Hi all,
There is nothing much on my blog.
I just would like to dedicate this blog entry to mark my 1,000th post on the website.
I have been here sine 2007. It's been a while ride and I enjoy it more and more everyday.
I would like to thank everyone who created this and maintain the website today. It is such a great community. I don't think anywhere else could provide such a fun, loving community like LPSG.
I will support and help the website keep going as long as I could.
Cheers to all
There is nothing much on my blog.
I just would like to dedicate this blog entry to mark my 1,000th post on the website.
I have been here sine 2007. It's been a while ride and I enjoy it more and more everyday.
I would like to thank everyone who created this and maintain the website today. It is such a great community. I don't think anywhere else could provide such a fun, loving community like LPSG.
I will support and help the website keep going as long as I could.
Cheers to all