He now escorts as Radim and may do some porn under that name but at 18 he did porn as pretty-faced Sasha Jelinek. He's 6'9" and gangly at 22. He did a porn at Higgins with Adrian Serder and here's one with Simon Best, who i know. (Simon and Adrian must have done at least a dozen porns when they were 18).
WH - Sasha Jelinek & Simon Best
He's Radim Daichek on Romeo Hunqz at 22. Macoooo is more 30 and was Adrian's 3rd roommate this year after Radim. IDK him but he has a great bod. They are at the sugardaddy's house with Adrian mostly. IDK why Radim moved out or how Macoooo moved in. Not my business to ask. I think Adrian and Simon Best were a hot couple and most people seemed to agree with their duos' popularity. More flip-fucking than most people do in a lifetime as a couple by the time they were 20. Chemistry.
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