Hidden in the hood. About my all experiences with the foreskin

One of the last nights I was awoken by particular and not very pleasant vibes on the tip of my cock. All because I fell asleep with pulled back the foreskin and my dried cock head reacted to everything it touched. When I covered my glans again, I thought that living with foreskin is not always easy.

This little incident inspired me to write a longer text about this and other similar experiences. I collected the most important affairs in two guides and at the end, I wrote about my fascination with circumcised cocks and why I once wanted to remove my foreskin.

The glans holds tight to this cover​

My cock head hidden under the foreskin was initially very sensitive. It was enough that I pulled my cover back and many intense signals could pass through my nervous system. I felt air movements, the current ambient temperature, and every invisible speck of dust that touched the skin on the tip of my member. When cock head was exposed, my courage could be mixed with shame, exactly like my sexual desire with a sense of guilt, but not only. It was wonderful and scary at the same time and to this day it's hard to compare it to anything else I've felt so far in my body. Every single retraction of the foreskin to expose my glans was exciting. It was something like a ritual whose aim was revealing a mystical part of me reserved only for special occasions.

This part originally was strongly protected by my long and tight foreskin. As I remember, to release glans in all glory I had to pull hard on the skin or insert a member into a homemade hole and perform rough copulatory movements. Only with strong and decisive thrusts could I open my glans. Whether my cock stood up straight and was ready to shoot or lay idle between the legs, it didn't matter. The skin on the tip of my penis didn't pull back easily.


It’s like cock head recognizes only two possible and safe states: the first, when resting under the foreskin, most of the time, and the second when it reveals itself during an erection to open labia and enter to the wet vagina, release the seeds, and afterward leave and hide under the skin again. Just like a predator hides in a cave after a successful hunt or like a thief hides in a dark alley after a bold robbery. From a biological point of view, all is correct, but men’s life is more complicated.

The owner of an uncut penis uses it not only for reproductive purposes and if it does, in a not so simple, unemotional way. We play with it for our satisfaction, care about glans hygiene, and because of it, this part is exposed to many other stimuli that immunize it.

The sensitivity changed over time​

I remember that initially I also preferred to keep my glans closed, like someone wild or primitive. It means, I only released it when it was necessary and for the shortest possible time. While peeing, I didn't expose my cock head, and if I masturbated, I didn’t touch the glans because it reacted unpleasantly to my fingers, clothes, a towel, or other objects. So the cock head was stimulated only by the tight edge of the foreskin, which jumped rhythmically up and down over it.

At the same time, I was fascinated by the complexity of the cock head and the role of the foreskin in protecting this sensitive part. It intrigued me and led me to explore this place and discover the features that lie dormant in it. It was easiest to do while I was bathing where in underwater the glans were less sensitive to manipulation by fingers or rubbing between the legs. During this research I often ended it with an erection and ejaculation, and finally I was taking a bath with semen. I also did it while sitting on the couch or lying in bed. I pulled my glans out from the foreskin and squashed it in my hands or rubbed it against the sheets. It was often accompanied by pain, especially in the area of the frenulum and under the crown, my most sensitive cock’s parts.


The tip of my cock often hurt me after all this play, but I tried to make the cock head less sensitive and to let my foreskin be able to pull back automatically during erection. This is because I wanted to be more open to the new masturbation possibilities, but also to be more efficient during sexual intercourse. I thought that a guy, like me then, who painfully pulls back his foreskin looks like a bad and ugly lover. Exactly like a guy who jerks off without fully revealing the cock head. Besides, I wanted my cock to be more durable. With overly sensitive glans it would be impossible.

Under the exercises described above, each month my foreskin was pulled back more easily and my head getting less sensitive. The foreskin began to slide away without troubles, but I lost all my innate sensitivity. My cock head was still sensitive, but not enough to shake my whole body when I pulled all the skin back and touched the glans. My member during an erection started to reveal itself automatically, which made it a lot easier and I could play with my head uncovered.

After a while, my cock also gained extra strength, but I wanted more. I kept pressing on the glans when I had time, and on some days I tried to walk with the head of the penis bare under my briefs, but quickly gave it up because it was too bothersome. Finally, I reached a compromise level, meaning my cock is more durable but still sensitive to touch for a better sensory experience.

Full access on demand​

Today everything is fine, because for many years my foreskin works well and exposes my glans whenever I want. And to be honest, sometimes it does it even too fast and too smoothly, but I'm not complaining. My cock head is not very sensitive during an erection and semi sensitive when it is flaccid, but the frenulum and place underside of the cock crown is a bit more sensitive at every stage.

I like to masturbate using the glans only. I crush it in my fingers, push it into my hand pretending to be a tube, or twist the crown with great force. Then I admire how much my glans can endure and how it has changed over the years. But not only. When I massage my exposed frenulum with my fingers, I sometimes wonder if it is accompanied by a feeling similar to what women feel when they touch their main intimate place. Besides, I also like the sound that my cock generates when I quickly open and close the foreskin, it means, this characteristic clicking noise.


With flexible foreskin and insensitive glans when cock is hard, I feel that I can give the best I have to others. I can be better in action but also provide a more spectacular show of my possibilities. Another person can release my cock head from the foreskin and I may not notice it.

Footjob makes more sense because all the skin on my cock can collaborates smoothly with the feet. Cock's pre-entry movement around the target hole is possible. And I can twirl frivolously around someone's nipples with my glans or touch other parts of the body which are not permanently wet. With my inborn sensitivity, it was not ever possible because I would be moaning of the intense sensations and my endurance would be very low.

Today to keep my cock head on my shaft during erection in a locked position, just like originally, I have to force it by holding the skin on my glans for some time. Then the cock head sticks slightly to the foreskin again, but I don't do it often. Generally, if my glans stays closed longer, the more sensitive it is after unlocking and conversely.

Everything I have described here, from high sensitivity to freedom of action with the foreskin and glans, cost me a lot of time and trials, but it was worth it. I don't know if all the uncircumcised guys had the same experiences as me in the past, but I know some of them did. I admit that the whole process was quite interesting, but I wouldn't like to repeat it anymore. I could probably get it all faster if I acted less conservatively or had someone to force it on me a dozen years ago.


1. Cock head requires more regular cleaning​


Hooded cock needs more attention in the shower. Before entering the cabin I always reveal my glans for cleaning and I can't imagine not doing it every time. On the inside of the foreskin, I can sometimes find various surprises: white lumps of smegma with shed skin cells, cloth lint from more worn underwear, or single hairs from my bush, especially after riding a bicycle or similar activities where legs are important. An unpleasant smell occurs rarely, but if it does, it is because of the urine. This happens if I don't thoroughly shake my glans after urinating and next, if I cover it too quickly. Then a few drops may remain under the skin. But it is not everything. If I used a condom a few hours before, my exposed glans may still smell like latex and it is sometimes so fun. However, most often the skin under the foreskin is clean as in the photos I publish here.

On the water stream, I always move the skin on my shaft as far as I can to reach the crown of cock head. Next, I rinse the glans thoroughly and excess wrinkled skin under it. Then I wash my body as usual with open glans. When I get to the penis, I pull his skin back to the maximum again and I thoroughly wash the whole head. Then I do the same with my wrinkled skin under the glans. At the end, when it rinses the whole body, I slide my foreskin back on cock head before I leave the cabin. It's important, because this part of me, when cock is fully flaccid, reacts badly to touching a rough towel.


When I was younger, my cock most often stood straight as an arrow in the shower and that made it all easier. Today I rarely have this pleasure, but it still happens. During an erection the head is large and the skin on the shaft is tighter. This allows for thorough washing and rinsing. As a young man, I used to cum a lot while soaping my cock, and I must admit that I feel best when I wash my glans under the shower right after ejaculation. Then I’m sure that it will stay perfectly clean longer.

However, it wasn't always like that, because sometimes my cock needed longer and more intense stimulation. In those situations, I left the shower with cock raised and exposed glans. What's interesting, I can then wipe my whole body with a towel, including the head of the penis, because it is much less sensitive during an erection. The possibility of touching my cock head with a towel is always an exciting experience. Because of this fact, I like to jerk off my erected cock while wrapping it in a towel. When I'm finished I just wash the head of my cock again under the tap and close it under the foreskin. Then I also feel perfectly clean.


After ejaculating, at the end masturbation or penetration, the foreskin slowly slides back into place. By the time I reach the sink, the shaft skin on the top part can be very wrinkled. Then my glans is still visible, but its base is obscured by folds of sticky skin. Under running water I have to rinse every fragment of it thoroughly, pulling all as far away from the head as possible. At the same time, the penis is going limp and the glans get smaller and more sensitive. When everything on the inside is fine, I cover my cock head and wash and rinse my penis from the outside.

This all takes a long time, so if I can, I stay in place and wait for my cummy cock to return to its regular size because penis washing is faster when all filth accumulates in a small area. Then I uncover my head under the tap, wash and rinse the inside thoroughly, and repeat it from the outside part. At this time, my penis sometimes gets excited again.


When I take off a condom from my cock after ejaculation, the foreskin closes immediately under the pressure of tight rubber. Hooded cock after being released looks still fresh and clean and I don't feel the need to wash my cock at all basically, but if I can, I always do it.


It's mainly because under the foreskin sperm may still leak from the top of my glans and accumulate inside the skin. Head moistened by silicone oil lubricant, whether my cock is still standing or is flaccid, always out easily from my foreskin and washes well. And it's nice.

2. Always expose cock head before urinating​


As I remember, originally I was always pissing with my penis head covered. It was more convenient and safer because then my too sensitive glans feel comfortable only inside the foreskin. This is a very unsanitary method, but also quite difficult to control. However, it was only one acceptable pissing way for me, and how could I see, also for many of my uncut mates in my early years. Because of the unpleasant feels that the glans caused when touched, I didn't want to expose it often.

Pissing through the foreskin is not easy. It is because sometimes the foreskin is too sticky for it, for example in the morning or if I don't use cock for many hours. When the protruding tip of the hooded penis is squeezed tightly, the stream can flow in two or three different directions. Then I can only watch how the yellow liquid spills around, on my jeans, on the floor, because my cock gushes out like a fountain on the market square. When I was peeing outdoors it was acceptable, but when I was using the toilet bowl it was no longer allowed because there's nothing worse to me than seeing my urine on the floor at someone's toilet. It happened to me a few times and as I remember, it takes longer to clean up this mess than to pee.

To be in control during pissing by the foreskin, I must keep my fingers on the end of the skin and form a good vent for the stream. But that still doesn't solve all the problems. With a closed cock head, I can't exactly squeeze out every drop of urine and always some liquid remains inside. After several visits to the toilet during the day, in the evening my member can stink. Keeping a stinky penis in briefs was never comfortable for me and always can be a reason to be ashamed.


Fortunately, over time I started to expose my piss hole while peeing. It was a good compromise between peeing through the foreskin and peeing with a full exposed cock head. When the glans are partially exposed, the stream flows straight and is easy to control.


But in this method, I must always remember to keep a good distance between the stretched edge of the foreskin and the piss hole. Is a simple and more hygienic method for uncut cock, but today I only pee this way on cold days or when I don't feel like looking at my glans. When I pee like this, if I can, I wash the tip of my penis under the tap to make it cleaner. But I can also wipe the tip with toilet paper to get rid of urine marks from my glans before I close it.


I began to expose the entire glans while peeing when this part became less sensitive and the foreskin started to pull back very well. It is the purest way to pee and is most often used by adult men with uncut cock. When I pee by this way I can locks the foreskin behind my cock head and I don't have to worry about the distance between the edge of the skin and my piss hole. However, this method has its drawbacks. Fully exposed cock head then susceptible to cold, which is not always pleasant. Especially when my cock is flaccid and I do it in the forest in the middle of winter.

If I piss by pulling back the foreskin, sometimes I wash my entire cock head over the sink. But usually, it depends if I have any plans for my cock later. Because of that the main and the most complex part of my cock is fresh all the time and nothing can surprise me.

3. One step more when putting on a condom​

Before I put the condom on my cock, I need not only to make sure that my member is fully hard but also I need to expose glans completely. Thanks to this I have more confidence that it will be a good fit all the time. It is not obligatory but recommended for uncut cocks and I agree with it because the penis then looks to me like a penis and works as a penis. Besides, I have to smooth the entire rubber, because the air bubbles can more easily form on the wrinkled skin below the head. When I take the condom off the foreskin always closes immediately under the pressure of tight rubber. I think this means that the size is safe because the rubber holds the penis properly. To put on a new condom, I have to reveal the glans again every time.

4. Cock head is unavailable if conditions are bad​


A flaccid penis can shrink under certain conditions. In my case, it happens when I'm embarrassed, very tired or when I'm too long in a cold place. The cock shaft becomes shorter and the balls hide just under the crotch. On my uncut penis, the excess skin stretched over the glans shrinks to some extent and then curls up like a concertina. The head disappears under the heaps of skin and the whole thing looks as if it was never there or someone removed it and only an empty foreskin is left. This strange effect is not a problem for me if I have time to relax or warm-up. The situation is worse when I suddenly need to gain access to the glans, for example, because I want to urinate urgently or arrange another matter. And most often this happens in winter.


I discovered this consequence one frozen day when I had to walk for a long time between different points of the city. In the middle of the day, I had to urinate and because of that, I went to the public toilet. When I lowered my briefs, to my great surprise, I saw a dark, curled, and wrinkled concertina in the place of my penis. And I couldn't do anything with it. Because of this rolled skin, I had to use more force in my crotch to break this tight barrier, but it gave me a great feeling that is hard to forget.

This is because the pressure inside me was enormous and I felt warm urine flowing between the folds of my skin. I couldn't see the head, but I felt that it was there and it was doing its job. A strong stream flowed straight by this rough road and got all urine down to one drop. After all my cock didn't get back to normal form, because it was still too cold.


My foreskin also curls up with greater physical exertion. A few years ago I had to dig a long and deep hole for new plumbing from the street to my house. This task took me a few days, but the excavation was really deep. At the end of each evening, I was exhausted and it was visible not only in my face and my sweaty clothes but also in my penis skin, which always looked like a concertina on the top part. The daily additional challenge to me was to bring it back to normal.

But at home, it is easy to deal with it. The rolled-up foreskin I always massage so long until it unlocks the head. During this my skin feels expands under the influence of heat and how it cracks where it was broken. As I remember this great feeling of cracking on my shaft turned me on every time and then everything happened fast. In a few moments, instead of a small, wrinkled tail, from my crotch protruded a hard rod with an exposed head again.


My foreskin can shrink also on a warm day when I’m embarrassed. One time I wanted to take a picture of my hard cock outside in a public area. It's a bit of a strange need, but that's what I set out to do then. Once I was sitting on the bench I had chosen and made sure that there was no one around, I took out my camera and took off my jeans with briefs. Underneath them, I discovered that my penis looked like a short tail and that I wouldn't be able to wake it.


If someone saw me at that moment, they would either not pay attention to what I was doing, because they would not see anything suspicious, or they would laugh at my very small penis. I was excited and embarrassed at the same time, so I tucked my little cock back into my jeans. It was as if my cock wouldn't like to take a picture of it in public during an erection. Sooner and later I haven't had similar problems when I was playing outside.

The effect of concertina-penis is rare and specific, so I always try to experience it quite intensely. The most important and satisfying moment is when the compressed foreskin is stretched.

5. Unintentional erections is more problematic​


As long as the edge of my foreskin lay tight to the tip of my glans I had no problem with accidental erections. Of course, I received it regularly, but not cause any unpleasant situations. My cock grew under my briefs in the morning or during the day and that's all. My sensitive glans hidden under the skin had no way of reacting to anything. My cock stood up with closed glans and went to sleep with closed glans. But from the day when the foreskin began to open easily, that changed forever. Now my penis head is releasing with every erection, including the unintentional one. It is not always pleasant and not always I can hide my glans discreetly under the foreskin.


It was so once upon a time my cock woke up after a short while during an intense and difficult day. It didn't reach full hardness under clothes, but it was semi-hard for a while. Everything seemed to be okay, but while I was dealing with various errands and various meetings, I had a strange feeling all the time. After returning home, I discovered that the glans didn't fully return under the skin. When I closed it again, I felt strange, because I realized that my exposed glans was with me in front of many people, including those in the presence of whom I would not even dare to think of something sexual.

Most often, when the foreskin opens my glans by itself during incidental erection, I have to go to a secluded place, for example to the toilet and put my hand in my briefs to slide it back into place. I'm also trying to make sure that my glans does not reopen again. For this, I change the position of my cock shaft upwards towards the navel and press the foreskin with rubber from briefs. If my cock gets up again it will pass through the rubber and expose the glans outside the briefs, but when it comes back inside, the foreskin will close again when it goes through the tight edge. It doesn't always work, because my penis can change its position. So if I have time, I jerk it off.


The most troublesome for me, however, is sudden erections during sleep. Sometimes I’m aware of it, that is when I dream about dirty actions, but most often I don't know about it. It is not a bad event when cock stands straight and glans is insensitive, because then the cock head can be carelessly rubbing against everything and it gives me pleasure. It is worse when the penis gets soft and the glans stays outside because the head is again sensitive, and sends to my mind only unpleasant signals that disturbs me and wakes me up every time. To solve this problem, I have to reach under the covers and close the glans under the foreskin to cut it off from all stimuli.


1. If my glans is inside the foreskin all is okay​


The foreskin gives me a sense of safety. When it is closed, I’m sure that I don’t have to worry about my cock head because it is in the best cover. The hooded cock has a streamlined shape and works like solid armor. It's hard to accidentally catch by cock on something, but if it does, for example, by the shower door, I don't feel it too much. The cock head is also resistant to impact in team sport games or pressure when I'm leaning on something.


I always rest with my cock head closed and I appreciate the sense of comfort my foreskin gives me everyday. This applies to the moments when I walk naked through my house or I lay without clothes in the sun in my private outdoor place, but also when I swim in a river or lake. This all also applies to relaxation after ejaculation, because then I feel a lot of relief after closing the head. It’s also one of those feelings that are hard to compare to others.

Moreover, my foreskin reminds me about my carefree years when the penis was not important, and was at best only an object for urination. With closed foreskin I don't need to feel that I have a penis in my crotch. And in fact, I can forget about my cock for some time, including my orientation, sexuality, and other related things.Then my foreskin sets me free from this matter in all.


I would not be myself if I had not also written that the foreskin also provides me with aesthetic impressions. It's because I can relate my crotch to a masterpiece of art that I have always liked to admire. And I mean not only the most famous sculptures like imposing “David” of Michelangelo, very emotional “Laocoön and His Sons” or seductive "Barberini Faun", but also many unknow reliefs that can be found in public spaces, on the facades of old buildings or at the entrances to pre-war highrise, like "Relief on the wall of Prudential building".

When I look at details of these works, at the way they reproduce the foreskin, and this also makes me feel more comfortable with what I have in my crotch. In high art flaccid uncut cock are presented as beautiful and innocent elements as vaginas or boobs, most often with a well natural bush. And that's why it's associated positively for spectators.

Interestingly, a hooded cock is almost unnoticed in street art, including of random graffiti created without the permission of the owner of the wall. On the streets, in toilet cubicles or in school notebooks, they dominate only erected cocks and it is difficult to define what type is. Maybe because these works exist with cummy overtones, not aesthetic, like in classic art works.

2. More varied sessions with cock​


One of the options that gives the foreskin is the possibility of more discreet and comfortable masturbation, especially when I'm fully clothed. I just put my hand under my jeans, grab the top of my hooded penis through underwear and grind it for as long as I can. The skin flows quietly around the glans, the penis gets semi hard and gives maybe not very intense, but definitely a very nice feeling. Then I can do it without making any noise or exposing my cock.

It’s really useful when I have guests behind the wall or just want to cheer up a little while doing some work at home. But there is one inconvenience. My wrist can then rub unpleasantly against the belt on my jeans. After a long session on the skin near the wrist may appear temporary and soft abrasions that can tell others what I was doing when I was alone. In winter I can hide it under a sweater, but in the middle of summer it's more difficult. Fortunately, I rarely have visitors and most of the time I don't have to worry about it.


Another interesting way to have an intriguing sensation is pulling on the foreskin itself, whether if I'm hard or soft. It's simple. I take the edge of the skin and stretch it or roll it up as far as possible. When the cock is soft, it may not be anything extraordinary, but when it is fully hard, the feeling is not only better, but also it is easier to see how the foreskin is built and how it works. Especially if you look at the penis in the mirror or in the eye of the smartphone's front camera.


In my opinion the most important are three stages, from fully hidden member under foreskin with a small reserve above the head of the penis, through an intermediate state when the head of the cock detaches from the foreskin, to a fully exposed and free cock with smooth skin.

Sometimes when I do this with my foreskin and see how it works, I feel a little proud and then I don't see all the imperfections of my member. I also accept this strange line exactly in the center of my cock, which probably marks the border of the outer part of my foreskin when cock is soft. Good thoughts like these sometimes help me a lot.


The cock head reacts differently when wet, semi-wet or dry. A moist or slightly moistened glans gives the pleasurable sensations at every step, because that's how it is supposed to work, but a dry glans completely changes the rules of the game.

When I hold the head of the penis outside the foreskin for a long time, this part it's rough as a dry sponge. The size of the glans doesn't change, but its skin becomes porous. If my dick is flaccid I can't touch it with pleasure, but when my member is standing straight, the head of the penis gives me a completely new sensation. If I touch this sponge-head, I feel its roughness in my hands, and at the same time feel that this sponge is part of me. I can play with it for a long time, but it's hard to end it with an erection. This method is not risky, because when I close the cock head under the foreskin afterwards, it quickly becomes smooth again.

3. Handy and capacious pocket​


One of the coolest things about a foreskin is that it can be used as a bag for semen. I discovered this feature a long time ago and it turned out to be useful many times. It is also useful today. How is it working? When I don't want to make a mess and feel like I'm coming, I quickly place my foreskin over the glans and close the skin on top of my penis with my fingers. My cock then gives all the semen inside the skin and I feel cock spasms in my clenched fist.


After it is over, I can go to the bathroom to wash my cock. But also I can wait for more time to stabilize my breath or watch my favorite video until the end. During this time I have to hold the end of my penis tight all the time to avoid leakage. A strong grip by the hand may hurt over time and I can't do it forever. If my underwear is between the knees or ankles, I can wear it again and lock my foreskin in place using brief rubber to prevent leakage and replace my hand. If there's not a lot of sperm inside, I can keep it for a long time even until everything inside is completely dry. If it is full of sperm, only a strong grip can keep it inside my foreskin.

When I'm over the sink, I release the pressure and pour out the entire contents of the foreskin like from a bucket. It looks great because then all the sperm are released out of the penis at the same time. If I open my skin slightly before, I can form a white lake of sperm on the top of my penis head and it also looks interesting. Later I wash my cock thoroughly under running water.


As I was younger, I used my foreskin to put various items inside, like a crown cork of plastic bottles or wine cork. It wasn't pleasant, but I tried different things back then and not only about my penis and its construction. Today I can imagine that I could hide a bag with a micro SD card with important data there, if I had a reason for it. Moreover I could adopt another penis there within the docking procedure. Especially a head of circumcised cock, if my foreskin would be roomy enough.

But it is not everything. From press reports, I know that uncut men can also keep illegal substances or razor blades in the foreskin. In court records, I found out that a foreskin swab can provide important evidence but also that sometimes the foreskin can remove foreign genetic material. What's interesting, in criminal cases foreskin swabs are sometimes taken from a random group of men living in the same area, but only if they agree. That's why I think you always have to be prepared for something like that. I think it would be an interesting experience for me as a person not involved in the case. In addition, the foreskin can be searched during checks by police or prison services, but only in allowed situations and then only the citizen may uncover his glans for inspection by himself. This has not happened to me yet and I hope it doesn't change.

My fascination with cut cocks​

At a time when I started analyzing the complicated structure related to my foreskin I didn't know that guys can have circumcised cocks. Maybe because as a European I lived mainly among other Europeans who had exactly the same under their panties as me. But in the end it happened and in the first moment I was not only very surprised but also strongly enchanted.

To this day I’m fascinated by it continuously. Clean, shiny and tight skin on cut cocks looks for me like a dream and at every stage always impresses me. Exactly as smooth and thick skin of cock head, topped with a beautiful smooth crown. But I like it also as a more human organ, because it was changed by the hand of man. Designed by humans, not only by nature, as my own. But maybe all this is also because it is something inaccessible to me, out of my reach.

Then I was looking for more information on cut cocks. I wanted to know why it looks like this, how cut cocks work. It made me wonder about the change in my body, because it was shortly after my testicles problems which I described in another entry on my blog. And maybe that's why it was easier for me to do something with this topic in my context.

What if I remove my foreskin?​

I thought that since I had two testicular surgeries behind me, I could follow the blow and do something with my uncut cock shaft for more comfort and cleanliness. I started searching the internet for a lot of information on this subject, including good specialists with experience and the best types of cuts. Many of the guys who were circumcised in adulthood most often wrote that they were happy about it, and that additionally motivated me.

But shortly before visiting the clinic for the first interview, I canceled this suddenly. I thought that when I have no medical motives to do this, then I will remove my foreskin only for visual reasons. Besides, it would be a permanent change that cannot be restored to its original form. I think that, the risk of rejecting such a change was high because my penis is normal, not long or thick, and would probably lose its value. After that moment of honesty with myself, I never came back to this topic.

Today I consider my foreskin an integral part of my body and I know that I cannot remove it at this point in my life and in the future. I really like my hooded cock, it works well, and that's why I wrote about it all here, without ignoring any negative or positive aspects of this part of me. And to be clear, I invariably love all cocks, uncircumcised and circumcised.

Thank you for reading this text and for your time! If you have read it at all, please accept my congratulations, because it is the longest text I have ever written here. Feel free to leave a comment and share your opinion.

Maybe you also have an uncircumcised cock and you know it all as well? Or you’re a circumcised cock owner and you wanted to find out what features of the foreskin? Let me know because I'd like to know your point of view.


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