criss strokes real measurement!! 6.5 INCHES!!!

He certainly wouldn't be considered a pretty boy but has real masculine looks appeal...well, to me anyway.

lol sorry. i did not notice your orientation.
Honestly, i could see that someone with such a boyish face would appeal to the homosexual market.
I was thinking about women being attracted to him.

That said, i do not know if women (the majority) of them would actually accord such a high importance to penis size over facial beauty etc.
Not the ones here saying they want real 7 inch minimum
The question is: Why do people try to reduce pornstars`dick size to feel better.
In the case of Johnny Sins and Strokes they both got the curving base which is due to a well-developed "low-hanging" scrotum and the got turkey necks.
It just does not make sense to subtract the scrotum since it can be inserted without problems and in no medical study would both penises be regarded under 18.5 cm to 19 cm nbpel ,i guess.

Strokes curve at the base should be considered the same way curving shafts are taken into account.

I think he is quite ugly ,though. I do not see him being considered attractive in Europe.

Great point. KenShamrock has been on quite a cockquest here recently, for reasons unknown. He keeps asking over and over again why guys feel the need to add inches, but the better question is why he, and the other cock-connoisseurs, feel the need to always reduce size and insult those who aren't as knowledgable, who think differently, or even those that enjoy fantasy. Sad.
I'd say from what I've seen of Mr Strokes that he's 7.5. No way is he 6 - 6.5, that's insulting to him, not that average is bad, it is average and therefore the most common size. His main plus points are also his looks and especially his body, very tight and in shape...has great appeal for most, I think.

It is insulting to him. There is no way he is 6 - 6.5, I agree.

I'm straight, but I am envious of his body. He has always stayed in amazing shape over the years, and it's extremely admirable. That goes for Johnny Sins, too. They've stayed in terrific shape after so many of their counterparts have fallen off the wagon. Very impressive.
It is insulting to him. There is no way he is 6 - 6.5, I agree.

I'm straight, but I am envious of his body. He has always stayed in amazing shape over the years, and it's extremely admirable. That goes for Johnny Sins, too. They've stayed in terrific shape after so many of their counterparts have fallen off the wagon. Very impressive.

To be fair, if he claims to be 10" on his twitter he totally deserves this. :wink:
Right then you realize most of guys here especially the gay guys always try to add more inches to a guy they think is attractive. There is always some type of excuse to add more inches. You talk about a curve, this Bone press or none bone press stuff.

Strokes dick was parallel to the floor and it was measured at 6.5 inches. It is just hilarious to see dudes so obsessed over other dudes dick that it hurts them when it isn't as big as they want it to be.
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Right then you realize most of guys here especially the gay guys always try to add more inches to a guy they think is attractive. There is always some type of excuse to add more inches. You talk about a curve, this Bone press or none bone press stuff.

Strokes dick was parallel to the floor and it was measured at 6.5 inches. It is just hilarious to see dudes so obsessed over other dudes dick that it hurts them when it isn't as big as they want it to be.

So, if you look at the pictures with the blonde girl, do you really think hes parallele to the floor ??, do the hands of that girls are on the same plan ? nop one is upper, for being "straight" his gland should point near her right eyes...
So yeah I think hes 7 inch NBP

If you still say that parallele then yeah you cleary want to down size him

Otherwise im agree with Snake about he deserve it, I dont like idiot lier... so ill stop to defend him ...
Thats just I like to proove my point :D

and also agree with SDP, its the ratio
So, if you look at the pictures with the blonde girl, do you really think hes parallele to the floor ??

Well, aren't they stupid. Simply getting it down to parallel would probably make it read at the very least 1/2" more, and then they wouldn't have to cheat that much as to where the measurement starts...
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To be fair, if he claims to be 10" on his twitter he totally deserves this. :wink:
I think that's one of the real reasons for this:

The question is: Why do people try to reduce pornstars`dick size to feel better.
Porn people are some of the worst offenders when it comes to ridiculously inflated dick sizes. If most people just saw through it and laughed it off like many of us do, it would be a different story, but sadly most people believe it and it spills out to the rest of the world and sets false "reference sizes" for everyone else.

And for the record, I'm not part of the 6.5 camp, but I'd be generous in giving him an inch over that. You have to see some of those full body/fully hard pics that have shown up in here (maybe from gay stuff). He's one of those guys whose (penis) shape is ideal for giving an illusion of extra size from very specific angles.

Take Care
Nehoo in the link you put up. look at the picture on the far right. If that looks 8 inches then you are the one who is trying to build a guys dick up because you are in love with him.

His dick is parallel to the floor. She has the tape over his dick. So unless you think pushing your dick down a little will give you another 1 and 1/2 inches he is 6'5 like he measured.

So apparently the person who told the girl to take the picture told her to not push the dick down a little so when you measure his dick it will have a smaller measurement. Yeah because porn companies love to downplay guys dick yet have a measurement trying to build the guys dick up.

So, if you look at the pictures with the blonde girl, do you really think hes parallele to the floor ??, do the hands of that girls are on the same plan ? nop one is upper, for being "straight" his gland should point near her right eyes...
So yeah I think hes 7 inch NBP

If you still say that parallele then yeah you cleary want to down size him

Otherwise im agree with Snake about he deserve it, I dont like idiot lier... so ill stop to defend him ...
Thats just I like to proove my point :D

and also agree with SDP, its the ratio

That also brings us back to the curve thing:
Judging from your link:
Would you say it somehow "starts" at the point where his pubes is cut in the upper picture.

It is just so simliar to Sins and mine lol
To be fair, if he claims to be 10" on his twitter he totally deserves this. :wink:

I don't really use twitter except for friends in my personal life, and certainly wouldn't even think to look at his twitter. So if he does claim to be 10", then yeah, he deserves it a bit, but I don't know how much I can blame him for trying to benefit himself by claiming himself bigger like the majority of guys in porn. Meh.
I don't really use twitter except for friends in my personal life, and certainly wouldn't even think to look at his twitter. So if he does claim to be 10", then yeah, he deserves it a bit, but I don't know how much I can blame him for trying to benefit himself by claiming himself bigger like the majority of guys in porn. Meh.

you should look at his twitter though, he smokes a ton of weed and tweets accordingly. it's pretty funny
Another thing is Mandingo for example never stated he was 11 inches or bigger. The porn companies he works for claim this never. According to Mandingo he never measured his dick which is most likely a lie. Criss Strokes on the other hand was measured at 6.5 but claims himself to be 10. That is where the problem comes in.

Also this guy looks like his mom smoked crack before she had him. Not a good looking guy at all. I mean the face. He looks slow, he is full of himself. Mandingo on the other hand is better looking and seems to get tired of females talking about his dick size.
JulieInNaplesFL maybe you didn't know this but this is a site for Large Penis Support. See so people here talk about dick size. Maybe if the site was about politics or Aliens people would talk about that.
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