Czy ma ktoś pełny filmik z nim? Przepraszam, ale dla mnie 200 dolarów to jak zapłacić 1000, jeśli przeliczę je na moją walutę
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Don´t suscribe. The free photos are almost the same ones from Instagram. There are nude photos and sex videos but he charges like 50 dollars. In onlyfans you can find other guys that show more for less money. Allessandro is like ones that you want to put in the list of not to join becuase they are too expensive.
So he’s currently charging $200 to $300 for video clips that are 1 to 2 minutes long
@Bochis The videos are 10-20 minutes but still absurd in price. I think there's a lot of filler too. Bound to feel screwed in the end for spending THAT much money, even though his body is extraordinary like few other gay men filming full on sex
I find him very hot and sexy and I've been meaning to subscribe to his OnlyFans.

Has anybody subscribed to his page yet? Would you guys recommend his page?
Absolutely not worth it. You see nothing without paying and he charges like $50-100 for few minute videos.