
  1. JayPR

    Why Men Prefer To Wear Swimsuits That Are So Long?

    Now that summer is around the corner, I would like to ask a question about fashion. Why most men, especially straight men, prefer long-board shorts and usually dislike shorter swimsuits, no speedos, just shorter swimsuits overall? I am mostly talking about in the US, Canada maybe the UK as...
  2. D

    Vladimir Mccrary (90s Black Male Model)

  3. Y

    Photos & Videos Jesús Pérez Lafuente (fideoindasopa)

    spanish babe ♥ Login • Instagram
  4. M

    Leo Mandella Aka Gullyguyleo

    Is anybody else a fan of fashion boy GullyGuyLeo? Seems like he’s low-key got a boyfriend now. He always seems like such a sweet & creative guy, not at all douchey like a lot of these “influencer” types...
  5. Marco Tony

    Sexy Men Sexy Clothes (erotic Gay Men)

    Lets explore the sensuality of men. Here you can share pictures of men wearing sexy clothes.
  6. D

    L'uomo Vogue May/june 1998 By Steven Meisel

    L'Uomo Vogue May/June 1998 by Steven Meisel Anyone has high-res scans from this shoot?
  7. A

    Michael Michalsky (german Fashion Designer)

    Anybody got anything on him?
  8. geofinn

    French Fashion Ig Blogger @samyportejoie

    I highly doubt there's anything on him but maybe there is?
  9. Y

    Photos & Videos Hautelemode | Luke Meagher

    anything on this youtube babe? ♥ Luke Meagher (@hautelemode) • Instagram photos and videos Luke Meagher (@hautelemess) • Instagram photos and videos
  10. D

    Steven Klein Shoots Male Model Matt Van De Sande

    Classic Steven Klein
  11. S

    Who Is This Brooks Brothers Model?

  12. J

    Chaz Dylanger / Deadlyboy_ Onlyfans

    Please post photos or videos of Chaz Dylanger OnlyFans
  13. P

    Philippe Gazar

    Anyone have any pics of this instaStud? He's sexy as hell and his bulge is big. he has a gf that is also instafamous and he posts him grabbing her ass sometimes, which is hot as hell. Anyone got any info? Insta: @philippegazar
  14. Ruby Lhuillier

    Strictly Serious Model Only

    Hey guys, can we actually start this thread with signed models only/former signed models. We can contribute old pictures that had been posted on the other thread. I just want a cleansed thread, rid of RANDOM guys.
  15. D

    Jacob Wallace

    Anything on him? @whoisjacov on instagram
  16. D

    Magnus Ronning

    Anything on this danish guy ? :-)
  17. U

    Italian Fashion Model Mattia Narducci

    Anyone have nudes of this handsome runway and fashion model? I got alot of things to give in exchange for it. Dm me thanks!
  18. D

    Bruce Weber's Boys

    How come there isn't a thread about Bruce Weber's pictures? He shot more nudes than anyone on earth! Let's start sharing his pictures or any behind the scenes stories here...
  19. S

    Anything On The Modest Man/brock Mcgoff?

    he does fashion videos on youtube, I dont think that there are nudes out there, but maybe some bulge pics
  20. 4

    What Do We Think About Mens Fashion Today?

    As a guy who's really into fashion, I'm a creative person so it's my other way of expressing myself. I feel like mens fashion is more expanded than it's ever been. So many different options and directions to go. I also appreciate that there's a lot of unisex clothing. I'm really into streetwear...
  21. DF1994

    Imrann Ahmad/mazahir (@mimmy_awesome25 & @mimmymotivates)

    It boggles my mind how no one knows about this beautiful man. Not an adult content kind of guy but with his workouts and fashion shoots, I don't think you need to ask for more. Go give the man a follow, he deserves to be noticed.
  22. M

    Darren Kennedy

    These are from Darren’s recent trip to Mykonos! CDLP speedos
  23. RATA1988

    90s Baggy

    Salut, ça jazz? I'm looking for a baggy. Could you recommend a model that exists in Europe or deliverable in Europe, like ASOS? I'm looking for something that although wide makes good looks and appearances...:-) ps: a brand from the 90s would be a +++