The latter. He had been teasing an OF for a while, so I finally asked when it was coming. He responded that he was "too rich, virtuous, and moralistic" to go that route.He's wearing this "LGBTQ" (Lats Glutes Biceps Triceps Quads) tank in several of his IG videos posted in June. Not sure if he's celebrating Pride month or he's making fun of it. What do you guys think?
ARC FITNESS GYM on Instagram: "Are you tired of not seeing the results you're looking for? If you don't make this face on your last rep, you're not trying hard enough! Your muscles need a good push to grow, and that means taking every set close to failure. Try this and let me know how it goes! #fitnessjourney #pushyourlimits #fitlifestyle #personaltrainer #fitnesscoach #arcfitness"
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