Aag All American Guys Naked

Is there nothing from when Myles H. was on the site? I've been looking for his camvideos from when he did camshows for camwithhim.com. Way back in the day!! Like late 90's, I think. Myles Hannaman is his actual name.

Anything thing you guys have saved and are willing to share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
the AAG admin has been pretty communicative with me and very friendly. i’m going to ask if i can share a couple of the site racier images. i’m sure they won’t mind the publicity but we’ll see. speaking of explicit i believe i was told aag hottie Josh Ohl did frontal nudes back in the day but then changed his mind about having them published. if only he would unchange his thinking :pensive:
Would love to see more!
the AAG admin has been pretty communicative with me and very friendly. i’m going to ask if i can share a couple of the site racier images. i’m sure they won’t mind the publicity but we’ll see. speaking of explicit i believe i was told aag hottie Josh Ohl did frontal nudes back in the day but then changed his mind about having them published. if only he would unchange his thinking :pensive:

When you contact AAG, see if they will entertain a special LPSG member discount for the site, in these times. It may help bolster their subscription base.
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AAG appears to be very tight lipped about the whole process, so i feel nervous disclosing who’s content i purchased. LoL. drop me a message and i’ll tell you. But it was about 30 minutes long video and there was an explosion at the end :imp::heart_eyes::party:
Isn’t camguys owned by AAG?