A Summer at the Farm (Erotic story)


Chapter 6: Lova Lova (Part 1)

I think I met Fran at the right time in my life.

As we were settling down in our new routine, things got more complicated between Blake and I.

We were both definitely feeling bad about what we were doing behind Liv's back, and I was starting to resent him for sleeping with her every damn night.

No need to lecture me, I am fully aware that I had no right to feel that way.

I am just being real here.

Every time they showed the slightest display of affection, I had to leave the room, and soon, the apartment.

To be fair, it was the same thing anytime they started arguing, I felt responsible for anything wrong going on between them, and all I wanted was to flee the scene.

This is how I found myself searching for a bar where I could get away from them on Sunday night.

That was the good thing living in a large city, I was not lacking of options when it came to places to go out.

The problem was: how the hell was I supposed to know where to go?

Back at the farm, if I wanted to have an evening out, there was this sleazy pub at a half-hour drive away from home and that was it. Easy, no need to wreck my brain around it.

In Sacramento, every place seemed crowded and filled with 20-something getting ready to party.

Karaoke bar, girls' night, quiz and board games...

I just wanted to drink my whiskey in peace God damn it!

Eventually, at about fifteen minutes of walking from the building where we lived with Blake and Liv, I found a place which looked somewhat decent.

A sort of jazz club where people above 40 felt like they belonged and where you could go by yourself without feeling weird about it. Not that I cared much about what others might think about me.

There was a guy playing the saxophone live, I sat on a stool near the bar and I ordered a scotch, neat.

Finally, I could breathe.

The place was not empty but it was not crowded either.

A couple in their thirties were making out in a corner, a group of black older men were seemingly very into the music, another group of friends was chatting all throughout the performance, and there was this one woman sitting by herself on the other side of the bar.

I could barely see anyone's face given the dark blueish atmosphere of the jazz club.

I liked it better that way.

Something odd happened when I tried to pay my drink to the bartender. The man, a rather tall and quite handsome guy with very dark hair and a neatly-trimmed beard, refused my money.

"Someone's already taken care of that for you." He told me with a wink.


The bartender looked at the older woman, the only one sitting at the bar.

She had offered me my drink?

That was a first! Men were usually the ones pulling that move. Again, city life was full of surprises...

What was I supposed to do? Thank her?

Now that I was taking a closer look, it was obvious that she was way older than me.

She was wearing a fancy black dress, and had gone heavy with the make-up, - especially the red lipstick -, but she could not fool anyone, she was certainly deep in her sixties, or even more likely, in her seventies.

She smiled at me while slurping on her margarita, leaving a red mark on her straw.

Did she think I was a gigolo of some sort? Her over-the-top jewellery indicated that she had money. I was not expert but the gems around her neck did not look fake.

I nodded at her politely but I left it at that.

I mean, I had not asked for a damn thing, I could buy my own drinks.

I ordered a second scotch and I made sure to pay right away. No funny business.

The saxophone playing and the alcohol relaxed me; I did not notice the woman moving and sitting right next to me.

She was persistent.

"Did that hurt your ego, an independent woman buying you a drink?"

She spoke in a smooth, slightly hoarse voice.

As I suspected, up-close and personal, she certainly looked like she was over 70 years old.

"My ego is fine."

She had a small laugh.

"I'm glad. You don't look like you belong here." She commented when the saxophonist had stopped playing.

"I don't care about belonging." I replied.

"I just meant; this is why I offered you a drink. I wanted to show you that you were welcomed anyway. It's nice to see new faces in here, even gloomy ones."

"I don't know what kind of people you usually deal with, Madam, but I'm not one to seek approval or reinsurance."

"I can see that now."

She did not seem bothered by my tone.

I did feel like I had been harsh with her. Maybe I was in a bad mood because I had left Blake and Olivia all intertwined with each other, watching a movie.

"Thanks for the drink anyway."

"Clearly, you didn't appreciate the gesture but that's fine. You'll buy me my next drink and we'll be even."

"Nicely done. Now, I don't really have the choice. Interesting flirting technique." I told her with a smile.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not hitting on you. As you may have noted, I am way past my time of hooking up with men in bars."

"I'm not worried on bit."

"I know everyone here; I had never seen you around... I thought I could offer you some company, not that I'm too busy myself. But if you'd prefer to spend the evening alone, I won't get offended. We all need to be by ourselves sometimes."

"Nah... That's fine. I'll get you that drink, what would you like? Was that a margarita you were drinking earlier?"

"Yes, but I think I can move on to the Chardonnay."

"Fine. One Chardonnay for the lady, Sir." I told the bartender.

I wondered if he was used to see that woman preying on men in his bar or if this was not ordinary.

In any case, he did not show any kind of reactions. He was a professional.

"I'm Fran." She told me once she had her glass of wine.


I had never been a man of many words but thankfully, Fran did not seem too eager to talk either.

We listened to the musician playing another tune in silence. He was good at this, although, I did not have much comparison.

When he took a recess, I decided to order a third scotch and Fran engaged the conversation once again.

"I don't see a wedding ring on this finger."

"You really are hitting on me, aren't you?"

"Not at all. I'm afraid you're too old for my taste." She teased.

That made me smile.

"I'm a widow." I explained laconically.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's been more than ten years ago, I'm okay with it. You don't have a wedding ring either." I pointed out.

"I'm not a widow, although sometimes I wish! Things would be easier. I have divorced four times. Four assholes."

That was a bit insensitive, but for some reason, it made me like her more.

"Four. Impressive track record."

"Well, what can I say? I have lived... What are you doing in Sacramento?"

"That's a long story."

"I assume there's no way to make it short? I'd like to know before the show continues." She looked at the empty stage.

"I can make this simple, I guess. I own a farm in Utah but the barn and my house burnt down a couple weeks ago, part of the roof collapsed and I cannot stay there anymore. I've moved in with my daughter and her boyfriend here, just until the major repairs are over."

"Oh... That must be a pain in the arse."

I chuckled.

"It for sure is."

"It's good that you can count on your daughter though, I have two sons and five grandchildren and I barely see them anymore."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be, I deserve it. I was a bitch to them."

Again, I appreciated her bluntness.

"I'm not father of the year either, trust me."

"I suppose we do what we can. We all make mistakes... I was too focused on my career, on my frenetic life, on the men I was meeting. They looked handsome back then; we could encounter real gentlemen. Maybe I was too selfish to be a mother."

"Your career? What was it?"

Right on cue, the saxophone player came back to the stage, but this time, he called someone to join him.

I did not pay attention to that until Fran stood up and walked towards the stage herself.

"A round of applause for Lova Lova." The musician demanded.

People clapped and I joined them.

That explained Fran's fancy outfit, she was the main performer of the night.

"I recognize some familiar faces." She told on the microphone. "Now, you know the drill, I'm not too demanding on the applause but please, do compensate with some good tips for Sergio, our favourite bartender."

Fran had a residence there, that made sense.

I had immediately noticed that her voice was quite peculiar and it showed even more when she was singing some jazzy tunes.

That evening, I spent a full hour listening to her.

Google told me that Lova Lova had been a quite popular celebrity in the eighties and nineties. I had obviously missed it.

Being in the know when it came to music or culture had never been my strong suit.

Her Wikipedia page could not tell me her exact age as multiple date of births had been given throughout the years, but Fran Davis (also known as Lova Lova) was between 68 and 75 years old.

The page concluded that way:

"Late career: Lova Lova has never stopped singing, she keeps performing to this day in local clubs, mainly in Northern-California where she lives."

She had released not less than twenty record albums. Who would have thought I had just met a star? Certainly not me.

Unfortunately, she left through a back door at the end of the show and I did not get to say her goodbye.

My night out had worked as I had planned though, it had been a much-needed distraction.

When I came back to the apartment, the atmosphere was very different. I found Blake in the kitchen by himself, he was wearing ample light-blue underpants which he used as pyjamas.

Dang it, he always looked hot.

"Jesus fucking Christ, I cannot even open a damn beer!" He grunted, struggling with his right hand.

"Let me help you, idiot."

He handed me the beer. He seemed annoyed.

"How was it? Did you find a place you liked?" Blake asked me.

"I did. What is up with you? Why the bitterness?"

"I'm just tired of this damn cast."

"Is Olivia sleeping already?"

I gave him back the beer.

"She's in our room, we had a fight."

That explained the mood...

I got worried.

"About what?"

"Don't sweat it, Joe, it had nothing to do with..." He whispered the next part. "With us."

"I don't like it when you guys argue."

He rolled his eyes.

"You like it better when we fuck?"

"No." I replied harshly.

I did not appreciate his tone or what he was implying.

He sighed.

"Sorry, I'm a little on edge."

"That's fine. We knew it would be difficult to have me around all the time..." I told him, feeling once again like it was my fault.

"I don't think that's it. It almost feels like Liv tries to be cooler when you're in the apartment. We started to argue when you left actually. Things have just been different since she came back from London."

I could see why.

[Chapter 6 continues below]

Chapter 6: Lova Lova (Part 2)

"It will get better. She's been gone for three months and then, there was the fire at the farm. You both have to adjust."

Blake grabbed my wrist with his left hand.

"Joe, seriously, do you wish for things to get better between me and Liv?"

I gulped.

At times, Blake was scary, like he was about to spill everything to Olivia.

"Of course, I want you both to be happy."

"Yeah... Sure."

He drank his beer in one go.

"You're sure that you're okay?"

"I never said that I was."

Fuck, now I felt even worse. I hate those freaking emotions' switches.


"I should go to my room; we shouldn't even be talking here."

On this, he was right.

I let him go and I prepared the couch.

We had been living all together for barely a full week and things were already starting to go south.

Obviously, Liv must have been feeling that Blake was more distant with her.

When he went working on the farm, he was seriously considering proposing to her, but what did he want now? Me?

When I woke up the next morning, tension was still running high inside the apartment, although, Liv was pretending like everything was fine.

"Dad, sorry, I have to use the living room, I have a video-call to make for work."

I stretched myself and tried to hide my usual morning wood.

"No problem, honey." I told her.

"Blake, you're very late, we have to go in ten minutes! Hurry!"

Blake came out of his bedroom yawning. He was wearing the same long pair of underpants. His dick did not look like it was stiffed though. Good.

"Relax, babe. We'll make it on time."

"I've told you yesterday that I would have calls to make this morning. We should have anticipated this. I cannot spend all my time taking care of you, Blake!"

"Wow. I can take care of myself."

"You're not even able to put on a pair of pants by yourself!"

"I can!"

I knew for sure that he could not, or at least, not in a reasonable amount of time.

"Look, I have to do this now. Dad, can you help Blake dressing up so we're all ready to go when I'm done with the call?"

"Sure." I immediately replied.

I should have offered my help earlier.

Olivia sat behind the kitchen counter with her laptop, she put ear phones on, and she launched her video call.

Suddenly, she looked all collected and professional. She was very impressive.

The only problem was that she was literally facing us.

She was mainly watching the computer's screen but I was supposed to help Blake fit into a pair of tight jeans right in front of her.

Given our history, that was far from being ideal!

"I need to change underwear too..." Blake whispered to me.

Of course, he did...

This could not be more awkward.

"Well, that's fine. Liv knows that I've already helped you shower, I can see you naked." I whispered back, jaded.

As if he had been waiting for this, he slid down his underpants and exposed his cock in the middle of the living room.

I got chills thinking of Olivia watching this innocently behind us.

Just two straight men helping each other out. Right?

"I've prepared the clothes I wanted to put on." Said Blake. "They're on my bed."

I went to fetch them quickly while Olivia was discussing library's fees and other administrative stuff with the person on the phone.

She did not seem to care one bit about her boyfriend being buck-naked a few feet away from her, or about her dad, helping him out.

I knelt down next to Blake with the pair of black boxer briefs he had chosen.

"Lift up your right leg, man."

He smiled at me. He was being cheeky.

Blake looked like he was doing much better than the night before. Liv was the one being all stressed that morning.

"What am I supposed to do now?" He asked to toy with me, the boxer briefs hanging around his left calve.

"Now, you lift up your right leg and you shut your damn mouth!"

His flaccid dick was dangling before my eyes.

It was dangerously turning into a semi. I quickly glanced at Olivia; she was very focused on her call. Thank God!

He lifted his leg and I was finally able to pull the briefs up to his thighs and then right under his waist, going over his bubble butt and fat cock.

I noticed that Blake's pubic hairs were trimmed a little.

I wondered if he had managed to do that himself or if Olivia had taken care of his genitals.

I must have dozed off in front of his junks because he had to remind me of the next step.

"Joe? The pair of jeans?"

"Oh, yes. Of course."

I went to get them and in the same way, I helped him put it on.

Once again, I felt like spending a bit too much time on his crotch area.

I buttoned everything up and felt his cock and balls against my hands all throughout. He was definitely getting hard, and so was I.

I was only wearing underwear though, I had to be cautious and I made sure not to get too excited.

To be fair, I only had to look at Olivia to calm myself down.

Bad Joe, very bad!

"Sit down on the couch, I'm gonna put the socks on."

"Yes, Sir!"

I liked everything about Blake's body but I do not think that I have already mentioned his feet.

It is a shame because I enjoyed them very much as well.

I had never been a foot freak per se, but I could appreciate some manly feet, not too hairy, - especially compared to mine -, and ticklish.

This was the best part about Blake's soles, how I could get him to have a reaction anytime I was caressing them. The way he was giggling as I was barely rubbing them would never miss to turn me on.

Besides, I owed him to service his feet once in a while.

When I was asking him to, he would take my hairy (and often super-stinky) toes to shove them inside his mouth.

It was only right to return the favour from times to times.

I got his socks on and rubbed his feet discreetly.

I even went down and gave him a lick. Olivia could not see what was happening below the couch.

Blake grabbed his bulge with his left hand.

Since it was his first day of class, - orientation for their senior years -, Olivia had made him wear a white shirt, pretty classy.

It was a bit of a struggle to help him put it on since it was very tight but I have to say, it was a great choice and he did look good afterwards.

Besides, it gave me another opportunity to tuck his shirt inside his tight pants.

"Funny how I'm going to class just to show up. I cannot even take notes."

Olivia who had just ended her call without us realizing, intervened. She did not seem to be in a better mood.

"It's not just to show up, Blake, you can still listen to everything and you won't have this cast forever."

"Thank God! Not having a right hand is getting very old, you know. I'm not having the best time either."

"Less than a week before you're free." I said to appease the tension.

"Thanks for helping him out, dad. I've told you that we would need you in here."

"No problem, honey." I kissed her forehead.

"We really have to go now." Olivia grabbed the car keys.

"Say hi to Eric, Zaid and the others for me!" I told Blake before he left.

"Will do, da... Joe! Will do!"


He had almost called me daddy.

Hopefully, Olivia had not noticed anything... I was soon to become crazy with the lies and the sneaking around.


Chapter 6: Lova Lova (Part 1)

I think I met Fran at the right time in my life.

As we were settling down in our new routine, things got more complicated between Blake and I.

We were both definitely feeling bad about what we were doing behind Liv's back, and I was starting to resent him for sleeping with her every damn night.

No need to lecture me, I am fully aware that I had no right to feel that way.

I am just being real here.

Every time they showed the slightest display of affection, I had to leave the room, and soon, the apartment.

To be fair, it was the same thing anytime they started arguing, I felt responsible for anything wrong going on between them, and all I wanted was to flee the scene.

This is how I found myself searching for a bar where I could get away from them on Sunday night.

That was the good thing living in a large city, I was not lacking of options when it came to places to go out.

The problem was: how the hell was I supposed to know where to go?

Back at the farm, if I wanted to have an evening out, there was this sleazy pub at a half-hour drive away from home and that was it. Easy, no need to wreck my brain around it.

In Sacramento, every place seemed crowded and filled with 20-something getting ready to party.

Karaoke bar, girls' night, quiz and board games...

I just wanted to drink my whiskey in peace God damn it!

Eventually, at about fifteen minutes of walking from the building where we lived with Blake and Liv, I found a place which looked somewhat decent.

A sort of jazz club where people above 40 felt like they belonged and where you could go by yourself without feeling weird about it. Not that I cared much about what others might think about me.

There was a guy playing the saxophone live, I sat on a stool near the bar and I ordered a scotch, neat.

Finally, I could breathe.

The place was not empty but it was not crowded either.

A couple in their thirties were making out in a corner, a group of black older men were seemingly very into the music, another group of friends was chatting all throughout the performance, and there was this one woman sitting by herself on the other side of the bar.

I could barely see anyone's face given the dark blueish atmosphere of the jazz club.

I liked it better that way.

Something odd happened when I tried to pay my drink to the bartender. The man, a rather tall and quite handsome guy with very dark hair and a neatly-trimmed beard, refused my money.

"Someone's already taken care of that for you." He told me with a wink.


The bartender looked at the older woman, the only one sitting at the bar.

She had offered me my drink?

That was a first! Men were usually the ones pulling that move. Again, city life was full of surprises...

What was I supposed to do? Thank her?

Now that I was taking a closer look, it was obvious that she was way older than me.

She was wearing a fancy black dress, and had gone heavy with the make-up, - especially the red lipstick -, but she could not fool anyone, she was certainly deep in her sixties, or even more likely, in her seventies.

She smiled at me while slurping on her margarita, leaving a red mark on her straw.

Did she think I was a gigolo of some sort? Her over-the-top jewellery indicated that she had money. I was not expert but the gems around her neck did not look fake.

I nodded at her politely but I left it at that.

I mean, I had not asked for a damn thing, I could buy my own drinks.

I ordered a second scotch and I made sure to pay right away. No funny business.

The saxophone playing and the alcohol relaxed me; I did not notice the woman moving and sitting right next to me.

She was persistent.

"Did that hurt your ego, an independent woman buying you a drink?"

She spoke in a smooth, slightly hoarse voice.

As I suspected, up-close and personal, she certainly looked like she was over 70 years old.

"My ego is fine."

She had a small laugh.

"I'm glad. You don't look like you belong here." She commented when the saxophonist had stopped playing.

"I don't care about belonging." I replied.

"I just meant; this is why I offered you a drink. I wanted to show you that you were welcomed anyway. It's nice to see new faces in here, even gloomy ones."

"I don't know what kind of people you usually deal with, Madam, but I'm not one to seek approval or reinsurance."

"I can see that now."

She did not seem bothered by my tone.

I did feel like I had been harsh with her. Maybe I was in a bad mood because I had left Blake and Olivia all intertwined with each other, watching a movie.

"Thanks for the drink anyway."

"Clearly, you didn't appreciate the gesture but that's fine. You'll buy me my next drink and we'll be even."

"Nicely done. Now, I don't really have the choice. Interesting flirting technique." I told her with a smile.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not hitting on you. As you may have noted, I am way past my time of hooking up with men in bars."

"I'm not worried on bit."

"I know everyone here; I had never seen you around... I thought I could offer you some company, not that I'm too busy myself. But if you'd prefer to spend the evening alone, I won't get offended. We all need to be by ourselves sometimes."

"Nah... That's fine. I'll get you that drink, what would you like? Was that a margarita you were drinking earlier?"

"Yes, but I think I can move on to the Chardonnay."

"Fine. One Chardonnay for the lady, Sir." I told the bartender.

I wondered if he was used to see that woman preying on men in his bar or if this was not ordinary.

In any case, he did not show any kind of reactions. He was a professional.

"I'm Fran." She told me once she had her glass of wine.


I had never been a man of many words but thankfully, Fran did not seem too eager to talk either.

We listened to the musician playing another tune in silence. He was good at this, although, I did not have much comparison.

When he took a recess, I decided to order a third scotch and Fran engaged the conversation once again.

"I don't see a wedding ring on this finger."

"You really are hitting on me, aren't you?"

"Not at all. I'm afraid you're too old for my taste." She teased.

That made me smile.

"I'm a widow." I explained laconically.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's been more than ten years ago, I'm okay with it. You don't have a wedding ring either." I pointed out.

"I'm not a widow, although sometimes I wish! Things would be easier. I have divorced four times. Four assholes."

That was a bit insensitive, but for some reason, it made me like her more.

"Four. Impressive track record."

"Well, what can I say? I have lived... What are you doing in Sacramento?"

"That's a long story."

"I assume there's no way to make it short? I'd like to know before the show continues." She looked at the empty stage.

"I can make this simple, I guess. I own a farm in Utah but the barn and my house burnt down a couple weeks ago, part of the roof collapsed and I cannot stay there anymore. I've moved in with my daughter and her boyfriend here, just until the major repairs are over."

"Oh... That must be a pain in the arse."

I chuckled.

"It for sure is."

"It's good that you can count on your daughter though, I have two sons and five grandchildren and I barely see them anymore."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be, I deserve it. I was a bitch to them."

Again, I appreciated her bluntness.

"I'm not father of the year either, trust me."

"I suppose we do what we can. We all make mistakes... I was too focused on my career, on my frenetic life, on the men I was meeting. They looked handsome back then; we could encounter real gentlemen. Maybe I was too selfish to be a mother."

"Your career? What was it?"

Right on cue, the saxophone player came back to the stage, but this time, he called someone to join him.

I did not pay attention to that until Fran stood up and walked towards the stage herself.

"A round of applause for Lova Lova." The musician demanded.

People clapped and I joined them.

That explained Fran's fancy outfit, she was the main performer of the night.

"I recognize some familiar faces." She told on the microphone. "Now, you know the drill, I'm not too demanding on the applause but please, do compensate with some good tips for Sergio, our favourite bartender."

Fran had a residence there, that made sense.

I had immediately noticed that her voice was quite peculiar and it showed even more when she was singing some jazzy tunes.

That evening, I spent a full hour listening to her.

Google told me that Lova Lova had been a quite popular celebrity in the eighties and nineties. I had obviously missed it.

Being in the know when it came to music or culture had never been my strong suit.

Her Wikipedia page could not tell me her exact age as multiple date of births had been given throughout the years, but Fran Davis (also known as Lova Lova) was between 68 and 75 years old.

The page concluded that way:

"Late career: Lova Lova has never stopped singing, she keeps performing to this day in local clubs, mainly in Northern-California where she lives."

She had released not less than twenty record albums. Who would have thought I had just met a star? Certainly not me.

Unfortunately, she left through a back door at the end of the show and I did not get to say her goodbye.

My night out had worked as I had planned though, it had been a much-needed distraction.

When I came back to the apartment, the atmosphere was very different. I found Blake in the kitchen by himself, he was wearing ample light-blue underpants which he used as pyjamas.

Dang it, he always looked hot.

"Jesus fucking Christ, I cannot even open a damn beer!" He grunted, struggling with his right hand.

"Let me help you, idiot."

He handed me the beer. He seemed annoyed.

"How was it? Did you find a place you liked?" Blake asked me.

"I did. What is up with you? Why the bitterness?"

"I'm just tired of this damn cast."

"Is Olivia sleeping already?"

I gave him back the beer.

"She's in our room, we had a fight."

That explained the mood...

I got worried.

"About what?"

"Don't sweat it, Joe, it had nothing to do with..." He whispered the next part. "With us."

"I don't like it when you guys argue."

He rolled his eyes.

"You like it better when we fuck?"

"No." I replied harshly.

I did not appreciate his tone or what he was implying.

He sighed.

"Sorry, I'm a little on edge."

"That's fine. We knew it would be difficult to have me around all the time..." I told him, feeling once again like it was my fault.

"I don't think that's it. It almost feels like Liv tries to be cooler when you're in the apartment. We started to argue when you left actually. Things have just been different since she came back from London."

I could see why.

[Chapter 6 continues below]
So well written! Engaging, and hard to put down.

Chapter 6: Lova Lova (Part 2)

"It will get better. She's been gone for three months and then, there was the fire at the farm. You both have to adjust."

Blake grabbed my wrist with his left hand.

"Joe, seriously, do you wish for things to get better between me and Liv?"

I gulped.

At times, Blake was scary, like he was about to spill everything to Olivia.

"Of course, I want you both to be happy."

"Yeah... Sure."

He drank his beer in one go.

"You're sure that you're okay?"

"I never said that I was."

Fuck, now I felt even worse. I hate those freaking emotions' switches.


"I should go to my room; we shouldn't even be talking here."

On this, he was right.

I let him go and I prepared the couch.

We had been living all together for barely a full week and things were already starting to go south.

Obviously, Liv must have been feeling that Blake was more distant with her.

When he went working on the farm, he was seriously considering proposing to her, but what did he want now? Me?

When I woke up the next morning, tension was still running high inside the apartment, although, Liv was pretending like everything was fine.

"Dad, sorry, I have to use the living room, I have a video-call to make for work."

I stretched myself and tried to hide my usual morning wood.

"No problem, honey." I told her.

"Blake, you're very late, we have to go in ten minutes! Hurry!"

Blake came out of his bedroom yawning. He was wearing the same long pair of underpants. His dick did not look like it was stiffed though. Good.

"Relax, babe. We'll make it on time."

"I've told you yesterday that I would have calls to make this morning. We should have anticipated this. I cannot spend all my time taking care of you, Blake!"

"Wow. I can take care of myself."

"You're not even able to put on a pair of pants by yourself!"

"I can!"

I knew for sure that he could not, or at least, not in a reasonable amount of time.

"Look, I have to do this now. Dad, can you help Blake dressing up so we're all ready to go when I'm done with the call?"

"Sure." I immediately replied.

I should have offered my help earlier.

Olivia sat behind the kitchen counter with her laptop, she put ear phones on, and she launched her video call.

Suddenly, she looked all collected and professional. She was very impressive.

The only problem was that she was literally facing us.

She was mainly watching the computer's screen but I was supposed to help Blake fit into a pair of tight jeans right in front of her.

Given our history, that was far from being ideal!

"I need to change underwear too..." Blake whispered to me.

Of course, he did...

This could not be more awkward.

"Well, that's fine. Liv knows that I've already helped you shower, I can see you naked." I whispered back, jaded.

As if he had been waiting for this, he slid down his underpants and exposed his cock in the middle of the living room.

I got chills thinking of Olivia watching this innocently behind us.

Just two straight men helping each other out. Right?

"I've prepared the clothes I wanted to put on." Said Blake. "They're on my bed."

I went to fetch them quickly while Olivia was discussing library's fees and other administrative stuff with the person on the phone.

She did not seem to care one bit about her boyfriend being buck-naked a few feet away from her, or about her dad, helping him out.

I knelt down next to Blake with the pair of black boxer briefs he had chosen.

"Lift up your right leg, man."

He smiled at me. He was being cheeky.

Blake looked like he was doing much better than the night before. Liv was the one being all stressed that morning.

"What am I supposed to do now?" He asked to toy with me, the boxer briefs hanging around his left calve.

"Now, you lift up your right leg and you shut your damn mouth!"

His flaccid dick was dangling before my eyes.

It was dangerously turning into a semi. I quickly glanced at Olivia; she was very focused on her call. Thank God!

He lifted his leg and I was finally able to pull the briefs up to his thighs and then right under his waist, going over his bubble butt and fat cock.

I noticed that Blake's pubic hairs were trimmed a little.

I wondered if he had managed to do that himself or if Olivia had taken care of his genitals.

I must have dozed off in front of his junks because he had to remind me of the next step.

"Joe? The pair of jeans?"

"Oh, yes. Of course."

I went to get them and in the same way, I helped him put it on.

Once again, I felt like spending a bit too much time on his crotch area.

I buttoned everything up and felt his cock and balls against my hands all throughout. He was definitely getting hard, and so was I.

I was only wearing underwear though, I had to be cautious and I made sure not to get too excited.

To be fair, I only had to look at Olivia to calm myself down.

Bad Joe, very bad!

"Sit down on the couch, I'm gonna put the socks on."

"Yes, Sir!"

I liked everything about Blake's body but I do not think that I have already mentioned his feet.

It is a shame because I enjoyed them very much as well.

I had never been a foot freak per se, but I could appreciate some manly feet, not too hairy, - especially compared to mine -, and ticklish.

This was the best part about Blake's soles, how I could get him to have a reaction anytime I was caressing them. The way he was giggling as I was barely rubbing them would never miss to turn me on.

Besides, I owed him to service his feet once in a while.

When I was asking him to, he would take my hairy (and often super-stinky) toes to shove them inside his mouth.

It was only right to return the favour from times to times.

I got his socks on and rubbed his feet discreetly.

I even went down and gave him a lick. Olivia could not see what was happening below the couch.

Blake grabbed his bulge with his left hand.

Since it was his first day of class, - orientation for their senior years -, Olivia had made him wear a white shirt, pretty classy.

It was a bit of a struggle to help him put it on since it was very tight but I have to say, it was a great choice and he did look good afterwards.

Besides, it gave me another opportunity to tuck his shirt inside his tight pants.

"Funny how I'm going to class just to show up. I cannot even take notes."

Olivia who had just ended her call without us realizing, intervened. She did not seem to be in a better mood.

"It's not just to show up, Blake, you can still listen to everything and you won't have this cast forever."

"Thank God! Not having a right hand is getting very old, you know. I'm not having the best time either."

"Less than a week before you're free." I said to appease the tension.

"Thanks for helping him out, dad. I've told you that we would need you in here."

"No problem, honey." I kissed her forehead.

"We really have to go now." Olivia grabbed the car keys.

"Say hi to Eric, Zaid and the others for me!" I told Blake before he left.

"Will do, da... Joe! Will do!"


He had almost called me daddy.

Hopefully, Olivia had not noticed anything... I was soon to become crazy with the lies and the sneaking around.

Having been in a similar situation with a boyfriend, I can't tell you how much the story hits home for this reader, over, and over. It's so well written, I can taste and smell the tension in the air.

With suspicions that Olivia has her own stuff developing unbeknownst to Blake and Joe, who are acting in less than the fashion of angelic. I see the building of a domino structure of complications, that will eventually run out of control. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" - Sir Walter Scott

Blake (Parking).png

Chapter 7: Quick and Dirty (part 1)

My second week in Sacramento followed pretty much the same path as the first one.

I got used to be sleeping on the couch, to be seeing Blake and Olivia argue and make up, and I became a regular at the jazz club, mainly to hear Lova Lova singing.

I even befriended the bartender, Sergio. A good lad. Very professional and easy to talk to whenever I wanted to.

He was not looking bad either. Nice juicy ass, which was always a plus in my books.

Blake and I tried to stay away from each other but, - who is surprised by this? -, we did not succeed.

I mean, Olivia let us alone one night to hang with her girls, what the hell were we supposed to do? Playing boards games? Watching television?

Of course, we fucked! And pretty hard at that!

I shoved my twelve inches meat deep inside his ass as he was bending over against the washing machine. In exchange, he rimmed my hairy asshole and blew my cock in the large bathtub.

I creamed all over his face.

We did reduce the frequency of our intercourses though.

Back at the farm, we were banging three or more times a day, and we were virtually glued to the hips 24/7.

At the apartment, I was nutting in his ass or in his throat four times a week, max.

See, we were making progress!

If the risk was part of the excitement at first, at this stage, it was no longer the case.

On the contrary, having to stay hidden and lying to Olivia's face became a huge weight on my shoulders, as far as I was concerned anyway.

Trust me, if I could have erased any hint of attraction that I had towards Blake and forget everything, I would have.

Sadly, I was ineluctably drawn to his peachy bum...

Resisting each other was not easy, Blake was spending a lot of time inside the apartment and I did not have a job either.

Not the best conditions to try to get rid of an addiction.

Things could get boring quickly... And we could get horny even quicker!

At times, we were managing spending a few hours in the same room without jumping onto each other, but at other times, we had to release the pressure somehow.

Once, we jerked each other off for literally hours.

Blake used his valid left hand to stroke my sausage and I used my right hand on his, sadly he could not use both of his hands to cover the entire surface of my meat.

Do not get me wrong, it was still very much enjoyable.

We edged ourselves during an entire afternoon. Any time we were about to cum, we were taking a small break before going right back at it. That, until we jizzed a crazy amount of cum in our respective mouths.

I was not much of a jizz swallower before meeting Blakey, but the boy had gotten me accustomed to the taste of his milk, to the point where I was craving it.

When Olivia was around, we behaved.

Well, mostly.

I could not resist a little smack on the ass when she was in another room, and Blake would incidentally rub my crotch just to make me go crazy, even during dinner.

I hated when he did that.

First of all, it was way too risky.

Second of all, I was left with an unattended erection afterwards. That was not cool.

And third of all, - and probably worst of all -, Blake was looking all guilty when he was done.

What was the point of poking the bear if he could not handle the consequences of his actions?!

It was like he was teasing me all day long, and all of the sudden, he was deeply regretful and ashamed.

Lucky for Blakey that I could not stay angry at him for too long.

In the course of the first couple of weeks of my stay in their apartment, I think the craziest thing we did was when Blake re-enacted the usual "waking me up with a blowjob" trope, except that this time around, we were in his living room, it was the middle of the night, and Liv was sleeping right next door!

We were definitely playing with fire but I was losing my common sense when it came to Blake.

I was so comfortable under the sheets, sleeping, and suddenly, there was this amazing wet mouth surrounding my leaking cock.

How was I expected to say no?!

I grabbed Blake's hair in the dark and forced him down my pole.

He choked, gagged, gurgled but he deep-throated me like the champion cock-sucker that he had become.

I think I nutted in less than four minutes of intense servicing of my rod.

It was a close call because Olivia woke up to have a glass of water while Blake had just returned to the bathroom, my fresh jizz in his mouth.

Once again, I was clearly seeing the crash coming, - this situation could not last for long -, but once again, I had been unable to refuse myself to Blake.

In the end, the only way to avoid those slips and slides was to get away from the apartment.

When I was going to the jazz club, I started confiding in Fran a little more, before or after her performances.

She was never judgmental and I think that she liked talking to me, I was different than the usual clients, maybe.

Of course, I did not mention my relationship with Blake, but I could talk about loneliness and my hard time living cooked-up in an apartment with my daughter and her boyfriend.

She got that.

When I told her that I missed working, she said that she might need my help with some house and repairs work.

"You know that I own a castle, right?"

"A castle?" I grinned, thinking that she was joking.

"It doesn't have large towers or anything, but my mansion is up in the hills of Sacramento and it has been formally classified as a castle. I bought it back in the seventies, everything was cheaper back then, and I've practically spent decades renovating it. Yet, there's still a lot of work to do."

"Wow. That's impressive. I love old houses."

"I assume that, being a farmer, you must be good with your hands and with fixing stuff?"

"I sure am."

"You should come by one day; you'll see it for yourself. We'll negotiate a good price for your help with the renovation."

"I don't want a pity job though. I don't need charity."

"Trust me, I already have multiple people helping me but no one has the time -- or the ability for that matter -, to fix the west aisle with the guest bedrooms. I offered the job to my gardener already, he's cute and all, but this work is way out of his league. I mean, it's not that pressing anyway, it's not like I have many guests..." She added, a bit bitter.

"Thank you, Fran. I'll keep the job offer in mind, and I may want to take a look at the castle."

"You can come over just to drink some tea if you want. No need to be working."

"I'm not much of a tea drinker."

"I'll get you to test new things." She added with a wink before being called on stage.

Fran really was a character.

I understood why she had been famous. She was even more extravagant when she was doing her Lova Lova part.

It must have been hard for her, having had her sons, her (multiple) husbands, the castle, the big career, and now, she seemed very much alone.

Maybe we were all deemed to end alone anyway?

When I came back at the apartment that night, it was very late and Blake and Liv were already in their bed.

They were not sleeping though.

I could hear them talking, they had not realized that I was back home.

"You're sure that you're fine with my dad staying here, right? We owe that to him." Liv was saying.

"Of course, baby."

"You don't seem like your usual self since I've been back from London."

"I don't know, I'm just frustrated with the injury on my wrist."

"Do you even like my dad? Sometimes, I feel a weird vibe between you two. I thought that after three months working on the farm, you'd be fully comfortable each other. Like, you're not intimidated by him anymore?"

"No... What are you talking about? I love your dad. He's great!"

Oh boy, Blake was walking in a very dangerous territory.

I did not listen to the rest of the conversation; it was not my style to eave-drop and it was stressing me out too much.

The following day was a big one for the entire household.

Finally, Blake had an appointment to remove his cast... This was a relief for everyone involved.

Olivia asked me if I could bring Blake to the hospital as she had classes to attend.

I was happy to be of any help and I drove him there.

I felt guilty about his injury since it was my fault Blake had to come back inside the farm during the fire, so I was glad to finally seeing him getting better.

The doctor we saw was like most doctors, meaning, condescending and rude.

"We need to have a copy of the exams for the insurance." Blake explained.

"You'll see that with my assistant... I'm only here for the cast." He had replied without even looking at Blake.

The man literally seemed annoyed to have us in his office.

With the damn fees we were paying for an appointment, it was a damn joke how he was acting.

Besides, I thought he was very careless with the way he was handling Blake's wrist and I almost went off on him.

Thankfully, with age, I had learned to control myself.

18 years-old me would have probably punched the guy, just for the way he was looking at me like I was a redneck unable to understand what he was saying.

All and all, the annoying doctor did his job and removed the cast.

"Take it easy for a few more days but the injury seems to be healing well." He told at the end of the appointment.

"Thank you, doctor, can I play sports? Like, football or..."

"I've just told you, take it easy."

"My son in law asked you a question. So, no sport?" I grunted at the doctor.

He sighed.

"No sport involving his wrists. No jerking-off!" He snapped back, almost shutting the door on our faces.

"What a stupid jerk!" I shouted in the hallway.

"Shut up, Joe. Let's not make a scene."

"What kind of doctors is that? We should freaking go back and..."

"We shouldn't do anything." Blake cut me off. "Let's just go to the administration to get all the paperwork we need for the insurance."

"Aren't you even mad?"

"Man, I don't have my cast anymore, it's all I wanted, I'm fine. Besides, you heard the doctors' orders, you'll have to keep jerking me off! Sounds like good news to me."

"Fucker." I whispered, although he had succeeded in lightening up the mood.

I could not deal with the administration so I waited for Blake in the lobby.

Not sure that it was a smart choice, there was a girl there and she drove me crazy. She was wearing a tiny mini skirt, - very inappropriate outfit to visit to someone at this hospital -, and she kept on crossing and uncrossing her legs.

I was pretty certain that she was purposely turning me on.

I had to wait for half an hour, and when Blake came back, I was super horny.

"Do you know her?" I told Blake, pointing at the girl as we were leaving.

"Nah... Why?"

"I don't know, she looks very slutty and about your age. I thought that you might have already fucked her."

He chuckled.

"Not that I can remember."

"You, dog."

"I'm the dog?! You should see the bulge in your shorts. The whole hospital must be aware of your hard-on by now."

"I've already told you, I'm a man and men get hard. There's nothing weird or unnatural about that. I'm not ashamed of my cock."

"You certainly aren't."

We were taking the elevators to the underground parking lot.

My dick was really stirring up in my shorts.

Sometimes, I felt like just talking about it made it grow stronger and harder.

"Wanna help me out?" I grabbed his freshly liberated wrist, and put Blake's hand against my crotch.


"I mean, I have to do something about this. Right? As you said, it's a bit distracting."

[Chapter 7 continues below]

Chapter 7: Quick and Dirty (part 2)

We had reached the undergrounds.

"I've never done it in a parking lot." Blake said, a naughty smile appearing on his face.

"There's first to everything, right?"

For some reason, I was very turned on.

Maybe because we had not had sex in a couple of days. My dick was aching for some action.

"I'll tell you what, I'll suck your dick off right here if you let me fuck you afterwards!" Blake challenged me.

"You, cheeky boy!"

"What? It's long overdue, no? And we have something to celebrate today. I finally can use my right hand again!"

I smiled at Blake.

"And your dick apparently!"


We both chuckled.

"To be honest, I thought you'd never asked. I was getting frustrated not to feel your cock in my ass again."

Hearing me say that, I could tell that Blake was just as horny, - and hard -, as I was.

He grabbed my ass but two people came out from the elevators behind us.

"Shit... There's a surveillance cam right above us." He noticed.

"Not in that corner!"

I led Blake to the other side of the parking lot, in a dark and isolated corner.

The perfect place for a quick, dirty and sleazy fuck.

It was crazy because I could already feel my ass twitching at the thought of being penetrated for the second time in my entire life.

Still, I was the one pushing Blake against the concrete wall, and to slide my hands in his jeans.

"Joe... Hmmm..."

I was jerking him off through the fabric.

I leaned in to lick his neck.

"So, you want to fuck my ass, boy?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"You think you can handle me?"

I almost bit his neck but then remembered that I could not leave a mark on Blake... Too bad. I refrained myself.

He grabbed my cock as well.

Funny how the first thing he had done with his healed wrist was to service my cock! I liked that idea.

Not to so far away from us, metallic doors kept on shutting down and opening back up, a few cars were also passing by.

I made sure to push Blake further away to the darkest point of the parking lot, all the while we were furiously making out.

We were not there to be romantic though.

He pulled down my shorts.

"Get on your knees." I whispered in his ear.

He obliged immediately and he did not need any other instruction to shove my cock in his mouth. He bobbed up and down at a rapid pace and I was already dripping precum in his throat.

For the life of me, I was so damn hard already.

"Grrl... Grrl... Grrl..."

I face-fucked him against the wall.

It was certainly one of our raunchiest encounters yet.

We had to be fast not to get caught, we could barely make a sound but we were both grunting like animals.

"Take... Hmmm... That... Hmmm... Dick..."

Skull-fucking is an art and I believe to be a master at it.

Thankfully, I had met my match with Blake.

The only reason I did not jizz right there was because I wanted to be horny when Blake would take me from behind.

As his nose was buried in my stinky bush, - he was swallowing my humongous dick in its entirety -, someone honked nearby.

Fuck, I wondered if people could see us. I never had the confirmation whether or not this honk was about us.

As I saw Blake's face turning purple below me, I pulled out my sloppy cock and he was able to breathe again.

"Every time I forget... Ah... How thick it... Ah... Is in my throat." He panted with a smile.

"Want me to do you? Return the favour?"

He nodded yes and stood up.

While he was at my level, we French-kissed again and then, I got down on my knees, my shorts around my calves and my own dick out.

I pulled Blakey's jeans further down to fetch his cock and balls and I started blowing him. I attempted to reach his level of efficiency as a cock-sucker.

I had to do a good job for my own sake; this veiny uncut dick needed to be fully wet before penetrating me.

Once again, my butthole was itching at the thought.

Who knew that I could be such a slut?

"Come on, Joe... Hmmm... Suck it deep..."

I pushed myself to reach his poorly trimmed pubes.

His nine inches was hard to handle but it looked easy next to my twelve inches + monster, so I had to perform well.

It was almost an ego thing at this point. Blake could not beat me up at that naughty game.

"Yes... Yes, daddy... Right there..."

My throat was full of his meat now.

He was slowly oozing his fluids inside of me and I wondered if he would hold on until the anticipated sodomy.

He did, but only because the blowjob did not last for long.

As I said, we had to be quick and dirty.

In an aggressive move which surprised me, he pulled his cock out of my throat, grabbed my shoulders, lifted me up, and pushed me against the other wall.

We were standing up in the dark corner.

"Want to feel it in your ass?"

"Yes... Please..."

I was facing the wall and he was behind me, feeling me up.

He rubbed his cock in the amazonian forest which was the hair in my ass crack, and found his way inside my hole.

No rimming or fingering first, he went it raw and bareback.

"I like it... Hmmm... When you're slutty like that, daddy..."

"Only for you, babe..." I muttered to him, barely recognizing myself.

He licked my cheek and buried his throbbing dick deep in my ass.

And that was how I was sodomized for the second in my entire life, in a sleazy parking lot, risking to get caught at any given moment.

"Take it... Hmmm.... Take it deep!" He was softly barking.

"Aaaah... Fuck... Fuck, that hurts..."

"Oh yeah? You feel it in your guts? Eh?"

We did not have much time so he did not waste any.

He was drilling me like I was a damn sex-toy. I felt the big slab of meat forcing his way inside my tight hole.

"Blakey... You're tearing me apart..."

"Men don't whine!" He teased me.

Shit, he was right.

"That's... too... good..."

"See? You like it?"

"Yes... God... Don't stop..."


His balls were already fapping against my hole, the sound echoing in the undergrounds.

It did not last more than five minutes but it was freaking intense having my prostate rammed like that.

I could not imagine any of the guys I had played with before banging me like Blake was in that moment.

It was almost laughable to consider that Picket, Aiden, or any other guy for that matter would have put their dicks in my ass.

But Blake was different... He had always been.

As he was fucking me against the wall, I lifted my left leg to offer an easier access to my insides. But then, some headlights turned towards us.

A car was moving inside the parking, right next to us.

That one driver had definitely seen us.

I was stroking myself furiously.

"We... We're getting caught." I blurted out.

"That's fine, I'm almost done, daddy."

Blake gave me another ample and strong thrust, pulling out his dick and burying it back in one go, and only then, he exploded in my hole.

"Aaaaah... Fuck yes!"

I nutted against the wall at the same time.

Anal orgasm is a damn powerful thing, and let me tell you that, mixing it with a massive ejaculation is a taste of paradise!

We could not appreciate the moment too much because we had to pull back our respective pair of shorts and jeans and we practically ran to the car.

At any time, security would have come to get us.

Someone else honked but it was only because they almost hit us with their car as we were running like excited children in a back yard.

The post-orgasm rush was always a good feeling.

The problem with Blake was more about what was coming afterwards... The guilt, the shame, the hitting of the wall.

When I sat down behind the wheel, my ass was sore, proof that I had not imagined the whole thing in my head.

That sodomy had been rough!

"You've really wrecked me there!" I told Blake.

"As if you're so sensitive when you're the one shoving your horse dick in my ass!"

"Yeah, I guess that's a fair point, but you're trained now."

He burst out laughing.

"You'll learn to take it too! Don't worry, daddy."

He kissed my lips as I was driving away from the hospital.

We really were a mess of a relationship.