Alexandre Bdb (muscular french guy with big butt)

Here is a little hack for those who want to watch videos on here but can’t b/c you’re not a member…

Every minute ending in 3 or 7, refresh the page and you’ll be able to watch the videos on that page without needing to become a member.

For example, If it’s the time “1:03, 1:23, 5:43, 6:27, 8:17, 12:57,” refresh the page and you’ll be able to view the videos
This masseuse is one lucky mf!!! To massage Alex’s god-tier booty and firmly grasp it makes me jealous asf! He’s taking his time too. He’s got to though because Alex’s one cheek is so thick it requires both hands to properly grab lol
Look at Alex’s hand… he try to touch it…