45 or older only please...

Originally posted by Phenix@May 9 2005, 12:36 AM
I have some great small scissors and wand type shaver that help me get rid of usightly nose hair and anything growing around my ears. My haircutter always trims my eyebrows when I see him every four weeks. So there are ways of keeping on top of it. Fortunately, I've haven't gotten any hair on my back (yet?).

Kudos to you guys who quit smoking. So far, I've dropped my brand to a lower one and will do this once more. Then when it's time to give them up, I'll use Nicorette. I watched my Dad die of lung cancer due to smoking and I've promised myself that I'm not going that way.

Am getting that physical we've all been talking about on Tuesday this week. I'm not thrilled about going into all the ways that I mistreat my body and I really don't like a rectal exam, especially from a new physician. But what can you do? Ya gotta get checked out! And at the end of this week, I'm going for an eye exam because yours truly needs bifocals! Geez.

Thanks to the brother who said it's incumbent to stay in the shape you were in when you were thirty. I'll take those words to heart when I start with my trainer and Pilates.

[post=309342]Quoted post[/post]​


The Doc will say it "QUIT SMOKING"!!!!

I quit about 5 minutes before, MY first Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (age 50). Took 15 minutes to resessutate me, had at least 3 CCU cardiac companions die during the first day of hospitalization, including an Ass't Hosp Administrator. CABG, Inplanted Defibrillator and a 4th 90 percent blocked artery MISSED during open heart surg.

Scare the hell out of your self now!!! Bud. Because after all of the above shit, it don't matter how much cock you got. Hell, I could hardly walk for two months.

Three months later when returning to work, part time, my secretary asked if she could throw the pack of cigarettes I gave her the "day I Died" away, Oh Yeah. I didn't want them back, for sure!

Originally posted by Phenix@May 9 2005, 12:36 AM
I have some great small scissors and wand type shaver that help me get rid of usightly nose hair and anything growing around my ears. My haircutter always trims my eyebrows when I see him every four weeks. So there are ways of keeping on top of it. Fortunately, I've haven't gotten any hair on my back (yet?).

Kudos to you guys who quit smoking. So far, I've dropped my brand to a lower one and will do this once more. Then when it's time to give them up, I'll use Nicorette. I watched my Dad die of lung cancer due to smoking and I've promised myself that I'm not going that way.

Am getting that physical we've all been talking about on Tuesday this week. I'm not thrilled about going into all the ways that I mistreat my body and I really don't like a rectal exam, especially from a new physician. But what can you do? Ya gotta get checked out! And at the end of this week, I'm going for an eye exam because yours truly needs bifocals! Geez.

Thanks to the brother who said it's incumbent to stay in the shape you were in when you were thirty. I'll take those words to heart when I start with my trainer and Pilates.

[post=309342]Quoted post[/post]​


STOP SMOKING, Scare the Hell out of youself but QUIT.

My last cigarette was smoked on June 7, 1991@ 12:15 Noon, just prior to my "Out Of Hospital" Cardiac Arrest. 15 minutes of ressutation and finally turned away from the "light" I came to with mouth to mouth as well as Cardic Compressions.

Admitted to the CCU before the first day was over 3 other Cardiacs passed on. Laying there waiting for it to be my turn scared the hell out of me, stressed me BUT, I didn't want a smoke. Ha He!

In the Hospital, the dim lights and bleeping instruments, and on and on, all prevented a relaxed sleep, and then there were the "CODE BLUES" ????Was it for me THIS time???????????

After the CABG, Defibrillator implantation and 3 days total alive on a machine (heart/lung) I returned to the living.

After all of this it don't matter if you are a King Dong or who ever, Life will/has never been the same.

Nuff Said & NOT SORRY if I scared you :grr:

blackwood ( a kinda nice ole man ) :eyes:
Originally posted by Phenix@May 8 2005, 07:36 PM
I have some great small scissors and wand type shaver that help me get rid of usightly nose hair and anything growing around my ears. My haircutter always trims my eyebrows when I see him every four weeks. So there are ways of keeping on top of it. Fortunately, I've haven't gotten any hair on my back (yet?).

Kudos to you guys who quit smoking. So far, I've dropped my brand to a lower one and will do this once more. Then when it's time to give them up, I'll use Nicorette. I watched my Dad die of lung cancer due to smoking and I've promised myself that I'm not going that way.

Am getting that physical we've all been talking about on Tuesday this week. I'm not thrilled about going into all the ways that I mistreat my body and I really don't like a rectal exam, especially from a new physician. But what can you do? Ya gotta get checked out! And at the end of this week, I'm going for an eye exam because yours truly needs bifocals! Geez.

Thanks to the brother who said it's incumbent to stay in the shape you were in when you were thirty. I'll take those words to heart when I start with my trainer and Pilates.

[post=309342]Quoted post[/post]​

So you are taking pilates -- me too, but I am not bragging about accomplishments in that area till I can do the maneuvers without feeling like a need for a chiropractor afterwards. They are tough, have to keep telling myself, build core strength, build core strength.... and you too can lie on floor on stomach, lift arms and legs outstretched and swim without touching floor with either -- yipes. And if your package is not arranged properly having the entire weight supported on it when you lift your legs and upper body skyward on your stomach can be a discomforting position to be in.