
  1. T

    How do you serve men in your day to day life?

    As a mostly gay man I love reading stories / moments of submission between men (especially submission to masc men). Submission isn’t inherently sexual, it could happen at any moment in your day to day life. I’m interested in reading about your favorite memories or even fantasies of casual or...
  2. My cock and his condition between 20 and 30 years old

    My cock and his condition between 20 and 30 years old

    In July I turned 32 and thought it would be good to summarize the decade activities of my penis between my twentieth and thirtieth birthdays for future comparison. However also because it was a time that is worth remembering. After all I will never go back to this stage of my life. My...
  3. One day I noticed that I am a bator and I have no problem with it

    One day I noticed that I am a bator and I have no problem with it

    Most men like to masturbate for obvious reasons, but among them there are a huge group of guys who dedicate much more force and attention to this activity. I wasn't in that group originally, however, over the years I realized that cock-jerking is an important part of my lifestyle. After that I...
  4. Hidden in the hood. About my all experiences with the foreskin

    Hidden in the hood. About my all experiences with the foreskin

    One of the last nights I was awoken by particular and not very pleasant vibes on the tip of my cock. All because I fell asleep with pulled back the foreskin and my dried cock head reacted to everything it touched. When I covered my glans again, I thought that living with foreskin is not always...
  5. Big little story of two scars lines on my scrotum

    Big little story of two scars lines on my scrotum

    Hard to see it, but when the skin is heavily wrinkled during erection and sharp light falls at the right angle, all is visible. It's two scars lines on my scrotum, which I have after two medical operations. This way the surgeon saved my left testicle and fix right one for better reproduction...
  6. About my all first photos with exposed cock

    About my all first photos with exposed cock

    Some time ago one European gay activist, who is my age, shared a photo from 2014 with his erect cock and described that this is his first show off photo ever. This post made me wonder when I took the first photo of my cock. I also started looking for the oldest photo of this type on my disk...
  7. From little bud to huge cock

    From little bud to huge cock

    Have you ever wondered when exactly you discovered the wonderful properties of your cock and when you started to jerk it for self-satisfaction? I did it, and I recreated the memories with my adolescence milestones. All because of the Tanner scale, which describes the next stages of body growth...