
Superior Member
Sep 14, 2019
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hey everyone. After my story "Two friends with very different cocks" was so well received, I decided to write another fictional story about size difference. This time it's a story told in first person.

Hope you like it :blush: Let me know what you think in the comments or PM me.


“What the hell was I thinking when I said yes to this?” was my thought as I pulled my boxer briefs off.
I’ve never been a fan of being naked among other people. I hated it. I have avoided locker rooms and public showers my whole life because of that. As much as I enjoy the idea of seeing other men naked, the fact that I had to be nude as well has always made me hesitant.
Society in general seems to be very okay with guys just hanging around in the locker room with their dicks out. Friends, acquaintances, colleagues, coworkers. I, for one, have never liked that idea. The thought of being in the same room naked with colleagues from work sounded so weird to me for a long time.
Given my history with the subject, when my colleague Jeff invited me to hang out with him in the hotel’s sauna during a work trip, it was very out of character for me to accept the invitation. Being 30 years old, I wasn’t as self-conscious about my body as I used to be in my teens and twenties. In a way, I forced myself to see it as society seemed to see it: just two guys hanging out. Also, I imagined, I wouldn’t necessarily need to be naked, right?
Never having been in a situation like that before, I just watched Jeff and did the same as him.
Upon arriving at the hotel spa, we went straight to the locker room to get changed. Jeff was a chatty guy, so he kept talking as he removed his shoes and peeled off his t-shirt. I followed suit and did the same once he got out of his pants too. Expecting him to stop there, I gulped when he quite nonchalantly took his underwear off. After putting his clothes in the locker, he wrapped a towel around his waist covering his modesty. As much as I hated having to take my underwear off, the idea of covering myself right after cheered me up. So I took a deep breath and pulled out my boxer briefs, quickly wrapping the towel around myself. Jeff seemed distracted, I was thankful to realize he didn’t see my private parts.
In our towels and flip-flops provided by the hotel, Jeff and I walked to the sauna, finding it empty upon our arrival. “Good,” I thought to myself. The fewer people the better.
I was getting ready to sit on the bench with the towel around my waist when I saw Jeff take off his towel, place it on the bench, and sit on top of it, with his legs wide open and his crown jewels in full view. As much as I wanted to stay covered, I thought it would be weird if I didn’t act the same as him. “Just two guys hanging out, nothing weird about it,” I thought as I reluctantly followed Jeff’s lead, sitting on the bench across from him.
As I awkwardly propped myself on the bench and tried to act casual about all that exposition, I marveled at how Jeff was comfortable in that situation. It was not a surprise, given how good he looked. His shoulders were wide and round, pecs hairy and well-defined, strong arms, and thick thighs. And, right in the middle of all that, a stunning and thick softie hung heavily over his big pair of balls that rested over the bench. His cock was fully soft, I had seen it dangle just a moment before, and it had to be over 5 inches, probably closer to 6.
In between my reluctantly open legs, the situation was drastically different: the embarrassment had made my already modest softie shrink to about 2 inches. It was not hanging, but rather resting over my balls, the tip of my cock pointing at Jeff. My tight ballsack, which never in my life hung low like Jeff’s, was far away from the bench underneath me, tucked in a little ball attached to my crotch.
I could feel his eyes on me as the blood rushed to my face. He took a while staring at my crotch, as I probably did staring at his too. None of us said a word, but when his glance moved from my crotch to my eyes, the knowing grin on his face spoke volumes.
“Fuck, I really needed this,” Jeff was the one to break the silence.
“Yeah,” I said, hesitantly. “It’s quite… relaxing.”
Jeff chuckled.
“I’m sorry man, but you don’t seem very relaxed right now. Is something bothering you?” He asked.
“No, it’s fine. It’s just that I…” I stuttered. “I’m not used to being like this…”
“Like this how?” Jeff asked.
“Naked… with other guys,” I said, looking down.
My face was burning red, I could feel it.
“Oh, I see. That… makes sense,” Jeff said, glancing at my crotch. “But hey, it’s just us guys here. Safe space.”
“Yeah, I’m trying to get used to it,” I said shyly.
“You will. Just try to relax and enjoy. The nakedness becomes nothing when you realize both of us are in the same boat. I'm just as exposed as you. The same thing you have down there I have here too.”
“Yeah, except for the slight variation in size…” I said, immediately regretting my tentative at being funny.
It seemed to have worked though. Jeff let out a laugh.
“Or maybe not so slight,” he said with a chuckle. “But yeah, that’s the spirit.”
The joke lightened the mood and made me relax, even with his not-so-subtle remark. Somehow, having our blatant size difference acknowledged by both of us made me more comfortable with the situation.
As we continued chatting about work and life in general, I tried to ignore the fact that Jeff and I were bare naked in front of each other, but it was a challenging task. Especially with his handsome manly body and massive cock and balls in front of me like that. As much as I tried to fix my gaze on his face, my eyes kept wandering down: his wide chest, his hairy belly, his gorgeous junk. His presence was so powerful it commanded the room and my thoughts as well. Before I noticed, my dick started to get hard.
I could just feel it growing and slowly separating itself from my balls and getting erect. Part of me wanted to just cover myself, put my hands in front of it, or wrap the towel around my waist again. But I wanted so badly to act natural that I just froze there, horrified, as my dick grew to a powerful, rock-hard, borderline painful erection. As I sat completely exposed with my cock in its full 4 inches glory, I watched Jeff’s eyes distractedly travel down and meet my crotch.
He couldn’t hold another chuckle.
“Looks like you’re not so shy anymore, little bud.”
“Fuck, sorry about that, man!” I said, finally covering my boner with my hands.
“Don’t be sorry, buddy. It happens all the time. You're not the first guy to pop a boner when I drop my pants.”
“N-no, that's not why…” I stammered when Jeff interrupted me.
“There’s no need to deny it, we both know what's going on here. The reason I invited you in the first place was because I thought you might enjoy the view. Your little boner makes it clear that I was right.”
I didn't answer, just watched as he started slowly stroking his big cock.
“Come on, don’t hide it. Let the little bone breathe.”
I tentatively moved my hands to my thighs, exposing my dick to him again. Once again following his lead, I started to stroke my raging hardon.
“It's fun jerking off with a buddy like that, don't you think?” He asked, casually.
“Yeah, it feels nice,” I said, still embarrassed.
I watched, mesmerized, as his cock grew to full erection under his touch.
“So, what do you think about it?” He asked, noticing my eyes glued to his crotch.
“It's… huge!” I said, in full honesty.
“If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that…” Jeff said, grinning.
I smiled. “I bet it never gets old.”
“No, it doesn't, buddy. I love hearing it.”
“Makes mine look tiny,” I said, surprising myself with my honesty.
“Yours looks pretty small on its own, buddy. But yeah, most dicks look small compared to mine. Here, let's see.”
Jeff stood in front of me and had me get up as well, lining our erections side by side.
“You're like twice my size,” I said, my voice trembling with excitement, as I looked at his grinning face inches away from mine.
“Yeah, I'm usually the biggest guy in the room, but not by that much”.
“I guess I wasn't very lucky in the genetics lottery,” I said with a fake smile.
“Looks like I got lucky for the both of us,” Jeff said, sitting beside me on the bench.
“How big is it exactly?” I asked.
“I don't know, like… 10 inches?”
Jeff laughed out loud. “Guys like you always think I'm gigantic. I'm big, but not that big. It's 8 inches.”
“Guys like me? What do you mean by that?”
“Guys with dicks like yours,” Jeff said with a wink. “Guys who look at my cock the way you're looking right now and pop a boner.”
“Guilty of all charges,” I thought, but stayed silent.
“Here, play with it," he said, letting go of his dick and putting both hands behind his head.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Come on, man. Get to work. We both know you want to.”
I tentatively put my right hand on his cock while I continued jerking myself with my left hand. The difference was astounding. My hardon disappeared completely inside my hand, while I could barely close my fist around Jeff's meaty massiveness.
“A cock like mine needs two hands, bro,” Jeff said.
I let go of my dick and started stroking Jeff's big shaft. My left hand felt pretty good about the upgrade.
“Get on your knees, you'll be more comfortable.”
“What if someone walks in?” I asked, concerned.
“They'll see a little dick boy worshipping a massive cock. Just another regular evening in the sauna. Get down, man.”
Once again, I obeyed.
Kneeling on the floor in front of him, I wrapped both hands around his cock and started stroking again. It felt amazing, almost unbelievable, having a dick so big in my hands. With one hand around its base and the other fist right above it, gripping mid-shaft, the head remained completely out in the open. You could easily fit a third hand on there.
I looked up at Jeff and found him staring back at me with a smug smile on his face. He didn’t verbalize it, but his expression said everything: he was satisfied to put me in my place, on my knees, servicing his big cock. At least that’s what I thought he meant, and I tended to agree.
When I wasn’t working with two hands on Jeff’s meaty cock, I used one hand to massage his balls. He seemed to enjoy that, which in turn made me enjoy it. I realized I was no longer feeling ashamed. Being there, servicing that big cock, giving that man pleasure, it felt… right.
Just as that thought crossed my mind, I felt Jeff’s cock pulsate and his balls get tighter. He was approaching orgasm. He took hold of his cock and stroke it harder, aiming it at me. His manly moans and grunts filled the room as he sprayed his warm abundant cum all over my chest. Rope after rope hit my skin and rolled down my abs, some getting trapped in my body hair, some sliding further down towards my crotch.
“Wow, that was great. Let's do it again tomorrow,” Jeff said when he was done panting, getting up, and wrapping his towel around his waist. “Let's go shower.”
I was still kneeling on the floor covered in cum and with my cock as hard as ever. Still having a hard time computing everything that had just happened, I got up and reached for my towel to clean up the cum from my chest.
Before I could do it, Jeff took the towel and hung it on his right shoulder.
Let me take the towel for you so you don’t get cum on it. I'll give it to you after you're finished showering.
“But I need to cover myself,” I said, confused.
“No, you don't. Let's flaunt that rock-hard dick for everyone in the spa. Let's go,” he said already leaving the sauna.
I clumsily walked after him, trying to stay behind him so other people wouldn't be able to see me. A few guys walked past us, but I don’t think they noticed my boner or the huge load dripping from my chest.
My dick stayed fully hard during the whole time as we showered. The whole experience made me too horny, I knew my hardon would only go away once I came. I did a pretty good job hiding my erection from other guys in the shower room, which Jeff was finding pretty amusing.
When Jeff and I were back in the locker room, only one other man was getting changed close to us. He acknowledged our presence but didn't seem to notice my boner, thankfully.
As I was opening my locker to take my clothes and finally hide my dick from sight, Jeff talked to the guy.
“Don't mind my friend here, he got excited in the sauna,” he said, catching the man's attention.
The older man was sitting when he turned to look at me, his eyesight in line with my crotch. Upon taking in the view of my hardon, he let out a chuckle and shook his head.
“Better take care of that when you get to your room, buddy,” Jeff told me, once again making the other guy laugh.
I turned bright red again, quickly put my clothes on, and left.
Jeff was right about one thing though: as soon as I entered the hotel room, my clothes went off and a few strokes were enough to elicit a massive load out of my balls. Well, massive by my standards at least. It was not even close to the amount Jeff had sprayed on my chest minutes before. As I looked at the little puddle of cum in my belly button, I thought to myself:
“Even in this department, that fucker beats me.”
Ridiculously good man.

Youve given “Jeff” the right amount of cockiness thats hot AF (without veering him into becoming a douche bag). i.e. does BigNavy serve as inspiration or another horse hung member?
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the read.
I didn't base Jeff in anyone in particular, but for sure reading @BigNavy's posts and other cocky hung dudes in here is something that definitely turns me on and inspires me in one way or another to write stories.

Things I've seen in this thread also has definitely influenced me: Guys bragging about their size I recommend you to check it out if you're into cocky hung dudes.

I'm preparing a second part to this story. Narrator is about to be a bit more exposed.
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the read.
I didn't base Jeff in anyone in particular, but for sure reading @BigNavy's posts and other cocky hung dudes in here is something that definitely turns me on and inspires me in one way or another to write stories.

Things I've seen in this thread also has definitely influenced me: Guys bragging about their size I recommend you to check it out if you're into cocky hung dudes.

I'm preparing a second part to this story. Narrator is about to be a bit more exposed.
Honored to inspire!
Hey everyone. After my story "Two friends with very different cocks" was so well received, I decided to write another fictional story about size difference. This time it's a story told in first person.

Hope you like it :blush: Let me know what you think in the comments or PM me.


“What the hell was I thinking when I said yes to this?” was my thought as I pulled my boxer briefs off.
I’ve never been a fan of being naked among other people. I hated it. I have avoided locker rooms and public showers my whole life because of that. As much as I enjoy the idea of seeing other men naked, the fact that I had to be nude as well has always made me hesitant.
Society in general seems to be very okay with guys just hanging around in the locker room with their dicks out. Friends, acquaintances, colleagues, coworkers. I, for one, have never liked that idea. The thought of being in the same room naked with colleagues from work sounded so weird to me for a long time.
Given my history with the subject, when my colleague Jeff invited me to hang out with him in the hotel’s sauna during a work trip, it was very out of character for me to accept the invitation. Being 30 years old, I wasn’t as self-conscious about my body as I used to be in my teens and twenties. In a way, I forced myself to see it as society seemed to see it: just two guys hanging out. Also, I imagined, I wouldn’t necessarily need to be naked, right?
Never having been in a situation like that before, I just watched Jeff and did the same as him.
Upon arriving at the hotel spa, we went straight to the locker room to get changed. Jeff was a chatty guy, so he kept talking as he removed his shoes and peeled off his t-shirt. I followed suit and did the same once he got out of his pants too. Expecting him to stop there, I gulped when he quite nonchalantly took his underwear off. After putting his clothes in the locker, he wrapped a towel around his waist covering his modesty. As much as I hated having to take my underwear off, the idea of covering myself right after cheered me up. So I took a deep breath and pulled out my boxer briefs, quickly wrapping the towel around myself. Jeff seemed distracted, I was thankful to realize he didn’t see my private parts.
In our towels and flip-flops provided by the hotel, Jeff and I walked to the sauna, finding it empty upon our arrival. “Good,” I thought to myself. The fewer people the better.
I was getting ready to sit on the bench with the towel around my waist when I saw Jeff take off his towel, place it on the bench, and sit on top of it, with his legs wide open and his crown jewels in full view. As much as I wanted to stay covered, I thought it would be weird if I didn’t act the same as him. “Just two guys hanging out, nothing weird about it,” I thought as I reluctantly followed Jeff’s lead, sitting on the bench across from him.
As I awkwardly propped myself on the bench and tried to act casual about all that exposition, I marveled at how Jeff was comfortable in that situation. It was not a surprise, given how good he looked. His shoulders were wide and round, pecs hairy and well-defined, strong arms, and thick thighs. And, right in the middle of all that, a stunning and thick softie hung heavily over his big pair of balls that rested over the bench. His cock was fully soft, I had seen it dangle just a moment before, and it had to be over 5 inches, probably closer to 6.
In between my reluctantly open legs, the situation was drastically different: the embarrassment had made my already modest softie shrink to about 2 inches. It was not hanging, but rather resting over my balls, the tip of my cock pointing at Jeff. My tight ballsack, which never in my life hung low like Jeff’s, was far away from the bench underneath me, tucked in a little ball attached to my crotch.
I could feel his eyes on me as the blood rushed to my face. He took a while staring at my crotch, as I probably did staring at his too. None of us said a word, but when his glance moved from my crotch to my eyes, the knowing grin on his face spoke volumes.
“Fuck, I really needed this,” Jeff was the one to break the silence.
“Yeah,” I said, hesitantly. “It’s quite… relaxing.”
Jeff chuckled.
“I’m sorry man, but you don’t seem very relaxed right now. Is something bothering you?” He asked.
“No, it’s fine. It’s just that I…” I stuttered. “I’m not used to being like this…”
“Like this how?” Jeff asked.
“Naked… with other guys,” I said, looking down.
My face was burning red, I could feel it.
“Oh, I see. That… makes sense,” Jeff said, glancing at my crotch. “But hey, it’s just us guys here. Safe space.”
“Yeah, I’m trying to get used to it,” I said shyly.
“You will. Just try to relax and enjoy. The nakedness becomes nothing when you realize both of us are in the same boat. I'm just as exposed as you. The same thing you have down there I have here too.”
“Yeah, except for the slight variation in size…” I said, immediately regretting my tentative at being funny.
It seemed to have worked though. Jeff let out a laugh.
“Or maybe not so slight,” he said with a chuckle. “But yeah, that’s the spirit.”
The joke lightened the mood and made me relax, even with his not-so-subtle remark. Somehow, having our blatant size difference acknowledged by both of us made me more comfortable with the situation.
As we continued chatting about work and life in general, I tried to ignore the fact that Jeff and I were bare naked in front of each other, but it was a challenging task. Especially with his handsome manly body and massive cock and balls in front of me like that. As much as I tried to fix my gaze on his face, my eyes kept wandering down: his wide chest, his hairy belly, his gorgeous junk. His presence was so powerful it commanded the room and my thoughts as well. Before I noticed, my dick started to get hard.
I could just feel it growing and slowly separating itself from my balls and getting erect. Part of me wanted to just cover myself, put my hands in front of it, or wrap the towel around my waist again. But I wanted so badly to act natural that I just froze there, horrified, as my dick grew to a powerful, rock-hard, borderline painful erection. As I sat completely exposed with my cock in its full 4 inches glory, I watched Jeff’s eyes distractedly travel down and meet my crotch.
He couldn’t hold another chuckle.
“Looks like you’re not so shy anymore, little bud.”
“Fuck, sorry about that, man!” I said, finally covering my boner with my hands.
“Don’t be sorry, buddy. It happens all the time. You're not the first guy to pop a boner when I drop my pants.”
“N-no, that's not why…” I stammered when Jeff interrupted me.
“There’s no need to deny it, we both know what's going on here. The reason I invited you in the first place was because I thought you might enjoy the view. Your little boner makes it clear that I was right.”
I didn't answer, just watched as he started slowly stroking his big cock.
“Come on, don’t hide it. Let the little bone breathe.”
I tentatively moved my hands to my thighs, exposing my dick to him again. Once again following his lead, I started to stroke my raging hardon.
“It's fun jerking off with a buddy like that, don't you think?” He asked, casually.
“Yeah, it feels nice,” I said, still embarrassed.
I watched, mesmerized, as his cock grew to full erection under his touch.
“So, what do you think about it?” He asked, noticing my eyes glued to his crotch.
“It's… huge!” I said, in full honesty.
“If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that…” Jeff said, grinning.
I smiled. “I bet it never gets old.”
“No, it doesn't, buddy. I love hearing it.”
“Makes mine look tiny,” I said, surprising myself with my honesty.
“Yours looks pretty small on its own, buddy. But yeah, most dicks look small compared to mine. Here, let's see.”
Jeff stood in front of me and had me get up as well, lining our erections side by side.
“You're like twice my size,” I said, my voice trembling with excitement, as I looked at his grinning face inches away from mine.
“Yeah, I'm usually the biggest guy in the room, but not by that much”.
“I guess I wasn't very lucky in the genetics lottery,” I said with a fake smile.
“Looks like I got lucky for the both of us,” Jeff said, sitting beside me on the bench.
“How big is it exactly?” I asked.
“I don't know, like… 10 inches?”
Jeff laughed out loud. “Guys like you always think I'm gigantic. I'm big, but not that big. It's 8 inches.”
“Guys like me? What do you mean by that?”
“Guys with dicks like yours,” Jeff said with a wink. “Guys who look at my cock the way you're looking right now and pop a boner.”
“Guilty of all charges,” I thought, but stayed silent.
“Here, play with it," he said, letting go of his dick and putting both hands behind his head.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Come on, man. Get to work. We both know you want to.”
I tentatively put my right hand on his cock while I continued jerking myself with my left hand. The difference was astounding. My hardon disappeared completely inside my hand, while I could barely close my fist around Jeff's meaty massiveness.
“A cock like mine needs two hands, bro,” Jeff said.
I let go of my dick and started stroking Jeff's big shaft. My left hand felt pretty good about the upgrade.
“Get on your knees, you'll be more comfortable.”
“What if someone walks in?” I asked, concerned.
“They'll see a little dick boy worshipping a massive cock. Just another regular evening in the sauna. Get down, man.”
Once again, I obeyed.
Kneeling on the floor in front of him, I wrapped both hands around his cock and started stroking again. It felt amazing, almost unbelievable, having a dick so big in my hands. With one hand around its base and the other fist right above it, gripping mid-shaft, the head remained completely out in the open. You could easily fit a third hand on there.
I looked up at Jeff and found him staring back at me with a smug smile on his face. He didn’t verbalize it, but his expression said everything: he was satisfied to put me in my place, on my knees, servicing his big cock. At least that’s what I thought he meant, and I tended to agree.
When I wasn’t working with two hands on Jeff’s meaty cock, I used one hand to massage his balls. He seemed to enjoy that, which in turn made me enjoy it. I realized I was no longer feeling ashamed. Being there, servicing that big cock, giving that man pleasure, it felt… right.
Just as that thought crossed my mind, I felt Jeff’s cock pulsate and his balls get tighter. He was approaching orgasm. He took hold of his cock and stroke it harder, aiming it at me. His manly moans and grunts filled the room as he sprayed his warm abundant cum all over my chest. Rope after rope hit my skin and rolled down my abs, some getting trapped in my body hair, some sliding further down towards my crotch.
“Wow, that was great. Let's do it again tomorrow,” Jeff said when he was done panting, getting up, and wrapping his towel around his waist. “Let's go shower.”
I was still kneeling on the floor covered in cum and with my cock as hard as ever. Still having a hard time computing everything that had just happened, I got up and reached for my towel to clean up the cum from my chest.
Before I could do it, Jeff took the towel and hung it on his right shoulder.
Let me take the towel for you so you don’t get cum on it. I'll give it to you after you're finished showering.
“But I need to cover myself,” I said, confused.
“No, you don't. Let's flaunt that rock-hard dick for everyone in the spa. Let's go,” he said already leaving the sauna.
I clumsily walked after him, trying to stay behind him so other people wouldn't be able to see me. A few guys walked past us, but I don’t think they noticed my boner or the huge load dripping from my chest.
My dick stayed fully hard during the whole time as we showered. The whole experience made me too horny, I knew my hardon would only go away once I came. I did a pretty good job hiding my erection from other guys in the shower room, which Jeff was finding pretty amusing.
When Jeff and I were back in the locker room, only one other man was getting changed close to us. He acknowledged our presence but didn't seem to notice my boner, thankfully.
As I was opening my locker to take my clothes and finally hide my dick from sight, Jeff talked to the guy.
“Don't mind my friend here, he got excited in the sauna,” he said, catching the man's attention.
The older man was sitting when he turned to look at me, his eyesight in line with my crotch. Upon taking in the view of my hardon, he let out a chuckle and shook his head.
“Better take care of that when you get to your room, buddy,” Jeff told me, once again making the other guy laugh.
I turned bright red again, quickly put my clothes on, and left.
Jeff was right about one thing though: as soon as I entered the hotel room, my clothes went off and a few strokes were enough to elicit a massive load out of my balls. Well, massive by my standards at least. It was not even close to the amount Jeff had sprayed on my chest minutes before. As I looked at the little puddle of cum in my belly button, I thought to myself:
“Even in this department, that fucker beats me.”
You’re circumcised dick looks amazing
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Hey everyone. After my story "Two friends with very different cocks" was so well received, I decided to write another fictional story about size difference. This time it's a story told in first person.

Hope you like it :blush: Let me know what you think in the comments or PM me.


“What the hell was I thinking when I said yes to this?” was my thought as I pulled my boxer briefs off.
I’ve never been a fan of being naked among other people. I hated it. I have avoided locker rooms and public showers my whole life because of that. As much as I enjoy the idea of seeing other men naked, the fact that I had to be nude as well has always made me hesitant.
Society in general seems to be very okay with guys just hanging around in the locker room with their dicks out. Friends, acquaintances, colleagues, coworkers. I, for one, have never liked that idea. The thought of being in the same room naked with colleagues from work sounded so weird to me for a long time.
Given my history with the subject, when my colleague Jeff invited me to hang out with him in the hotel’s sauna during a work trip, it was very out of character for me to accept the invitation. Being 30 years old, I wasn’t as self-conscious about my body as I used to be in my teens and twenties. In a way, I forced myself to see it as society seemed to see it: just two guys hanging out. Also, I imagined, I wouldn’t necessarily need to be naked, right?
Never having been in a situation like that before, I just watched Jeff and did the same as him.
Upon arriving at the hotel spa, we went straight to the locker room to get changed. Jeff was a chatty guy, so he kept talking as he removed his shoes and peeled off his t-shirt. I followed suit and did the same once he got out of his pants too. Expecting him to stop there, I gulped when he quite nonchalantly took his underwear off. After putting his clothes in the locker, he wrapped a towel around his waist covering his modesty. As much as I hated having to take my underwear off, the idea of covering myself right after cheered me up. So I took a deep breath and pulled out my boxer briefs, quickly wrapping the towel around myself. Jeff seemed distracted, I was thankful to realize he didn’t see my private parts.
In our towels and flip-flops provided by the hotel, Jeff and I walked to the sauna, finding it empty upon our arrival. “Good,” I thought to myself. The fewer people the better.
I was getting ready to sit on the bench with the towel around my waist when I saw Jeff take off his towel, place it on the bench, and sit on top of it, with his legs wide open and his crown jewels in full view. As much as I wanted to stay covered, I thought it would be weird if I didn’t act the same as him. “Just two guys hanging out, nothing weird about it,” I thought as I reluctantly followed Jeff’s lead, sitting on the bench across from him.
As I awkwardly propped myself on the bench and tried to act casual about all that exposition, I marveled at how Jeff was comfortable in that situation. It was not a surprise, given how good he looked. His shoulders were wide and round, pecs hairy and well-defined, strong arms, and thick thighs. And, right in the middle of all that, a stunning and thick softie hung heavily over his big pair of balls that rested over the bench. His cock was fully soft, I had seen it dangle just a moment before, and it had to be over 5 inches, probably closer to 6.
In between my reluctantly open legs, the situation was drastically different: the embarrassment had made my already modest softie shrink to about 2 inches. It was not hanging, but rather resting over my balls, the tip of my cock pointing at Jeff. My tight ballsack, which never in my life hung low like Jeff’s, was far away from the bench underneath me, tucked in a little ball attached to my crotch.
I could feel his eyes on me as the blood rushed to my face. He took a while staring at my crotch, as I probably did staring at his too. None of us said a word, but when his glance moved from my crotch to my eyes, the knowing grin on his face spoke volumes.
“Fuck, I really needed this,” Jeff was the one to break the silence.
“Yeah,” I said, hesitantly. “It’s quite… relaxing.”
Jeff chuckled.
“I’m sorry man, but you don’t seem very relaxed right now. Is something bothering you?” He asked.
“No, it’s fine. It’s just that I…” I stuttered. “I’m not used to being like this…”
“Like this how?” Jeff asked.
“Naked… with other guys,” I said, looking down.
My face was burning red, I could feel it.
“Oh, I see. That… makes sense,” Jeff said, glancing at my crotch. “But hey, it’s just us guys here. Safe space.”
“Yeah, I’m trying to get used to it,” I said shyly.
“You will. Just try to relax and enjoy. The nakedness becomes nothing when you realize both of us are in the same boat. I'm just as exposed as you. The same thing you have down there I have here too.”
“Yeah, except for the slight variation in size…” I said, immediately regretting my tentative at being funny.
It seemed to have worked though. Jeff let out a laugh.
“Or maybe not so slight,” he said with a chuckle. “But yeah, that’s the spirit.”
The joke lightened the mood and made me relax, even with his not-so-subtle remark. Somehow, having our blatant size difference acknowledged by both of us made me more comfortable with the situation.
As we continued chatting about work and life in general, I tried to ignore the fact that Jeff and I were bare naked in front of each other, but it was a challenging task. Especially with his handsome manly body and massive cock and balls in front of me like that. As much as I tried to fix my gaze on his face, my eyes kept wandering down: his wide chest, his hairy belly, his gorgeous junk. His presence was so powerful it commanded the room and my thoughts as well. Before I noticed, my dick started to get hard.
I could just feel it growing and slowly separating itself from my balls and getting erect. Part of me wanted to just cover myself, put my hands in front of it, or wrap the towel around my waist again. But I wanted so badly to act natural that I just froze there, horrified, as my dick grew to a powerful, rock-hard, borderline painful erection. As I sat completely exposed with my cock in its full 4 inches glory, I watched Jeff’s eyes distractedly travel down and meet my crotch.
He couldn’t hold another chuckle.
“Looks like you’re not so shy anymore, little bud.”
“Fuck, sorry about that, man!” I said, finally covering my boner with my hands.
“Don’t be sorry, buddy. It happens all the time. You're not the first guy to pop a boner when I drop my pants.”
“N-no, that's not why…” I stammered when Jeff interrupted me.
“There’s no need to deny it, we both know what's going on here. The reason I invited you in the first place was because I thought you might enjoy the view. Your little boner makes it clear that I was right.”
I didn't answer, just watched as he started slowly stroking his big cock.
“Come on, don’t hide it. Let the little bone breathe.”
I tentatively moved my hands to my thighs, exposing my dick to him again. Once again following his lead, I started to stroke my raging hardon.
“It's fun jerking off with a buddy like that, don't you think?” He asked, casually.
“Yeah, it feels nice,” I said, still embarrassed.
I watched, mesmerized, as his cock grew to full erection under his touch.
“So, what do you think about it?” He asked, noticing my eyes glued to his crotch.
“It's… huge!” I said, in full honesty.
“If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that…” Jeff said, grinning.
I smiled. “I bet it never gets old.”
“No, it doesn't, buddy. I love hearing it.”
“Makes mine look tiny,” I said, surprising myself with my honesty.
“Yours looks pretty small on its own, buddy. But yeah, most dicks look small compared to mine. Here, let's see.”
Jeff stood in front of me and had me get up as well, lining our erections side by side.
“You're like twice my size,” I said, my voice trembling with excitement, as I looked at his grinning face inches away from mine.
“Yeah, I'm usually the biggest guy in the room, but not by that much”.
“I guess I wasn't very lucky in the genetics lottery,” I said with a fake smile.
“Looks like I got lucky for the both of us,” Jeff said, sitting beside me on the bench.
“How big is it exactly?” I asked.
“I don't know, like… 10 inches?”
Jeff laughed out loud. “Guys like you always think I'm gigantic. I'm big, but not that big. It's 8 inches.”
“Guys like me? What do you mean by that?”
“Guys with dicks like yours,” Jeff said with a wink. “Guys who look at my cock the way you're looking right now and pop a boner.”
“Guilty of all charges,” I thought, but stayed silent.
“Here, play with it," he said, letting go of his dick and putting both hands behind his head.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Come on, man. Get to work. We both know you want to.”
I tentatively put my right hand on his cock while I continued jerking myself with my left hand. The difference was astounding. My hardon disappeared completely inside my hand, while I could barely close my fist around Jeff's meaty massiveness.
“A cock like mine needs two hands, bro,” Jeff said.
I let go of my dick and started stroking Jeff's big shaft. My left hand felt pretty good about the upgrade.
“Get on your knees, you'll be more comfortable.”
“What if someone walks in?” I asked, concerned.
“They'll see a little dick boy worshipping a massive cock. Just another regular evening in the sauna. Get down, man.”
Once again, I obeyed.
Kneeling on the floor in front of him, I wrapped both hands around his cock and started stroking again. It felt amazing, almost unbelievable, having a dick so big in my hands. With one hand around its base and the other fist right above it, gripping mid-shaft, the head remained completely out in the open. You could easily fit a third hand on there.
I looked up at Jeff and found him staring back at me with a smug smile on his face. He didn’t verbalize it, but his expression said everything: he was satisfied to put me in my place, on my knees, servicing his big cock. At least that’s what I thought he meant, and I tended to agree.
When I wasn’t working with two hands on Jeff’s meaty cock, I used one hand to massage his balls. He seemed to enjoy that, which in turn made me enjoy it. I realized I was no longer feeling ashamed. Being there, servicing that big cock, giving that man pleasure, it felt… right.
Just as that thought crossed my mind, I felt Jeff’s cock pulsate and his balls get tighter. He was approaching orgasm. He took hold of his cock and stroke it harder, aiming it at me. His manly moans and grunts filled the room as he sprayed his warm abundant cum all over my chest. Rope after rope hit my skin and rolled down my abs, some getting trapped in my body hair, some sliding further down towards my crotch.
“Wow, that was great. Let's do it again tomorrow,” Jeff said when he was done panting, getting up, and wrapping his towel around his waist. “Let's go shower.”
I was still kneeling on the floor covered in cum and with my cock as hard as ever. Still having a hard time computing everything that had just happened, I got up and reached for my towel to clean up the cum from my chest.
Before I could do it, Jeff took the towel and hung it on his right shoulder.
Let me take the towel for you so you don’t get cum on it. I'll give it to you after you're finished showering.
“But I need to cover myself,” I said, confused.
“No, you don't. Let's flaunt that rock-hard dick for everyone in the spa. Let's go,” he said already leaving the sauna.
I clumsily walked after him, trying to stay behind him so other people wouldn't be able to see me. A few guys walked past us, but I don’t think they noticed my boner or the huge load dripping from my chest.
My dick stayed fully hard during the whole time as we showered. The whole experience made me too horny, I knew my hardon would only go away once I came. I did a pretty good job hiding my erection from other guys in the shower room, which Jeff was finding pretty amusing.
When Jeff and I were back in the locker room, only one other man was getting changed close to us. He acknowledged our presence but didn't seem to notice my boner, thankfully.
As I was opening my locker to take my clothes and finally hide my dick from sight, Jeff talked to the guy.
“Don't mind my friend here, he got excited in the sauna,” he said, catching the man's attention.
The older man was sitting when he turned to look at me, his eyesight in line with my crotch. Upon taking in the view of my hardon, he let out a chuckle and shook his head.
“Better take care of that when you get to your room, buddy,” Jeff told me, once again making the other guy laugh.
I turned bright red again, quickly put my clothes on, and left.
Jeff was right about one thing though: as soon as I entered the hotel room, my clothes went off and a few strokes were enough to elicit a massive load out of my balls. Well, massive by my standards at least. It was not even close to the amount Jeff had sprayed on my chest minutes before. As I looked at the little puddle of cum in my belly button, I thought to myself:
“Even in this department, that fucker beats me.”
Great story. Got me fucking hard