human rights

  1. Marco Tony

    Which Country Will Have Same Sex Marriages First Italy Or Greece?

    A couple weeks ago, i saw i site who talked about upcoming countries who have a potential to have same sex marriages soon. They said that italy and greece are both in talk to have same sex marriages. Its in the works now. They implied that same sex marriages in italy and greece will happen...
  2. D

    PLEASE educate me, conflicted about trans topic.

    Hi fam, I'm a gay man in my 20s. I grew up in a very small town surrounded by closed minded people, so when I got the chance to escape that hell I did and became as open, embracing and accepting as I could. Moving to a major city for school I finally accepted myself and my mental health...
  3. ClearSky4

    How Do You Deal With Cirucmcision Grief?

    How do you deal with circumcision grief? By that I mean feelings of grief due to being a victim of circumcision (especially if you had no say in the matter). While not everyone who is circumcised experiences these feelings of grief, many circumcised men do because a part of their genitals was...