Aleksei11 Onlyfans?

Is it all PPV? or are vids on the feed?
Some of creators have lost their minds lmao.

Why would I pay a 15 dollar sub (pretty much as high as I'd pay for a creator with the ridiculous amounts of OF accounts) to SEE WHICH VIDEOS I CAN PAY SEPERATELY FOR?

I understand you want your work to be worth the effort but jeeze a lot lol.

Maybe I misread and they also post full videos but sheesh. I hate that it seems like every creator I'm like "wow their twitter looks decent" I have to look up their account on here to see that its subscribe to browse essentially a catalogue of videos I might be interested in. OF should only allow ppv on free accounts.
Some of creators have lost their minds lmao.

Why would I pay a 15 dollar sub (pretty much as high as I'd pay for a creator with the ridiculous amounts of OF accounts) to SEE WHICH VIDEOS I CAN PAY SEPERATELY FOR?

I understand you want your work to be worth the effort but jeeze a lot lol.

Maybe I misread and they also post full videos but sheesh. I hate that it seems like every creator I'm like "wow their twitter looks decent" I have to look up their account on here to see that its subscribe to browse essentially a catalogue of videos I might be interested in. OF should only allow ppv on free accounts.
It’s literally the worst. That’s why I do research now before I subscribe. I’ve payed for one to many ppv OFs and they never wanna give you back your money