
  1. Halloooooo

    Lars Ludwig German Bodybuilder

    Lars Ludwig Instagram @Larsludwig1 Nudes ?
  2. Halloooooo

    joshua danielewski German Guy

    Instagram: @joshuadanielewski
  3. R

    Photos & Videos Raika Nassiri (raikas_show)

    german who likes to cook (and flex) Login • Instagram TikTok - Make Your Day Raika's Show
  4. N

    Photos & Videos Bennet Behnke

    It’s finally time to have a thread dedicated to the sexy handsome german model/influencer Bennet Behnke :heart_eyes: Instagram: Login • Instagram TikTok: TikTok - Make Your Day
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    Fero47 (Ferhat Tuncel, German Kurdish Rapper)

    He's so hot, does anyone have more on him?
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    Fahri Yardim (German Turkish actor)

    It's about time he's getting his own thread. He's so effortlessly hot 🥵 Stole some pics from a general thread about actors, thx to the original poster
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    Lorik Bunjaku (German Kosovar Reality TV Star)

    Sehr hübscher Typ der sich auch gerne oberkörperfrei auf Insta zeigt
  8. Y

    German Storys (bi/straight/gay)

    Hey hier ein Thread wo ich nice Storys poste. Werden immer auf deutsch sein und mal gay, mal straight sein.
  9. kashubo

    Bruno Hönel

    anything on this german politician bruno hönel? found him on grindr too. Login • Instagram
  10. F

    Gerrit Klein

  11. T

    Bausa (Julian Otto, German rapper)

    Does anyone have more shirtless pics or even more revealing stuff?
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    Ferry (20G // The Ji // @thereal20G) - German Bachelorette 2024

    I think he deserves a thread... On the bachelorette he suggests he thinks guys can be attractive though hes not into them sexually. He says the furthest he has gone is making out with a few guys. In an interview he said "and if a hot boy were to come that i want to fuck, then im gonna do it"...
  13. S

    Help ID this guy? I think he's German?

    As the title asks. Thanks
  14. H

    (German Reality-TV) Filip Nikolic (Mike from Berlin Tag & Nacht) Anyhting?

    He's hot! Does anyone know if there are nudes in the wild of him? He played Mike in "Berlin Tag & Nacht and seems like he absolutely dont have any problens getting nude. His Instagram: And a short clip of him acting, sadly blurred
  15. B

    Cossurap/Lukas Staier

    German Rapper, comedian, author, teacher with a great talent for accents, unfortunately cannot find anything on him, but find him very sexy, especially when he‘s being goofy. Anyone got anything on this cutie?
  16. H

    Iggy Kelly - German Singer

    Iggy Keller is one of the Sons of the Kelly Family. He is very cute and a good Singer. Unfortunately there are almost none Pictures of him shirtless or showing anything. Someone knows more?
  17. T

    Zois fka Mois (Zelemkhan Arsanov, German Chechen YouTuber, influencer)

    He's gone absolutely insane recently and I'm obviously not supporting his actions in recent times, but I can't help it, if I shut my brain off he's hot
  18. F

    Melvin Pelzer (German Influencer)

  19. S

    Photos & Videos Florian Schaffer (cakehulk)

  20. T

    Ozan Gencel (German Turkish Reality TV Star)

    Super heißer Typ und gerade bei Are You The One zu sehen
  21. T

    Adonis Jovanovic (German actor, Dean from Berlin Tag & Nacht)

    Ich schaue BT&N eigentlich nicht aber beim Rumzappen ist er mir schon ein paar mal aufgefallen. Zeigt er sich da öfter freizügig?
  22. T

    Yasin Cilingir (German Turkish Reality TV Star)

    Er war so heiß bei Love Island, schade, dass man ihn heute in keinen Formaten mehr sieht
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    Paco Herb (German Reality TV Star)

    Ob er wohl da unten auch so viele Tattoos hat?
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    Eugen Lopez (German Kazakh Russian Reality TV Star)

    Gibt es mehr von ihm zu sehen?
  25. J

    German space journalist Guido aka germanguy1511

    This German space journalist named Guido has a spicy Instagram profile and seems to have made OF in the past. I think he looks quiet handsome. Does anyone know if he still has an active OnlyFans profile (new name?) or does anyone have any more footage of him? His pictures from Miami look like...
  26. T

    Max Bornmann (German Reality TV Star)

    Es wundert mich dass es zu ihm noch keinen Thread gibt obwohl so viele auf ihn stehen. Er ist zwar nicht ganz mein Typ aber er hat irgendwas besonderes wodurch ich ihn auch sehr heiß finde😂
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    Umut Tekin (German Turkish Reality TV Star)

    Mit diesen Locken die er jetzt hat find ich ihn nicht mehr so hot wie vorher, aber eine Nacht mit ihm wäre bestimmt trotzdem nice
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    Nader Jindaoui (German football player and influencer)

    Anything on him? Even on his long Instagram feed I wasn't able to find pics of him showing off his body, but surely there must be some beach pics or some hot snapshots during a football match
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    Luca Wetzel (German Reality TV Star, Love Island 2020)

    Ist schon länger her, aber ich folge ihm immer noch und kann ihn einfach nicht vergessen 😂 Fand ihn nicht nur super heiß sondern auch sympathisch und als einen der wenigen sehr authentisch damals
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    Can Kaplan (German Turkish Reality TV Star)

    Jetzt wo er die Walentina los ist könnte er ja mal mit OF seine Solokarriere vorantreiben Ich wär dabei 😂