Zits on Dick?


Legendary Member
Apr 28, 2019
99% Gay, 1% Straight
I was wondering if anyone has experienced zits on their dick? I have this bump that’s pretty new. It’s white on the tip of the bump and no bigger than a zit on the chin or something. It feels like a hard ball when I touch it. I washed it really well and have been keeping it dry. I think it’s gotten smaller? I’m not exactly sure though.


Go see your doctor. If anything weird-looking is on your cock, go see your doctor.
You're right to pay attention to this. Any unexplained changes in your body are noteworthy.

But for what it's worth, here's my non-medically-qualified experience.

A hard, white-ish, painless lump? One of these appeared on the shaft of my dick in my early 20s. It was a PPP, or Pearly Penile Paupule. Up to half of all men will get them at some stage of their lives. My doctor described it as harmless and unremarkable—and took pains to reassure me that a PPP is completely unrelated to HPV. The lump had disappeared by the time I was 30.

Fun fact: "Some authors consider these lesions as vestigial remnants of penile spines, which are found in the same location in other primates and contributes to sexual pleasure and quicker orgasms."

The NIH advises doctors on the following course of treatment: "Masterly inactivity along with counseling regarding the benign nature of the condition is the best treatment modality which can be offered to the patients."

By all means mention it the next time you have a general checkup, though.
Thanks for the replies. I’m hoping it’s just a PPP. My ex had them before but his were smaller. That’s why I was unsure. And as far as a doctor, I have such bad anxiety about that. I’m not huge and my doctor is gay. I just have this gut feeling he’d be judging me. Ugh. That anxiety holds me back.
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Don't worry about your doctor judging you. My Dr was gay and he said by the time he was done with his residency a dick was just a dick and the only one he cared about was the one attached to his boyfriend. He's there to help you, not judge you, and any Dr who judges their patients shouldn't be one.
Not a medical expert so please go see a medical professional if the problem persists.

From my own experience however I would say they look like lymphocele or potentially random small inflammations of the veins in the area due to rougher sex/masturbation or some other irritant/trigger, like sweat. I had a similar thing on my foreskin immediately below the glans that would sometimes look more swollen and other times would look as if it wasn’t there anymore - usually moisture under the foreskin during hot weather, exercise or after going for a swim would cause a “flare”.

I got circumcised in my early 20s (unrelated reason, but might have been one of the many things I didn’t like about having a foreskin) and it eventually went away as I imagine the swollen bits just dried out from permanent air exposure. The area of skin that used to be inflamed was lower than the circumcision scar, so I still have that as a foreskin remnant, but my circumcision is as tight as it could be while still accommodating an erection, so all my skin is fully exposed even when soft. This I believe reduced the risk for any further inflammation as the mucosal tissue essentially dried out and I also have nothing to trap sweat etc.

I see you are either uncut or have a loose/partial circumcision, which means that area might trap moisture - not sure how much coverage you have soft? Try keeping it as dry as possible for a week and see it it improves things. This means full retraction (can try using tight underwear, a tape and/or a cockring to keep the skin back), and drying it out every time you pee and shower. If all fails, I really do suggest seeing a doctor. They literally see dozens of dicks a day and won’t judge in any way.