It seems like this pandemic has revealed the true nature of many people. Many people’s behavior has been disappointing, to say the least.
I know quite a few people who continued to hang out indoors with people outside of their household and even throw parties, and others who used connections to...
‘Solosexuality’ and ‘Virtual Bate’ Support Groups in the age of COVID-19
by Michael Adam Reale
Solosexuality is a relatively new word to our vocabulary. Millennials are redefining our society in every way including the arena of human sexuality. Solosex is gaining popularity during COVID-19...
mutual aid groups
support groups
virtual groups
Since those of us who are single are in self-isolation and not having much sex these days, thought it might be interesting to see how people are spicing up masturbation. [Got the idea from a similar thread in the Women's Issues forum]
1. How are you masturbating?
2. Any ideas or...
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