21-year-old fathers his 7th child

I say he is a stud machine - pumpin chicks left and right

ya i think every dude at least has the fantasy of knockin up a ton of chicks. it's how our brains r wired.

even though i prefer dudes for sex, sex with a chick is all about my breeding instinct.
You are comparing apples and oranges. I said that the FERTILITY rate is quite high - at its highest since 1980, especially when compared to other western industrialized nations.


Current UK fertility rate is 1.84 per woman. Replacement level fertility rate is 2.1 per woman.

What do you not understand?
The reason why I don't think the Octomom situation is quite so bad.....is because she has a rich fertility dr. who is going to take a lot of heat. She already had 6 kids.....no job.....her house is on the foreclosure list.....did he need to implant 7 fertilized eggs in her?

Yes she is trying to play the system......unfortunately for her.....her timing is bad. The economy is in the toilet and money is tight. The state of California has options. They can sue the fertility dr. and make him pay the hospital bills. They can put the babies in the foster / adopt program. It probably wouldn't take much to prove the mom is nuts. She has already turned down childcare help. She wants to do a realty show and she can't do that if she has childcare help.
oh gawd, i just googled him and WTF are these women thinking?!



Ever ride the bus ? The few times I have the pickings as far as the women go aren't any better. They all were probably perfect for each other ?

This is one of the reasons I am against public transportation, no control over who you wind up riding with from moment to moment. He probably flipped a coin ? Try to f*ck these women or snatch their purse/mug them ?
You are comparing apples and oranges. I said that the FERTILITY rate is quite high - at its highest since 1980, especially when compared to other western industrialized nations. Do you really think that a country as small as the UK needs to have a population of over 70 million people? At the current birthrate, the U.K.'s population will exceed 71 million by 2031. Do you have any idea how difficult it will be for a landmass the size of the UK to accomodate that many people in terms of support services, infastructure, etc?

I'm not in the UK, but I disagree with your argument that kids born into poverty will be paying my pension in the future. You are assuming that they will have all of the advantages in their life that you probably have in your life. If these kids are unskilled and uneducated (as tends to be the case in these situations), they will be drawing from the social welfare system, not contributing to it when they grow up. Who is going to pay the bills for these kids, so that they are able to grow up to become contributing and productive members of society? I think you need to look outside of the comfort of your world, to see that not everyone has the same advantages that you have.

Why do I feel like I'm debating with a younger version of Pronatalist here? :rolleyes:

What? Is the UK so dumb, that they can't somehow find room for a 1 million more people, within 2 entire decades? That's hardly a noticable increase over 70 million. Or was that some math error there?

I advocate that all nations populate themselves more densely with people, especially via their own natural increase - their very own children, to do their part to help the planet hold lots more people.

I pretty sure the UK isn't all that crowded, and I urge that the UK, China, India, wherever, all populate denser, and countries trade fairly and help each other out in this, for the greater good of the many, so that everybody may enjoy having their progeny, and so far more people may experience life.

Sure, it might be nice if the planet were bigger, or more worlds were ready begging for people to come, but the best option I see for now, is to simply populate denser/vaster as we welcome birthrates to naturally accumulate over deaths. Welcoming the natural flow of human life, letting the human race enlarge, so that everybody who comes to life may be properly welcomed. Which could be a minor somewhat increase of population density, wherever your homeland happens to be.

Who's going to pay the bills for children? Usually, that's supposed to be the parents, taking responsibility for their children.