my masturbation trends

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over the years, my masturbation has slowely changed and I thought I would update everyone on how.

I started out just like everyone else, just wanting to cum and that was the entire forcus. Eventually, once I started to have sex with people, I used those memories to fuel my masturbation but was still pretty much forcused on cumin and moving on.

Over the years, I used any and all porn to help me along. But as I had more and more sex with people, I started to realize that the memories of when I sucked my best friend and he sucked me were the strongest memories I had of some great orgasms. Along with this, I discovered edging. Probably 10 years ago or so, I started to prolong my masturbation anyway I could and get my cock on the edge for long periods of time.

Started out that 1 - 2 hours seemed like forever and I would cum at the end. Now though, I will typically go at least 2 - 3 hours and not always have an orgasm. Recently, I have edged for more than 12 hours and did cum. Dam, I love the feeling of my hard cock on the edge in my hands, just feels like heaven.
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