
  1. O


    I have seen vids of him in passing on twitter but when I go back to find them , they’re usually gone. Since lpsg usually has eveybody but didnt have him I needed to post this link and get it started.
  2. Dlcjuanp

    Alejandro Kenig

  3. C

    Elliot Choy

    Incase anyone has something to share...
  4. Nymeros-Martell

    Chavoso da Usp - Thiago Torres

    Alguém tem algo do Thiago Torres, conhecido como Chavoso da USP nas redes sociais? Ele posta bastante biscoito rs.
  5. C

    Daily Max Youtuber (maxmcfarlin)

    Appreciation post: He is so hot!!! He is Daily Max on youtube and @maxmcfarlin on ig
  6. B


    Hilo sobre el tiktoker milodente Instagram: Login • Instagram Twitter: Tiktok: Milo (@milodente) | TikTok
  7. B


    Hilo sobre el tiktoker milodente Instagram: Login • Instagram Twitter: Tiktok: Milo (@milodente) | TikTok
  8. FabianAlfonso

    Alan y Jair Cervantes

    Los hermanos cervantes me derriten! Los amooo
  9. Surik

    Raphael Rodely

    Just gorgeous. Immaculate energy.
  10. P

    Photos & Videos Victor Han

    Anything on influencer Victor Han? He goes by @victorrhan on X and @victorhan on IG
  11. L

    Kennedy Pinheiro

    Anyone got anything on this brazilian cuttie?!
  12. FabianAlfonso

    Alexander ross

    Esta hermoso alex :heart_eyes: le falta un poco mas de cuerpo pero en general es un 99.9 jaja
  13. D

    Carter Richardson / carterichardson

    Just wanted to start a thread on Carter Richardson /@carterichardson on tiktok cause he’s so attractive and surprised nobody has ever brought him up before. He definitely deserves a thread on here
  14. anyxd66

    Photos & Videos Matheus Sodré @sodremat [TikToker and Movie Maker From Brazil]

    Opening a thread for web crush Matheus Sodré. He's from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and produces film-related content on social media. I'm dying to see him naked. TikTok Instagram YouTube From @sodremat Instagram:
  15. M

    Cory Kenshin (youtube)

    Didn't see a thread on him, kinda weird cause he been here for a good while.
  16. C

    Ian Orozco TikToker

    Material de Ian Orozco (Tiktoker)
  17. T

    Photos & Videos Xtendo (xtendo2)

    Sexy guy from tik tok, I think he’s a rapper too.
  18. G

    Lasse Halisch (German TikToker)

    Sehr hotter typ, mal gucken, wer was hat zu ihm :)
  19. J


    Surprised there’s no thread on him already
  20. A

    Photos & Videos Romain Basso

    Your thoughts on Romain Basso? He’s a French tiktoker about fitness. He got a great body!
  21. zack_777z

    Justn Lopez

    Instagram cutie that has been on the rise for the past few years. Photographer and influencer type. Seems like a sweetheart and very handsome! One of us boys that likes boys in NYC which is always nice. I can’t imagine we’ll get anything super spicy, but he’s a lil’ internet crush...

    Can anyone ID this influencer?

    He shows up on my Instagram in ads for Hume Supernaturals. People have asked on the thread who he is but the company doesn’t want to say. Lame. LPSG DO YOUR THING!
  23. C

    Furkan cakmak

    Another turkish influencer who's nudes I neeeeeed to seeeee. Something tells me he's packing a big one such a fucking gorgeous man
  24. A

    Leo Venegas Ácido MC

    Alguien tiene algo de Leo Venegas/ Acido MC ? Hace unos años salió un escrache donde mandaba nudes y las habían publicado en Twitter
  25. J

    Peter Dunbar

    Appreciation post for Miami hottie and local florist, Peter Dunbar.
  26. C

    Joel Bernard @joelbfit - @joelbernard

    This guy is so fit!!!
  27. deSantiagoYKarol

    imjus2illmatic (Sebastian Sélavy Rea)

    Found this really cute influencer on Instagram and want to start a thread for him in case anyone got sum
  28. mec_horny

    Video Big Rich from tiktok

    Now i know i’m probably never gonna find anything (nude) on him but he too fine for me not to post. These are screenshots from his most recent live.
  29. N


    Anything on him? He’s hot!
  30. cl0e_bratz

    john casterline / @h1t1 in tiktok

    idk if there’s a thread on him hes so fineee