
Blog details

After almost 14 years WordPress wasn’t the optimal place to run my blog, as I learned the hard way (I admittedly violated some Terms of Service during the mentioned time span!). My blog covered male sexuality in a very broad scope with about 450 posts. I considered it being a base for sexutainment, as I called it, supplying information and sexual “entertainment” peppered with aesthetically imagery of sexual activity of the benign and “natural” kind.

My blog may not have been known by too many, however, it was treasured by devoted followers from around the globe adding thousands of comments! This blog here cannot and must not recover the volume and complexity of the original, for a good part of it is preserved and can be found – thankfully – at the Way Back Machine! Please refer to:

Wayback Machine

I set up this echo of peaks-n-pulses to give notice to fellow supporters who try to google my former site in vain. You may place questions if you have any. I started continuing here with my established publishing routine, if in a reduced design. It seems the right place for doing so. :)
  • creamcumglans.jpg