21-year-old fathers his 7th child


Experimental Member
Dec 27, 2007
I think this guy is easily worse than the Octomom.

21-year-old Keith MacDonald from England is becoming a father for the seventh time. Mr. MacDonald, who dropped out of school and has no qualifications, caused outrage when it emerged that he does not support any of his other six children, by six different girls, with taxpayers footing a 1-miilion pound bill to pay for them.

MacDonald has confirmed he is expecting a child with his current girlfriend, despite the fact he does not live with her. "I know it's not the first time but I am still looking forward to it," he said.

As Keith is unemployed and unable to financially support his children, his mum advised him to “pack it in and keep it in his trousers”.

“It’s easy – they never seem to say no.” But Macdonald showed no remorse for his philandering and continues to blame the girls for falling pregnant: “It’s not my fault – I thought they were all on the pill.”

The 21-year-old charms the ladies on public transport. Two of his children came from top-deck encounters between Keith and their mums. “Just chat them up on the bus. That’s what I do and they never seem to say no. If they like you, they like you... Get their number and text them and arrange to meet when you come off the bus. I just pick them up like that."

MacDonald fathered his first child at thirteen.

“I met Stephanie on the bus, I met June on the bus – and I met this one (points to new girlfriend Vicky) on the bus. It’s easy.”

Mother number four, June Garrick, now 19, fell for Keith’s charms on a bus and is now looking after Brandon, who will be two in October. “He gave me his telephone number on the bus. We had gone to the same school – although he was kicked out of it – so I knew who he was... We got together a few days later and I soon fell pregnant,” she explained.

Keith detailed his search for a job, but is keeping busy in the meantime playing on his Playstation or partying. “I have fun, come through to Newcastle, or go into Sunderland. Lasses keep on coming up to me and I have a laugh with gay men as well," he said.

It's reported that MacDonald refuses to wear a condom. He said all of his girfriends had told him they were on the pill and that he had no idea how they fell pregnant. “I just wish everybody would leave us alone. I’ve wanted to hang myself because of all the trouble. My dad told me to calm down... I’ve got four kids and one on the way, but that's it. If I see the kids I will pay for them, but if I can’t I won’t."

Kelly first heard about her pregnancy last week and admits it was a surprise as she is on the pill. “We’d been together almost three weeks and I was beginning to suspect something was wrong... When I found out, I didn’t even want to keep it. I was down to have an abortion... Keith just laughed at me and it took him four days before he came to see me again.” Despite being dumped, Kelly is determined to keep her baby. “I haven’t got any feelings for him at all now,” she said. “But when the baby’s born I’ll be trying to seek out payments from him, even though I don’t want him anywhere near it. I thought he had about three kids but he didn’t tell me he had six."

The 21-year-old has openly boasted about ignoring letters from the Child Support Agency, a part of the Government’s Department of Work and Pensions that pushes for absent fathers to pay for their children. He says he just ignores its letters and forms.

MacDonald has a series of convictions, including a prison sentence earlier this year for hitting another man with a pint glass.


Note to mods: I compiled this info from 6 different articles. Some data I reworded, to avoid copyright infringement.
Yes this guy is worse than Octomom. They need to force a vasectomy on him. Unplug something. It's easier to reverse a vasectomy if he ever does decide he wants to be a father. Then the UK government wouldn't have so many of his kids to have to support. That way he can "have his fun" and not hurt the pocketbooks. Sounds like he has strong swimmers if he can impregnate so many young ladies on the pill.
He's worse than "Octomom"?

Women have complete control over their bodies, you can't blame this guy for the choices these women make while riding a bus!? What do they think is going to happen if they have sex with a stranger without protection or birth control? They're lucky he doesn't have HIV.

They made stupid choices.

Of course octomom is worse than all of them, she had 14 children all on her own from ONE sperm donor who has no responsibility for the children and octomom is having the taxpayers foot the bill while she's out shopping and having plastic surgery. She really knows how to work the system while the rest of us watch on TV.
The sad fact of biology is that women get stuck with the greatest burden from unprotected intercourse. No it's not fair, it's not even right. It's just the way it is. Any girl who has unprotected intercourse is playing dice with her life because of the potential consequences of unintended pregnancy. That's not even counting the risks from STDs to both current and future partners. This guy is irresponsible but the women are more so because they stand to lose so much more and should know that. I'm not being terribly impressed by the British sex ed system at this moment.
Whats wrong with this? The healthiest children are those from the sperms of men younger than 30.

This guy is certainly more successful than fathers with PHD's in their 40s, from an evolutionary view.
When you're poor and uneducated, sex is all you have left.

His children will continue the cycle. In another 20 years we'll be reading the same story about Jr.

They all seem to be short, spontaneous love affairs. Three weeks? I've had longer wanks.
Yes this guy is worse than Octomom. They need to force a vasectomy on him. Unplug something. It's easier to reverse a vasectomy if he ever does decide he wants to be a father. Then the UK government wouldn't have so many of his kids to have to support. That way he can "have his fun" and not hurt the pocketbooks. Sounds like he has strong swimmers if he can impregnate so many young ladies on the pill.

UK needs more babies as British fertility rate is below replacement.
He must be a hottie. Any pics? Oops. I just googled, he's not. Maybe this just goes to show it's confidence and chutspah (sp?) that attracts the ladies.
I DID have an uncomfortable sense I was poaching on njqt's turf!
but, luckily, njqt thinks I'm a no-good racist, so perhaps she will not read this & notice I'm temporarily taking over her weird-story turf.

Oh get off the cross WillTom27, :crucified: we need the wood for something important. :tongue:

I don't think you're a racist!:rolleyes: I think you're an elitist, trust-fund baby who is woefully out of touch with reality. Though generally speaking I think you are a nice guy. :cool:
sadly enough, this chav's story is similar to many others, whether they are in the UK or the US or wherever, white, black, hispanic whatever.

it is a combination of the stupidity and callousness of the "father" as well as the women dumb and irresponsible enough to fall for the "charms" of these clowns and then actually let them screw them without condoms.

Egads. How this chap managed to knock up 7 women and I can't even get 7 women to strike-up a conversation with me is well beyond my comprehension.

Look at the kind of women he gets. :yuck: It's not hard to get laid if you're willing to lower your standards. We called it "goin' pigging'" back in my day. I have turned down plenty of women because I have always had high standards. A lot of my friends though slept with anything that had a "heartbeat and a hole" (thier words, not mine) in order to get laid.

In all seriousness though, I have heard that the U.K. has a massive problem with teenage pregnancies. I have also heard that part of the problem is the overly generous welfare system that rewards girls who get pregnant. If you have no education or skills, breeding pays pretty good money in the U.K.
I think this guy is easily worse than the Octomom..

i luv u WT but ur so wrong on this! :eek:

he's just having sex, and according to your post most of the girls said they were on the pill and apparently didnt' have enuff of a problem with him not wearing a rubber to refuse letting him breed them even though they knew they were at risk of getting knocked up and from the articles you posted, none of the kids were the result of rape, so if a woman wants to let a dude she's known for 3 wks knock her up by telling him she's on the pill, how is that the dudes fault?

whereas octomom is unbalanced mentally and did this to herself, for the specific purpose of hatching more kids, when she can't take care of the ones she's got. the brit kid might be irresponsible, but octomom is dellusional and could have (should have) been stopped by an ethical doctor.

there's no evidence that the brit kid was trying to father as many children as possible.

premeditated intent makes a huge difference on what you get charged with. ask any trial lawyer

oh and PS: if women really want to empower themselves why do they sleep with "badboys" and dudes they barely know? how about they take some responsiblity for their own destiny! stop throwin ur legs in the air and then crucifying the dude who accepts the invite.
Whats wrong with this? The healthiest children are those from the sperms of men younger than 30.

This guy is certainly more successful than fathers with PHD's in their 40s, from an evolutionary view.

...but not from a financial point of view. Having children at any age without the means to support them is irresponsible at any age. Why should taxpayers have to shoulder this burden? When you're working full-time and pay out about 40% of your income in taxes, you'll see what I mean.