Jake's Gay Awakening


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
High school was finally done, exams and months of revision had come to an end, which meant 3 months of sun, sex and getting shitfaced at every available party before heading off to University.

Jake Reed, recently turned 18 was one of those quiet popular kids. Not overly sporty, not overly nerdy, middle of the line. He just happened to be friends with pretty much everyone as he was generally a really nice guy, and also the designated party host due to his parent's massive house that he almost always was home alone in. He knew most people at school and he also knew most people at other schools through friends of friends and with schools finished, a lot of people just formed one big friendship group.

Jake, whilst a quiet popular kid, was obviously one of the more attractive ones. He stood around 5'10 with lightly tanned skin and freckles smattering across the bridge of his nose. He was naturally slim with some muscle definition and bright green eyes topped by a small mess of sandy brown curls that he styled meticulously. He was also always found with his best friend Jasper. They had been best friends from the age of 5 and had grown up constantly in each others company, despite being rather different people.

Jasper was popular by association through Jake. Invited to all the parties and events, but not really friends with much of the same people. He had his own friend group, who most others dubbed the loners but would never say so in front of Jake. Jasper was slightly shorter around 5'6 and was also fairly slim with some definition. He had a similar style of hair to Jake but his was a very bright blonde, almost white shade and his eyes were a piercing blue. He was also gay, he had told Jake this when they were starting high school but asked him not to ever say anything as he knew he was already unpopular and his parents were super religious and wouldn't accept him.

Jake had accepted him in a heartbeat and nothing had ever changed between them. When Jake would talk about girls he liked Jasper would engage and support him in deciding which one to go for and they would do the same for Jasper when they talked about boys that he liked. They loved each other in the unconditional way best friends do, so much so they both took places at the same university.

As for the summer before university, Jasper had pretty much moved in now he was 18 and Jake's parents spent 340 days of the year away on business leaving Jake in the care of the staff at the house. The first two months of the summer had gone by quiet, many friends of theirs going away on holidays with families before being able to come back and the parties would really pick up. That hadn't stopped Jake, and by extension Jasper, from planning the first big party of summer. The theme would be Angels and devils.

The goal with this party was for Jake to finally find a girl he could lose his virginity too and for Jasper to become friends with many of Jake's friends. The plan was for Jake to go as a Devil and Jasper to go as an angel which had prompted some comments.

"You've got to recognize the irony of being an angel dude, giving how much the bible says god hates gay people" Jake had said one evening as they both lay sprawled across the sofas in the smallest living room. Jake laid back with his legs stretched out over the top of Jaspers who sat upright against the back of the chair, his legs crossed with a small bowl of popcorn balanced on top of Jakes shins. Both wore loose tops and pajama shorts as it was nearing 2 in the morning and they'd been up planning before settling down to binge watch some show on Netflix.

Jasper let out a little laugh, it was quite innocent and held a soft melodic lilt to it that had naturally formed ever since he'd started playing piano. "Oh, and you're the devil are you? I think there is more irony in that, have you even kissed a girl or ". He poked Jake in the stomach around his belly button in jest.

Jake went a little red and raised his hands to cover his face before laughing. "Shut up, of course I've kissed girls. I snogged Chloe at the end of summer beach party last year."

"Mmm. The kiss no one saw and Chloe got too embarrassed to admit she had because her friends weirdly don't like you? Yeah, you're a real devil Jakey" Jasper laughed again, his cheeks creasing to form little dimples as he did.

Jake sat up to flick Jaspers ear. "Leave me be okay, hopefully I'll be the devil I'm dressing as once the nights finished. Who knows, maybe you might as well" He laid back to watch Jaspers reaction to that.

"Ow you dick" He said rubbing his ear before frowning at his comment. "Doubt it, most people you're friends with know I'm gay but none of them are so I really doubt it"

"Yeah but Caleb's cousin is. He's down staying at Caleb's and he asked if he could bring him, think the dude is 19. Who knows, you might get your first dick appointment."

Jasper mulled this over, before shrugging and returning to his popcorn. "Maybe, maybe not. He may look like a toad and I'll be an angel not a princess so there'd be no way I'd kiss him if he looked like a toad."

Jake just laughed, excited to see how the party went, but for now they went back to watching their show.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 2 - The Party Part One

"Come on Jakey, people will be here soon I need to get ready." Jasper banged heavily on the bathroom door to get over the sound of the shower.

Jake blinked towards the door, wiping some shampoo from slipping into his eyes. "I think it's unlocked, just come in and do what you need." It wasn't like there weren't any other bathrooms in this house, there were at least 4, but when Jasper basically moved Jake had put him in the neighboring bedroom which shared a bathroom between both rooms. He also wasn't shy about anything and they'd both seen each other naked growing up.

Jasper flung the door open and hurried inside shirtless and wearing just his blue checked pajama bottoms. He immediately went to the sink and opened his cabinet to pull out a few bottles and creams, slipping a pink bunny ears headband on his head to push his hair out of his face. Jake squinted through the water pounding down his face and reckoned Jasper was doing the first stage of his facial routine. Usually he would do some, then shower, then finish it off.

Jake begun to rinse the shampoo from his hair, closing his eyes to avoid any blinding him. He spoke loudly over the noise.

"Excited for tonight dude? I reckon it's going to be a killer party."

Jasper looked up, face covered in a clear gooey substance he was using a rose quartz roller to massage into his skin. He sat on his hips and observed Jake. "I guess I'm excited, sometimes the guys coming can be real dicks when they're drunk." His eyes noted Jake's form, the slim but toned shape of his taller body, the slight trail of hair beneath his belly button and well trimmed pubes above his currently soft 4" dick.

Jake bounced on his feet a little with excitement causing his balls to bounce rhythmically. "Come on, we're joint hosting this year they'll be fine with you. If not I can have them leave, I mean it. One word from you and they're out."

Jasper rolled his eyes at both the words and the sight, turning back to the mirror. "Uh huh, can I get that written down or voice recorded. You are a serial promise breaker when drunk and horny Jake."

The shower stopped and Jake grabbed his towel and wrapped it low around his waist stepping out. "Sure, because I'm going to keep this promise. And I am not a serial promise breaker, I just... get distracted before I can fulfill the promise."

Jasper rinsed off his face and turned, leaning back against the sink, folding his arms. He was only ever really confident around Jake. "I'm trusting you Jake, don't make me regret that. If your friends say something shitty to me and I'm uncomfortable, please don't just ignore it because you wanna get laid or get a drink."

Jake lowered his shoulders, looking serious now. "I promise dude, don't worry."

This elicited a small smile from Jasper. "Good, now go dry. I'm going to be a while, especially if you're forcing me to interact with Caleb's apparently hot gay cousin and you do not want to be here whilst I get ready"

Jake raised his hands, immediately making for the door. "Yep, say no more. Do what you need. I'll get ready and head downstairs to greet people, just come down when you're ready." He then stopped, "Oh but... before I go"

Jasper turned to see Jake step towards him and shake his head like a dog, spraying Jasper with water from his hair and body. "YOU ARE A DICKHEAD JAKE, I JUST DID MY FACE" He stepped to playfully punch Jake in the arm for it but he had already scampered back into his room, towel slipping along the way to reveal his tight tanned bum for a moment before he recovered and slammed the door shut.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 3 - The Party Part Three

People had begun arriving, the hose was already swarmed by about 50 friends and friends of friends in various angel and devil costumes. Jake was currently sat around a table with some mates taking shots as part of a drinking game.

Jake's costume was fairly simple, he wore tight black leather trousers with black boots and a little devils tale strapped to his bum. He was shirtless and wore red devil horns on his head, most guys wore something similar, and he was loving that the girls seemed to have the same thought of having minimal clothing. Many girls wore no tops but white, black or red bras depending on their costume. Currently he was sat next to Amy, one hand on her thigh as they drank together. She sat close to him, arm curled inside his own as she lent softly on his side.

He spotted the front door opening as another group of people arrived, though he particularly noticed the arrival of Caleb and his cousin... wow his cousin... even Jake could appreciate he was a gorgeous man. The cousin, who Jake would later learn was called Callum, was easily 6'4 and absolutely ripped. He must have had some Mediterranean blood because his skin was a dark olive color and his short dark brown hair trailed down into a slight stubble around his jaw. He wore alarmingly less than Jake and was also going for the devil theme. He had tight black shorts which didn't conceal the obvious and large bulge and a set of devil wings on his back with knee high flat boots and also sported devil horns. By the way him and Caleb staggered in slightly Jake assumed they already had some drinks in them and he called them over.

He stood to give Caleb a hug and handed him a shot and greeted Callum.

"Hey you must be Caleb's cousin I've heard so much about, I'm Jake, nice to meet you dude." He smiled also offering him a shot. The table then proceeded to down their shots.

Caleb spoke this time to Callum "See dude, I told you it wouldn't be a wasted evening. Jake throws the best parties."

Jake responded as he put his arm around Amy "Well me and Jas, he did most of the set up this afternoon."

Callum then chimed in, glancing around "And where is this Jasper I've heard a lot about? Dying to meet the only other gay dude here."

As if on cue, they both clocked Jasper nervously coming down the stairs. Jake watched Callums jaw open a little in wonder, before a odd hungry look settled in his eyes. Jasper had out done himself, he wore white chinos with white converse and had wrapped some white fabric in diagonals across his torso leaving much of his midriff exposed and a nipple whilst the other was covered. On his back were angel wings with feathers that had gold glitter paint on the ends and atop his head was a gold halo. He'd done some make up which mostly meant gold glitter across his nose and cheeks. He reached the bottom of the steps and bee lined to Jake as people, rightfully so, watched him. His costume was easily the best angel one here.

"Jake do I look okay, people are staring at me." He said quietly, adjusting some of the fabric around his torso.

"You look insanely hot" Said Callum before anyone else could, standing to move and give Jasper a hug before he could say no. "I'm Callum, how about we get a drink" Then he took Jaspers hand and led him off, Jasper glancing back clearly taken aback at the whole situation.

"And off they go, seems like they'll get along great" He laughed a little to the table.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 4 - The Party Part Three

The party was going well, there were many drunk people everywhere Jake turned and the evening was getting to the stage where many people were starting to strike out with members of the opposite sex to try and get lucky or find someone to go home with.

Jake had somewhat lucked out with Amy this evening, he'd found himself in one of the downstairs bathrooms plunging his tongue down her throat as she slipped her hands down his trousers to grip his ass and his hands up her shirt to grope her tits. Eventually she moved her hands to the front and undid his trousers and pulled them down to his ankles to reveal his red boxers.

"On brand" She quipped before pulling them down to free his now 8.3 inch cock that tapped against her chin as it was now free. He bit his lip a little as she wrapped a hand around it, gently beginning to massage move it up and down. As she moved down to her knees in front of him, he put his hands on the wall above her to stable himself so he didn't sway or fall over from being drunk and having his trousers around his ankles.

"Fuck Amy, you're so fi-" He stopped abruptly with a sharp inhale as she circled her tongue around the head, pulling back the foreskin to expose the head, precum forming a string between his dick and her tongue as she pulled back a bit. It was heavenly, but then he figured thats what he should expect getting a blowjob from a girl dressed as an angel.

She began to take the full head in her mouth, twirling her tongue around it in her mouth before she began to move her head forwards and backwards along its length, not going to deep as she adjusted to it. His hands moved down to the back of her head to hold her hair out of the way but also to guide her further down the shaft.

Slowly she began to pick up the pace, pushing her further and Jake began to rock his hips into her mouth getting slightly more aggressive with it as he went. He reckoned a minute had passed before he felt the familiar tingle in his balls that indicated he was going to cum. He began to get a bit more forceful with his thrusts, as she removed her hands to place them on his ass, allowing him to guide her head along his dick. Before cumming he begun thrusting his cock right to the back of her throat and down, which unfortunately prompted her to gag and pull herself off and push him back a bit, leaving him a little from climax.

"Woah babe whats up?" He asked, clearly eager to finish soon before the feeling faded.

Sadly she stood and moved away from him. "Too hard, I gagged.. I think I'm going to-" She then gagged again, but differently, indicating the alcohol and facefucking had an adverse effect and she was going to puke.

"Oh uh... shit." He said now rushing to move away and pull his trousers up, trying his best to cram his hardon into the tight trousers. Once he was 'packed' away, he stepped towards the door. "I'll uh... find a friend." He opened the door and left as she slammed the toilet open. He closed the door not wanting to hear what happened.

As Jake wondered around he kept adjusting his now softening cock, gaining a bit of mental clarity as he searched for a friend. Once he found one and sent them to her aid, he wondered how Jasper was getting on. He did some asking and was told he was last seen with Callum heading upstairs towards where he knew their bedrooms were.

He figured his best friend was getting more action than he was, but the thought was cut short when spotted Callum downstairs with Caleb and some friends downing beers.

It was strange given how immediately keen on Jaspers company Callum seemed so Jake decided to go investigate and headed upstairs to Jaspers room. Getting there he paused outside to listen in case he'd magically found someone else before knocking. He heard some muffled noises from inside but didn't think they were sexual so he knocked.

"WHAT!... Can't you just fuck off." Jasper shouted back, his voice hitching a little which was concerning.

Jake was immediately worried so he pushed the door open and spotted Jasper sat on the end of his bed, and whilst he couldn't make out details he could tell he was crying. Jake shut the door and flipped the lights on.

He wasn't prepared for what he saw. Jasper was sat on the end of the bed having lost the trousers and shoes now sat in only his boxers and the wrappings around his torso which had also moved to his shoulders, his wings wonky on his back, one of them broken. His halo still sat on his head if not tilted forwards, and on his right cheek was a cut and a bruise around it.

"I SAID FU-" He said before stopping upon realising it was Jake who was frozen in place by the door, having gone as pale as a ghost. "J..jake? What are you up here for." He said choking back a few sobs.

"Wh... what the fuck? Jasper are you okay." He asked, knowing the answer but hoping this was just the alcohol messing with him.

"Yeah Jake, I'm peachy." He said dropping his hands to his laps, watching his best friend.

"I... what happened.." Jake said now moving forwards towards Jasper, his brain racing at a hundred miles an hour, tears budding at the corners of his eyes.

"Ha... well.. the cunt Callum, yeah he isn't gay turns out. In fact, I'd say he's a massive fucking homophobe. Led me around and got me drunk then I boldly said we should come up here thinking he was onboard. Once here he told me to get undressed, which evidently I did. Then he laughed and took a picture on his phone calling me... well... I don't want to say but you get me the picture."

Jake at this point had moved to crouch in front of Jasper, his hand softly turning Jasper's face to examine the small cut and bruise, which upon closer inspection was from a likely broken nose as well.

Jasper let his friend examine him, continuing. "I.. freaked I guess. Tried to grab the phone and fight it off of him, and well he pushed me back and hit me... hard.." He then started to cry again, moving his hands to cover his face.

Jake just pulled him forwards to rest Jasper's head on his shoulder to let him cry. "Oh Jas... I.. I'm sorry I wasn't here and that I invited him here." He gently ran his hair through Jaspers hair, lifting the halo off his head and dropping it on the floor. "Look, let's get the cut cleaned and you out of these clothes and into something comfy, then I'm going to go murder that prick.

Jasper just nodded, now moving his hands to wrap around Jake's waist. "I just don't understand why it had to happen to me..."

Hey guys, super long one tonight. I just started writing and couldn't really find the right place to finish.

Next post will deal with the aftermath of what just happened, but I'd love some feedback and thoughts on what you guys like so far or what you think is going to happen in this story.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 5 - The Part Part Four

Jake had sat with Jasper as long as he needed before he would allow Jake to detach from him and move them into the bathroom. He sat Jasper on the toilet seat and pulled out some cotton swabs and something to sterilize a cut before dabbing and cleaning the wound and putting a plaster over it. Afterwards, as Jasper settled into a state of shock, he helped Jasper undress, removing the angel costume, leaving him sat in the bathroom in just his underwear.

Jake grabbed a large hoodie and jogger bottoms from his own room and helped dress Jasper in them to make him comfortable. He didn't want Jasper to see what may happen next when Jake went downstairs and tried to move him back to his room but Jasper froze in the door, mumbling about not wanting to be in there right now. So instead Jake relocated him to his room and let Jasper disappear under the covers where he curled into a ball.

"I'll be back soon I promise Jas, I just need to go sort this out." He didn't get a response but he didn't need one.

Jake closed the door leaving Jasper alone, promising again to be quick. Once the door was shut he walked surprisingly calmly down the corridor towards the stairs, his mind beginning to race once more, his hands shaking as the adrenaline began to ramp up.

Once on the ground floor, he noted that a number of people had already left, he wondered how long he'd been upstairs. Thankfully and unfortunately, Caleb and Callum were still here in the kitchen also joined by Amy and a few others. Jake entered the room quietly, but was soon noticed causing Caleb to speak up.

"Jaaakkee... where have you been? The party's getting boring" He slurred his words.

"The party is over, you all need to leave now. And take your asshole cousin with you." He spat back at them.

"Wha-" Caleb went to speak but Callum interrupted.

"What did you call me dickhead?" He said as he put his drink down and moved closer to Jake.

"I called you an asshole, asshole. You think its funny to get my best friend alone, take a humiliating picture and them break his fucking nose? Nah you are an asshole and you can go fuck yourself." Jake spat back again, venom dripping from every word.

Callum bunched up his fists but Caleb spoke. "What do you mean Jake? This some joke?"

"A joke... what kind of sick fuck would I be to make a joke like that. Newsflash Caleb, your cousin isn't gay he's some sick homophobe who came here to beat up my best mate. Took a picture of him in his underwear and when Jasper tried to get the phone to delete it, your cousin broke his fucking nose."

"Shut up, your making this shit up to protect your little boyfriend you queer." Callum said raising his voice, now moving to throw a punch at Jake but his movements were sluggish from the alcohol and he was clearly off balance.

Jake, having sobered up from the adrenaline dodged this and swung his own fist right into the underside of Callums jaw causing him to stagger back onto the table. "Check his fucking phone if you don't believe me. Just get the fuck out of here before I kill him."

Caleb looked out of it, but picked up Caleb's phone and opened it using face id whilst Callum was sprawled across the table starting to recover. Callum tried to grab for it but Caleb stepped out of his reach, moving through the phone he opened the photos and swiped a few times before the colour drained from his face. "Dude... what the actual fuck"

"Caleb, I trust you to delete that now then get him the fuck away from here." Jake said, backing up from the group in case either of them retaliated.

To his surprise Caleb just dropped the phone, stomped on it and then placed it in a full pint of beer. Jake was shocked but at this point the girls had left when the punches were thrown and Caleb simply ushered Callum out who knew he'd been caught and was stinging from the punch. As Caleb left he muttered "Tell Jasper I'm fucking sorry, its my fault."

Jake stood still for a while, looking at the phone and surprised at what Caleb did, his respect for him recovering bit by bit. Eventually he moved to make sure no one was left in the house before locking up and heading upstairs to Jasper, his mind going over everything that happened this night like a slideshow.

Jasper was curled on his side facing away from the door, having lost the hoodie he was clearly not sleeping as he was a little to still when the door opened. Jake closed it and just removed his costume until he was in his boxers and got into bed. "It's sorted, they're gone and there is no picture."

This was all he said but he felt the tension felt from Jasper as the words were spoken, he decided it was best to just let them both get some sleep and pick up the pieces in the morning so he rolled onto his side, back facing Jasper and closed his eyes.

A few minutes passed before a quiet voice cut through the silence, a whisper, sad, broken and desperate for comfort. "Could I have a hug..."

Jake's heart swelled, near to bursting but he murmured a ''mhm" and rolled over and slide closer until he could wrap his arms around Jasper's back as they laid there in a now spooning position. Jasper wiggled back slightly until there was no space between any part of them and adjusted his head before the pair of them both began to drift off to sleep.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 6 - The rest of summer

Jake and Jasper decided they won't be hosting anymore parties for the summer. Jasper felt too uncomfortable that a repeat incident or something worse may happen and Jake felt far more concerned with making sure that Jasper was okay before they started university in a couple of weeks.

For the first two weeks after the incident Jasper slept in Jake's bed, however as the summer grew hotter they both ended up in nothing but their underwear. Also quite as frequently Jake would spoon Jasper to comfort him in the night. There had been a few occasions where Jake had woken up with a boner, pressing into Jaspers back though he'd not told him this, ultimately Jake had put this down to getting no action at all and having a warm more feminine body pressed against him most nights.

There had been one occasion where Jake had woken up in the middle of the night, sporting a raging hard on and had tried to edge his hips back to create some distance and Jasper had wiggled his ass back to push against it, his cock sandwiched between his ass cheeks. Jake had been caught unexpected and surprisingly turned on by this and had rubbed his cock up and down a few times before shaking the thought away and rolling over to face the other direction. He figured Jasper had been asleep but the next morning Jasper had seemed a little more off than usual and Jake had caught him awkwardly hiding a boner a few times that he had begun to question whether he was asleep and likely also pent up from not being able to get himself off in so long.

Otherwise the weeks passed uneventfully, Jasper regained some confidence but was still a little shy and withdrawn around large groups of young men when they went into town to do some pre-university shopping. Eventually they were only a few days from starting at university and decided to do something fun together to see off university.

Jake had been cleaning the house most of the day and lost track of where Jasper was but around 9pm got a text telling him to head outside to the pool. Curious, he obliged and headed out to see that Jasper had set up fairy lights and little candles around the pool with a projector projecting a film onto the flat wall of the house. There was nachos and chicken wings and plenty of beer stationed nearby for them to snack on.

Jake was pleasantly surprised. "Hey Jas, whats all this for?"

"To see out summer before we have to study and lose our souls to more education.." He said eagerly before falling more timid.. "And to uh... say thank you I guess."

"Thank you for what mate?" Jake seemed confused but drew closer and picked up a nacho to munch on.

"For this summer, obviously it started pretty shittily but thank you for picking me up and putting me back together. It means a lot dude." His cheeks reddened a little as he averted his gaze towards the floor. Sporting swimming trunks and a loose top, Jake thought he looked rather cute.

Wait... scrap that... he wasn't gay and he didn't like dudes. He mentally called himself out on the weird thought and agreed with himself he needed to shag someone ASAP.

"Shut up Jas, I'd do it again in a heartbeat but .. well I hope we never need to frankly. You didn't need to do all this."

"I did.. no one else would ever be so kind to do what you did.. even though I know you'd rather be partying and trying to meet some girls. "

Jake cut him off. "Fuck right off with that idea, I'd pick you over any girl, any party, any day." He then flushed red realizing how that could sound and still cursing himself out for his previous thought.

"Jake.. I... you know I love you right." He said now looking up, almost hopefully but not that Jake noticed it.

"Yeah and I love you too Jasper, now enough with this mushy shit and get in the water." He proceeded to scoop Jasper into his arms, bridal carry style and jump into the pool together soaking them both through.

They both scrambled and splashed water at each other before occasionally stopping for snacks and alcohol. Eventually they both felt bogged down by their waterlogged clothes and decided to ditch them, both ending up naked as they play fought in the water. As they did so and got more progressively drunk, they stopped fighting and ended up just floating beside each other looking up at the stars, dicks flopped against their legs bobbing with the water. Jake was 4 inches soft and Jasper was around 5 but had previously admitted in their friendship he was definitely a shower not a grower and Jake was more a grower and not a shower.

After a while of floating their Jasper spoke up. "Y'know whats funny about this summer and what happened."

"Whats that?" Jake said turning his head to face him.

"I was so eager to get my kit off for that douche because the opportunity was there that I didn't stop to think if I was ready. I mean fuck, I haven't even kissed another guy."

Jake laughed at this, watching as Jasper did too, his blonde hair forming a soft halo of wet golden ringlets around his face. "I mean, if it makes you feel better, nor have I."

Jasper turned to also face him, "Did you want to? Never know until you try it once"

"I mean I would I guess, but I can't very well just hunt down a gay man to kiss in some twisted gaydar test can I?"

"You could kiss me and find out, who knows, maybe I'll not like it and be straight."

Jake thought on this for a moment, his eyes moving up and down Jaspers body as he floated beside him, he could swear he saw his dick twitch for a moment before he stood up and moved beside him.

"Alright then, better you than a stranger."

Jasper stood up, turning to face him and stepping closer. "Oh wow, thanks I guess."

They both laughed for a moment before an awkward silence fell over them. Both of them moved at the same time almost bumping noses before Jasper gestured for Jake to lead. Jake steeled his nerves and lent in to press his lips to Jasper's and was immediately captured. He felt Jasper's surprise at the fact he actually did it before Jasper lent into it some more. As Jasper did, Jake did too, one hand coming up to cup his face, the other moving to place firmly on Jasper's waist to fold him in place.

Jasper immediately felt blood surge to his cock, but was in a trance, he pushed in deeper to the kiss, his nose mushing against Jake's cheek as he opened his mouth wider and was amazed to feel Jake do the same. Much to Jasper's surprise, Jake's tongue adventured past his own lips and began to explore Jasper's mouth to which Jasper replied until both their lounges were wrestling for control. Jasper pulled their bodies closer until their chests were touching.

As Jake made out with Jasper and they were pulled closer together, the hand that was on Jasper's cheek reached up into his hair and got lost in the messy wet curls. He felt something firm against his thigh and was immediately conscious that Jasper was incredibly hard which made him even more aware that he was sporting a boner as well that pressed into each others thighs.

Eventually Jasper pulled away first, crouching down a little until his eyes were just above water level and he blew bubbles into the water. Jake stepped back to catch his breath a little.

"Well fuck dude, 10/10 you're better than most girls I've kissed that is for sure, whichever guy gets to date you is lucky. " He paused for a moment. "A lot to think about, but I'm definitely not gay. Maybe I'm bi because kissing a guy was so different and kinda fun but man do I also like kissing women."

Jasper blew bubbles a little longer until he then stood, his boner having now gone down. "Meh, you were okay. Think I'll have to kiss more guys to really get a feel." He said before laughing. "Nah I'm 100% gay and that confirmed it."

They both laughed this off before deciding to head out and lie on the pool loungers to watch a film via the projector, but Jake ended up not focusing too much as his mind constantly drifted to the kiss and how he hadn't wanted it to end and it was so much better than whenever he kissed a girl."


Sexy Member
Mar 11, 2024
Jake's Gay Awakening is a poignant exploration of self-discovery and acceptance. The film delicately navigates the complexities of sexuality and identity, portraying Jake's journey with authenticity and sensitivity. Through nuanced storytelling and compelling performances, it offers a powerful reflection on the importance of embracing one's true self. Thought-provoking and emotionally resonant, this film invites audiences to reconsider their perceptions and celebrate the beauty of diversity.
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Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Feb 14, 2019
New York (United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Is that a ChatGPT reply from Nicky? The tone and structure match GPTs cadence. Not to downplay the complementary nature behind it, but it does seem autogenerated.
It is the same kind of generic statement that is all over these stories. Pretty annoying.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Part 7 - To University

Things had grown slightly awkward between the pair of them after the kiss as they focused on preparing to start University. Jasper had attempted to break the tension a few times by pretending nothing had happened and nothing was awkward, but Jake had become slightly distant and more withdrawn. He opted to spend much of his time alone with the door closed, but was never rude or dismissive if Jasper came knocking, though his behavior meant Jasper sought him out less and less.

Eventually Jasper's parents came by to pick him up as they were taking him on the Saturday of Freshers week and he was travelling up on the Sunday. It wasn't ideal and ultimately neither of them liked this arrangement but Jasper's parents had been pretty insistent on this given that they hadn't seen him all summer. As Jasper was leaving he stepped back inside as his parents were loading the last of his stuff into their car and pulled Jake aside to give him a tight hug, burying his face into his chest.

"If I've done something... please tell me. It feels like you don't like me anymore and I hate it, I don't want to start Uni like this. I'm really sorry if what happened upset you, it was stupid of us."

Jake froze up a little before reciprocating the hug and holding Jasper tight. "Shut up dude, I'm fine and you haven't done anything. I've just never moved away is all and its made me quite anxious. But we're fine I promise."

Jasper squeezed a little tighter before letting go and stepping back, turning to leave. "Okay... good.. well I'll see you tomorrow." He bounces down the step before turning back. "Love you dude."

Jake choked a little on the words he would have said before just waving him off and closing the door. What was wrong with him, why was he being weird. He knew he was but didn't think it was obvious until just now. He gently thumped the side of his head.

"You're an idiot Jake."

Eventually Jake had unloaded the taxi and struggled his stuff to the elevator with the help of a guy who lived in the same building, he was 6 foot with dark brown hair and glasses who said his name was Ethan. Once he was in the lift, Ethan left to do whatever and Jake headed up to the 6th floor where his flat was. Using the key he'd got from the welcome hub, he pushed his way and dumped his stuff in to the 3 bedroom uni flat.

Dumping his stuff on the floor he let the door shut and called out. "Jasper its me, come give me a hand dickhead"

He waited a few second and then minutes, eventually receiving no response so he pulled out his phone and shot Jasper a text.

Jake: "Hey, are you out. Thought you were going to give me a hand?"

Jasper: "Huh? No I'm in my room waiting for you to get here."

Jake: "I just called out, come into the hall"

Jasper: "I just did, where are you???"

Jake: "Fuck... we're in different flats because I'm by the door and can see all three rooms."

Jasper took a while to reply before: "Shit... what flat are you in?"

Jake: "Block D, 6C. You?"

Jasper: "Block A, 3B"

Jake: "This fucking sucks."

Jasper didn't respond to that, so Jake sent a couple ??? and upon getting no response figured he might as well just unpack and then go find him.

After a couple of hours of unpacking with some music playing he eventually finished and checked his phone to see message from Jasper reading: "Sorry, flatmates arrived so I got chatting. We're heading out to the pub soon and I mentioned you so you and your flatmates are invited."

Jake sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed when he heard a knock on the door, he just looked up.

"Yeah its open." He called in response, smiling a touch when he saw the door open to Ethan wrapped in just a towel, glasses off and clearly out of the shower. He was thin but not boney, he imagined that Jasper would have called Ethan a twink. His hair was wet and matted to his face.

"Dude can you turn the mu-- Oh shit its you.. This your room?" He said angrily before becoming surprised.

"Oh dude, Ethan right. Yeah this is my room." He stood up grinning.

Ethan smiled brightly, dimples forming in his cheeks before looking Jake up and down a little turning a little red. "Hey uh.. let me go put some clothes on. I'll meet you in the kitchen." He said meekly before heading back to his room.

Jake nodded going to move to the kitchen, thought realized he was sporting a boner that was quite obvious through his gray trackies that he'd worn to be comfortable whilst moving. He frowned at this and wondered why it had happened but adjusted it and tucked it to his waistband and headed out.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Part 8 - Awkward Encounters

Jake sat on the sofa arms on the back of the sofa as he waited for Ethan to arrive, eventually he did wearing grey skinny jeans, a white polo shirt with a navy blue jumper over the top. His dark hair was still damp and stuck to his forehead and his glasses sat towards the tip of his nose.

"Hey sorry about that, didn't know who had moved in and just heard the loud music. Couldn't hear mine in the shower over it." Ethan smiled sitting in one of the chairs around the small table in the centre of the room.

Jake rubbed his face a little. "Hey! Oh man its no worries, I thought I was the only one here and didn't realise how loud it was. Sorry to have bothered you."

"No worries mate. Guess we're flatmates for the year, at least you're not a complete stranger." Ethan smiled.

"Yeah I guess not. We should celebrate, did you have plans for tonight?"

"Nah I don't think so." Jake noticed that Ethan spoke with a more northern accent though it was soft and not immediately noticeable.

Jake jumped up to his feet. "Wanna head out with me, I'm thinking of going to meet my best friend who also just started, his flatmates and him were going to the pub?"

Ethan just shrugged a little. "Sure, I'll go make some food super quickly and put some shoes on."

Eventually they were both ready and decided to pre-drink a little with some stuff they'd both brought, and it slowly got later and later in the evening until about 11 when Jasper texted.

Jasper: "Hey I'm so sorry it took so long. We're out, I'm sending you a pin of the location"

The location pin came through and the pair set off to meet up with the others, eventually after about a 20 minute walk through town they came to what became clear was not a pub and was instead a club already blaring music. Ethan shifted from foot to foot, swaying a little with the alcohol.

"This is... not a pub."

"Yeah I can see that, it'll be alright though" He grabbed Ethan by the arm and they headed inside. The club was packed with mostly men and slowly the realisation dawned on them that this was the town's gay club. It made sense for Jasper and clearly his new flatmates must have been down for it. Jake and Ethan decided to get a drink as Jake shot Jasper a text letting him know they were here.

When Jake didn't get any reply, they set off to search the club for Jasper. It was only on their second go around the club that Jake spotted the familiar blonde mop of curls pressed against a wall next to someone. They moved through the crowd to get closer and Jake was brought to an abrupt stop,

They'd gotten to Jasper but he was currently pressed against a wall making out with a much older guy, who easily must have been in his 50s, incredibly muscular with short greying hair and a salt and pepper stubble. One of his hands was on the back of Jaspers head and the other was on his ass, inside Jaspers cargo trousers. Jasper meanwhile hand both hands gripping the man's back and they were not being shy about making out relatively aggressively in the club.

Ethan noted Jake stopping sharply and followed his gaze to the two making out. "Is... that your mate? I mean good for him but wow." There was a weird edge to the way Ethan said this that caught Jake off guard a little but he was still stunned and unable to react, all he knew is he couldn't move and his stomach was beginning to churn violently.

Eventually, the man kissing Jasper moved from his lips and began to suckle on Jasper's neck causing Jasper to tilt and turn his head putting Jake and Ethan directly in his line of sight. And his face dropped, immediately seeing something was wrong he began to create distance between him and the stranger and wriggle free.

Jake broke from his stupor at the sight of this and grabbed Ethans arm and bolted towards the exit of the club, where once on the street he emptied the contents of his stomach on the pavement. Ethan just sighed and rubbed his back until Jake came to a stop. He spoke softly, a touch disappointed almost. "I guess we should get you home, clearly can't handle your alcohol. Good to know." He began to lead Jake back the way they first came when a voice called out behind them.

"Jake... Jake wait" Jasper said hurrying towards them, noting the vomit. "Are you okay?" He reached out to help Ethan navigate Jake back but Jake pulled away violently staggering back.

"Get off me dude." He stepped away from Jasper creating some distance, vaguely aware of feeling his face redden.

Jasper froze up a little, a concerned look falling across his face. "Jake... what's wrong... talk to me." He reached out again and Jake pulled back further.

"I said get off me gayboy." And the words just shot out and Jake swear he could see the holes in their friendship as Jasper paled stepping away from him, his hands starting to shake.

"I.. you.. Jake?" Jasper breathed out shakily, tear beginning to form in his eyes. Ethan just looked towards the ground stood close to Jake incase he went to fall over.

Jake reached out and took a step forwards, as if trying to clutch at the loose threads of the one person he cared about most and had just torn from his life through his words.

Jasper raised his voice stepping away. "No.. I... fuck you Jake. Genuinely fuck you, I don't want to hear whatever you want to say. Clearly we're at university now and your real feelings are coming out. Just fuck you. Fuck off Jake." He said starting to shout at the end, tears now streaming down his face as he just turned and headed back to the club.

"Ja..Jasper.. I didn'"

"I SAID FUCK OFF JAKE, just fuck off and die you backstabbing homophobe." Jasper screamed and stomped off away from them.

Jake buckled at the knees and Ethan caught him, whispering softly. "Dick move pal, but lets get you home and to sleep. You can't sort this now, he needs time."

Jake just nodded emptily and allowed himself to be led off, along the way he was aware that his face was wet from crying.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Part 9 - Aftermath

Jake woke up around 11am with an outrageous headache, he was still clothed from the night before and on his bedside table was a glass of water and two paracetamol. He lay there for a few moments, letting his body adjust to being awake before deciding to move. When he did, he reached immediately for his phone to check if Jasper had messaged him.


He felt his heart hollow out and dropped his phone on the table which caused a groan from elsewhere in the room.


A soft northern accent came back.

"Nah... it's Ethan I slept in here on the floor in case you choked on vomit." Jake leant up a bit and saw Ethan on the floor under his duvet which was barely covering him as he clearly had slept in some boxers.

"What happened.. last night?" Jake asked tentatively, he already knew the answer but hoped it had just been a bad dream.

"It was messy dude... you really fucked it with that Jasper guy..like real bad."

Jake let his head hit his pillow as he covered his face.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." He groaned. "I'm a fucking idiot, why did I do that."

"Beats me, you saw him making out with someones dad in the club and froze up then freaked out. Got something against gay people?" The final question was posed with an element of genuine curiosity.

"No... never.. I just." He stopped himself. "No I don't have anything against gay people or anyone."

"Good, then now is a good time to let you know I'm gay and what you said last night was fucked dude." Ethan said reaching for his glasses to put on.

Jake just melted into his bed. "I know... I didn't mean it, it was shit of me and I'm sorry.."

"Then why say it?" Ethan asked, now a bit confused as to the answer.

"I just... saw him like that and freaked I guess. The alcohol got the better of me and I just needed space from him, to unsee that."

Ethan was quiet for a few moments before speaking. "I see.. can I ask you a question and don't get offended."

Jake sat up a little now, wincing at his head and stomach at the same time. "Uh... sure."

"Did you dislike seeing him with man or did you dislike seeing him with someone who wasn't you?"

Jake opened his mouth to answer but stopped himself and sat with the question for a little bit. "I.."

Ethan sat up as well. "Dude.. it's okay you're safe.. I think it'll help you either way to be honest with the answer."

Jake closed his eyes, and all he could see was him and Jasper in the pool kissing and how much he didn't want it to end and how he'd felt really awkward around Jasper the following days because all he could think about was his lips, his touch, how he tasted and felt.

"I think I disliked that it wasn't me."

Ethan sighed "Well great, guess we've got to fix this then. Time to give you a crash course on having a crush on your best friend."


Experimental Member
Aug 29, 2022
Birmingham, Alabama,United States
No Response
Part 9 - Aftermath

Jake woke up around 11am with an outrageous headache, he was still clothed from the night before and on his bedside table was a glass of water and two paracetamol. He lay there for a few moments, letting his body adjust to being awake before deciding to move. When he did, he reached immediately for his phone to check if Jasper had messaged him.


He felt his heart hollow out and dropped his phone on the table which caused a groan from elsewhere in the room.


A soft northern accent came back.

"Nah... it's Ethan I slept in here on the floor in case you choked on vomit." Jake leant up a bit and saw Ethan on the floor under his duvet which was barely covering him as he clearly had slept in some boxers.

"What happened.. last night?" Jake asked tentatively, he already knew the answer but hoped it had just been a bad dream.

"It was messy dude... you really fucked it with that Jasper guy..like real bad."

Jake let his head hit his pillow as he covered his face.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." He groaned. "I'm a fucking idiot, why did I do that."

"Beats me, you saw him making out with someones dad in the club and froze up then freaked out. Got something against gay people?" The final question was posed with an element of genuine curiosity.

"No... never.. I just." He stopped himself. "No I don't have anything against gay people or anyone."

"Good, then now is a good time to let you know I'm gay and what you said last night was fucked dude." Ethan said reaching for his glasses to put on.

Jake just melted into his bed. "I know... I didn't mean it, it was shit of me and I'm sorry.."

"Then why say it?" Ethan asked, now a bit confused as to the answer.

"I just... saw him like that and freaked I guess. The alcohol got the better of me and I just needed space from him, to unsee that."

Ethan was quiet for a few moments before speaking. "I see.. can I ask you a question and don't get offended."

Jake sat up a little now, wincing at his head and stomach at the same time. "Uh... sure."

"Did you dislike seeing him with man or did you dislike seeing him with someone who wasn't you?"

Jake opened his mouth to answer but stopped himself and sat with the question for a little bit. "I.."

Ethan sat up as well. "Dude.. it's okay you're safe.. I think it'll help you either way to be honest with the answer."

Jake closed his eyes, and all he could see was him and Jasper in the pool kissing and how much he didn't want it to end and how he'd felt really awkward around Jasper the following days because all he could think about was his lips, his touch, how he tasted and felt.

"I think I disliked that it wasn't me."

Ethan sighed "Well great, guess we've got to fix this then. Time to give you a crash course on having a crush on your best friend."
Please for the love of all things holy keep this story going!!!


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (Jasper's POV)

His head hurt and so did his back, he opened his eyes to find himself slumped in an unfamiliar bathroom, cradling the toilet. It took him only a few moments to realise that he was also fully naked, unsure where he was or where his clothes were he took his time rising to his feet.

Opting to wrap a towel around his waist to cover himself up he quietly opened the door to the bathroom and quickly realised he was not in uni accommodation and was instead in someones house. The lights were dark and he slowly crept outwards to explore and firstly find his clothes and identify where he was. How could he have gotten so drunk he couldn't remember anything from... except he did.

He remembered Jake and what he said, he remembered returning to the club in a state and beyond that he drew a blank. Fucking Jake, what was his problem and why would he say that, of all the things that could have happened why did it have to be that, why did his best friend choose to prey upon one of the few things that made Jasper feel so small.

He didn't want to know, he felt hurt and betrayed and wanted to go back to his room and disappear. Through a few seconds of creeping he came to the quick realization he was in a bedroom and was also not alone. There was a large bed with the duvet all jumbled up and more alarmingly, there was someone present in it.

"Fuck.." He whispered, or thought he did but the body groaned a little and began to roll over. Jasper, unsure what to do, just began to move about the room looking for his things a little more hurriedly.

"Baby boy.. you're awake I see. Leaving?" The now evident man spoke, his voice more gravely and enticing which caused Jasper to freeze up, followed by the flicking of a light on and the man sitting up a little to watch him.

Jasper glanced over and bit his tongue when he vaguely remembered making out with this man last night, but he couldn't remember what they did beyond that. "Uh.. sorry... yeah.. I need to go."

"Not so fast.." The voice sounded as the man swivelled his legs to the edge of the bed and stood up giving a slight stretch. He would have easily fit in the bear category of gay men, tall, muscular and covered in hair. Jasper very quickly noticed the man was naked and a little excited he guessed by the large semi he was sporting. Shit he thought, it was huge, easily 9 inches when erect.

"Huh..." He mumbled now turning to face him as the mans words sunk in.

The man drew closer, growing more excited each second until he was fully erect and his giant dick poked outwards. "You don't need to leave so soon, we didn't get to have much fun last night and I was hoping we could make up for lost time."

'Thank fuck' Jasper thought inwardly, he hadn't had sex with this dad, it wasn't how he'd have wanted to lose his virginity anyways and he likely wouldn't have been able to move. "Uh... I really need to go, do you know where my clothes are?" He asked somewhat sheepishly.

The man moved closer to stand before Jasper, running a rough hand over Jaspers shoulder and down his arm to his hand. "Not a clue... I can help you look a little later." The mans dick was centimetres from making contact with Jasper's waist and surprisingly, the man's hand jumped from Jaspers hand to the towel and whisked it from his waist leaving Jasper very very naked in front of him.

"God you're so small and cute... look at you." He growled at Jasper.

Jaspers hands shot to cover his dick and he flushed red, avoiding looking at the man or his dick shaped club. "Look... sorry if I led you on, I can't remember last night and I really need to go."

The man just put a finger to Jaspers lips and the hand that moved the towel moved down to gently cup Jaspers balls causing him to gasp a little. "Don't worry we'll be quick."

Jasper just nodded softly, captured by the feeling of someone else touching him erotically. The man slowly circled his thumb over Jaspers balls as his other hand moved from Jasper's lips to guide Jaspers hand to the mans cock, guiding Jaspers hand a long until Jasper got the memo and began sliding it up and down himself. The man groaned and leant down to suck on Jasper's earlobe causing Jasper let a small moan escape as he felt himself also begin rapidly growing hard.

The man moved his attention upwards and began to slowly jerk Jasper's cock and another rose up to gently pinch and rub one of his nipples. "You're so cute and sexy baby boy."

Jasper nodded softly, closing his eyes and getting lost in the moment. "You're so hot Jake" He said in response and very quickly stopped moving and he felt the man stop as well.

"Who the fuck is Jake, I'm not Jake" The man said a little angrily stepping back.

Jasper flushed bright red. "I... I'm sorry... fuck ignore me"

The man just looked pissed off and grabbed Jaspers clothes from the top of the wardrobe and tossed them at him. "Just get dressed and fuck off you bitch. Waste my time and lead me on, fuck you"

Jasper managed to hold back the tears as the man spoke, getting dressed, grabbing his phone off the table and hurrying out.

The only thought that stuck with him was... why the fuck did he say Jake's name.


Cherished Member
Oct 12, 2019
Poole, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 11 - Crash Course

Jake knocked meekly on Ethan's door, having woken up a few hours ago and after Jake's slight revelation Ethan had left sharply saying he needed to prepare a powerpoint and resources to guide Jake through having a crush on his gay best friend. Jake had laughed it off presuming Ethan just needed to go freshen up and figure out how to actually help him but as Ethan opened the door, Jake immediately spotted the open laptop on his desk that showed a rainbow flag powerpoint with the title 'So you may be gay for your best friend?'

"Well shit you actually made a powerpoint" Jake laughed as he stepped in, sitting down cross legged on the end of Ethans bed.

"I figured you're a visual learner" Ethan smiled back before sitting in his desk chair and gesturing to the powerpoint.

Ethan continued beginning to flick through the slides. "So lets start with understanding the dynamic a bit more. How long have you two known each other?"

Jake responded instantly. "Since we were five, we both met when we started first school and were sat next to each other. Ended up in the same secondary school as well and we've just always been best friends."

"Oh shit okay" Ethan breaks character a little leaning forwards. "And you never realised you'd rather be dicking him down than some other guy?"

Jake frowned "Dude what the heck, I never said I want to do that. I just... "

Ethan wafted his hand. "Yeah yeah, anyways. So 13 odd years. How long have you known he is gay and have you ever had an issue with it before?"

"Since he figured out, I was the first person he told and no never, I.. uh actually get quite angry when people bully him for it or take advantage of him for being shy about it."

"Right, then what you said was pretty fucked up." Ethan retorted.

"No shit sherlock, can we move on please." Jake said defeated

Ethan flicked onto the next slide titled 'Identifying why you like him'.

"So, we know you must like him somehow as you didn't like another man not you doing stuff with him, has anything ever happened before?"

Jake took his time with this answer. "I'm not gay or even bi I think but just a few days before we left for Uni we ended up making out naked in my pool, he hadn't kissed a guy and I hadn't got laid yet and he said I couldn't be certain I didn't like guys until I tried it so we kissed and uh.. yeah it got a bit intense but nothing else."

Ethan nodded sagely. "I see, I think I get it. You hadn't ever considered liking a guy, let alone him until he kissed you. Let me guess that you replayed every moment of the kiss in the days afterwards."

Jake just nodded slowly. "I mean yeah I guess. It was just pretty intense and then I was weird I guess with him because of it."

"Oh man, so the last real interaction you guys had that felt normal was when you kissed and then what would have been the next real interaction you found him kissing some old geezer?" Ethan questioned leaning forwards and steepling his fingers.

Jake just nodded. "Yeah, that. When you put it that way that makes sense."

Ethan leant back crossing his legs in the chair. "Then you're jealous. I'm guessing you probably said what you did because you didn't want to confront your feelings and were jealous."

Jake nodded just in acknowledgement, looking down as Ethan moved onto the final slide that read 'What's next?'

"So... friendship on the ropes, feelings confused and hurt, what do we do next or what do you want to do?"

Jake piped up. "Fix it, I want to apologise to Jasper and fix this so we don't stop being friends."

Ethan wagged his finger. "Yeah obviously, but beyond that do you just want to be friends or do you want to tell him more about how you feel?"

Jake paled. "I... no it would change things and just because I liked the kiss and got a little jealous doesn't really mean anything."

Ethan sighed now. "Straight men are idiots. Dude, do what you want but speaking from experience avoiding these feelings will not help, what happens the next time you're out together and he flirts with a guy. You can't keep repressing your feelings only to lash out at him."

Jake met Ethans eyes and sighed defeatedly knowing he was right. "Then I guess I tell him and we clear the air."

Ethan clapped sarcastically. "Good, problem sorted. Keep in mind he may not accept the apology and then you just need to give him space and take things slow, but you could probably start by texting and asking to chat about what happened." He said as Jake took out his phone and began to text.