
  1. LukiLuk19xl

    Photo RVFV (Rafael Ruiz Amador)

    Alguien tiene cositas de este chavo??? No hay nada de nada y esta como un tren
  2. AJP Mage

    Max Garfin (actor)

    Max Garfin Actor, Alex Garfin's older brother Max is 1.87 m tall or around 6'2"
  3. A


    Does anyone know pornstars (preferably bottom) who really looks like a celebrity (not any celebrity hot ones like chris hemsworth, henry cavil, Conor McGregor) or a movie character
  4. LukiLuk19xl

    Photo El Jordan 23

    New post sobre Jordan 23 el cantante chileno, no es que este muy fibrado, y hay mucha gente que lo ve feo, pero a mi me calienta demasiado...:heart_eyes::imp:
  5. H

    Hot underwear models, influencers & photographers of YouTube

    There is some surprisingly hot stuff on YouTube. I never knew. Honestly. I went to YouTube for music, news, interviews, comedy. I went elsewhere for hot guys. But, after stumbling upon and liking one video, the YT algorithm is now servicing me dozens of videos of barely clothed models...
  6. LukiLuk19xl

    Photo El Malilla

    Post sobre el Malilla, cantante mejicano. Muy guapo y esta como un tren.
  7. H

    Anybody knows his name?

    Anything about him please! I saw him on thisvid.
  8. Emmm.111

    Your favorite celebrity nudes

    I don’t know if it’s real but I have some things about benji krol
  9. LukiLuk19xl

    Photos & Videos Trueno (Rapero)

    Hola abro este hilo en honor a Mateo conocido como TRUENO! Pasen todo lo hot de el gente!
  10. O

    Photos & Videos Marcello Hernández (SNL Comedian)

    Marcelo Hernandez comedian
  11. Mousematt

    Celeb Sex Battle

    This is a simple celebrity battle. Who would you rather have sex with? Only, as we know here, not all men were created equal. This isn't one man one vote. Post your length in inches along with the woman you want to give it to. The celebrity who receives the most inches wins! Ana de Armas V...
  12. V

    Third wank meet with buddy over Keisha Buchanan (Sugarbabes)

    If you have been following my previous wank meet success story write ups then you will understand the background of who we are and how we met. The point of these write up's is to share my best experiences and hopefully it will encourage those who want to do it to actually do it. To view my...
  13. D

    Tom Holland’s Ass

    Thought Tom Holland’s bubble butt was deserving of its own thread. So here’s a place that we can discuss/share pics of only Tom’s ass. Here’s some of my favorites:
  14. lapdog2001

    Fuck, Marry, Kill - Woman celebrities

    Stealing the existing male thread Fuck, Marry, Kill - Male edition and creating a woman celebrity thread Just a fun game where you choose who you would fuck, marry and kill from the 3 celebs listed: I'll start: Heidi Klum Tyra Banks Kate Upton (After replying, post the next 3 celebs)
  15. S

    Portal HMG (Famous Men Naked)

    portalhmg.blogspot.com Enjoy ;)
  16. L

    Celebrities who've done memorable sexy non-frontal/underwear shoots?

    You guys have gone above and beyond re: my quests for hung celebrities (athletes/name models/actors/tv hosts/politicians, etc.) and those who've formally posed nude for magazines and the like, I had to ask this one, too. What are some of the most memorably hot/sexy shots (professional shoots...
  17. 1

    Only High Resolution Photos

    Hey all, I am really into looking at high resolution photos of hot guys. Something about being able to see their body hair, or smooth skin up close turns me on. I've made a few posts on other threads but I wanted to add them all in one thread. Also, I am hoping that people will join me and we...
  18. L

    Which celebrities have formally posed nude?

    Have been having a lot of fun with my last post on hung celebrities, and realized I had another question for the group: Which celebrities (actors, athletes, singers/musicians, politicians, TV hosts, etc. have formally posed for nude photos, either for art or to make a statement/support a cause...
  19. NicHalliwell

    Photos & Videos I met a celebrity' - and you?

    Dusting off old IG posts I came across my photos from the London premiere of the Downton Abbey film (2019). Suddenly I reflected on how many celebrities for one reason or another I've managed to meet in my life. How were your meetings with them, if any?
  20. D

    Dan's AI Photos

    Hi gang, been working a lot on my new AI image site. I currently have 7,823 images, which includes a majority of gay male images, among other photos that peaked my interest. Every image on the site I generated with AI. I would love for you to drop by and take a look, vote for your favourite...
  21. B

    ALTÉGO (DJ Twins)

    Anyone got anything on Lukas? He's got a seriously FAT ass! Always showing it off on his insta
  22. D

    Mainstream Sex Scenes [5.1 Sound]

    Just a place to share some of the hottest gay/straight sex scenes with 5.1 sound. This is just so the audio can sound better in quality. For example, heres a scene from The Act with just the voices: The Act but with just drum-like sound effects: and a final example, the background sounds...
  23. Lucky Blue Smith

    Better Celebrity Nude: Justin Bieber or Brad Pitt?

    Two of my favorite celebrities in both music and acting that bared it all. But who has the hotter nudes? Who would you rather?
  24. L

    Traditional celebrities then and now: Who's hung?

    I was just thinking about when Colin Farrell did full frontal in "A Home at the End of the World" and test audiences were so distracted by how hung he was, they either cut (or cut back) the scene from the final film. A few years later, the sex tape of Farrell with the Playmate leaked and it was...
  25. N

    Israeli sport player's

    Maor buzaglo
  26. smalltownboyxxx

    Juan Marconi (Argentinian Tv Host)

  27. D

    Celebrity Dick Slips (Accidental Nudity) in Films & TV

    Hey, this is a thread I wanted to start, haven't seen one like it for accidental frontal nudity from male celebrities in shows and TVs, I've seen a lot of shows where guys accidently flash their dicks and it's pretty hot!
  28. A

    Can someone make a fake of this man (David Mokel)

    David Mokel is a 20 year old norwegian celebrity and he's hella hot.
  29. V

    First wank meet

    Just wanted to share my experience of having a wank buddy, having met online to wank over celebs... I previously had a regular wank buddy about 10 years ago which lasted for about 2 years. We met of the celebjo site which then was popular as ever. We would typically meet once a month depending...
  30. 129JOHN

    Irish models / celebrities / actors and everything else in between

    This is a new thread where you can post and admire Irish actors, celebrities, models, famous people and everything else in between. The first post features Jonathan Rhys Meyers. It was originally posted by @KillerQueen81 here