Adam cub

He also used to be very active on sex cam websites. He is a hardcore trump supporter. Wondering if his gf knew of him doing gay porn...
I'm sure she knows. Crazy that guys like Adam can be bigoted douchebags yet still decide to do gay porn to suck money out of the gay men they hate's pockets. Then they just move on and become even more rotten and homophobic, often times marrying their girlfriends and bodybuilding competitions, and trips that I'm sure were financed at least in part by gay men. Just straight guys using horny, lonely gay men for cash before discarding them and saying they're disgusting.

I feel like I see more Adam Cubs out there nowadays than ever thanks to Onlyfans, which is a smorgasbord of young, fit, straight white men peddling dull sexual content to gay men to finance their own lifestyles.
I didn’t even notice that before, his Republican hypocrisy is maddening :mad: And Floridian Cubans like him helped give that state to Trump

Ah, he's a Cuban Floridian. Now I get why he seems like such a dimwitted buff ball of confusion and social awareness. Weirdly enough, another very popular Gay4Pay model named "Thomas" did a few gay scenes for Beefcake Hunter a few years back, and it turns out he's another Trump-loving Cuban who resides in Florida as well. So damn, between Adam and Thomas, that type must be even more common down there than I realized. Gross.