
  1. JHRCA

    Winter Jollies

  2. D

    My Nude Self Portrait!

    My nude self portrait from this past winter in my bedroom. It was too cold to pose outdoors and I needed to do a self portrait for fun.
  3. C

    Cross-country skiers

    It's nearly winter on the northern hemisphere which means lots of winter sports to watch and cross-country skiers surely deserve their own thread :yum Let's start with Richard Jouve and his muscular body accompanied by a big bulge
  4. M

    Photo Cordell Winter

    Does anyone have anything on this sexy man? I’ve been following him for a long time and his bulge is massive and on full display.
  5. C

    Can someone please identify this movie/these actors?

    Please help identify, thanks a lot!
  6. J

    Any Other Former Gym-goers Struggling To Find Motivation To Workout At Home?

    I really miss my gym. It’s open (for now) but I’m not comfortable going. Probably won’t be until spring or next summer. I did well working out at home in the warmer weather. Warmup, weights or yoga or the rowing machine. But with the cold weather and teaching all day in our cold and drafty 100...
  7. Peruse

    Poll: Which Season Of The Year Do You Find Yourself To Be Most Horny? (seasonal Arousal Levels)

    I'm not sure if this was already asked as a poll in a previous thread, but I've been thinking about this for a while... Now that summer is in full force, I've been completely insatiable :imp: and sooo horny. I noticed that I'm like this every summer since I was younger. What about all of...