Speaking of delusional, let's dissect your sentences. TL;DR paragraph of dumb logic
1) "there's no proof of any gender" yet "all available signs indicate male" in one same sentence, are you imagining things my dear.
2) You told me it's just a hand but also you claim the hand was male, aren't you doing the same thing.
3) (I assuming it's a female if not proven) is sexist, ridiculous and offensive. Then what are doing ? You're assuming it's a male given not proven, you're sexist, ridiculous and offensive by your own words.
Conclusion: You just wrote an entire article of CONTRADICTION and hypocrisy. LMAO.
Here, you just own the crown of clown. Wait, how do we confirm you're a woman and straight given no proof of any sign.
I can't be sexist, offensively assuming you're straight woman, you could be a closeted gay dude.