10 plus inch possible?

I reckon that there are guys who are 10" however they are rare.

Most guys dont have a good perception of length and underestimate how big that actually is!
The amount of times i've met '9inches to end up being dissapointed is a joke.
This cock is 10.5 inches 27cm and is measured so the zero starts where the cock starts

It is probably the longest dick on the internet.

I think it’s is possible for a penis to reach slightly over 10 inches but it’s about a 1 in 300,000 occurrence based on normal distribution so a only 1000 guys on Earth have a 10 inch cock probably even rarer. The hormone androgen makes a penis grow, it comes down to how much androgen a persons body can produce and that doesn’t conform to a particular number like 10 like most test scores do. It seems the human limit of cock size is about 11 inches, if there are a few cocks on the internet a couple on this site and tony Duncan who are 10 inches and there is an entire African continent and there are countries where it is more taboo for people to upload their cock to the internet or men who just don’t want to do it then there are probably 100 to 1000 10 inch cocks on Earth and probably 1 11 inch cock right if someone has an extreme androgen over production.


Also I’ve noticed on this site that people claim that Jonah Falcon has never uploaded a photo of himself erect. I found a video of Jonah erect and masturbating he looked around 10 inches, give or take 0.25 inch. He could possibly fit 3 hands on it. He was hard, had a downwards curve and he ejaculated in the video.


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Also I’ve noticed on this site that people claim that Jonah Falcon has never uploaded a photo of himself erect. I found a video of Jonah erect and masturbating he looked around 10 inches, give or take 0.25 inch. He could possibly fit 3 hands on it. He was hard, had a downwards curve and he ejaculated in the video.
You seriously want to make us believe that you think this thing is around 10 inches? If so, get your eyes checked.
And about the old statement of "can fit 3 hands on it". You can fit 3 hands on a 7 incher if you do it right.
This cock is 10.5 inches 27cm and is measured so the zero starts where the cock starts

It is probably the longest dick on the internet.

I think it’s is possible for a penis to reach slightly over 10 inches but it’s about a 1 in 300,000 occurrence based on normal distribution so a only 1000 guys on Earth have a 10 inch cock probably even rarer. The hormone androgen makes a penis grow, it comes down to how much androgen a persons body can produce and that doesn’t conform to a particular number like 10 like most test scores do. It seems the human limit of cock size is about 11 inches, if there are a few cocks on the internet a couple on this site and tony Duncan who are 10 inches and there is an entire African continent and there are countries where it is more taboo for people to upload their cock to the internet or men who just don’t want to do it then there are probably 100 to 1000 10 inch cocks on Earth and probably 1 11 inch cock right if someone has an extreme androgen over production.

Made up statistics pulled out of thin air. No facts what so ever in this post. Just opinion on what the poster "feels". And this is supposed to be a "Large Penis SUPPORT Group"....and the poster is new...just joined...or just joined "again"...under a new name...and all their posts are attacking others.
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Also I’ve noticed on this site that people claim that Jonah Falcon has never uploaded a photo of himself erect. I found a video of Jonah erect and masturbating he looked around 10 inches, give or take 0.25 inch. He could possibly fit 3 hands on it. He was hard, had a downwards curve and he ejaculated in the video.
Are you trying to tell us this is your idea of a 10" penis?
Too many people on this site are obsessed with proving that 10 inch cocks don't exist and yet it's a "large penis support" site. How odd.

Yep, it give justice to the real large penis
And not for bragger claiming they are 10 inch or even more, wich its not true (unless proof?)
Too many people on this site are obsessed with proving that 10 inch cocks don't exist and yet it's a "large penis support" site. How odd.

If the people on this site had lived in the 15th century Columbus would never have sailed.
No. There are 2 types of people here. People that will believe every number that is provided is correct. And people that question those numbers, mostly because they don’t make sense. If the first type of people on this site had lived in the 15th century Columbus would have never sailed. To afraid to fall off the edge ..
This really makes my head itch, not because I disagree but rather that I agree. I can't decide if the Internet is the perfect source or the worst source for dick size, in terms of a real average; specifically for black men. Amongst all pics and scenes I have seen on the internet, regarding IR porn (up until this point, which has been an excessive amount), I can half-heartedly say, that I agree with that women's consensus of sizes amongst black men in her neighborhood (minus the measure part of course). It does seem to me (strictly going off of visuals w/no measure), that black men appear to be the most well endowed (in both length and girth) and do seem to average more so around the 8 range as well as frequently tend to appear to be around the lengths of 9 or longer (again, from what I've seen on the internet); I've seen a heavy amount of this black/brown dick portrayal within many amateur vids and mainstream vids (at least to me). Though as stated, this is strictly going off of vision, which is always a high gamble.

I used to do strip for about a decade and have seen 1,000's of nude men of all races, seen 1,000's of naked men in locker rooms etc. I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I consistently have seen that black men most of them are upwards in the 8-9" normal range. There is simply no way based on real world analysis that they're only 1/2" bigger than white men. Absolutely no way based on what I have seen and this is not coming from someone like many who have a bbc fetish or whatever other fetish they may have. Simply what I have witnessed with my own two eyes. I have personally seen black men when I used to dance also with penises down to their knees and I don't mean figuratively. I mean literally.

I have never seen a white guy or non black guy for that matter that even comes close to the biggest black guys I have ever seen. It's worlds apart. I'm sure there are hung white men and non black men, yes. Obviously. But as a whole I don't think black men are just 1/2" bigger than white men. Not a chance. It is way more than that.
No. There are 2 types of people here. People that will believe every number that is provided is correct. And people that question those numbers, mostly because they don’t make sense. If the first type of people on this site had lived in the 15th century Columbus would have never sailed. To afraid to fall off the edge ..
The second lot wouldn't have sailed, they wouldn't have believed there was anything to sail to.

There's actually a third lot. The ones who wouldn't have believed Columbus if he'd brought a troupe of dancing llamas back. Because it was a matter of faith, not science, for them that nothing existed beyond the non plus ultra. Or because they were jealous of him.

not 10", but it's what passes for 10" on internet and in porn. Nevertheless, it may be a true 8 to 9, and is still pretty frickin' impressive.

Thought I'd chime in since the photo in the original post of this thread is my cock.

That pic has been doctored to make me look longer. I did not do that but over the years I've seen my photos used both unaltered and altered, even in banner ad gifs on porn sites. I will try and attach the original photo here.

My current size is 9 inches in length exactly, and 6.25 inches in girth. That's bone-pressed along the top for length, and girth at the widest part of the shaft.

The original photo was taken in 2003. At that time I was around 8.25" long and 6" thick exactly. I do not know how I got longer and slightly thicker, though I have some theories. I was just under 8" long when I was 19, in 1994.

To those who truly believe there is not a single man alive with over 10" in length, you are every bit as deluded as those who believe the stats on porn stars at face value. I have first-hand experience with many individuals who confirm that there are some men- exceedingly rare- who are 11 and 12, and they were not speculations but actual measurements, and yes those women took it all the way. This is not the kind of thing you find online...believe it or not that there is an enormous class of knowledge sexual and otherwise that isn't found online, and that defies belief until you've lived it in real life so there's no point in trying to explain it to people who are every bit as zealous in their stubborn fanaticism masquerading as proper skepticism.

A true skeptic would simply state that they have yet to see direct evidence of more than 10, therefore I cannot say whether or not that size exists. Zealot type skeptics who are every bit as biased and gullible as those they look down on, state I haven't seen it therefore it doesn't exist. Like an atheist, or someone denying that there is microbial life because they've never looked in a microscope with their own eyes.

What's funny is there are methods of verifying size through photos and videos that don't require a ruler. Knowing anatomical ranges of male and female hand widths for example, and taking into account parallax and other optical distortions and illusions, makes it possible to eventually become quite good at visual estimates.

Just to upset the fake skeptics all the more, let me make another statement of FACT that they will find preposterous- women can be penetrated through their cervixes, by an erect penis, and into their wombs by several inches. The orgasms experienced by that are in a class of their own...it's an experience that makes any woman want to be bred by the man capable of it. And yes, it usually requires and exceedingly long penis to be done. Go ahead and try and find evidence of this on line, you likely won't. I know an obstetrician who wrote scientific papers on the experience after I "gave" her to a man who could do this, and she and many others had children by him.

There, that should stir a hornets' nest of the arrogant ones.
