10 plus inch possible?

Been looking around the web for '10' measurements. Only silly fakes or blatant cheating measurements found I am afraid:


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My god what the hell on so many accounts. First things first, how do I delete my original post because clearly I am a dumb shit because I am not a photoshop/porn/computer friggen wizard. Emptybottlesandcans I am not tech savvy and don't give two shits to be either. I am soooo sorry I can't figure out a photoshop picture. I have not spent 12 hours a day pouring over every picture in the world and checking every pixes. If anything I doubt damn near every pic on the Internet, I was just adding to the thread on a porn site. A simple answer like big knuckles would have been fine.
I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that people are still this fucking stupid in the year 2015 A.D.
Not having knowledge on a certain topic dosen't make one stupid. Someone could also say that you are fucking
Not having knowledge on a certain topic dosen't make one stupid. Someone could also say that you are fucking
Hit reply button accidentally. Anyway, someone could also say that you are fucking stupid because you have no knowledge on quantum physics. Would you agree then with said person in that you are fucking stupid?
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Hit reply button accidentally. Anyway, someone could also say that you are fucking stupid because you have no knowledge on quantum physics. Would you agree then with said person in that you are fucking stupid?

You're comparing a field of intense and extended knowledge to something that I literally just said takes nothing but common sense. This poor comparison (and your lack of listening and comprehension -- because I already said no experience is needed to see that that photo is fake) once again shows your extremely poor judgement and deducting skills.
You're comparing a field of intense and extended knowledge to something that I literally just said takes nothing but common sense. This poor comparison (and your lack of listening and comprehension -- because I already said no experience is needed to see that that photo is fake) once again shows your extremely poor judgement and deducting skills.
You still need to have certain knowledge on photoshop to be able to tell. I too couldn't tell how that photo is fake, just because someone dosen't see something that you do dosen't make one stupid.
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You still need to have certain knowledge on photoshop to be able to tell. I too couldn't tell how that photo is fake, just because someone dosen't see something that you do dosen't make one stupid.

You still need to have certain knowledge on photoshop to be able to tell.

You really, really don't.

I too couldn't tell how that photo is fake,

Given your judgment skills, I'd be more shocked if you could tell.

just because someone dosen't see something that you do dosen't make one stupid.

True. But not in this case.
Stop feeding into emptybottlesandcans, clearly he is always going to have a better answer to everything than anyone else. Clearly he likes to prove he is smarter and more proper than the rest of us. Once he sees this post I can guarantee he will take it apart and make his anguements and make us all feel inferior. My original post was of a photo shopped photo that I guess I did not notice. All my original response to him was why do you have to be so rude but it is clear that it is not him being rude but him clearly always proving he is always right. A simple that photo is not real would have been enough but nope it has gone to this. I can bet 100dollars he can just leave this post alone and we can get on our merry ways. I am done with it if he is done.
Stop feeding into emptybottlesandcans, clearly he is always going to have a better answer to everything than anyone else. Clearly he likes to prove he is smarter and more proper than the rest of us. Once he sees this post I can guarantee he will take it apart and make his anguements and make us all feel inferior. My original post was of a photo shopped photo that I guess I did not notice. All my original response to him was why do you have to be so rude but it is clear that it is not him being rude but him clearly always proving he is always right. A simple that photo is not real would have been enough but nope it has gone to this. I can bet 100dollars he can just leave this post alone and we can get on our merry ways. I am done with it if he is done.

Very good response. I usually do have a better answer than almost anyone else, and I usually am smarter than the rest of this board. Kudos on the great observation.

But yes, fine. It's fake, we all know it now. Let's be done with it.
Very good response. I usually do have a better answer than almost anyone else, and I usually am smarter than the rest of this board. Kudos on the great observation.

But yes, fine. It's fake, we all know it now. Let's be done with it.
Yes. 10'' plus cocks are out there!!!
Emptybottlesandcans deactivated his account, don't bother answering his post. He'll probably return soon with another account and keep trolling.

did he deactivate...or was he banned? (I think he may already be back as we speak... just can't keep him away....)
Emptybottlesandcans deactivated his account, don't bother answering his post. He'll probably return soon with another account and keep trolling.
did he deactivate...or was he banned? (I think he may already be back as we speak... just can't keep him away....)
He hasn't visited the board for 10 days, but it still says 'active member' under his avatar.
The war he's fighting, the cause he's upholding, are both too important to retire from the field.:cool:
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This thread is insane. What is the clinical explanation or description for the militant hysteria displayed by those who are frantic to argue the negative of this (or any) casual, meaningless subject?
The anger, the rhetorical contortions, the oblique insults... it's a manifestation of.. what? Low self esteem? ADD? Some kind of need to control? Just being a contrary asshole?
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I love this thread because you can tell who's really smart by the length of the words they use. Definitely not pretentious in any kind of way
If there is a guy with a 10" dick out there.... I feel sorry for the fucker, there's going to be many inches of dick that will he will never get inside a woman.
You'd be surprised. I'm 9 x 6.5 and I manage ok. Sure you don't always get to put it all in but that's the price you pay. The women seem to think it's worth the effort.
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You'd be surprised. I'm 9 x 6.5 and I manage ok. Sure you don't always get to put it all in but that's the price you pay. The women seem to think it's worth the effort.

dunno, I can only see it from my perspective. I would want to go ballz deep more often than not.

Though would you say the girls (if any) are more ecstatic when they finally take the full length vs the ones not being able to, ever.