to put it at least. We’re both gay men, in our mid-20s, and pretty attractive, but my friend is all about the hookup lifestyle – Grindr, sex parties, the whole thing. While I wish I was as liberated as him, I’m still a little reserved about circuit parties and stuff. So, after drinking some Argentine wine he asks if I wanna go to the bathhouse. Normally I would say no that’s not my thing, but after a bottle of wine I was a little drunk, and of course, a little horny as well. In this certain place, you have to be 21, and there is a “section” of whom can enter and not. We stand in line, and we are ushered to the front to pay and get our locker. My friend and I giggle as we head to the steam room to get more comfortable.

Maybe it was something about the darkness – the mystery of it all – made me super horny and eager to see who’s out there. I don’t know how it happened, but I got lost from my friend as we started to talk to different men, and I made my way into the dark room. The feeling of guys rubbing up and down my crotch and backside made me instant hard. I start kissing men around me while they start groping and playing with my hard cock, I’m not even sure how many men were around me, feeling me up and down, our lips locking. I get on my knees and start blowing from what I can tell to be a muscle daddy who was rubbing his thick cock around my hole when I had my back to him.

voy a venir…” I hear after being on my knees for only a few minutes. Suddenly, a wave of his rich thick cum slams into the back of my throat and I swallow every last drop. Feeling the pulsating of his uncut cock pouring all of his warm, tasty cum down my throat. I feel someone grab my hair and pull me to the right, another muscle daddy-looking outline thrusts his cock into my own and starts face-fucking me. After what only seems like a few seconds, I feel his balls start to retract, he lets out a big moan and once again my mouth is flooded with his warm, thick cum. I swallow every last bit as I feel all ropes of his cum pulsate out of his rock-hard cock. I hear him whisper “good boy…” in his Argentine accent.

Two more guys on my left are jerking off their cocks, and I turn to them to cum on my face. Both of them do it, almost simultaneously. I wipe the loads of the two men around my face and chest while I jerk myself off, being their cum as lube. That was probably one of the biggest loads I have ever made. Usually my cum is thick, but this time I shot a couple of loads, the men around me holding back my hair. I go to the shower to clean up, and get dressed, and see my friend waiting outside for me, on his phone, he says to be “I was trying to find to you, where were you?”

There is a 600-word limit so I’ll leave it here, but let’s say that my first time at the bathhouse wasn’t my last….
A suggestion from my boyfriend while he has been out of the country has elevated my sexual desires to new heights (or should I say lengths). A huge throbbed black cock is not something I would have normally considered to be an addition to my life. Exploring has changed that for me. Together, we met a black man online with a fully erect 9.5 girth inches to hookup and video with me so that we could share the experiences. Our first and second meetups were entirely too much, I could not relax and enjoy myself nor could I focus on anything but my boyfriend who was missing by my side. Black man disappeared after the second meet up...probably for the best at the time. After, however, we were on high alert to try to find and invite him again. The lead was cold for months but he reappeared and I have met with him twice since. He showed up at my door and I had been wet and ready all day. I dressed up for him, all nervous and excited to experience him again and see where it would go. He went up to the bedroom that we had previously fucked in and I couldn't wait to see his cock again. I sucked him for a few minutes and he said, "Baby girl, I haven't had sex in a minute and if you keep going like that I'll cum" so, I was challenged and kept going at it harder for a bit and he came in my mouth. By this time I couldn't stand him not being inside of me so when he got hard again I bent my ass over and spread my legs and his first thrust was orgasmic. He pounded me doggy for awhile and I couldn't breathe. He then pulled me to my back towards the edge of my bed and with varying intensity and deepness thrusted in and out of my pussy. As I warmed up, I could take him deeper and I squirted on his cock. My legs were shaking and I could no longer control them, my boyfriend and I call it my Bambi legs, and I kept orgasming until black man came with me.
I've had the pleasure of seeing him again this, just a few weeks ago. We used the couch since my bedroom is being renovated. I enjoyed sucking his cock for a good 10 minutes to see how far I could take it in my mouth, destroying my makeup and making my eyes water. After this, I wanted him inside of me so I braced myself on the back of the couch and he held my hips to enter me doggy and I lost it. In our past meetups, I have been able to run from him penetrating too deep if it was too intense. This time, I was pinned and I liked it. He held my hips and then my hair as he pounded and I took all 9.5 inches inside of me. It took my breath away with continuous orgasming and at the point where I normally can't go on, he did not stop as he had done before. His thrusts got more intense as my pussy opened up to fully take him. He had been begging for anal that day and I was so ready that he was able to take my ass and he came while I squirted on the couch cushions.
Can't wait to see him again.
Probably Next Tuesday

My best friend, Nate is a model, he's six feet tall, with a perfect lean model sculpted body,
everything about him is model perfect. We went to the same college, he dropped out two
semesters later to pursue modeling, while I end up stuck at a dead end job at the diner,
washing filthy dishes from people I don't care to know because my student loan was not
approved, and I have rent to pay.

Yesterday, Nate knocked at my apartment that I can barely pay, he lives four apartment
doors away. "So you still got the car right?" Nate asked, I stared at his just brushed Colgate
peppermint scented teeth. That's weird, am I having some kinda teeth fetish with him?
"Yup, but not sure if I can hold on to it next month, I might ditch it back to the bank." Nate
smiled, and yes that teeth again. "Listen, I have a gig for you, my assistant who works
with me can't make it to my shoot, what do you think about working for me tonight, in
like 15 minutes from now. Also bring the car, I need a ride." Nate noticed that I was
processing everything. That's when he hand me a hundred bucks. He smiled. How can
I not fall for those pearly whites?

An hour later, I found myself in his shoot location, a rundown apartment right at the
edge of town. His photographer was busy fixing his equipment, I can't believe they used
so much lights and what are those stuffs, gray umbrellas to create artificial reflections.
Nate pulled me inside the bathroom.

Alone with him, I suddenly felt the sweat and panic. What's wrong with me tonight.
"Here, you need to work fast, he wants me to shave, you gotta help me, we're
first gonna do the swimwear shoot" I stared at the vanity bag he gave me. And that's when
I realized that my hand starts to tremble. Did he just asked me to shave him, like
technically if not literally?

He starts applying the light foundation on his face to give himself a tan beach look.
"Go on, just unzip me, you need to shave all my pubes including the ones by my
butt" I don't know what to say. Just an hour ago, he was standing in front of my apartment
door asking me if I still got my car, two weeks ago, he passed by the diner
he waved at me as he saw me washed the dishes by the diner's kitchen window,
I felt a tinge of jealousy, he's with this new girl and with her black mascara on, and I swear
she looks like a hooker, a month ago, I was standing at his apartment door and I made a mistake,
I told him the truth that I like him, he was drunk, he just hugged me and told me probably
next Tuesday he can fit me on his schedule so we can talk. I cried, now he will hate me.

And this was that Tuesday. I stared at his jeans zipper. It's weird how I found myself in
this situation. I mean how many times did I masturbated to the thought of unzipping his
pants only to find myself in this reality, dreams do come true. "What's wrong? Just unzip me"
This time around he's applying some kinda lip gloss. That's when I realized that I'm
actually wet. Damn, my fucking cock is spilling precum all over my pants. I stared at the
gray pants that I was wearing, it's wet as fuck. I can't believe this, what's wrong with me.
As I reach to unzip his jeans, I felt another batch of my sticky precum oozing out of my
cock hole. Probably it's because I had not masturbated for the past three days as I'm so
nervous that I won't be able to pay my rent and I'll end up lining at the city's homeless
shelter, as always you gotta be there before six p.m. or you don't have a bed for the
night. Or is it because I still hate myself for being so stupid to confess my so called love
for him? I unzipped his pants. And right there in front of my face is his seven incher,
still soft. "Here, you can use this" He gave me a light body oil. I reach for the disposable
razor, as I run the oil all over his pubic hair. My fingers rubbing lightly at those hairs
that I'm sure his hooker like girlfriend are twisting on her hooker like fingernails. Why am
I even thinking of her at this moment? "Nate..." He stops what he's doing. "Why, what's
up?" I stared back at his cock. His precum are starting to drip out of his cock hole.
"I don't think that's from the body oil" Nate was shocked. And that did not help either,
he started to get hard. And slowly his cock head slips out of his thin foreskin, the head
glistens under the bathroom's yellow vintage bulb. Precum starts to drop from his now
all swelled up cock head.

This is definitely a weird Tuesday. Everything happened so fast, I removed my pants,
and Nate stared at my hard cock with my precum dripping all over the place. The photographer
knocks at the bathroom door, he needs Nate now, "I think I have to shave you first"
Nate panics. I know that this moment might not happen again, I just reached for his
cock and starts sucking him off. I felt his precum right at my tongue, my other hand
reach for my cock, I played with my cock hole, more precum oozed out of my hole.
Nate finishes up with his make up and applied a cream on his hair while my mouth
kept on sucking his cock, and before I can even ask him if I can swallow his load,
he just creamed on my mouth. Simultaneously, I also climaxed, my white thick load
pumps out of my fucking cock hole that was precum filled earlier.

I quickly worked on his pubes, removing his pubic hair, he turned over, and I
spread his fuck hole and slowly removed the hairs down there, he keeps it hair free
probably his hooker girlfriend is shaving his hole, I can't believe I was still thinking
of her. My jealousy is definitely going out of hand. As I finished up, Nate puts on
a white swimwear for his shoot. He said he brought two bottled water in his bag, one
is for me. He winks at me as he stared back at the cum spilled floor.
"So, do you have plans next Tuesday? I'll be off from the diner, maybe we can
grab a burger or something." Before I can even finish my sentence, Nate kissed me,
I felt his tongue on mine. "But, have a girlfriend..." Nate stared at me,
"You mean my hooker girlfriend?" I blushed. Probably he read my thoughts.
"Probably next Tuesday, let's do this again, I have another shoot, how's that?"
Before I can even answer, Nate touched my cock, I felt his finger as he lightly
played on my cock hole, slowly he opens my cock hole as he rubs the precum out of me.
His cock starts to get hard, his precum also oozed out of his cock hole, it rubs against my
skin. I looked at him. He's definitely interested, probably as he said, next Tuesday,
we'll do this again. And who knows the Tuesday after that, it can lead to more Tuesdays.

The End
The best experience for me thus far is actually how I ended up owning my own home lately in the last year and a bit.

I decided to move into a caravan home, (cheap and affordable for someone of my age) and shortly after the period of moving in one of the sales staff invited me over to a party with just a couple of friends after having her eyes all over me in the local bar, anywho, I went along to the party as any normal single guy would, plus she’s a solid 10/10. The party went great and her abs her friend couldn’t help but notice Lach12 Juniour resting in my pair of shorts. Her friend straight up asked me if I’ve got a big dick or not. Anywho a few days later she told me of her fantasies from wanting sex in one of the expensive lodges, she invited me into one for a drink, again asking if I had a big one or not, I simply said “wanna see it?” To which I flopped it out, got it rubbed, got it sucked and dug it inside of her moments later. Even have a nice little video.
Her being slightly older than me (38) and me being 26 it was great. Every mans dream. Now I’ve got my home cheaper. There is actually tooo baby details to say abs explain it but it’s a time I’ll never forget. Pretty constant too, loves ripping my clothes off which I’ve no issue with.
Well, I've only just recently become an adult, but I had my first and only sexual experience last summer, with my best friend... Who, next summer I'll be going on a long trip with, along with another friend.

He was 19, I was turning 20. We went camping for my birthday, just the two of us, 6 hour hike I believe to our campsite. It was hot, mad hot, close to 100 Degrees (F). It wasn't an eventful day, nor was it supposed to be. Just us two, talking and enjoying the nature around us, away from the city and all of its problems. Surrounded by woods, with the ocean to our east, and another body of water to our west. Nothing but wildlife and trees to our north and south. It was Paradise, if only for a day or two.

By nightfall we were still wide awake! We hiked back to our tent late, midnight, first resting near the water and just listening to the ocean. We didn't get back to our tent til close to 1AM. We had a small lantern hanging inside, and even at night it was still hot. I wore nothing but some slim shorts, he was in shorts as well, along with a light T-shirt. There was some tension, throughout the day there had been moments too... Most especially, I remember him wanting a bite of my sub for lunch eariler that day, so, I put it to his mouth and watched him slowly take a bite, it was intentional if I'm honest... But, by nightfall while we laid there, I forget what it was we said to each other but, next I knew he was sitting on my bulge, looking down at me...

He wiggled his bottom around, just a little, mentioned how I was already hard... How could you tell? I asked, to which I then felt my hard cock push up against him, almost instinctively. Ah, that's how...

Did I really want to do this? He asked. To which I replied by sitting myself up on my elbow, left hand squeezing his bulge, I had never been so brave before. He was hard, rock hard. I could feel it pulsating a little bit.

I looked to his eyes asking for permission, then next I knew he wrapped his legs around my sides, and I pulled his shorts down just enough for his cock to stare me down. It was so different from my angle, I remember... I grabbed it lightly, and immediately I found myself in awe. What was this feeling..?

I slowly began to move my hand back and forth, amazed how his hot, hard cock felt in my hand. Watching the skin move up and down over the head, precum dripping out. It was amazing, yet, foreign. I didn't understand what I was feeling, and it got even more confusing when he got up, me to my knees, and I put my mouth to him.

First I licked, but soon I had it in my mouth. Experimenting... Moving my tongue around, eventually finding I was able to take it past my lips completely. I really liked playing with the tip of his cock, I don't know why. I mentioned how big his cock was, though, in all honesty it was only around 5", but from my view it was big.

It didn't matter though, next thing I knew, my hard cock was in his hands as we both rubbed each other. He replied back, not as big as yours! Which, was true, I was close to 8" fully hard, though in practice closer to 7 1/2".

His hand on mine though... Wow, I... Didn't know what I was feeling. It was very strange, I liked it, but I just didn't know how, or why. It was a foreign feeling, yet I wanted more, and wanted more of him. Eventually I found myself with my thighs to the side of his chest, my hard cock in front of his face. After licking it a bit, which felt, odd too... That sticky sound as he applied lube to my cock began, and soon after he rubbed back and forth. I remember thrusting my hips as he did, it felt so good. It was loud, the smacking from the lube, it made everything so much hotter.

Did I mention it gets hot during sex? I guess it does, it already was hot that night, but as he jerked me off, we were both sweating for sure...

A lot happened that night, I don't remember the order of everything, but I remember it all regardless.

Us rubbing our cocks against each other, my hands rubbing them together as one. Him getting on top of me, and us just embracing one another, not even out of lust but from the loneliness of common life. Feeling each other's naked body. I had checked out his bottom before... He had said he doesn't think it's much, but I think he's wrong... Definitely.

At one point I made him laugh, when I was on my back, him at my cock. I brushed my cock right up against his face. He blushed, I don't think he expected it. Neither of us were a bottom or top that night, we were just, finding our way...

We both tried the same thing. Eventually I too put lube on his cock, and wow, it was slippery to be honest. Eventually we got a little brave, and I turned to his bottom...

He was on his back, and I had lube on my fingers. It didn't take much effort, I already knew he played with himself down there, much more than I. Though, I didn't expect for me to be able to go in so easy and deep... It was so foreign, and weird. Feeling his insides. Anal ended up not going too well. Even if we were more experienced, by that point it was so hot and sweaty, cramped a bit in that tent. It was more of a turn off, even if we really wanted to. Not to mention, I was tight myself down there.

It ended with him cumming all over his chest though. I ended not that night, almost at one point, when he was rubbing it up and down... I remember this most. He said, I'm going to make you cum tonight. But, when he almost did, for some reason it almost, hurt. I think it was too much for me, too much sensitivity. Almost like an overload. By the time I made him finish, we were both so sweaty, tired, and exhausted, I couldn't. But, I still wanted more. Even if not him, just, out of curiosity. It was so strange, and it took many days to process everything.

I did eventually cum, but it was in the morning. I woke up to a very bad case of morning wood... He was barely awake. I asked if it was alright if I handled it, then, I did. I thought of the other night as I did. It being daylight helped actually, not being so dim. My cock stood straight up, flipping up when I pulled down my shorts. My cock now looking to the tree branches high above the tent. It wasn't suprising, but, I came. A lot. I was so happy.

We talked for awhile about it afterwards. I also found myself frequently getting hard as we did on our hike the day after. He's still my best friend, and we aren't interested in dating, but it was one hell of an experience. It was completely opposite of what I had always expected it to be, and of what I thought it would feel like... I even remember once feeling his cock, stopping, then feeling mine. Commenting how different it felt. I was truly in awe, he told me on the car ride home he could tell even.

That was my first and only experience though, as of yet anyways. It was an amazing birthday gift. I wasn't expecting to share this experience here, but seeing the contest, I could use the cash, and it was truly an experience worth having, and sharing.

I hope whoever reads it gets something out of this, even if it's not lustful. I've written erotica before, but that's not what I'm doing now. Instead, just writing down from memory what happened that night.
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Here is a short story of the first time I ever had sex.
It was my 18th birthday and I was at a small party being held by my closest friends at the time. I was close friends with a store owner so they stayed open a while longer than normal and reserved the store for just my friends and I. One of my other friends at the party called me over saying he had a special gift for me that I needed to keep secret from everyone else. He gave me a small box and told me that we were going to his place after the party when I should open it. I agreed and kept it a secret. It was about 7pm when everyone started to leave and the store was going to close so my friend (the one who gave me the box) told me to follow him to his place. After we got to his room, he told me to sit on his bed and open the box. I took it out of my bookbag (which I was wearing cause I was in school earlier that day) and quickly opened the box. Inside was a small prostate massager. It was a small black plug that had a remote with it. I looked up shocked but grateful. My friend told me that he wanted to have sex and make my first time feel special. I agreed to it as he grabbed my hand and started kissing me. Started kissing from my mouth then to my neck when he told me to undress. Both of us did. It was then when I realized how buff he really is, I never really looked at his muscles much before this point but it was a interesting thing to notice then. He played me down on the bed as he kept kissing me, going down slowly until he got to my cock. He started sucking my cock as he spread my legs. The feeling was intense, I had only thought about getting head as something that would quickly pass by but the feeling was intense. Wet his middle finger and put it in my ass, not all the way in yet but enough to make me moan. "You like that" he said as kept fingering me. He grabbed some lube from his desk with a small grin. He put some lube on the prostate massager then put it in my ass. "This should help stretch you out a bit" he said laughing. He pushed a button on the remote from the box as I felt an intense wave a pleasure coming from my ass. I moaned and gripped the bed. I could hardly control myself. He puts down the remote onto his desk and the lays on top of me, his cock was hard against my body as he kissed me. "You enjoying yourself birthday boy?" He asked. I could barely say yes. About two minutes passed, my friend smiles and says, "I think it's time we have some real fun." He presses the button on the remote and I stopped feeling the vibrations. The plug easily comes out of my ass. Then he puts both the remote and the plug into my bookbag in the corner of the the room. As he walks back to me, he was jerking off his 6 inch cock. When he gets to me, he lifts my legs up in the air and says " I hope your ready for this." As he slides his cock in my ass. We both moan. It hurt but it felt good at the same time. Going slowly in and out of my ass, my friend grabs my hand and tells me I'm doing great. First slow, then going a bit faster once it was easier to fuck me. He looked me in my eyes as he thrust deep in me. I let go of his hand and pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arms around him. "That's right, take my dick!" He said fucking me faster and harder. I couldn't catch my breath, it felt amazing and his body rubbing against my cock was starting to make me precum. After a bit, I felt like I was going to explode with pleasure. "I'm about to cum!" I moaned as he leans stands straight, pumping my ass faster, grabbing me by the hips as he says "Me too." Eventually, I couldn't hold it anymore, I shot a big load all over my stomach with a big moan. Seeing this my friend tells me to open my mouth as he takes his cock out of my ass, sticks his cock close to my mouth and shoots a massive load all over my face and in my mouth. It tasted a bit salty. After we both catch out breath, he hands me a towel and I wipe up all the remaining cum left on me. I then go to the bathroom to clean myself up a bit more to make extra sure I did not miss a spot. Then as we both got dressed, he asked if I enjoyed myself and I told him that it was the best birthday ever. He gave me a kiss as I grabbed my bookbag and went home. Sometimes, when I'm home alone, I'll send him a text about that fun night and we talk about it jerk off over the phone.
And that was my first time having sex, I hope you enjoyed it.
Je suis comme dans un rêve obsédant, démoniaque, virtuel et pourtant je le subi pratiquement au quotidien. Tout est bien si réel quand ces corps se frôlent, ces yeux s'épient, ces bouches s'embrassent sur une musique électronique entêtante. Je bois se verre vide de shooter depuis maintenant deux heures, je ne contrôle plus rien, mes gestes sont devenus machinaux, réguliers, pathétiques. Est-ce l'effet de l'alcool ou de ce protoxyde d'azote fournit par Didier ? Suis-je devenu fou, déambulant à moitié nu dans une backroom ? Toutes ces chiennes liées les unes aux autres, se caressants, éprouvants le besoin de baiser. Je suis assis au premier rang de ce spectacle, attendant qu'un des acteurs viennent me tendre la main pour m'inviter sur scène et en faire partie à mon tour. Mon torse est nu, transpirant, luisant et je porte ce jean moulant, déchiré prêt à être déboutonné. Mes lèvres sont chaudes elles attendent d'être dévorées. J'ai la queue pratiquement dure et je crois que cela se voit de plus en plus. Je danse, sans comprendre vraiment pourquoi, je bouillonne de désir, je suis prêt à exploser. J'ai envie d'être possédé, d'être un esclave, soumis, défoncé à coups de reins. Je veux que l'on me tire les cheveux, que l'on me frappe les fesses, que l'on me griffe, que l'on me morde. Je veux être un objet, un défouloir, une pute. Je veux que l'on m'insulte, que l'on me crache dessus, je veux que l'on me crache dans la bouche, sur le visage. Je veux hurler de douleur, sentir un ventre musclé contre mon dos, lécher des aisselles, bouffer des doigts, me faire éclater, donner du plaisir à un autre.

Il y a cet homme de presque quarante ans qui me regarde, il n'est pas très beau, chauve, mais son regard bleu est violent et il est fort. Vêtu d'un marcel noir, je vois ces bras développés prêt à me serrer contre lui, me tordre le coup. Son sourire me lance une invitation, puis il se lève et se rend au vestiaire récupérer son blouson. Je ne comprend pas, je le veux lui, mon ventre se noue, mon cœur s'emballe quand soudain il me fait signe, je dois le suivre. Je récupère mon manteau en fausse fourrure, il est déjà dehors. Je quitte cet endroit, je sent mon rythme cardiaque qui s'accélère, mon cerveau s'agiter, ma gorge se noue, je le suis. Il se dirige vers une ruelle sombre, je commence à douter, je ne connais même pas son nom, je ne sais pas ce qui m'attends, j'hésite, mais continue de marcher. L'endroit a l'air discret, c'est une impasse entre deux immeubles, au bout, des bennes à ordures qu'il déplace doucement pour se faufiler vers le mur. Il fait noir, très noir, je me rapproche de plus en plus de lui et commence même à entendre sa respiration. Il enlève son blouson et baisse son pantalon, je m'arrête un cours instant, puis passe à mon tour les poubelles. Je suis maintenant face à lui, cet individu dont je ne connais rien, j'aimerai lui poser quelques questions, mais il se tend vers moi pour m'embrasser. Il est grand, plus grand que moi, je dirai un mètre quatre-vingt cinq à peu près. Il me serre contre lui et je le sent il a envie de moi.

"Qu'est ce que tu aimes ?"

Sa voix est grave, virile, tellement sensuelle, je l'embrasse à nouveau.

"Je veux que tu me défonces contre ce mur, je veux avoir mal, je veux que tu me violes et que tu jouisses en moi"

Il me sourit, pose ses deux mains sur le visage, glisse ses deux pouces dans ma bouche et d'un geste fort m'invite à m'agenouiller devant lui. Je baisse son boxer et commence à lécher ses couilles, en sentir l'odeur.

"Frappe moi le visage avec ta queue"

Il s'exécute, pendant que je gobe ses deux boules, puis je met sa queue en bouche. Elle est longue, épaisse, c'est une bonne grosse queue rien que pour moi. Il me tire les cheveux et me fait faire des vas et viens, j'adore ça. Je le branle, la bouche grande ouverte sur ma langue, embrasse son gland avec mes lèvres. Je ne perds pas une goutte de son liquide pré-séminal et lui demande de me gifler. Il le fait, j'en veux encore, et encore, et encore, il commence alors à m'insulter et me met ces vingt centimètres au fond de la gorge cogne, ressort, et ce à plusieurs reprises.

Il me tire par les cheveux pour que je me relève et me jette face au mur. J'aime sa violence, il m’enlève mon pantalon, je porte un string, il se met à genou, m'écarte les fesses des deux mains et me lèche le trou. Je lui dis de me frapper et d'un geste puissant je sens sa main percuter mon corps. Un léger crie sort de moi, il se relève, caresse mon anus avec sa bite.

"Tu la veux ?"

"Oui vas y, je veux être ta pute"

"Je met une capote ?"

"Non j'ai dit que je voulais être ta pute"

Il met de la salive sur sa queue, et me pénètre, me défonce.

"Met moi tes doigts en bouche ... Insulte moi ... Vas y défonce moi !"

Il me prend les cheveux et me cogne plusieurs fois la tête contre le mur, tout en me sodomisant, j'adore ça.

"Je vais te gicler dans le cul"

"Oui vas y, je veux ton sperme, je suis ta pute à sperme"

Son corps deviens de plus en plus puissant et d'un coup je le sens jouir en moi. Il continue la sodomie après s'être vidé de son jus et me branle jusqu'à ce que je jouisse à mon tour.

Je m’assoie sur le sol, essoufflé, alors que lui remet ses habits.

Il me laisse assis, nu et s’en va sans un signe, sans un mot. J’ai aimé ça. J’en veux encore, je retourne à la boîte de nuit me faire séduire pas un autre homme...
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I am 32 years old, have been married for 6 years, and we have even considered having a baby. I have always been very attracted to women, and to have relationships with them, but now I am confused and I am going crazy, because I fell in love with a man that I met 2 months ago. I didn't know he was married and we were seeing each other secretly, until one day he saw me with my wife and now he doesn't want to see me until I clear my head. The truth is that I have no desires towards other men, and when I am with him I feel very good and I give my whole body to him. We have such hot sex that when he lies on top of me, he gets too excited, but the subject has me confused, and with my wife I feel that I have sexual desires; desires for her are disappearing with the appearance of this man.

She doesn't know anything about it, just that she sees me very depressed. Now I stopped looking for the son until I see what I'm going to do. I don't want to lose that illusion of having a child, and if I choose to be gay I could never do it. I don't know what to do, because on the one hand I imagine a life with my wife and children, and at the same time being with this man. But I am afraid to leave my relationship with my wife to be with him, and then realize that he did not feel love, that it was only emotion and that he was seeking to escape the routine as a marriage.

I want both, but I must choose without mistake. I want to be with this man and come to terms with my homosexuality and at the same time have children and love my wife as I think I love him. I feel that I am not happy with my wife, now, I cannot imagine with another man other than him. I haven't spoken to him for two days, I think I'll try to talk to him tomorrow to make a decision.
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I had been seeing a female spray tanner for the purpose of getting a nice looking tan a couple of years. She had bounced around at various locations around town with her job, and told me the unsurprising news that she was on the move again. After about a year, I was comfortable enough with her to stop wearing the silly "modesty diaper" that she provided, and simply wore a g string swimsuit for maximum coverage for my tan. This was a day that would be like no other either before or since.

As I got undressed to my skimpy attire, she asked me if I had a girlfriend. I froze, since I had an attraction to her that intensified when she gradually lost weight over the course of my visits, and on this visit I couldn't help but notice her brand new large chest. I told her I was single, but not really looking. She said, "Is there something today you were looking at? Like, these?" She unbuttoned her blouse and lifted up her bra to reveal the most gorgeous pair of implants I'd ever seen. Whoever she went to for her surgery did a phenomenal job. She asked if I'd like to have a taste, and I nodded.

She then pushed my face into her big beautiful tits. I sucked on each one, when she told me how much she wanted to have a hard cock between her new breasts. I was solid as a rock down there when teasing her nipples. She got on the massage table belonging to the person she shared her room space with, and leaned her head off the edge, telling me to fuck her face. I loved teasing her engorged areolas with my fingertips while thrusting in and out of her talented mouth. She then said, "Slide that dick between my jugs while I stick my tongue between your globes!" I couldn't believe I was boob fucking my spray tanner while she was rimming my ass. I was nearing my climax, so I asked her where she wanted me to release my seed.

She quickly got off the massage table and opened up a small compartment in one of her drawers. I thought she was looking for a condom, but to my shock, she pulled out a porn star replica dildo, as well as a harness! It was one of a guy I was a huge fan of, and she thought it was both awkward and hot at the same time that I recognized the cock just on what it looked like - I confessed that I owned that exact same one, too. She asked if I was interested in getting pounded in exchange for having my spray tan be on the house that day for being such a loyal client. I couldn't believe I went in for a spray tan, but instead was leaving with fulfilling a fantasy for the both of us.

I had ridden my toy at home, never thinking I would have someone I knew want to strap on a harness and pound the fuck out of my ass in a real situation. She had to go slower than she would have preferred, since there were clients in close proximity, but I was loving the sensations of my prostate being stimulated, and she was on cloud nine driving deep in my anus with her dildo. It was something she and I would never forget, and something she and I would never end up doing again. An incredible day for us both.
Yay, I get to tell the story of the first time I got DPed again!

I was a HUGE party slut in my legal teens and early 20s, so I knew all of the rich gay guys in town. When I was 19, one of my friends had a big clothing optional pool party at his mansion. THIS time wasn't AS comfortable for me because I only knew him because I'd only met him the previous week and didn't know his circle of friends, so I was kind of shy walking around alone, as he had to play host, so naturally, I find the alcohol and start getting absolutely annihilated.

So I'm making a plate of food and this daddy (let's say "Mike") comes over and grabs a plate too. We start talking bc I'm clearly the youngest person there, so he's asking how I knew the host and everything. I was wearing trunks, but he wasn't and his cock was BIG and ROCK HARD with a ring on it the whole time and he starts getting close and finally puts my hand around his cock and asks if I want to go inside. Um YES lol!

So we take our food inside and he finds a bedroom (I'll come to find out it's the host's master bedroom) and we don't even eat because we immediately start making out. I start sucking his cock for a while and he says he'll be right back and leaves for about 2 mins, coming back having found condoms. OMG if this man didn't lay me on the bed and start long stroking my ass so good. Once he opened me up, we started GOING AT IT. I'm riding his cock and he pulls me down and says the guy he's talking to is at the party and I need two cocks. I'M IN! Lol. So he leaves and I'm lying there stroking bc I'm so horny and eventually he comes back with another guy. Mike's bragging about how fast he made the "kid" come back here and be a little slut and then he comes back over and starts eating my ass. My eyes are closed, but I feel someone's cock rub against my lips, so I immediately open my mouth and start sucking. Mike starts fucking me doggystyle while I'm sucking his bf and his bf asks if I want them to stretch my ass out and at this point, I won't say no to anything lol. So Mike lies down and I get on top of him and his bf gets over me anddd after a good minute of squeezing and them shushing and covering my mouth bc I am SCREAMING, his bf fits the tip of his dick in and omg, am I getting fucking DPed?! After awhile there's not chance of us being quiet and we're all moaning (I'm screaming).

Mike's bf cums first and when he gets off of me, I basically collapse onto the bed. Mike takes his condom off and starts jerking while rubbing my ass and then he cums too . I suck it off and the three of us lay there rubbing each other and laughing and joking for a few mins. When we come out, literally EVERYONE started clapping lollll.

I came to find out after the night was over that the host wasn't happy that we used his bed and that was the last time he ever invited me over lol
My first experience with a guy happened three years ago, when I was 25 years old, in the gym I workout everyday. It was on a Sunday so the gym was quite calm as it closes earlier then usual. I finished my workout 30 min before closing so I could still hit the showers, but before I did I got in the sauna first.

I didn't expect anyone to be there as I was the last one to go in the lockerrooms. I fully undressed and went butt naked in the sauna. Saw a guy in the corner to my surprise, said hi and enjoyed the hot temperature with sweat dripping of my body. In the corner of my eye I saw the guy playing with his, rather big, dick. No jerking, just touching it while looking at me. My legs were spread with my dick hanging in between so I caught him looking at it. Eventually I got too hot so I got up, I stood there for 10 seconds so he could get a full view of my wet body and dick and got in the showers. It didn't take quite long before he followed me.

He stood right next to me and I could feel him staring now and then. I turned a bit to his side while soaping my body so he could fully enjoy the view.

We went back to the lockers and in the corner of my eye, I saw him jerking everytime I wasn't looking. I could see he had a huge boner, so I asked if I could help him with that. Bare in mind I had never done this to a guy. So he walked straight up to me, touch my dick and said we could go to the solarium (you can lock the doors). He dropped his and my towel, got on his knees, grabbed my hard cock and started sucking. I grabbed his dick, at that point I didn't want to give a random stranger my first bj, so I started jerking him off. He came so he grabbed my dick again and started jerking me off. It was so intense I grabbed him and shot my cum in his towel.

He said thanks and fucked off:skull:
Ive had a handful of amazing sexual experiences in my life because im someone who feels that i cant say i dont like something unless ive personally tried it (w/exceptions for extremes of course) so the story im choosing to share is from the one time i bulled for a gay couple...foesnt really meet the 600wrd limit but i felt like sharing.

When I was 22 I was visiting home from college one year for Christmas I was trying to figure out if any of my old hs friends where going to be in town for the season but found out that although they were going to be in town most of them were either busy with family stuff or had yet to make it into town so for at least the first few days I was gonna be alone. Spending time with my family is great but can get a little mentally and emotionally taxing after extended periods.

I figured it was fine I would just use the spare time I had to do some extra Xmas shopping. I had decided to go to the mall and wander around to see if anything jumped out at me as a gift for someone. While I was there I got hungry so I went to the food court to grab some coffee and some food and while I waited I would decided to swipe through tinder. Since there was no shipping limit I was just kind of swiping like crazy until I ran out of women to swipe on. Bored I decided fuck it and updated my settings to include men and got a whole new batch of people me and women and again I decided to swip with no abandon till I got bored of that too and decided to go back to shopping.
I'm assuming you know how tinder works but if not it just shows you available people that match criteria in a set distance around you. So as I was shopping my phone goes off and I look to see its a tinder match from a dude who goes the local state unviersity, English major 27 working on his masters, decently fit guy on the thicker side, Hispanic, 5'10, but the most interesting thing was he was also a massage therapist. I'm a slut for a good massage and after the long drive I was really open to one, as I'm reading his profile he messages me and we get to chatting for the next few hours.

I head home to spend some time with my family, have dinner, watch a movie etc. Later that night I check my phone again and it's a message from the guy asking if I wanted to come hangout. I told him I couldn't hang tonight cause of family time but if he was open to it I'd be down to chill the next day. He said he could hang out for a bit but that he had friends coming over later so it would have to be during the day. We agree and I ask him if I come head over if he'd be willing to give me a massage, he agreed and I was down.

So next day I tell my family I was going to go try to wrap up what was left of my shopping that I wouldn't be back till later, I headed over to his place off of an address he sent me and when I got there was shocked because it was in a very ritzy neighborhood. He invites me inside as he's cooking dinner which smelt amazing, we exchanged a typical greeting I was nervous he was less so. He offers me a drink and I take it but just as he's grabbing a drink I hear a voice from down the hall and another guy walks out older maybe 40, fit salt and pepper hair, nice build but shorter than me maybe 6ft exactly he introduces himself to me as the roommate so I introduce myself as a friend and he asks if I was the one looking for a massage.

Confused I tell him yes and the initial guy that invited me over says oh yeah this is the guy show him how your magic works. The older guy walks up behind me grabs my shoulders and starts to work out knotts. It felt so good but I was definitely a little nervous but also starting to get kind of horny. I mean i figured I was going to get some head or something but not from the dude that was touching me, though i was not upset about this turn of events. After a bit of working me the old guy says you know what would help a lot with the knots in your back would be the hot tub.

They show me their backyard which is massive and the amazing hot tub they had. I said I would love to but didn't know so I didn't have a change of clothes. The older guy heads inside for a second and comes back out to hand me an old pair of workout shorts and says I can wear those then shows me to a guest room to change. I change and head back out to find them both standing there in speedos both filling them out pretty well the younger guy more so but neither was a bad view. They turn it on we all hop in, in separate corners and start chatting.

As we are talking I feel the young guy who is on my right reach over under the water and start tugging at my dick not sure how to respond I just kind of sit there and let it happen while still holding a convo with the older guy slowly getting harder and harder as the younger one plays with my cock. The convo hits a lull and the older guy just lays his head back as if relaxing I take that as a sign to follow suit and do the same, all still while the younger one is pulling at my now rock solid cock. Just then the bubbles stop and the older guy says not to worry he will get it he stands up to turn the knob and then I notice he is completely naked and I have no idea when he took his suit off. Nice cock full hard about 6in probably with a nice set of nuts and a cute ass when he turned around. He climbs back in and smiles at me who is just looking in shock the younger guy still playing with my cock leans over as the bubbles start to rage again and after the older guy sits down and starts making out with him and now I can see clearly jerking him off too. He then stops and says that he's got to check on the oven. He gets out and is also somehow entirely naked.

Now it's just me and the older guy in there alone and we get to chatting again he asks if I'm feeling comfortable I said yeah man and then take off the shorts they gave me. He asks if he can see my cock so I stand up out of the water and he starts eyeing my cock like it was his last meal, which was making me even hornier. He asks if he can touch it I said sure as long as he's nice so he reaches over and grasps it and starts slowly working my cock. As this is happening the younger guy comes out with towels and asks if we wanted to go inside. Before I can answer the older guy puts half my cock in his mouth swirls his tongue and pulls off with a tight pop. And says hell yes!

We get out and walk into a different door then we exited this door leads right into a bedroom once we are all inside the older guy sits on a chair looks at me and asks if he can watch while the younger guys services me. I agree and the younger drops to his knees in front of me and immediately throats my entire cock chin against my balls nose buried in my pubes. I can feel his throat flexing around my cock and I am loving it! He places my hands on his head so I take his hair in my hands and start fucking his mouth like a tight pussy while he's jacking his own dick and the older guy is stroking and watching us. After a while the older guy gets up walks over drops down and starts licking my balls which has me in heaven. That's when the younger guy stops sucking my cock walks over to the bed lays on his back with his head hanging off and says he wants me to come fuck his throat some more. The older guy stops licking my nuts and goes back to the chair to stroke while watching us, so i do as i was asked.

As I'm pumping in and out of this guys face you can hear the sloppy slurping sounds and the moans coming from him as he strokes his cock like crazy. As this is going on the older guy comes up behind me gets on his knees again, places his hand on my lower back telling me to lean forward so I do. Then I feel him place his hands on my ass, spread my cheeks, and start lapping at my hole. This was the first time I had ever experienced something like that and to tell you the truth was not against it.

After a few minutes of the tongue assault on my hole with my cock buried in the younger guys throat I was at my limit and I knew I was going to cum. Just as I said that the older guy stopped and stood up and started stroking furiously I pulled back but left the tip of my dick in the younger guys mouth before I could shoot the younger guy released a huge load all over himself, then I followed suite and dumped a massive load in his mouth, the older guy walks over stroking his cock and fires a smaller but thicker load on the younger also.

I pull the rest of the way out and sit in the chair since my legs are a little shaky, the older guy leans over and licks up a mixture of their cum off the younger guy then proceeds to kiss him I'm pretty sure with my load still in his mouth. They share a cum filled kiss and then both swallow.

Spent, I ask the younger guy why he didn't tell me about his roommate and come to find out it's his husband and he likes to watch him get throat fucked by guys with big dicks and he didn't tell me because he didn't want to scare me off. Apparently the older guy doesn't usually participate only watches but after seeing me said he really wanted to taste for himself. We cleaned up they had friends stopping by so I took off and that was the only gay couple I've been a bull for.
Most of these posts are far longer than 600 words and I don’t know that I can compete with that, myself. :(
I said the same thing at first, then I just started typing and it all worked out in the end, and that was after leaving some stuff out
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