Anthony Recker MegaButt - Minor League Baseball Player

I read on another board that he's been called up to the Oakland A's who start a three game series at the Yankees tomorrow. I am fascinated by this man's ass.
how can anyone not get a hardon looking at that..the guy is not remotely overweight - hot muscular jock with a big ole bouncy fuckin hot i can only daydream about him using my face as a seat
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I saw this on another site:

"From the Anthony Recker's Butt Facebook Group: 'Recker' is now a defined term on Urban Dictionary.

'An ass of equal or greater quality to that of Oakland A's catcher Anthony Recker.

Coincidentally, people with reckers tend to be home reckers because of the high number of breakups they cause.

Example 1: FYI... Gio Gonzalez just patted Anthony on his recker after a mound visit.... #jealous

Example 2: Hot DAMN!!! Too bad those pants weren't all wet (from rain or my tongue) so they'd be a bit translucent and we could see the recker!!! :)

ass oakland athletics butt bubble butt huge ass'"

Urban Dictionary: recker
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"On the Anthony Recker's Butt Facebook group someone posted that the term Anthony Recker had been define on Urban Dictionary. See below.

A major league baseball catcher who has the largest ass in all of baseball. His ass is so big it tells him what to do; it even has its own Facebook page and fans. His ass cheeks are so big it’s been commonly reported that he has trouble reaching between them to wipe and needs the help of his teammates.

Guy1 – dude I’ve been working my glutes like crazy at the gym, squatted a new record.
Guy#2 – Nice, you’re so going to get an Anthony Recker.

mega ass booty big ass recker jock by Jockstrapme Jan 3, 2012"

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Urban Dictionary definition: Urban Dictionary: anthony recker