You need a life sir. Get out of your gay porn fantasies, and retouch with reality.
Ah yes! And how much of a life do you have to come on a forum to tell someone to get a life. You must not have a lot going on in yours? Retouch with your reality and move along.
By your own opinion, sure.

If men cannot be men without masturbating in public, then most of us have abdicated being men because we have other interests, can exercise a modicum of restraint, are sensibly interested in having an acceptable standing in society, and/or have some sense of dignity or modesty. But to suppose such merits make us not men is absurd. You're not thinking about this matter very reasonably.
If men cannot be men without masturbating in public, then most of us have abdicated being men because we have other interests, can exercise a modicum of restraint, are sensibly interested in having an acceptable standing in society, and/or have some sense of dignity or modesty. But to suppose such merits make us not men is absurd. You're not thinking about this matter very reasonably.
Dude what?! Go another place with that. You are too in your feelings about a post. If you don’t like it move on. It’s just that simple. Maybe this isn’t for you. People kill me with that. ✌
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Why can’t we normalize men masturbating in public especially at work? If a guy wants to tug his rope at his desk or vehicle…. what’s the issue? I say normalize men being me!
By your own opinion, sure.
Ah yes! And how much of a life do you have to come on a forum to tell someone to get a life. You must not have a lot going on in yours? Retouch with your reality and move along.
Dude what?! Go another place with that. You are too in your feelings about a post. If you don’t like it move on. It’s just that simple. Maybe this isn’t for you. People kill me with that. ✌

Interesting idea you have here. So interesting, I have an idea for YOU!

Rather than just talking about it on LPSG, why don't you "put your money where your mouth is?" ;)

And be sure to report back to all of us how well that went, lol.

Seriously dude, you are funny. But not so much in a ha ha way. : unamused:
Interesting idea you have here. So interesting, I have an idea for YOU!

Rather than just talking about it on LPSG, why don't you "put your money where your mouth is?" ;)

And be sure to report back to all of us how well that went, lol.

Seriously dude, you are funny. But not so much in a ha ha way. : unamused:
We do…
That would only happen if you work someone else. Small minded person you are.

And you'd got a warped idea about what "normal" behavior is for most men while at work.
Why can’t we normalize men masturbating in public especially at work? If a guy wants to tug his rope at his desk or vehicle…. what’s the issue? I say normalize men being me!

I’m guessing you’re on a list somewhere, or on bail or something and trying to make out like masturbating with another colleague at the desk is acceptable. Good luck with your trial.
lol at all the takes that involve the implicit assumption that "LPSG is all about real life!!!!!" as opposed to the idea that some level of fantasy is inherent to any anonymized online community where the male penis (and therefore some level of sexual charge) is inherent to each and every conversation.

OP's fantasy is hot to some and not to others. Coming in with charges of "that's unrealistic" is just like...well no fucking duh. Thank you for your obvious opinion.

I, for one, am not going to get caught with my pants down, so to speak.

To be prepared for the inevitable societal shift toward widespread public male masturbation, I’m going to start prepping now.

What are good resources for learning male masturbation techniques? I want to be an early adapter and don’t want friends and colleagues to make fun of me if I exhibit poor male masturbation technique and practices.

Also, what is the acceptable etiquette? Are there etiquette guides and resources available on the topic of public male masturbation?

What about how to overcome anxieties about being under-endowed? Or over-endowed, in my case. Is there a support group for large penises?
I, for one, am not going to get caught with my pants down, so to speak.

To be prepared for the inevitable societal shift toward widespread public male masturbation, I’m going to start prepping now.

What are good resources for learning male masturbation techniques? I want to be an early adapter and don’t want friends and colleagues to make fun of me if I exhibit poor male masturbation technique and practices.

Also, what is the acceptable etiquette? Are there etiquette guides and resources available on the topic of public male masturbation?

What about how to overcome anxieties about being under-endowed? Or over-endowed, I’m my case. Is there a support group for large penises?

okay that was funny though lmfao
i dont know about normalizing it but it's weird to me that people place so much disdain on the possibility of people they arent interested in masturbating over them. like i'm sure there has been multiple people who have either jacked or jilled off over me (in a realistic and non big headed way; it just has to have happened to most people that somebody masturbated over them) and it doesnt bother me in the slightest, if anything it's a compliment. and even if they did what harm is it to me? i'm not even there. and even if i was it still wouldnt really bother me that much. rub away.

idk i just dont understand the upsetting side of it. you cant stop it, and there's zero danger to it.
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I dont agree with public masturbation but i think it needs to be talked about more and normalized masturbation is the best form of pleasure in the world in my opinion and it always gets made fun of or stigmatized it;s the most healthy nattural form of sex and it's safe plus no one know how to pleasure your penis better than u either male or female honestly my hand and spit or lube is the best to me!