
  1. J

    Photo I need to know who this is! someone please help me.

    I have been trying to figure out who is this bottom in the pic! Someone please help!
  2. playtimeisalwaysfun

    Photo Reddit winter soldier look alike

    so a while back I found a seriously hot winter soldier look alike on Reddit who had quite a few nudes posted, but my account got hacked and everything got wiped, I was wondering if anyone knew this guys username so I could refollow and hopefully find some new stuff.
  3. D

    Am i wrong is he wrong?

    so I need advice on what to do... so here is how it goes, I am working with someone that is gay (I’m obviously gay too) and he is a manager. He always came around me and asked why I was nervous around him, my excuse was “I’m a shy person” which I’m not I just thought he was cute. Anyway later on...
  4. J

    Photo Help me id?

    Pls. Tell me his name!
  5. E


    I am a 22 year old, who has delt with insecurities all of his life. I’m still a virgin, a horny virgin I might add, who cannot land a one night stand with anyone, men or women. The looks are there (as my friends tell me), but the confidence isn’t. To make things worse, I don’t have my own place...
  6. G

    The end.. or new beginning

    Hey All, Never done anything like this before but here goes.. Just walked from a 12 year gay male relationship for various reasons, some mental abuse, constant put downs, constant walking on egg shells.. i swear i have some good resilience as ive gave everything and jumped every hurdle with...
  7. KingEspadas

    Help with some new pe ideas (experienced)

    I'm quite a well known penis pumper with many years of enlargement experience and gains. I'm currently at BPEL: 8.6 x 6 (5 mid) and am quite large but I can't help but want more size. I have 2 months with 0 plans so was considering starting a new PE regime to try and gain or being the...
  8. D

    Is sex just sex?

    Struggling trusting guys who has the ‘we all have sex, its just sex. Sex is sex’ attitude. First it feels like you’ll never be able to please them for the long run. How do you keep an exclusive relationship if the most exclusive thing is “just” sex and not more for the partner? Is there a...
  9. Theseheaux

    Photo Daniel perez cam shows

    Can someone please find his camshow vids. Ill pay pal you 50$ american dollars
  10. Theseheaux

    Daniel perez cam shows??

    Can someone plz found his old cam shows?!?
  11. Tomriddlepoo

    Photo Please identify ???

    Can anyone identify this hunk? I’ve reversed searched a few of the images, no name found... Here’s the link to the tumblr post I found the images on, if it helps: Tumblr