Absolutelyblake [youtuber]

Please, explain to me how he only focused on gay men.
No where does it say “these stories are only for gay men”
Did we as a poplulation forget that there are other sexualities out there that get stimulated by sexual stories.
Girls who like guys who play with toys, girls who like guys who have kissed a guy, girls who like enough an open minded man.

I enjoy his humor, and his charisma, that is a matter of opinion.

It’s funny, im legit chatting with Blake right now on IG. He’s a great guy, who enjoys mentally simulating conversations. Not small talk or “daddy” comments.
My personal opinion is, he’s a great guy and y’all are just being over sensitive.
You act like he’s leading gay guys on to give him money.
He’s not like the guys on OnlyFans, guys like Max W. Or Ryan F. Or dozens of other guys that say “hey, here’s my bulge, pay this amount of money and you might see more”

Those are gay baiters.

Blake post stuff for all genders, he doesn’t target one sexuality, and at the end of the day it truly doesn’t matter.
If you don’t like his material, unfollow him. That’s all you need to do.

Now, im don’t posting on this page cause it’s taking up too much time from my day.
Best of luck, and when some of you grow up (mentally, physically, and emotionally) maybe one day you will realize how juvenile all of you are acting.
How much is Blake paying this Dstack guy? Just a few things, honey, while he may not be gay-baiting for profit, he's gay-baiting for future profit. He has some idea in his head that he's going to be a successful YouTuber someday. Second, I don't know any women who just cruise the internet for ass pics but I'm guessing in the rare chance they did, they'd be seeking someone that exuded a bit more masculinity than ''I'm always licking guys armpits and let me tell you the fake story about when I anally entered myself with X"-McPherson. And thirdly, huge bags under your eyes, a drinking problem and sticking your tiny tongue out constantly is not attractive at all.
Blake, Jeremy and another of their friend indeed have their nude somewhere, right when they did that video of catfishing, someone on twitter commented that their nude was on so and so tumblr (I haven't seen the name of tumblr) ready to be leaked for a certain amount of money. All I know is I never saw a tweet getting reported and erased that fast. The twitter was gone less than an hour after the message suspended by twitter.
I've never commented on it since I've never seen actual proof of it.
Guys guys guys literally we PROOF Blake’s dick is the epitome of mediocre/common white dick like cmon now. He’s not hung. it’s not special.It’s just a normal white dick. His stories are fun and tantilzing but let’s all be REAL HONEST shishtars. His dick would not be anything mind blowing or anything to write home about. Neither would his roided yo friend Jeremy or the guy he did clone a silly with who was SMALLER then him. Like let’s stop thirsting after things that won’t bring anything new or exciting to the table.
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